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以2017—2022年各季度基本养老保险基金投资数据为样本,考察基本养老保险基金投资对股票收益率与股价波动性的影响。结果显示:基本养老保险基金持股比例变化对股票未来收益率有一定预测效应,持股比例增加会加剧股价波动。异质性检验表明,被持股公司规模越大,持股比例变化对股票收益率的影响越不明显,对股价波动性影响的时滞性越强。对于短期持股而言,持股比例增加会加剧股价波动,而对于长期持股而言,持股比例增加有利于稳定股价。鉴于此,应继续推动基本养老保险基金全国统筹,进一步扩大其市场化投资规模、延长投资考核期限,提升基金可持续发展能力。  相似文献   

我国基金重仓股选股偏好的时期似无关回归分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于基金重仓股季度面板数据,本文采用时期似无关回归模型分析了四大类共28个指标对基金持股比例的影响,并利用基金重仓股的统计值特点发现基金筛选股票的标准。研究结果表明,基金确实在寻求价值型投资,扩大基金规模可减轻股市投机行为;基金在调研阶段和操盘阶段对风险有不同的偏好,调研阶段规避风险,操盘阶段偏好高风险高回报;基金偏爱长期流动性好的股票;开放式基金的选股要求高于封闭式基金,牛市时基金的选股要求高于熊市;基金偏爱关注率高、信息丰富的股票;基金对行业的偏好基于行业的业绩表现;基金重仓股持股比例基本上与指数有相似的变化趋势。  相似文献   

随着我国基金规模的不断扩大,其市场行为对股市的影响也越来越明显.通过选取2001年到2007年沪深两市A股市场及基金的相关数据,从基金的重仓股投资期限与基金的股票周转率两方面分析得出基金持股期限与股市波动性存在显著的正相关,股市波动是基金的股票周转率变化Granger成因,并对我国基金普遍存在投资短期化的原因进行了分析.  相似文献   

路磊  吴博 《金融研究》2012,(6):167-177
本文从基金持仓股特征出发,研究了上市公司投资者保护与基金投资业绩的关系。由于投资者保护影响公司的盈利能力以及投资者获取信息的难易程度,基金在投资时更加偏好于投资者保护好的上市公司的股票。使用我国上市公司基金持股比例的数据,本文证实了这一结论。更为重要的是,本文发现对于有能力的基金,他们会投资于投资者保护比较差的上市公司的股票,从而获得更高的投资业绩。  相似文献   

李科  陆蓉  夏翊  胡凡 《金融研究》2019,463(1):188-206
基金经理更换打破了基金共同持股投资组合中股票的关联性,降低了股票收益率相关性,进而影响了股票价格。本文基于基金共同持股和基金经理更换构建了对冲投资组合,获得0.1%的日超额收益率。基金投资组合中股票收益率相关性能够解释这种超额收益率,本文发现基金更换经理后,新基金经理重建投资组合,打破了原投资组合中股票间的关联,股票收益率相关性减弱,基金共同持股程度高的股票价格受到了更大影响。基金的被动流动性冲击不能解释本文的发现。本文的研究表明基金经理变更等基金管理行为通过股票收益率相关性对股票价格产生了重要影响。  相似文献   

社保基金作为证券市场上主要的机构投资者之一,能否发挥机构投资者对上市公司的治理效应,实现其社会效应愈发被社会各界所关注。本文从社保基金持有上市公司股票前后公司盈余管理变化的角度来衡量社保基金持股对上市公司的治理效果。研究结果表明社保基金与其他投资机构者一样发挥了监督作用,能够积极参与公司治理,有效抑制盈余管理,提高公司的治理水平,同时发现,国有持股比例、公司规模对社保基金的这种治理效应也有一定影响。  相似文献   

曾志远  蔡东玲  武小凯 《金融研究》2018,462(12):157-173
本文采用2009-2017年中国非金融类上市公司的数据实证检验了基金持股对公司价值的影响,并对两条影响途径(监督管理层和抑制控股股东侵占)做了分析。结果表明:(1)基金持股比例增加显著提升了上市公司价值,且这种促进作用随着控股股东持股比例的上升而增强,同时这种效应只在非国有企业中表现显著,在国有企业中则不显著;(2)按投资策略分类发现,除主动型和被动型基金外,准指数基金持股也可以提升公司价值;(3)在控制了基金数量后,基金持股比例对公司价值的影响显著降低。以上结果表明,与发达国家基金持股主要通过监督管理层来提升公司价值的传导途径不同,我国基金持股对上市公司的积极影响主要体现为对控股股东侵占行为的约束。  相似文献   

孙俊峰  赵军 《时代金融》2013,(17):190-191,195
本文以证券市场2006~2009年间开放式基金持股信息为依据,检验了基金投资行为与股票历史交易信息和未来盈利信息的相关关系。研究发现:基金作为专业投资者能够预测股票未来盈利,其投资行为具有明显的价值追求。  相似文献   

蒋松  钱燕 《金融与经济》2021,(10):82-90
基于Louvain算法从机构投资者网络中提取机构投资者团体,建立以重仓股票为链接的基金网络模型,生成基金团体持股变量,研究机构投资者抱团对股票市场的影响.研究发现:机构投资者抱团行为加剧了公司股价的波动,机构投资者抱团持股比例越大,加剧作用越显著.同时,机构投资者抱团降低了股票的流动性,基金网络交流越密切,抱团持股比例越大,股票流动性成本越高,流动性越差.进一步研究发现,相比牛市,基金在熊市的抱团行为对股价波动的放大效应更明显;在流动性层面,相比牛市,熊市时的机构投资者抱团行为对股票流动性的削弱作用更为显著.  相似文献   

股市作为经济的晴雨表,基金因其投资行为的专业化被投资者所青睐,那么股票型基金在构建投资组合时是否会依据实体经济呢?本文从宏观、中观和微观三个层面,通过构建非平衡动态面板模型,实证检验我国基金超常规发展与经济增长之间的关系,以及基金投资行为对经济增长的预测作用。研究结果显示:从宏观层面来看,基金发展规模和机构投资者持股比例的增加与经济增长之间存在负相关关系;从行业层面来看,基金的行业持仓增加,则经济预期出现向好局面,表明基金具有一定的经济预判能力;从微观层面来看,预期经济上涨向好趋势时,基金管理人会在当期减持投资组合内的股票,并选择配置更多新股以寻求新的经济增长投资机会,这表明基金投资行为对经济增长具有一定的预测作用。  相似文献   

Using Morningstar mutual fund stewardship grade data, we find that the governance mechanisms of mutual funds play a key role in their monitoring of portfolio firms and in their investment decisions. Mutual funds with better governance practices tend to vote responsibly on corporate governance proposals of their portfolio firms and also provide better return performance. Furthermore, these funds tend to avoid investing in poorly governed firms. The results suggest that funds with quality governance are more likely to act in the interest of their investors, and that costs associated with funds' monitoring of their portfolio firms do not adversely affect their return performance.  相似文献   

In this study, we provide empirical evidence on the portfolio rebalancing of European equity mutual funds following both conventional (CMP) and unconventional monetary policies (UMP). We use 1772 equity mutual funds’ portfolio holdings over the period 2002Q4–2016Q4. This level of granularity allows us to characterise the funds’ asset allocation in different portfolio dimensions: the size, style, currency, and domicile of the stocks, and managers’ preferred investment strategies. Using a panel fixed effect estimator, our results support the existence of portfolio rebalancing across equity categories following UMP. European equity mutual funds’ assets are, on average, reallocated towards mid-cap, and core stocks and developing economies, and shifted away from small-cap and value stocks and home as well as developed countries. Furthermore, mutual funds seem to concentrate on their preferred and historical investment strategies. These two results suggest that managers are more willing to invest in safer and familiar stocks following UMP announcements thereby decreasing the risk of asymmetry of information. We finally show that the funds size, returns volatility and expense ratio affect the strength of the rebalancing.  相似文献   

This paper explores the effect of taxing personal income from common stocks on the return of equity portfolios held by mutual funds under IRA or Keogh plans. The expected rate of return earned by a tax-sheltered fund on any given stock is inversely related to the stock's per-share growth rate. The explanation for this effect does not rely on the standard assumption that growth decreases the effective rate of taxation. Rather, this effect holds despite heavier taxation of growth stocks because of the incomplete manner in which the return is sheltered. The implication of this finding for the optimal portfolio selection policy of tax-sheltered equity funds is inconsistent with evidence showing that such funds tend to concentrate in growth stocks. A second issue examined is the use of IRA and Keogh plans as a temporary tax shelter. Under the present 10-percent penalty on premature distribution, the critical investment period may be as short as two to three years. This finding indicates the usefulness of these plans as a general investment tool.  相似文献   

对于以组合管理为基本方法的证券投资基金,由于其投资风格选择的不同会导致投资者对其投资偏好的差异,加之证券市场的非有效性和投资者的非完全理性,投资者对基金的投资决策更多基于心理动机和行为因素的判断。本文运用行为组合理论,对我国证券市场封闭式基金的折价状况进行了考察,分析了证券投资基金投资风格选择对基金需求的影响及我国证券市场投资者的需求特点和偏好状况。  相似文献   

This study extends the literature on the relationship between recent performance and the movement of managed funds' assets by investigating the effects of fund size and age. The results confirm a size effect, as well as an age effect. Tests distinguishing between the two favor a size rather than an age interpretation. The evidence that flows of small funds are more sensitive to recent performance than flows of large funds is consistent with Gruber's (1996) notion of sophisticated investors using information in past performance to identify superior funds. Zheng's (1998) evidence that the good performers tend to be small funds suggests that the smart money should be following small funds, as confirmed in this study. Support for the 'smart money size effect' is also provided here with evidence confirming that small funds tend to be superior performers.  相似文献   

We examine Turkish fund portfolios and identify the role of international investments in their formation. We find that (1) Turkish funds hold a very small fraction of international assets during 1987-2008, (2) the weight of international equity in the funds with an international mandate is smaller than the total weight of domestic asset classes as of 2009, and (3) international stock holdings of Turkish portfolio managers show significant similarity, which can be explained by the fact that the managers tend to hold stocks with which they are familiar. We compare the performance of funds that have the international investment objective with benchmark portfolios and provide suggestions for more diverse funds in the Turkish fund industry.  相似文献   

I find that home-country culture affects portfolio managers’ investment risk-taking and performance. I focus on security value, which measures the degree to which people in a country assign importance to security, safety, and stability. Funds managed by managers from countries with higher security value exhibit lower fund return volatility, trade less frequently, and follow benchmarks more closely. These funds also tend to avoid lottery-type stocks and hence perform significantly better. However, the impact of home-country security value decays as managers spend more time away from their home countries.  相似文献   

If actively managed mutual funds suffer from diminishing returns to scale, funds should alter investment behavior as assets under management increase. Although asset growth has little effect on the behavior of the typical fund, we find that large funds and small‐cap funds diversify their portfolios in response to growth. Greater diversification, especially for small‐cap funds, is associated with better performance. Fund family growth is related to the introduction of new funds that hold different stocks from their existing siblings. Funds with many siblings diversify less rapidly as they grow, suggesting that the fund family may influence a fund's portfolio strategy.  相似文献   

We examine how US mutual funds that invest domestically make portfolio adjustments by incorporating US-listed foreign stocks (cross-listed stocks) when faced with US market economic policy uncertainty. We document a positive association between US economic policy uncertainty and US mutual funds’ weight of cross-listed stocks, and find that the effect is concentrated in funds that mainly invest in the US domestic market. The findings are not sensitive to the instrumental variable approach, model specification, sampling, variable definition, and controlling for macro characteristics. Funds with higher weight of cross-listed foreign stocks when US economic policy uncertainty increases outperform other funds, indicating the rationality of such an investment strategy. A long-short portfolio generates 3.4% annualized abnormal return in the immediate following quarter. Our study shields light not only on the international diversification benefit of US-listed foreign stocks but also on the importance of capital market openness for domestic investors.  相似文献   

We survey a representative sample of U.S. individuals about how well leading academic theories describe their financial beliefs and decisions. We find substantial support for many factors hypothesized to affect portfolio equity share, particularly background risk, investment horizon, rare disasters, transactional factors, and fixed costs of stock market participation. Individuals tend to believe that past mutual fund performance is a good signal of stock-picking skill, actively managed funds do not suffer from diseconomies of scale, value stocks are safer and do not have higher expected returns, and high-momentum stocks are riskier and do have higher expected returns.  相似文献   

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