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交易成本经济学建模问题探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
交易成本经济学由于缺乏合适的数理模型而饱受批评,所以建模问题是交易成本经济学迫切需要解决的问题。文章分析了交易成本经济学从简化模型到结构模型的发展,同时指出了交易成本经济学在建模方面存在的实际困难和可能的发展方向。  相似文献   

互联网金融系统是由自然生态系统概念引申而来,是由金融自然演进与技术创新相互融合的结果,指的是互联网金融参与者之间、及其与系统外金融环境之间相互影响、相互角逐、相互依附的动态均衡系统。通过新制度经济学的交易成本理论和制度变迁理论可对互联网金融系统的起源与运行机理进行深入研究。本文试图从这一方向来探索其根源机制与运行机理,目的是为进一步把握以及为推进其可持续发展提供理论和实践两方面的参考。  相似文献   

非营利组织失灵与治理之探讨   总被引:27,自引:1,他引:27  
如同企业界的“市场失败”、政府部门的“政府失灵”一样,非营利界的失灵正在以多种形式表现出来,利益的驱动、道德的失控、官员腐败的侵染使非营利部门失灵。为此,应该从立法、信息管理、道德机制入手进行治理。  相似文献   

衣食住行是生活的四项基本需求,在中国人的社会里,拥有房子就等于建立了一个“家”这个观念根深蒂固,因此香港房地产市场的需求一向活跃.在自由经济的市场体系下,理论上经济学说中的“无形之手”会把房地产市场自动调节到市场的均衡状态,使资源达到有效配置.可是,事实并不尽然,近年香港政府开始积极介入干预房地产市场,推出措施补救市场的失灵.本课题从经济学角度探讨香港楼市调控辣招个案,从而更深入了解住宅市场的经济原理.  相似文献   

在合并会计的研究中引入现代经济学理论 ,可以使我们以开阔的理论视野 ,重新审视合并会计的理论和实务问题。本文在这方面进行尝试 ,以现代经济学为指导 ,重点讨论了合并会计的目的——原则和合并会计制度等问题。  相似文献   

贺新宇 《征信》2023,(1):26-33
借助威廉姆森对治理机制和交易类型的划分,分析替代数据的共享机制。研究表明,对标中国的征信市场环境、制度环境及技术条件,金融账户数据适合通过层级治理推动数据共享,公用事业、电信等特定债务的非信贷支付数据适合通过混合治理或层级治理推动数据共享,P2P网贷交易数据适合通过市场治理推动数据共享,社交媒体、互联网留痕等数据在短期内最好通过混合治理或层级治理推动数据共享。最后,提出坚定“政府+市场”的征信业发展路径、推进不同类型替代数据的共享工作、科学论证不同类型替代数据对信用评估的作用等建议。  相似文献   

廖梅 《时代金融》2012,(36):315+326
本文从交易成本经济学理论入手,在分析基本理论之后,又进一步结合交易成本理论分析了影响企业内控系统构建方式选择的一些比如行业属性、行业规模和数量等因素,之后按照这些基本的理论和分析的思路,对电力企业进行了分析,并根据电力企业的特点提出了电力企业内控系统该如何选择和构建。  相似文献   

组织结构变迁对管理会计研究的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
80年代、尤其是进入 90年代以来 ,全球经济一体化和信息化的浪潮一浪高过一浪 ,知识经济的到来使得信息和知识成为越来越重要的战略资源 ,跨国投资越来越多 ,跨国公司成为世界经济的重要力量。知识化、信息化已成为现代企业集团创新的管理理念 ,这一理念首先冲击着企业的组织结构 ,使其由传统的金字塔型转向扁平形、网状型甚至无中心的组织形式。这种以分权管理为主要内容的组织形式给管理会计带来了新的机遇和挑战 ,并促进着管理会计研究向新的方向发展。  相似文献   

国有企业通过许多途径,包括采用先进的技术、吸引优秀的管理人才、运用科学的管理方法,使生产成本大大降低了.而制度所引起的交易成本,由于在改革中没有引起足够的重视,因而交易成本未从根本上下降.通过对影响国有企业效率的内、外部制度的分析研究,可寻求降低交易成本的方法.  相似文献   

Sociology and anthropology are especially valuable in providing a critical understanding of the risk-related implications of modernity. There has, however, been relatively little discussion of the work of Mary Douglas within accounting although her pioneering writings in the area of risk have been highly influential. This paper uses Douglas’ cultural theory of risk to provide an alternative perspective on the demise of Enron and Andersen. The failure at Enron is interpreted through the grid-group model and analysed as a series of events that threaten to destabilize established cultures. Accounting is thus construed as an activity that exists on the margins of boundaries. There are two important conclusions drawn from the analysis. First, as the worldviews of both the individualist and hierarchical cultures became threatened by the ensuing crisis they collaborated to ensure their perpetuation. This also averted individuals from becoming susceptible to recruitment by subversive egalitarian groups. Second, the individualistic culture of Andersen shaped practices within the firm weakening its ability to act as a gatekeeper and therefore public accounting firms need to modify their cultures if they are to police the margins effectively.  相似文献   

Recent literature on the decomposition of a time series into components has produced several alternative methodologies. This situation has arisen because of a lack of consensus on how components should be defined, and on the appropriate decomposition structure. Uncertainty about components structure seems to be inevitable when it is accepted that the behavior of a typical business or economic time series implies evolving rather than fixed components patterns. None of the existing procedures can be viewed as uniquely appropriate for the isolation of unobserved components.  相似文献   

In the last 35 years, research at the intersection of corporate finance, industrial organization, and organizational economics has grown substantially. This paper reviews work that combines elements from these fields of finance and economics, with an emphasis on recent developments. I discuss how product market competition, customer-supplier relations, firms’ organizational form, and ownership structures interact with firms’ financial policies. I also overview new developments in the literature from a special issue of the Journal of Corporate Finance.  相似文献   

The determinants of the prevalence of accountants and accounting work in organizations are discussed, starting from a view of organizational structure as created in response to environmental factors. Accounting work is seen as related to the expansion of cultural rationalization—and in particular to forms of rationalization that are not made organizationally complete or self-evident. It arises less in situations of clear vertical and horizontal bureaucratization than in those of the expansion of organizational structure without clear and definite rules of vertical and lateral differentiation.  相似文献   

This paper extends and contributes to emerging debates on the validation of interpretive research (IR) in management accounting. We argue that IR has the potential to produce not only subjectivist, emic understandings of actors’ meanings, but also explanations, characterised by a certain degree of “thickness”. Mobilising the key tenets of the modern philosophical theory of explanation and the notion of abduction, grounded in pragmatist epistemology, we explicate how explanations may be developed and validated, yet remaining true to the core premises of IR. We focus on the intricate relationship between two arguably central aspects of validation in IR, namely authenticity and plausibility. Working on the assumption that validation is an important, but potentially problematic concern in all serious scholarly research, we explore whether and how validation efforts are manifest in IR using two case studies as illustrative examples. Validation is seen as an issue of convincing readers of the authenticity of research findings whilst simultaneously ensuring that explanations are deemed plausible. Whilst the former is largely a matter of preserving the emic qualities of research accounts, the latter is intimately linked to the process of abductive reasoning, whereby different theories are applied to advance thick explanations. This underscores the view of validation as a process, not easily separated from the ongoing efforts of researchers to develop explanations as research projects unfold and far from reducible to mere technicalities of following pre-specified criteria presumably minimising various biases. These properties detract from a view of validation as conforming to pre-specified, stable, and uniform criteria and allow IR to move beyond the “crisis of validity” arguably prevailing in the social sciences.  相似文献   

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