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5年人物吉利李书福当其他人在问为什么的时候,他却问为什么不?。李书福是一个不可忽视的存在。你可以和其他人一样叫他汽车疯子,你可以嘲笑他汽车=摩托车+两个轮子的言论,但你不能忽视他的坚韧和执着。这样的坚韧和执着让他敲开了一扇扇看似牢不可破的大门:第一张民营企业造车许可证给了他的吉利;吉利收购沃尔沃成为中国第一宗民营车企成功收购国  相似文献   

作为全国政协委员的李书福一向是很受媒体“青睐”的采访对象.记者们喜欢李书福一向的“快言快语”。今年,在吉利控股收购沃尔沃汽车之后,李书福更是成为记者围追堵截的焦点。但眼下,沃尔沃汽车董事会主席却不得不言辞谨慎,对他来说.这也许是小小的烦恼。  相似文献   

<正>TNS Research International中国汽车研究北亚区总监包亦农(Klaus Paur)就吉利收购沃尔沃一事发表评论。问1:吉利-沃尔沃交易案与腾中-悍马交易案有什么不同?为什么吉利成功了,悍马却失败了?  相似文献   

<正>8月2日,随着资产交割仪式在英国伦敦举行,浙江吉利控股集团有限公司正式取代美国福特汽车公司,成为沃尔沃轿车的新主人。中国史上规模最大的一起海外并购案由此画上句号,这也是第一宗中国汽车企业收购国外豪华汽车企业和品牌的交易。对于中国汽车工业来说,这是值得铭记的日子——民企吉利完成  相似文献   

周人 《中国品牌》2013,(12):16-17
李书福在自己30多年的创业历程中,无数次被歧视、小觑。但天道公平就在于,历史往往由一些大胆质疑既有格局的"小人物"们所创造,所改变李书福,谈起中国汽车,这怕是怎样都无法绕开的名字:他在没人认为民营企业能造汽车的时候,第一个造出了广受中国市场欢迎的低价汽车;他在没人认为民营企业能获得国家允许进入小轿车生产领域时,第一个获得了生产许可……但最让他声名鹊起的,无疑是3年前那桩举世震惊的并购案——吉利,一个只有20多年历史的中国民营企业,居然成功地从福特汽车公司手中,以18亿美元收购了沃尔沃汽车公司100%的股权。如今,坐在吉利总部的办公室里,  相似文献   

吉利是中国经济环境下一个具体的“鲒鱼”,它大力倡导创新,敢为天下先,成为中国民营经济涉足汽车、教育行业的代表。同时吉利以汽车、教育产业为主业,并希望实现两种产业的优势互补,在努力提升企业品牌的同时,又为国家培养人才,达到产业报国的目的。吉利现象是中国民营经济的一个缩影,即在企业发展时,一方面希望铸造自己的百年老店,另一方面有着强烈的社会责任感,为中国经济发展做出自己的努力。  相似文献   

3月28日,对于吉利控股集团(以下简称吉利)和瑞典沃尔沃轿车公司(以下简称沃尔沃)而言,意义不言而喻。经过八年的艰苦努力,三年的艰难谈判,最后吉利出资18亿美元,成功收购了世界豪华车之一的沃尔沃。作为一家成立13年的民营汽车,能够收购拥有83年历史的世界名牌汽车,实属奇迹。  相似文献   

5年人物吉利李书福 当其他人在问“为什么”的时候.他却问“为什么不?”。 李书福是一个不可忽视的存在。你可以和其他人一样叫他“汽车疯子”.你可以嘲笑他“汽车=摩托车+两个轮子”的言论.但你不能忽视他的坚韧和执着。  相似文献   

金少策 《浙商》2009,(1):49-50
比亚迪、奇瑞、吉利和长城被称为中国自主品牌汽车中的“四小龙”。那么,似乎突然冒出来的康迪汽车和他们的差距到底有多大?  相似文献   

从美国次贷危机到欧洲主权债务危机,以欧美为主的西方国家经济受到重挫,严重打击了欧美国家的汽车市场,这对稳健发展的中国汽车业出口带来不利影响的同时,也给中国汽车企业海外并购创造了机遇。本文正是在这一背景下,分析研究吉利并购沃尔沃的成功因素,以期给中国汽车企业海外并购一定的借鉴和启示。  相似文献   

Geely has moved into a new phase of development,which means that it will no longer manufacture cheap cars,but instead focus on cars with advanced technology,high quahty and great service.Geely's new goal is to build good cars which are the safest,most energy-saving and environmentally-friendly.  相似文献   

China says it has become a net exporter of cars and trucks for the first time, with new Chinese competitors such as Geely Group and Chery Automotive starting to win market share in Asia, Africa and the Middle East.  相似文献   

Auto M&A is a hot topic on people's lips,especially in the early September,when the permit of Chinese Geely to buy Swedish auto giant Ford's Volvo,was issued by China's National Development and Reform Commission,exceeding US$100 million.It is also said that Geely is the only Chinese automaker that has won official confirmation on such deals.On the road to expansion,Chinese auto enterprises are attempting various channels to win a toe standing in the international market.Overseas M&A offers them opportunities,and at meantime,challenges.The road for Chinese enterprises to driving abroad goes never too smooth,and auto industry is only one example.  相似文献   

An overlooked strategic benefit of mergers and acquisitions (M&As) is their impact on brand equity. M&As may affect consumer brand preferences, which in turn will affect a firm’s profit. We develop a structural model with a difference-in-differences specification to measure how M&As affect a firm’s profit through three mechanisms: brand equity, cost synergies, and product portfolios. We analyze Lenovo’s acquisition of IBM’s PC division in China’s PC market and find that the increase in brand equity contributed the most to increasing Lenovo’s profit, followed by cost synergies. To explore the generalizability of our modeling approach, we apply it to Geely’s acquisition of Volvo and also find that the gains in brand equity contributed the most to Geely’s profit increase.  相似文献   

This research explores how partitioning attributes in online search interfaces changes the valuations of those attributes—and impacts subsequent choice—such that attributes that are displayed as separate categories tend to receive greater decision weight than attributes grouped under umbrella categories. Across several choice domains—cars, dates, and hotels—we show that different attribute partitions impact the importance assigned to attributes (Studies 1 and 2), as well as consumer choices (Studies 3 and 4). We argue that these effects are due in part to users' willingness to use the implicit recommendations of interface designers to determine the importance of attributes, a willingness that extends to following explicit recommendations of online agents based on those attributes (Study 5). © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

As a top international show,the North American International Auto Show(NAIAS)is among the most prestigious auto shows in the world.On January 13,2008,in Detroit,the 101st NAIAS unveiled the first auto show of 2008.With the developing strategy of"Going Out"and the innovation on research and technology,China automakers achieved great progress in recent years.In this show,China five automakers including:BYD Auto,Changfeng Group,Geely International Corp,Li Shi Guang Ming Auto Design CO.Ltd,and ZXAuto China(Hebei Zhongxing)attended the NAIAS on January 13 to 27,2008.Changfeng Motor Group and Geely International Corporation made return visits to Detroit while BYD Auto Co.,Chamco and Li Shi Guang Ming appeared for the first time.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the relationship of automobile attributes and household characteristics to consumer preferences for Japanese cars. The analysis was confined to households that purchased new cars in 1986 and employed two-stage probit analysis. Results indicate that the coefficients of five automobile quality attributes are statistically significant while the coefficients of most household characteristics are not significant. Households interested in more fuel efficient and heavier cars as well as cars with lower depreciation rates and a lower frequency of repair are more likely to buy Japanese than non-Japanese cars. The fact that households buy Japanese automobiles because of quality considerations not because they are small has implications for the U.S. automobile industry which faces increased competition in a global economy.  相似文献   

Eggers  Felix  Eggers  Fabian 《Marketing Letters》2022,33(1):89-112

Autonomous cars are considered to be the next disruptive innovation that will affect consumers. It can be expected that not only traditional automakers will enter this market (e.g., Ford) but also technology companies (e.g., Google) and newer companies dedicated to self-driving cars (e.g., Tesla). We take a brand extension perspective and analyze to what extent consumers prefer autonomous cars from these brand categories. Our empirical study is based on discrete choice experiments about adopting autonomous vehicles in a purchase scenario and in a renting context. Our findings show that brands play a central role when making autonomous driving decisions. Brand preferences differ systematically when buying versus renting a self-driving car. While technology brands are most preferred overall, consumers favor automaker brands over new brands only when purchasing, not when renting. We further disentangle the brand strength into the marginal effects of image associations. For example, Google’s strong brand positioning can be explained by experiences with the parent brand, but it could still improve brand strength by highlighting the relevance of the associated brand portfolio for self-driving cars. The effect of these brand extension success factors differs between parent-brand categories and also between the renting and purchasing scenarios, which requires a dedicated brand management.


In recent years,Chinese companies have accelerated their global activities in line with China's ascent as a major economic power.While some Chinese companies globalize organically,many others have pursued mergers and acquisitions (M&A) to accelerate their global presence.High-profile deals such the SAIC's 50.6% acquisition of Korea's Ssangyong in 2004,Nanjing Auto Group purchased British auto company MG in 2006,and more recent Geely Automobile Holdings acquire' Australia's Drivetrain Systems International,or DSI,the world's second largest auto transmission supplier in 2009,have introduced the world to a new generation of Chinese companies with aspirations to be global competitors.  相似文献   

This paper examines the loss of value incurred when a consumer takes retail delivery of a car. Statistical tests of percentage and absolute losses from taking retail delivery show the loss of value is not unique to new cars and is actually more pronounced for older used cars. analysis of this loss shows the effect is not as great as is commonly believed and is more due to transaction costs of the deal than to any underlying loss of asset value of the car. The implication is that consumers wishing to avoid a large percentage loss of value on a transaction cannot easily do so by avoiding the new car market.  相似文献   

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