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对于非营利组织,从外部性视角来看,这一类组织是从制度上解决政府与市场双失灵的一个有效创新,它在政府与市场之间发挥了重要的中介组织功能。政府由于管制俘虏理论和信息不对称的存在会导致其无法有效的提供公共产品,而市场会由于公共产品以及不确定性等问题产生市场失灵,但非营利组织尤其行业协会在调节竞争、信息服务、交流发展、沟通政府等许多方面发挥了优势。在政府提供和市场提供具有外部性的产品中,应该把这种权利“下放”和“上放”给政府和市场的纽带——行业协会。  相似文献   

中国劳动力市场的典型特征是就业机会与劳动力资源之间的信息分布不对称,而就业机会实质上是一种公共产品。根据市场失灵理论,解决公共品市场失灵问题时政府与市场两条思路均可采用。文章沿袭自古典经济学家庇古以来的传统,认为应该引入政府的干预来解决就业机会的市场失灵问题,并在此基础上提出相应的建议。  相似文献   

市场经济在我国快速发展,其在推动我国经济大力发展的同时,也显示出了不足的一面,即市场失灵问题逐渐显露。要做到弥补市场失灵,还要依靠政府通过发挥经济职能来实现。市场失灵的主要表现有以下几方面:外部效应、垄断性失灵、失业、通货膨胀、公共产品的提供、经济失衡以及收入分配问题。为此,政府就要提高效率,有效治理失业、通胀和经济失衡,增进公平的职能调节收入分配,运用收入再分配来弥补市场失灵。鉴于此,本文先通过对市场失灵的理论背景及概念进行分析,探讨了市场失灵的具体表现,然后提出了相应的解决对策。  相似文献   

公共选择视角下科层制与政府失灵关系透析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
经济学和政治学的实践和研究表明,政府干预未必能有效地解决市场失灵,政府本身也有可能失灵.政府干预是通过政府科层来完成的,政府科层的组织构成在一定程度上影响干预效果.要解决政府失灵的问题,必须从科层制的改造入手.公共选择理论可以为解决这一问题提供可供参考的思路.  相似文献   

公共选择理论学者的观点认为政府不是万能的,会有政府失灵的情况发生,并可能伴随着政府失灵与市场失灵的双重失灵。分析地方政府对中央政府政策的反映以及从理论和实践的角度对地方政府治理房地产业进行分析总结,各博弈主体的策略选择分析,本文就房地产新政策中可能出现的问题予以公共选择理论的视角切入,从国家的中央政策到地方政府的地方行为进行分析,利用归纳法以及案例分析法等研究手段试图寻找地方政府在房地产业治理中存在的问题,并从公共管理的角度针对现有的宏观政策和微观调节手段,提出具体的建议。  相似文献   

县域中小企业融资市场失灵与政府干预   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨秀萍  郭丽婷 《中国市场》2010,(40):107-109
中小企业融资难一直是政府致力解决的问题。本文从县域中小企业融资具有公共产品收益正外部性特征出发,得出县域中小企业融资存在市场失灵,制度失灵问题,政府应发挥积极的助推作用。  相似文献   

生态环境的外部性和公共物品属性导致环境资源配置扭曲、生态环境产品市场供给不足,出现“市场失灵”。但由于政府干预不当,我国生态环境管理中同时出现了“政府失灵”现象,从而导致生态环境问题越来越严峻。改革生态环境管理体制,转变政府职能,已势在必行。  相似文献   

亚当斯密提出“看不见的手”的原理,论证了市场调节在市场经济中的作用,但自上世纪20年代到30年代的经济危机以来,人们逐渐认识到市场不是万能的,也有失灵的时候。该文围绕什么是市场失灵,政府在市场失灵时作用,以及如何解决市场失灵等方面展开论述。  相似文献   

简单分析了公共产品理论、市场失灵理论和市场分担理论,借助了经济学的公共产品理论、市场失灵理论和市场分担理论来论证政府在学前教育中的地位及政府扶持民办幼儿园的必要性。  相似文献   

基于市场失灵理论及公共物品自身特征,长期以来公共物品的供给模式为政府单一供给;但伴随着经济社会的发展、技术水平的演进以及公共选择学派"政府失灵"理论的提出,政府单一供给模式受到挑战,市场逐渐开始进行公共物品供给,但也逐渐显现出一些弊端。因此,本文基于公共物品供给这一经典社会问题,以政府与市场两个供给主体为研究视角,在梳理政府与市场关系、公共物品供给问题的基础上,比较分析政府与市场对于公共物品在供给动因和供给可能性上的不同,并就这两种模式在解决公共物品供给中的实质性差异进行归纳分析,最后针对政府与市场这两个主体提出公共物品有效供给思路。  相似文献   

In recent years.China's public finance put social construction high on the agenda and attaches more importance on livelihood insurance and improvement.The 2003-2007 public financial expenditure reflects a fact that the government isputting more emphasis on livelihood andissues concerning the people.  相似文献   

"Crucial for economic growth.energy utilization has its role in all economic sectors and every aspect of people's daily life.Now we are in dire need of a new profession,namely energy manager.We not only need to have passion and responsibility,but also a scientific approach to conserve energy and cut emissions.APpropriate legislation should be in place.and a special profession should be introduced to ensure the implementation of these laws and regulations."  相似文献   

According to Ma Kai's economic planning report submitted to the NPC session on March 5th,(Ma Kai is the Minister in charge of the National Development and Reform Commission),the government has listed the slowdown in trade surplus growth and the steady expansion of external investment as major tasks for 2008.  相似文献   

A bout fifty years ago. a baby's cry broke the sky of quietness, in a small and beautiful town of Hunan province, which surroundcd by green hills and clear water. Though his .birth brought his family great happiness and hope just as any new life, nobody knew that the little boy would get great achievement when he grow up. even start his business oversea, and earn international honor. Let's share with you the entrepreneur Ouyang Riping's story, which may insights thcsc people who want to succeed and complete oneself in favorite condition or adversity rather leave things to so-called fate.  相似文献   

"In recent years, we've found increasing interest from Chinese investors in the Belarus economy. Please let China know, Belarus is always ready to be a true friend to China. We have built a fort in Europe for China," the President of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko told Zhou Xiaochuan, President of the Bank of China, during his visit to the capital of Minsk, on January 8th, he expressed his high praise and firm confidence in the development of Sino-Belarusian relations.  相似文献   

Similar to what the Christmas Day means for the westerners,the Spring Festival is the most important celebration for Chinese people.This big event according to Chinese traditional lunar calendar relaxes and pleases the whole country as the happiest gathering time of the year.National-wide crusade for going back home,too-difficult-to-get train tickets,generous family-going-out shopping,Miaohui laundering,New Year Eve reunion dinner,visiting friends and relatives,watching annual TV gala......each piece of clue reminds us of the smell of Chinese Spring Festival.  相似文献   

FDI(Foreign Direct Investment),a component of a country's national financlal accounts,is investment of foreign assets into domestic structures,equipment,and organizations.It does not include foreign investment into the stock markets,concession and subcontract.FDI iS thought to be more useful to a country than investments in the equity of its companies because equity investments are potentially "hot money"which can leave at the first sign of trouble,whereas FDI is durable and generally useful whether things go well or badly.  相似文献   

The overall strategic relationship between U.K. and China is "better than ever", China- Britain relations have maintained good momentum, with increased high-level exchanges and the reinforcement of strategic mutual trust, with more room for growth in the future.  相似文献   

Domino effects of the global finance agitation As the origin of the subprime crisis,US financial institutions lost USS45 billion last year,accounted for over half of the total US,EU & Japan loss.Since January 15th,Chtigroup released its financial statement of the 4th quarter,showing a net deficit of USS9.83 billion,which marked the hisoric high of its quarterly deficit.  相似文献   

Not long ago, the National Bureau of Statistics released its 2007 Macro Economy Index. Social consumption retail sales reached RMB 8.9 billion, increased by 16.8 percent over the previous year, or 3.1 percentage points higher; the whole investment in social fixed assets was valued RMB 13.7 billion, a year-on-year increase of 24.8 percent, that is 0.9 percentage points higher; and trade surplus amounted to RMB 24.7 billion, rising by 47.7 percent compared with the same period last year, 26.3 percentage points falling over the increasing speed last year. According to preliminary estimates, GDP for the year was RMB 24.67 trillion, up by 11.4 percent from the previous year,  相似文献   

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