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Participation in government programs has a mild impact on the economic well‐being of U.S. farm households. Major factors that determine farm household prosperity are the primary operator's education level and ethnicity, education level of the spouse, and other characteristics such as forward purchasing of inputs, use of contract shipping of products, having a succession plan, farm ownership, and location in a metro area. This article uses the 2001 Agricultural Resource Management Survey (ARMS) as well as relative and an absolute measure to assess U.S. farm households' economic well‐being. The relative measure compares the income and wealth position of farm households relative to median income and median wealth of the general population. The absolute measure adds annualized wealth to a farm household's income.  相似文献   

This article examines how clustering affects the entry and exit decisions of farm households into and from nonfarm enterprises in rural Ethiopia. We find that the existence of clusters of microenterprises in the same district increases the likelihood of a rural household to start a nonfarm enterprise. Similarly, clustering of big manufacturing firms in the same zone is found to increase the likelihood of farm households to start a nonfarm enterprise. Nonfarm enterprises operating in clusters are also found to have a lower probability of exit than those operating outside of clusters. The study further investigates the impact of entry and exit into and from nonfarm enterprises on farm household's well‐being using as indicators total household income, the food security status of a household, and the household's ability to raise enough money in case of emergency. Using propensity score matching to account for selection bias, we find that entry into nonfarm enterprises significantly increases household's income and food security status. Exit from nonfarm enterprises, on the other hand, is found to significantly reduce household's income.  相似文献   

The most commonly quoted information on UK farm incomes comes from the Farm Management Survey. However, this Survey does not embrace the income farmers receive from non-farm sources, and its coverage of very small farms is not good. For many income studies, an attractive alternative source of information, newly available, is the agricultural and horticultural subsets of the Survey of Personal Incomes, conducted annually by the Inland Revenue. This paper comments on the SPI results for 1978/79. While there are reservations about the classification employed and the income concept adopted, the SPI is nevertheless an important new source of data, covering income received by farming couples and individuals from self-employment, from employment and from investment. Overall, earned income constituted 83 per cent of the Total Income of farmers in 1978/79; business profits (including those of wives) formed less than two-thirds of the total, illustrating the importance of including non-farm sources in any assessment of farmers' income position. When classified by income size, agricultural incomes are seen to figure disproportionately high among the upper income groups of the community. The earnings of farmers' wives are discussed and the SPI income-distribution compared with that from the FMS. Ways of exploiting this newly-available data source are explored.  相似文献   

This article analyzes the determinants of farm income among hillside farmers participating in natural resource management projects in El Salvador and Honduras. The farm income function was evaluated using a system of equations in which income is determined simultaneously by the farmer's decision to adopt soil conservation technologies and by the level of diversification (number of agricultural activities) on the farm. The database used comes from surveys administered to 678 beneficiaries of these projects during 2002. The econometric results suggest that all the variables related directly to land use (i.e., output diversification, soil conservation practices and structures, and the adoption of forestry systems) have a positive and statistically significant association with farm income. Also, farmers who own land enjoy higher farm incomes than those who do not. The results indicate that when investing in natural resource management projects, governments and multilateral development agencies should pay close attention to output diversification, land tenure, and human capital formation as effective instruments in increasing farm income.  相似文献   

Economics and accounting offer two distinct perspectives on magnitudes such as income and capital. Accounting income, for example, is an ex posr realization used in business analysis, while economic income, used in planning and resource allocation, is an ex ante expectation. Accounting capital is a transactions-based measure of unallocated costs minus liabilities, whereas economic capital is the present value of expected future returns. Typically, on farm balance sheets, net worth is a measure composed of both accounting capital and economic capital. These magnitudes are not conformable for addition, and double counting of income from land can occur when it is counted once as an expectation contained in the current market value of land and again as a realization when it affects net worth through retained farm income. This inconsistent specification of capital plus equity (collateral) lending greatly increases risk when using debt capital over the farm business cycle; at the farm level, this treatment of capital can result in the failure to maintain capital and, at the aggregate level, it probably exaggerates the farm boom-and-bust cycle. Also addressed are double-counted measures of farmers' welfare, returns and rates of return. Les services économiques et comptables offrent deux perspectives distinctes pour arriver è des chiffres comme le revenu et le capital. Le revenu comptable, par exemple, est une réalisation après coup utilisée dans I'analyse d'affaires, et le revenu Cconomique, utilisé dans la planification et I'attribution des ressources, est une prévision. La comptabilisation du capital se fonde sur des transactions pour mesurer les coDts non attribués moins les sommes dues. Le capital économique est la valeur actuelle des revenus a venir. En général, sur les bilans de ferme, la valeur nette est une mesure qui combine le capital comptable et le capital economique. ées chiffres ne s'additionnent pas et on peut compter deux fois le revenu de la terre, d'abord comme une attente à I'egard de la valeur au cours du marché du terrain et ensuite comme une realisation lorsque les benefices non distribués influent le bilan. Cette specification inconsistante qui additionne le capital et les prets sur équité (avances contre garanties) augmente beaucoup le risque lorsqu'on se sert de dettes d'éta-blissement au cours du cycle de I'entreprise agricole: au niveau de la ferme ce traitement du capital peut aboutir a la perte du capital et au niveau global ce traitement exagére le cycle «boom and bust» agricole. Cette étude adresse aussi la possibilité que les mesures du bien-être des fermiers, des revenus et des taux de rendement sont cornptées deux fois.  相似文献   

The practical significance of the conventional “net farm income” is elusive. It would be useful to have an accepted method of dividing “management and investment income” into its recognised Components—managerial salary and return on tenant's capital. One is a residual if the other can be calculated, and both alternatives are considered. An empirical formula is suggested for estimating the managerial salary which may be imputed to the farmer, taking account of his total turnover, his labour bill and his net farm income. This formula is then applied to Farm Management Survey data, for individual farms and for groups of average, high and low performance (output per £ input). The method may permit closer analysis of relative profitability.  相似文献   

The Common Agricultural Policy has been more successful at securing food supplies than at providing adequate incomes for small farmers. Among proposals for resolving the problem, part time farming is a promising option. To date, agricultural policy has at best ignored farms below the ‘full time’ threshold, at worst discriminated against them. The new Agricultural Structures policy embodies a more positive approach, however. Robson's paper calls for better information on farm households with other gainful activities. Statistics from the 1983 Farm Structure Survey provide insight into the nature and extent of part time farming in the European Community. Neglect of part time farming in the UK up to now may have stemmed from its perceived irrelevance for agricultural policy. Now that it is being viewed in a more favourable light, policy makers need to be appraised of the facts. Currently about one third of main agricultural holdings in England and Wales are part time farms in the sense that farmer or spouse combines another paid job with farming. Gasson's paper explores the nature of these other jobs and features of their distribution. Following trends in other developed countries, non-farm activities are becoming increasingly important for UK farming families. Growth in part time farming has obvious implications for income support, widely agreed to be the fundamental objective of agricultural policy in western Europe. Existing farm income measures are not adequate for assessing the extent of the income problem in agriculture. Data from the Inland Revenue's Survey of Personal Incomes and the Wye College part time farming survey fill some of the gaps left in official measurements. Non-farming earnings, pensions and investment income contribute significantly to farm household incomes. A majority of part time farming families in England and Wales make more from other sources than from farming. Although average incomes of part time farmers may exceed those of full timers, Hill's paper identifies a section of part time farming families with inadequate incomes from all sources.  相似文献   

This paper makes several points based on a review of household survey evidence from Africa, Asia and Latin America. (i) In contrast to conventional wisdom, the evidence is very mixed as to the effect of non‐farm employment on rural income inequality. The non‐farm employment and microenterprise programmes now in vogue will not necessarily resolve rural income inequality problems and attendant social tensions nor automatically benefit the poor. (ii) Policymakers should be worried by substantial evidence of poor people's inability to overcome important entry barriers to many non‐farm activities. (iii) The main determinants of unequal access to non‐farm activities are the distribution of capacity to make investments in non‐farm assets and the relative scarcity of low capital entry barrier activities. Therefore, it is crucial for public investments and policy to favour an increase in the access of the poor to assets that allow them to overcome non‐farm employment entry barriers, (iv) It would be an error to assume that one can address asset‐poverty and inequality in the non‐farm sector without addressing farm‐side problems and vice versa.  相似文献   

Off-farm employment has become increasingly important as an aspect of resource adjustment and a source of income in Australian agriculture. However, it is surprising that there is a paucity of work on this topic reported in the agricultural economics literature. Therefore, we have drawn upon recent developments in labour economics in order to investigate off-farm employment in Australia. A conceptual model of the allocation of a farmer's labour between farm and off-farm work is developed and applied to cross-sectional data from the Australian Agricultural and Grazing Industries Survey. A Tobit maximum likelihood procedure is utilised to test the influences of the life cycle, level of human capital, wealth, non-wage income and farm income on the off-farm labour supply of farmers.  相似文献   

Nonfarm employment by farm families while continuing their farm production, an employment pattern known as pluriactivity, is examined in the context of labor allocation in response to underemployment in agriculture in the province of Saskatchewan. It is fouund that the pursuit of net farm income alone compensates only about one-third of the estimated farm labor resource at its approximated opportunity cost. The level of nonfarm, employment income does not decrease consistently as farm land base increases, suggesting that an increase in land base size alone will not necessarily reduce nonfarm employment. Onfarm diversification increases labor requirements on farms but is apparently less successful in raising income levels than nonfarm employment. Proximity to urban areas is associated with a higher level of nonfam employment. L'emploi extra-agricole en complément du revenu de l'exploitation-Pratique connue sous le nom de pluriactivité–Est examiné sous l'angle de l'affectaion des ressourcesen main-d'oeuvre, par suite de la situation de sous-emploi en agricilture dans la province de Saskatchewan. On constate qur la seule recherche d'un revenu agricole net n'arrive à absorber qu'un tiers environ des ressources en main-d'oeuvre agricole disponsbles à leur coût d'option approximatif. Le niveau d'emploi extárieur ne diminue pas de façon ráguliàre avec l'accorissement de la surface agricole utile de l'exploitation ce qui porte á conclure que l'éendue de l'exploitation ne suffit pas á clle seule pour réduire la recherche de travial à l'exterieur. La diversification de l'exploitation accroit ses besoins en maind'oeure, mais elle semble moins efficace que les emplois extéieurs pour relever le niveau généal de revenue de ses membres. La proximité d'un centre urbain est associée à un plus large recours aux travaux extérieurs.  相似文献   

In this special issue, we present seven studies that collectively attempt to investigate the role of non‐farm income in long‐term and short‐term poverty reduction in Asia and Africa. The first four studies out of the seven use long‐term panel data over two decades in the Philippines, Thailand, Bangladesh, and India. These studies show drastic increases in non‐farm income shares and corresponding declines in poverty levels over time, especially in the Philippines and Thailand. Education levels of household members and returns to education also increased significantly in these countries. The remaining three studies use cross‐sectional and short‐term panel data from Ethiopia, Kenya, and Uganda. These African studies show high proportions of poor households and low shares of non‐farm income that are somewhat comparable to the situation in the 1980s described in the Asian studies. Without the Green Revolution that provided stable farm income and potential financial resources to invest in children' education in Asia, it is not clear if African farm households can follow the Asian examples.  相似文献   

Official statistics do not reveal the nature of the contribution which farmers' wives make to the farm labour force. On the basis of a pilot study, three roles for women on farms were identified. Main distinguishing features were division of labour between husband and wife, frequency of manual work, responsibility for farm enterprises, participation in formal organisations and approach to housework. Home-centred farm housewives only work on the farm occasionally, working farmwives assist their husbands regularly while women farmers threaten male status by doing “man's” work. Reasons for women playing one role rather than another are discussed. Trends in agriculture suggest that the farmer's wife's contribution to the farm business will become still more significant in future. “The concept of ‘the farmer and his wife’ so often used by agricultural economics is far from having universal validity” (Ashby, 1953: 97).  相似文献   

The effectiveness of safety net programs in meeting their purpose depends implicitly on the nature of farm profitability distributions. This study provides an empirical characterization of farm operating profit distributions and assesses the implications for Canadian safety net programs. Pooled time series data from the Statistics Canada Tax Data Program and the Farm Financial Survey is queried across a range of farm types and provinces, with quartile distributions of Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization (EBITDA) within four farm‐size categories analyzed. The results show that regardless of farm type or province, there is greater variation in operating profit within a sales category than there is across the sales categories, and that the range in operating profit increases with size, revealing some very profitable small farms and unprofitable large farms. Thus, the discussion of the social value of farm stabilization programs ought not to be focused on farm size alone. L'efficacité avec laquelle les programmes de protection du revenu atteignent leurs objectifs dépend implicitement de la nature des distributions de probabilités des fermes. La présente étude établit une caractérisation empirique des distributions du bénéfice d'exploitation agricole et évalue les répercussions sur les programmes de protection du revenu au Canada. Des données chronologiques tirées du Programme des données fiscales (PDF) et de l'Enquête financière sur les fermes (EFF) de Statistique Canada sont totalisées par type de ferme et par province, y compris des distributions par quartile du résultat avant intérêts, impôts et dotations aux amortissements (EBITDA) de quatre catégories de taille de ferme. Les résultats ont montré que, sans égard au type de ferme ou à la province, la variation du bénéfice d'exploitation au sein d'une même catégorie de ventes était supérieure à la variation du bénéfice d'exploitation observée entre les différentes catégories de ventes et que l'étendue du bénéfice d'exploitation augmentait avec la taille, révélant des fermes de petite taille très rentables et des fermes de grande taille non rentables. Par conséquent, la discussion sur la valeur sociale des programmes de stabilisation du revenu agricole ne devrait pas s'appuyer sur la taille de la ferme uniquement.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effects of off-farm employment on grain marketable surplus supply during the reform period in China. A theoretical framework demonstrates that farm households' supply behaviour depends not only on the profitability of farm production but also on alternative off-farm wage opportunities of household members. An empirical model, which assumes full income maximisation of farm households, simultaneously evaluates the effects of on-farm and off-farm income on their grain supply behaviour. Particular attention is paid to the effect of off-farm income through a comparison of conditional and unconditional grain marketable surplus supply elasticities. Results show that off-farm income had a strong negative effect on grain marketable surplus from farm households following liberalisation of factor markets in China and that this could lead to a loss of marketable surplus supply.  相似文献   

The effects that the energy crisis has had on the relatively energy-intensive French agriculture are discussed in this paper for the period 1974–1984. The economic significance of energy in agriculture and the economic effects of higher energy prices are examined. An analysis is made of developments in the use of different sources of energy in the agricultural sector: savings in petroleum products used for heat production, diversification of fuel sources for heating, growing consumption of wood for space heating, and increased use of electricity. The effects of the energy crisis on France's agricultural economy, particularly with regard to farm income, the choice of sites for agricultural production, and trade in agro-food products are discussed. Finally, a detailed breakdown is given of the changes in the use of production factors, caused by the increase in energy prices. Agriculture appears to have become more economical or more efficient.  相似文献   

This paper re-examines the motivation for government intervention in agriculture to support farm prices and incomes. A model is outlined in which the government has a preference for higher farm incomes but fails to provide farmers with the socially optimal level of price support, even when one accepts the government's income redistribution goals as a valid reflection of social preference. It is shown that agricultural policy has an intervention bias: government price supports generally are higher than would be socially optimal. The source of the intervention bias is a time inconsistency in optimal agricultural policy formation, caused by the government's inability to precommit to a rule for setting future price support levels. Simulation results indicate that in some circumstances the intervention bias in agricultural policy can be substantial.  相似文献   

This article aims to investigate the impacts of climate change and of lower and more volatile crop price levels as currently observed in the European Union (EU) on optimal management decisions, average income and income risks in crop production in Western Switzerland. To this end, a bioeconomic whole-farm model has been developed that non-parametrically combines the crop growth model CropSyst with an economic decision model using a genetic algorithm. The analysis focuses on the farm level, which enables us to integrate a wide set of potential adaptation responses, comprising changes in agricultural land use as well as crop-specific fertilization and irrigation strategies. Furthermore, the farmer's certainty equivalent is employed as objective function, which enables the consideration of not only impacts on average income but also impacts on income variability.The study shows that that the effects of EU crop prices on the optimal management decisions as well as on the farmer's certainty equivalent are much stronger than the effects of climate change. Furthermore, our results indicate that the impacts of income risks on the crop farm's optimal management schemes are of rather low importance. This is due to two major reasons: first, direct payments make up a large percentage of the agricultural income in Switzerland which makes Swiss farmers less vulnerable to market and climate volatility. Second, arable crop farms in Switzerland have by law to cultivate at least four different crops. Due to these diverse cropping systems and high government direct payments risk does neither under climate change, market liberalization nor combinations thereof, play a very decisive role in arable farming in Switzerland.  相似文献   

The problems caused by water scarcity demand important changes in the criteria and objectives of water policies. The agricultural sector in Spain consumes up to 80% of all available hydric resources and the need to increase the efficiency of current uses of water in the agricultural sector is at the core of the country's national water policy. One alternative would be to resort to water pricing policies with the aim of providing incentives to save water consumption although it would inflict a certain degree of income losses to the farmers and raise the revenue collected by the water authorities. The objective of this research is to analyze the effect caused by the application of different water pricing policies on water demand, farmers' income and the revenue collected by the government agency. To undertake this analysis a dynamic mathematical programming model has been built that simulates farmers' behavior and their response to different water pricing scenarios. Empirical application of the model has been carried out in several irrigation districts in Spain covering varied farm regions and river basins. Results show that the effects of alternative pricing policies for irrigation water are strongly dependent on regional, structural and institutional conditions and that changing policies produce distinct consequences within the same region and water district. Thus, equivalent water charges would create widespread effects on water savings, farm income and collected government revenue across regions and districts.  相似文献   

The scarcity of land for crop and livestock production is critical in countries with growing populations. The idea that increasing population density leads to natural resource depletion and economic failure, as predicted by Malthus, or rather to farm intensification, as hypothesized by Boserup, motivates this research. This article examines how high population pressure in northern Ethiopia influences smallholders’ farm intensification by applying recursive estimation with a control function approach using data from 518 randomly selected farmers. Although our empirical results are more in favor of the Boserupian hypothesis, the findings also reveal that both Malthusian and Boserupian forces coexist. Consistent with Malthus theory, high population pressure is found to be associated with small farm size and herd size. Population pressure affected both technology use (breed cow, stall feeding, and modern cattle feed) and output supply (milk yield, milk income, and straw output). As predicted by Boserup's theory, the use of modern input and output supply initially increases with increasing population pressure but declines again when population densities pass a critical threshold (800 persons/km2), supporting Malthus’ hypothesis. The estimation results also revealed that both milk and straw supply responded positively to prices. Free grazing and stall feeding are found to be complementary activities. Likewise, crop farm income and off‐farm job have a nonlinear relation with population pressure, implying that both initially increase and then decrease with rising population pressure.  相似文献   

This paper uses longitudinal information from the Scottish Farm Accounts Survey to explore the dynamics of Scottish farm incomes between 1988/89 and 1999/2000. Both the Net Farm Income and Cash Income of farms are considered. The results show high levels of income variability and income mobility within Scottish agriculture. Although exit rates from the lowest income groups remain relatively high even when spells of low income have lasted a number of years, there is evidence of farms with persistent low farm income and farms experiencing repeated spells of low‐income. Smaller farm size and having a farmer aged over 65 increase both the probability that a farm will fall into the lowest income group and the length of time spent in that income group. Further the results suggest that the impact of the post‐1997 agricultural recession on income mobility depended on the income status of the farm when the recession began.  相似文献   

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