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旗袍是中国女性着装文化的典型标志,作为中华民族的代表性服装,旗袍在近现代的发展凝结了整个中华民族几千年的服装文化之精髓。本文主要从文化层面、所用材料以及结构工艺等三个主要方面,对中国传统服饰——旗袍前后衣身不采取断缝结构进行分析,同时也展现中国传统旗袍的独特魅力。  相似文献   

旗袍作为中国女性最具代表的服饰之一,体现中国文化的审美情趣。本文从形式美法则探讨旗袍纹样的基本构成特征以及在满汉文化交融中旗袍纹样所呈现的多元化特征。同时,从性别视角分析旗袍纹样中所蕴含的女性思想和女性主体意识,从而探讨旗袍作为深受女性青睐的社会本质。研究结果也为当代旗袍纹样的现代发展与设计运用提供理论依据和实证研究。  相似文献   

张丹栎 《山东纺织经济》2012,(10):74-76,121
民国是旗袍发展的鼎盛时期,无论何种阶层、何种年龄的女性几乎都拥有旗袍,由此可见旗袍的普及性之高,适应性之强。民国旗袍丰富的装饰手法在旗袍流行和普及过程中起着关键的作用。通过对民国时期旗袍装饰手法的研究,着重介绍一些典型的装饰实例,包括海派蕾丝花边旗袍、宽滚边旗袍、几何图形旗袍、"薄露透"旗袍以及"新外观"旗袍。并且主要从流行原因和装饰效果方面来阐述和介绍。研究旗袍的装饰十分有意义,研究成果可以运用到现代旗袍的设计中,使得旗袍文化能够更好地传承和发扬光大。  相似文献   

旗袍,是具有中国传统特色的民族服饰,被人们称为国粹与女性国服,在中国悠久的服饰文化发展中占据了重要的地位。随着时代的发展,旗袍也与时俱进,形成了我们民族特有的旗袍文化,人们对其的研究也从未停止。京派旗袍与海派旗袍作为旗袍的两大主流,成为我们小组的主要研究对象。本文探讨了京派旗袍和海派旗袍在结构上的差异并进行了研究。  相似文献   

文章将月份牌广告画大师的绘画流派转变作为研究的一个亮点,让旗袍风格的流行转变作为旗袍研究成果的最直接表现形式,尤其显示其时效性。从一定程度上来说,有了关于旗袍风格的总结,才算得上是对旗袍流行的研究。本文通过对当时月份牌广告画本身的特点的解读,从旗袍风格的演变及发展过程中找出月份牌与旗袍流行发展关系密切的依据,充实对旗袍流行的研究。文章通篇围绕民国时期月份牌广告画对旗袍流行的影响展开,通过各种相关事物,将研究全面化、深入化,以求更好的、客观的展现出民国时期旗袍流行的风采。  相似文献   

备受瞩目的《华装风姿——中国百年旗袍展》于3月7日在中国妇女儿童博物馆开幕。此次展览共展出旗袍120余件,充分展示出旗袍的文化背景、时代特征,以及旗袍的面料品种、制作工艺、图案风格等诸多中华服饰文化之精华。正值全国两会期间举办的百年旗袍展之所以在举办前就备受各界瞩目,源于浙江省女代表委员准备身穿旗袍参加两会所引发的争议。不过无论女代表们是否会身着旗袍参加两会,是否参加百年旗袍展走秀,这些都只是表象。关注中国服饰文化的发展,帮助丝绸行业进步,才是业界的共同心声。  相似文献   

文章将月份牌广告画大师的绘画流派转变作为研究的一个亮点,让旗袍风格的流行转变作为旗袍研究成果的最直接表现形式,尤其显示其时效性。从一定程度上来说,有了关于旗袍风格的总结,才算得上是对旗袍流行的研究。本文通过对当时月份牌广告画本身的特点的解读,从旗袍风格的演变及发展过程中找出月份牌与旗袍流行发展关系密切的依据,充实对旗袍流行的研究。文章通篇围绕民国时期月份牌广告画对旗袍流行的影响展开,通过各种相关事物,将研究全面化、深入化,以求更好的、客观的展现出民国时期旗袍流行的风采。  相似文献   

旗袍自诞生至今一直是中国服饰文化的璀璨明珠,而经历了多年的演变和推陈出新,具有流行性设计手法的现代旗袍应运而生。本文通过对现代旗袍、时尚性、以及现代旗袍设计时尚性的表达方式进行解构,并在此基础上以现代旗袍的款式、面料、结构工艺、装饰、思想文化观念为载体进行研究。  相似文献   

在中国深厚的文化脉络中,总有发挥到极致的高贵,别致素雅,端庄谦和。旗袍就是其中的代表。"你看到的这件旗袍不仅有长长的袖子,还有很别致的露背设计,只有领口、胸前的盘扣和花纹,让人依稀能辨认出传统旗袍的影子。"著名设计师吴海燕在"华装风姿——中国百年旗袍展"的开幕式上,微笑着向《纺织服装周刊》记者介绍着她亲手制作的一件丝绸旗袍。  相似文献   

孙茜 《山东纺织经济》2013,(8):67-67,88
旗袍是中国服装中璀璨的明珠,具有鲜明的民族特色,蕴含了我们中华民族的民族精神和独特的审美价值取向。到今天,旗袍依然以她独特的魅力吸引着无数人的眼光,旗袍优雅含蓄的特质以及对女性曲线的完美表达是她一直在人们视野中的重要原因。随着时代的发展,旗袍也渐渐从国际舞台的高级定制走到了我们日常生活中,这与人们越来越注重着装文化密不可分。本文从生活装旗袍的款式、色彩、面料以及装饰图案四个方面来分析生活装旗袍在当今社会的演绎。  相似文献   

结合当前形势对煤炭企业物资采购预付款风险进行分析,从精细化管理角度出发提出了建立预付款首接风险责任制、供应商管理机制、全程跟踪机制、预警机制、预付款指标奖惩制度和后续管理6个管理机制,以此形成完善的风险防范运行机制,强化风险管理,降低预付款采购风险。  相似文献   

阐述了我国煤炭资源的重要作用及利用现状,分析了煤炭工业发展对环境造成的危害。鉴于煤炭资源在能源格局中的重要地位和对我国经济发展的重要作用,提出构建煤炭循环经济体系、构建基于区域架构的煤炭产业群组、实施煤炭企业的一体化和多元化发展战略、推进蓝海战略、创建煤炭企业学习型组织、成立企业的战略指导委员会等有利于煤炭企业可持续发展的战略构想。  相似文献   

从近期对煤炭产业产生的直接影响和从长远战略上的影响进行分析,着眼点从国家转型变轨的大局,分析煤炭产业如何从战略上应对这场革命的到来,不仅要看到有暂时的冲击,也要看到存在巨大的发展机会。并从煤炭能源的集约化、洁净化、高效化战略目标出发,提出以质量优势逐步取代数量优势、资源整合推进产业集约化、实现煤电融合等战略举措。  相似文献   

Conventional wisdom argues that all commercial and economic competition between two daily newspapers stops when they merge their advertising and printing capabilities to form a joint operating agreement (JOA). Clearly the JOA acts a monopolist in the sale of advertising, but there are two forces that may constrain the JOA to sell more advertising than a profit maximizing single paper monopolist would find optimal. First, there is the possibility of what is sometimes termed ``end game competition'. Disposition of assets from a JOA are often not determined until the JOA is near its termination date, and this may induce the weaker paper to maintain quality, both to improve its bargaining position and to keep open the possibility of remaining in the market as a competitor at the end of the JOA. Second, a daily paper arguably has to maintain a certain level of advertising and maintain a certain ``look' and ``feel' if it is to be considered a daily paper. This may constrain the JOA to sell more advertising and maintain a higher joint circulation than might be optimal for a single paper monopolist. We present econometric evidence that shows JOAs to have ad rates that are closer to those of competitive dailies than to those of single paper and 2-edition monopolists.  相似文献   

In this model, two players, who are heterogeneous in information quality, compete with each other with perfect information about the other player's information quality. The less-informed player has an incentive to delay her action in order to gain more information. The more-informed player also intends to delay her action, not through a desire to learn but rather to prevent the less-informed player from gaining information. Hence, if a waiting option is available, both players want to delay their actions and the conflict between the two types of second mover advantage yields a delay race. Although both players can benefit from a delay, the gain from a delay in order to learn is greater than that from a delay intended to prevent the other from learning. Therefore, the cost for a delay plays an important role in characterizing the equilibrium, and if the sequential timing of actions is derived in a pure equilibrium, the leader will be the more-informed player. If a given cost for a delay is sufficiently low, the only equilibrium is a mixed equilibrium. Interestingly, in that equilibrium, the existence of the first-mover advantage from being imitated is also derived.  相似文献   

Good demand estimates are the key to effective pricing decision-making. However, they are subject to a high degree of uncertainty due to various factors that are unpredictable or difficult to model, thus making pricing decisions risky. This research provides a simple proposal for a robust optimization methodology that incorporates both demand uncertainty and the decision maker's degree of risk aversion. Uncertainty is explicitly considered for two coefficients of a linear demand function, price expressions are derived, and a criterion is proposed for defining the degree of risk aversion. The resulting model is also applied to an exponential demand case to better reflect a more realistic retail setting.  相似文献   

The value that resides in a firm's relationships has both tangible and intangible aspects and both need to be developed and managed carefully. Marketing managers need to be able to understand these dimensions of value to manage them and to argue for their share of the firm's resources to effectively develop the value of the firm's relationships. This paper describes a study that adds to current knowledge of relationship value by testing a hypothesized model of the intangible part of the value that is manifested in buyer-seller relationships and by developing a set of scales to measure the hypothesized dimensions. The focus of the research, which synthesizes a conceptual framework from the intellectual capital literature, is on business-to-business situations and on the value of the relationship to the seller, rather than to the buyer. The analysis of data from a survey of relevant managers, using structural equation modeling techniques, gives support to the model and scales.  相似文献   

市场营销学是一门综合性和应用性很强的学科,当代营销环境的复杂性,使得企业的营销决策变得更难,企业也对营销人才提出了较高的衡量标准。新的环境对于营销的教学也提出了更高的要求,如何优化营销教学的效果,成为当代大学教师必须思考的问题。笔者在自己多年的教学经验基础上,提出了如下观点:一、与时俱进,不断优化教学能力;二、理论联系实际,优化教学内容;三、注意教学周期的特点,多角色定位,优化教学模式;四、运用现代教育技术,完善教学手段。  相似文献   

Technologies are often amenable to uses for a range of markets, but yet are often underutilized, and consequently not all value is extracted from them. This article presents a longitudinal case study of a firm that successfully applied a fungible technology to products for its served market, but was unable to tap its considerable potential in new markets. The processes of resource allocation and resource transformation inhibited technology leveraging, shaped by the presence of a competence to serve current customers (a customer competence trap) and the lack of a competence to gain access to new customers (a marketing competence gap). Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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