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从理论上看,东亚地区汇率合作有多种形式可以选择,然而,合作选择受制于双边汇率动态性。本文通过东亚主要国家汇率相关性和锚货币的动态性考察,推导出现阶段东亚汇率合作的方案选择,即从非正式的单独钉住货币篮子入手,逐步过渡到正式的共同钉住区域内外货币组成的混合货币篮子,最终的方向是构建东亚共同的由区域内货币组成的货币篮子或者说亚洲货币单位(ACU)。  相似文献   

亚洲货币合作的有关文献述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
亚洲区域货币合作已取得了初步成效,其理论指导合作实践也发挥了重要作用。本文主要对亚洲 是否是最适度货币区、亚洲货币合作应走欧洲货币联盟还是次区域货币合作之路、是否需要建立 亚洲货币基金组织、区域内汇率制度如何安排等理论和实践方面的研究文献进行梳理和评析。  相似文献   

东亚汇率制度的博弈分析--东亚货币篮子构成的定量分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前欧盟和北美自由贸易区已经形成自己的区域货币体系,唯独亚洲地区仍然是一盘散沙,亚洲 金融危机的沉重打击更加让东亚国家清醒地认识到东亚区域货币合作的重要性。本文在分析东亚 汇率制度的现状的基础上,运用博弈分析的方法求得在非合作与合作的条件下东亚货币篮子货币 构成的纳什均衡解,并给出东亚地区最优汇率制度安排。  相似文献   

名义上公布的与实际执行的汇率机制往往存在着差异。文章对传统的分析各国货币篮子权重的方法进行扩展,并以此研究了人民币事实汇率制度安排及其区域效应。结果表明,我国货币篮子的构成已发生根本转变,欧元逐步和美元一起成为人民币货币篮子中最为主要的参考货币;人民币汇率弹性参数高度显著,这意味着我国对汇率走势的干预趋于减弱,特别是在加入SDR的背景下,对人民币的需求中至少有58%表现为汇率本身的变动。进一步研究发现,东亚国家已开始把人民币作为其"锚货币",主要的原因在于双方具有紧密的贸易关系,这为下一步人民币的区域化和国际化提供了思路。  相似文献   

不对称竞争压力与人民币的亚洲战略   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
由于中国与亚洲其他国家之间存在不对称竞争压力 ,所以亚洲其他国家对人民币的汇率稳定要求要高于中国对亚洲其他国家货币的汇率稳定要求 ,这样 ,中国在亚洲汇率协调中就处于非常有利的地位 ,中国没有必要和亚洲其他国家实行以共同货币篮子为基础的汇率协调机制。本文在此基础上 ,通过对可供选择的汇率协调机制的可行性分析 ,明确提出人民币的亚洲战略目标应该是谋求人民币在亚洲的关键货币地位 ,并指出保持人民币汇率稳定 ,使人民币在维持亚洲汇率稳定中发挥中流砥柱的作用 ,是实现人民币成为亚洲关键货币的最重要战略部署  相似文献   

亚洲货币合作的路径展望   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
王庭东 《亚太经济》2002,(3):19-22,52
本文述评了迄目前为止已经出现的有关亚洲货币合作的几种思路,指出亚洲货币合作深受亚洲区域主义特点的影响,区域内多层次次区域主义的迅速发展,使多重货币联盟的货币一体化路径在亚洲更具有现实性,人民币货币区与东盟货币区将首先融合,并可能最终统一亚洲货币。  相似文献   

在2001—2004期间,亚洲货币的外汇交易量增长比全球市场更加迅速,其中人民币外汇交易增长特别强劲。对人民币未来预期因素似乎正在加入到美元日元即期汇率形成机制中并对亚洲外汇市场施加着重要影响。总体看来,具有更加弹性汇率的亚洲货币将以有效汇率为导向进行交易,美元的影  相似文献   

近年来,关于亚洲货币合作与亚元问题的讨论引起了我国政府和学术界的广泛关注,各种文章见诸于报端。作者认为,只有在理论上把该研究推向深入,才可能得出正确的政策结论。最优货币理论和欧元的实践,对亚洲货币合作具有重要的启示,亚洲货币合作是大势所趋。文章主要研究在这种趋  相似文献   

东亚地区汇率制度的选择   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
东南亚金融危机的爆发显示出该地区在汇率制度安排上的不合理。本文探讨了固定汇率、单独浮动汇率以及建立通货区对东亚地区各国的适用性,最后提出以钉住篮子货币的区域汇率合作安排作为通向通货区过渡阶段的建议。  相似文献   

钉住美元与钉住货币篮子汇率安排对我国的影响比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着我国和国际经济的发展,国内外要求改革人民币汇率形成机制的呼声越来越高,讨论较多的一种改革方案是将钉住美元改为钉住货币篮子。本文利用历史数据对按总贸易额加权构建的我国的货币篮子进行了模拟,对钉住美元和钉住货币篮子两种汇率制度下的汇率波动性及其对我国国际贸易和外商直接投资的影响进行了比较。  相似文献   

Pegging the RMB exchange rate to the Asian currency unit (ACU) has not, at least in the short term, been proved a better solution than pegging to the US dollar or pegging to a G‐3 (US$, Japanese yen and euro) currency basket. Although the Asian currency unit can help Asian economies to keep the relative price of regional currencies stable, the cost of joining a formal regional monetary cooperation is the relinquishment of the autonomy of their domestic policies. Asian monetary cooperation needs to provide more potential benefits if it is to attract Asian economies. We argue that Asian monetary cooperation should be designed to solve the problem of regional trade imbalance, and regional exchange rate policy coordination should be adopted as the first step towards exchange rate cooperation. (Edited by Zhinan Zhang)  相似文献   

Asian currencies lack regional policy coordination and are therefore subject to volatilities such as the Asian currency crisis of 1997/99. As the Asian currencies have already been observed to be ‘flying-in-unison’, a stable exchange rate arrangement can be helpful as the next step of evolution for regional financial stability. We consider that creating a cluster effect from coordinated efforts/policies of policy-makers can lead to regional exchange rate stability. To demonstrate this cluster effect, a three-party-game is computed for an Asian bloc, viz-á-viz US dollar and the Euro, based on a Nash and a cooperative equilibrium. The cluster effect would generate external and internal pressures that work towards the formation of a regional currency, although the exact form of exchange rate regime would have to await political consensus. There are substantial welfare gains within Asia network economy through currency cooperation. The formation of an Asian currency bloc would also create counter-balance to the current dominance of the US dollar and the Euro. Like the epic story of Three Kingdoms who sought hegemony in Chinese history, the Asian currency bloc will contend with many possible outcomes of competition as well as cooperation.  相似文献   

东亚货币合作研究文献综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王倩 《新疆财经》2011,(5):51-60
全球性金融危机的爆发再次助推了东亚地区货币合作的进程。本文详细梳理了东亚货币合作研究的线索,明确了东亚货币合作进一步的研究方向:从货币竞争和锚货币选择这个思路考察区域内核心货币(尤其是人民币)在汇率协调机制中发挥的作用,并对东亚汇率协调机制进行重估。同时,还需在新形势下从理论和实践层面探讨中国如何参与东亚货币合作以促进中国乃至东亚地区的繁荣和发展,为进一步推进东亚货币合作提供理论支持和政策依据。  相似文献   

This paper considers whether an intra regional currency basket and the associated divergence indicators could play a useful role in official exchange rate surveillance. Recently, proponents of an Asian currency basket have referred to the role the European Currency Unit played in constructing exchange rate divergence indicators as evidence of the usefulness of intra regional currency baskets for exchange rate monitoring. The paper shows that such indicators have a number of features that can lead to them obscuring underlying changes in exchange rates and that the signals they emit will often be difficult to interpret. In addition, the use of regional currency baskets for surveillance can lead to potentially serious N − 1 problems in circumstances when there is not agreement about which regional currencies will be the anchor currencies.
Hwee Kwan Chow (Corresponding author)Email:

We consider what type of regional common currency should be introduced in East Asia in the future. The common currency basket is, in itself, more desirable as an anchor currency. In this paper we define two types of currency basket and investigate the long‐term sustainability of adopting a common currency basket in East Asia. From our empirical results, a larger weight (but less than 100 percent) for the US dollar in the common currency basket tends to make bilateral exchange rates among East Asian countries stable in the long run.  相似文献   

中国的汇率制度改革使得在钉住汇率制度下积聚的巨大货币错配风险逐渐暴露出来。货币错配是否会影响经济金融稳定,通过对亚洲金融危机、日本经济衰退以及本世纪以来亚洲新兴市场国家累积的新风险进行梳理、比较与分析,认为净外币负债型货币错配与净外币资产型货币错配在一定条件下都会影响经济金融稳定。  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the changes in the exchange-rate policies of East Asian economies in the aftermath of the currency crisis and the process in which the exchange-market stability was re-established. The empirical analysis evaluates the changing roles of the yen and the US dollar in the currency baskets, the shifts in the volatility of the underlying macroeconomic fundamentals and their implications on exchange-rate management, the exchange-market perception of credibility and risk of the postcrisis exchange-rate regimes, and the process of reversion to fundamental values after the massive currency depreciation.The analysis shows that after the abandonment of the quasi-dollar peg, the yen had gained a greater weight in the currency baskets and the greater flexibility in which the exchange rates are being managed serve to accommodate the greater volatility in the macroeconomic fundamentals. The improvement in the macroeconomic conditions and the greater credibility that has been acquired by the regional monetary authorities had allowed the exchange market to stabilize and enabled the exchange rates to revert back to their fundamental values.  相似文献   

This paper aims at analyzing exchange rates and trade patterns of Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, China, Korea, Singapore, and Taiwan in relation to Japan and the United States, with reference to the Asian currency crises in 1997. In order to analyze these issues, we constructed an international input‐output model linked with macroeconometric models of the ten countries/regions. Analyses on the Asian exchange rates with a currency basket peg framework show that the Asian exchange rate policy was the de‐facto dollar peg policy. As for trade patterns in relation to the yen‐dollar rate; when a country/region's industrial structure is similar to that of Japan's and the yen is weak, the appropriate change of the yen's weight proves to hold its competitiveness. By contrast, the weak yen shows a decrease of its imports, regarding complementary structure. In either case, however, effects are limited.  相似文献   

This paper examines the extent to which a number of currencies central to the Asian currency crisis were misaligned at the end of 1996. A well-known fundamentals-based exchange rate model, the monetary approach to exchange rate behavior, is used to produce estimates of equilibrium exchange rates for a number of Asian currencies. The estimates, calculated using panel methods, are shown to be consistent with the underlying model. Most significantly, very little evidence of misalignment is found to exist in 1996. This suggests that the cause of the Asian crash cannot be attributed to traditional fundamentals.  相似文献   

This paper examines the extent to which a number of currencies central to the Asian currency crisis were misaligned at the end of 1996. A well-known fundamentals-based exchange rate model, the monetary approach to exchange rate behavior, is used to produce estimates of equilibrium exchange rates for a number of Asian currencies. The estimates, calculated using panel methods, are shown to be consistent with the underlying model. Most significantly, very little evidence of misalignment is found to exist in 1996. This suggests that the cause of the Asian crash cannot be attributed to traditional fundamentals.  相似文献   

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