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史玮 《辽宁经济》2006,(4):41-41
一、有中国特色的PFI模式 PFI(Private Finance Initiative)1992年始于英国,是国际流行的一种基础设施建设的新型模式,意指“私人主动融资”或“私人融资计划”,指在项目开发经营过程中,政府与私人部门合作,由私人部门承担部分公共物品的生产或提供公共服务,政府购买由私人部门提供的公共产品或服务,或给予私人部门以收费特许权,或政府与私人部门以合伙方式共同经营,来实现公共物品产出中的资源配置最优化,效率和产出的最大化。  相似文献   

万娜 《魅力中国》2009,(18):117-117
在社会医疗保险市场中,由于第三方付费制度以及信息不对称的原因,存在着大量的道德风险。本文引用道德风险控制的监督机制和激励机制,从社会医疗保险的三大主体出发,针对道德风险产生的原因,提出了相应的控制措施。  相似文献   

中国政府支出和融资对私人投资挤出效应的经验研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文分析了1980~2003年中国政府支出和政府融资与私人投资的关系,以期正确评价“双稳健”政策的预期效应。经验结果表明,政府的公共投资挤进了私人投资,社会文教费的支出挤出了私人投资。结果还显示,税外费用融资减少了私人投资,而货币融资促进了私人投资。此外,不同经济条件下的国债融资对于私人投资具有不同的效应。  相似文献   

吴胜男 《魅力中国》2010,(20):33-33
一直以来,我国政府绩效评估大多是由政府自己组织,标准也由政府制订,但是这种“官评官”模式很难保证评估过程的公正性和客观性。由第三方作为评估活动的组织者来测评政府绩效则更能体现公正性,本文以著名的“兰州试验”为例,分析了第三方作为政府绩效的测评主体所适用的测评范围、测评原则及测评方法等,以此对第三方测评政府绩效的模式形成系统的认识。  相似文献   

在我国海外贸易史上,明代是一个比较典型的朝代。明初,为了防止倭寇骚扰,明政府厉行海禁,规定“片板不许入海”,仅准许海外诸国以“朝贡”的形式,派遣使者附载方物入明进行贸易;隆庆之后,在倭患基本平定的前提下,又实行了部分开放海禁政策,准许私人海外贸易商申请文引,缴纳响税,出海贸易。因此,明代的海外贸易港大抵可分为三种类型:一种是由官方控制的朝贡贸易港,另一种是违禁通番的走私贸易港,第三种是申请文引出洋贸易的私人贸易港。有关这些港口的兴衰问题,近年来颇引起学术界的兴趣,专家之说纷法不一,本文拟提出一些…  相似文献   

从服务于商业银行的视角看,引入第三方开展对承包商融资信用评价服务不仅响应了国家“十二五”规划关于金融服务外包的要求,更对商业银行规避风险以提高效益有积极作用.而针对目前第三方信用评价工作职责落实不到位的弊端,探究相关方法以实现对其职责的清晰界定,成为当前规范并落实第三方对服务客体融资信用评价工作而亟待解决的首要问题.文章以工程建设领域企业资金运行的特点和相关政策为依据,首先引入博弈论探讨了第三方接受商业银行委托对融资企业实施信用风险评价与监管的可行性与必要性;然后主要从商业银行、承包商、项目本身三个维度研究构建一个系统性的三维多层次概念模型出发,基于风险识别和评价的角度实现对第三方职责界定的目的.  相似文献   

路畅 《发展》2013,(2):81-82
本文从政府融资平台项目融资不确定性角度出发,揭示商业银行政府融资平台信贷业务面临的风险及困难,最终提出政府融资平台如需健康发展,需要各级政府、监管部门、商业银行三方配合的观点,并提出了相应建议及思路。  相似文献   

随着网上贸易的发展壮大,网上支付及其安全和信用问题日渐成为我国电子商务发展的热点。各商家纷纷涉足第三方支付平台的服务领域,如淘宝网、eBay、慧聪网都分别推出了各自基于第三方的支付工具“支付宝”、“安付通”、“买卖通”。同期也出现了几家专业的第三方支付公司,BilltoBill是其中一家专注于航空旅游支付领域的第三方支付公司。到目前为止,全国有一定规模的第三方支付公司已有20余家,BilltoBil之所以能脱颖而出.一定有其“秘方”.带着这样的疑问.我们采访了BilltoBil CEO雷扬。  相似文献   

陈萌茁 《新西部(上)》2010,(2):161-161,163
电子商务的发展为物流业开辟了一个全新的市场,给第三方物流提供了新的技术。针对我国的实际,要提高物流企业的现代化管理水平,加快第三方物流信息化的发展,要加快物流专业人才的培养,整合政府和市场力量发展第三方物流,并形成战略联盟。  相似文献   

与大企业比较,中小企业更需要政府的引导和支持,需要管理制度、市场机会的支持以及第三方担保和对口服务。政府作为中小企业的直接融资和间接融资的纽带,发挥着至关重要的作用。论文通过对发达国家中小企业的融资渠道和融资结构[1]的分析,从政府对中小企业的作用、政府在中小企业间接和直接融资中的角色、我国政府在中小企业融资中的现实选择以及进一步对策等四个方面概括对中小企业融资的主要观点。  相似文献   

This article compares the traditional government method of procurement of goods and services with various public‐private partnership methods and provides an overview of the various advantages and disadvantages of both. Governments face many challenges in meeting the basic needs of their people. The private sector is therefore becoming increasingly involved in the provision of a range of services. In South Africa, examples are the Maputo N4 Tollroad, various water and sanitation concessions, and even the building and running of prisons, all of which have received media coverage. Many of these forms of private sector involvement, and lessons learnt from these projects, could be transferred to the health care sector. The health industry is currently faced with the challenge of providing increased levels of service to a growing population. There has been much debate over the state of the nation's hospitals, all of which require some maintenance and at least a third of which need extensive, if not complete, replacement. This also applies to the equipment used in hospitals. Overseas, governments are looking to the private sector to work in partnership with them to address these concerns in terms of knowledge and expertise in delivering, financing and operating these services. By involving the private sector as a partner, governments can focus their energies on ensuring that adequate health policy frameworks are established and that the necessary health services are provided. The article identifies and highlights several ways in which the private sector and government could work together to solve many of the challenges facing the industry.  相似文献   

Recent developments, such as privatization and the private financeinitiative, have raised the issue of which assets should beowned by the public sector and whether assets have differentvalues in the public and private sectors. In order to answerthe questions, we first note that the allocative considerationsthat usually motivate government intervention need not requirethe direct provision of services by the government using government-ownedassets. We then argue that the government should own the assetsused to provide the services where the private sector fearsexpropriation by the government, or where ownership conferson the private sector such power as to preclude efficient allocations.Finally, we argue that the discount rate for governments' projectsequals the expected return on comparable investments in thecapital markets. The government should, however, discount pre-taxcash flows at the pre-tax discount rate, for it receives alltax revenues.  相似文献   

China has recently unveiled an ambitious new health-care reform plan, entailing a doubling of government health spending as well as a number of concrete reforms. While the details of the plan have not yet been completely announced, we offer a preliminary assessment of how well the reform is likely to achieve its stated goal of assuring every citizen equal access to affordable basic health care. The reform is based on three fundamental tenets: strong role of government in health, commitment to equity, and willingness to experiment with regulated market approaches. Within this framework, the reform offers a number of laudable changes to the health system, including an increase in public health financing, an expansion of primary health facilities and an increase in subsidies to achieve universal insurance coverage. However, it fails to address the root causes of the wastes and inefficiencies plaguing China's health care system, such as a fragmented delivery system and provider incentives to over-provide expensive tests and services. We conclude that China should consider changing the provider payment method from fee-for-service to a prospective payment method such as DRG or capitation with pay-for-performance, and to develop purchasing agencies that represent the interests of the population so as to enhance competition.  相似文献   

The paper discusses models of health insurance, including compulsory (social) health insurance, voluntary insurance, and community-based financing schemes. It illustrates the features of these models in terms of coverage, funding, sustainability, payment mechanisms, public–private mix, risk protection, and cost-containment properties, and outlines some emerging challenges to health financing arrangements. Health financing systems used in Japan, Korea, Taiwan, ASEAN and China are discussed, and implications are drawn for the developing countries in the Asia Pacific contemplating health insurance reform.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present paper is to show that much of the literature on health economics and on the international experience with different forms of health system organization can be interpreted as supporting the idea that reliance on an unregulated market mechanism for organizing the production and financing of health services is likely to result in major problems both with respect to efficiency and equity. However, reliance on a centralized “command-and-control” model managed by government has also been shown to entail problems in practice. For this reason I argue that the best option at China's current state of development may be a compromise model in which competing private providers are given an important role, both for the production of health services and in the provision of health insurance, but in which the government intervenes (through regulation and direct provision) in such a way as to attain both a high degree of equity of access to health care, and to avoid the most significant forms of “market failure” that would arise in an unregulated private system.  相似文献   

Countries worldwide confront the challenge of defining and achieving appropriate roles for government and market forces in the health sector. China—as both a developing and a transitional economy—represents an important case. This paper uses an international comparative perspective to examine how the health of China’s population and other aspects of health system performance changed during the reform era. We draw on standard public finance and health economics theory, as well as the more recent incomplete-contracting theory of property rights, to summarize the comparative advantages of government and market for financing and delivery of health services, particularly in developing and transitional economies. We then describe and analyze against this theoretical background the transformation of China’s health sector and recent commitment of government funds to move toward universal coverage.  相似文献   

目前世界各国社会保险筹资模式,通常有三种形式:缴税制、缴费制和预筹基金制(强制储蓄)。但在我国,对于社会保险筹资模式到底应该采取税的形式还是费的形式,一直存在着激烈的争论。本文在回顾社会保险筹资模式税费之争的基础上,认为我国社会保险筹资模式应采用缴税制,主要的原因是实行缴税制符合社会保险的公共产品特性,且具有天然的优势。  相似文献   

尹东明 《特区经济》2006,(12):102-104
民营企业融资困难是影响其发展的主要原因之一。其中既有外部因素,也有民营企业自身管理存在的问题。解决民营企业融资困难需要政府在政策、法规上的支持,需要金融部门的机制创新,开拓更多的金融服务领域,更需要民营企业自身加强管理,提高资信程度。  相似文献   

香港健康与医疗发展咨询委员会指出,香港的公共医疗卫生开支持续增长,开支增幅令人忧虑,正考虑应当如何为医疗服务融资。本文试图分析香港医疗卫生的融资状况,并为香港医疗改革提供政策建议。文章回顾了香港医疗卫生系统概况,分析了香港政府和市民的医疗开支财力负荷,以及香港医疗保险的发展状况,认为政府的财力负荷过重,市民整体上承担的医疗负荷偏低,并建议改革公立医院收费制度及鼓励私营医疗保险发展。  相似文献   

经济社会发展、人口老龄化和现代化社会医疗保险制度建设的关系,是当前苏南现代化社会医疗保险制度建设的重大课题。文章基于对常熟市居民基本(农村合作)医疗保险的研究,发现:政策延续与经济发展是以常熟市为代表的苏南现代化建设示范区社会医疗保险制度建设取得改革发展先机的重要因素;持续加深的人口老龄化程度对社会医疗保险基金安全和补偿支出结构的负面冲击已经逐步显现;提高补偿标准和改革支付方式在一定程度上优化了参保居民就诊结构,增强了社会医疗保险的宏观经济保障能力,但长期对提高社会医疗保险制度的宏观经济保障能力的作用非常有限。基于以上研究发现,提出政策建议:通过吸纳外来务工人员以优化参保人群年龄结构是解决人口老龄化挑战的关键;重视疾病预防,特别是慢性病早期预防,加强多部门疾病预防协同合作是应对人口老龄化的重要措施。  相似文献   

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