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李从刚  许荣 《金融研究》2020,480(6):188-206
公司治理机制被认为是影响公司违规的重要因素,然而董事高管责任保险作为一种重要的外部治理机制,是否会影响公司违规尚未得到充分研究。本文研究发现董事高管责任保险显著降低公司违规概率,符合监督效应假说。经工具变量法、Heckman两阶段模型和倾向得分匹配法稳健性检验,上述结论依然成立。影响机制分析表明,董事高管责任保险显著降低了公司违规倾向,显著增加了违规后被稽查的概率,并降低了上市公司的第一类代理成本。对董事高管责任保险的监督职能做进一步分析发现:(1)董事高管责任保险对上市公司经营违规和领导人违规的监督效应更为显著,但对信息披露违规的治理作用并不显著;(2)董事高管责任保险发挥的监督职能与股权属性和保险机构股东治理存在替代效应,与外部审计师治理和董事长CEO二职分离存在互补效应;(3)分组检验结果表明,董事高管责任保险对公司违规的监督效应在外部监管环境较差或者公司内部信息透明度较高的情况下更加显著。本文既提供了保险合约通过公司治理渠道影响公司违规的证据,同时也表明保险机构通过董事高管责任保险为中国资本市场提供了一种较为有效的公司外部治理机制。  相似文献   

本文基于大股东持股的视角,以2007年至2017年中国A股上市公司为样本,分析大股东持股对并购商誉与股价下跌风险关系的影响。研究发现:(1)公司的并购商誉规模越大,未来的股价下跌风险越大;(2)公司第一大股东持股比例的增加降低了并购商誉对股价下跌风险的正向影响;(3)大股东持股对并购商誉与股价下跌风险关系的影响在代理冲突严重、外部审计质量较低、公司成长性较高和企业业绩下滑时更加显著。  相似文献   

陆蓉  常维 《金融研究》2018,458(8):172-189
近年来,上市公司违规行为群发,本文利用2000-2016年沪深A股上市公司违规事件样本,从“同群效应”的角度探究违规行为的群体特征和影响因素。研究发现,上市公司违规行为存在显著的地区同群效应(“近墨者黑”),同地区其他上市公司的违规行为显著增加了该地区公司发生违规行为的概率;且信息披露型违规的同群效应更加明显。机制研究表明,企业违规决策的地区同群效应主要源于交流式学习和观察式学习的两种模仿作用机制。异质性分析表明,同一地区内,相同产权性质公司间的同群效应更明显。进一步研究显示,十八大之后违规行为的发生概率显著降低,地区同群效应显著减弱。本文研究揭示了违规行为的地源性特征,也从抑制违规传染视角实证支持了近年来的系列整治活动。  相似文献   

本文选取2012—2016年沪深A股上市公司的相关数据资料,研究了母子公司统一审计对上市公司股价崩盘风险的影响。本文研究发现:(1)母子公司统一审计与上市公司股价崩盘风险之间呈现显著负相关;(2)母子公司关联交易越多,母子公司统一审计与上市公司股价崩盘风险之间的负向相关关系越显著;(3)在内部控制质量较低的公司,母子公司统一审计对上市公司股价崩盘风险的负向相关关系越显著;(4)进一步的检验发现,母子公司统一审计与上市公司财务重述的可能性显著负相关。  相似文献   

徐飞  花冯涛  李强谊 《金融研究》2019,468(6):169-187
“传染性”是股价崩盘三大基本特征之一,会加剧股价崩盘负面影响,甚至引发系统性金融风险,因此,本文重点关注股价崩盘传染机制研究。首先,本文基于两阶段理性预期均衡模型,提出股价崩盘传染两大假设,即投资者理性预期与流动性约束导致传染;其次,基于2000-2016年全球28个国家或地区资本市场数据,实证检验股价崩盘传染机制和传染渠道。研究显示:(1)投资者理性预期、流动性约束会导致股价崩盘发生传染;(2)股价崩盘事件会在资本市场关联国家或地区传染;(3)提高资本市场信息透明度、加强金融管制有助于降低受关联国家或地区股价崩盘传染。  相似文献   

针对企业集团内部公司间的风险传染效应问题,本文首次研究了中国同一企业集团控股的不同上市公司之间风险是否传染、如何传染以及风险管控效应。研究发现,当集团内某一上市公司风险增加时,次年集团成员上市公司风险会上升,而且无论是财务风险还是市场风险均存在传染效应。本文进一步研究发现集团内关联交易、担保、债务是集团内公司风险传染的重要路径。最后借助集团管控的数据分析显示,集团金字塔结构导致的两权分离、高管兼任会加剧风险传染,上市公司风险治理如风险管理委员会、董事会成员的财务或法律背景、公司的风险管理制度能够有效缓解风险传染。本文的研究为集团风险传染机制和风险管理提供了独特视角和重要经验证据。  相似文献   

本文研究了1004家公司限售股解禁的价格效应,研究发现,解禁事件带来显著为负的异常收益,-3至0天的累积异常收益为-1.58%,解禁导致平均换手率增加了20%。进一步分组比较发现,非政府控制的公司以及存在限售自然人股份的公司异常收益明显较低,说明这两类公司解禁股东出售股份更为积极。对于同时有A+H股交叉上市的解禁公司来说,只有A股股票有显著为负的异常收益,进一步说明A股的解禁交易导致了股价下跌。横截面回归的结果显示,异常收益与公司限售国有股比例正相关,与分组比较的结果相符;与套利风险显著负相关,支持了需求曲线向下倾斜的假说。另外,回归结果还显示异常换手率与异常收益正相关,这与股份供给增加导致股价下跌的假设并不一致。  相似文献   

以2007~2014年隶属于企业集团的A股上市公司为样本,从债权人的角度出发,发现存在企业集团债务融资成本传染现象。实证结果表明,当集团内前一年有企业发生15%的大幅业绩下滑后,集团内第二年其他成员单位的债务融资成本会受到传染而上升。并且国有企业和非国有企业在集团债务融资成本传染效应方面存在差异,国有企业抵抗危机传染的能力更强。  相似文献   

诉讼是中小股东维护自身合法权益的重要手段,研究中小股东诉讼的影响对推动资本市场高质量发展具有重要意义。本文以2017—2022年中国A股上市公司为研究对象,从融资约束角度考察中小股东诉讼对同行业公司的影响。研究发现,中小股东诉讼加剧了同行业公司的融资约束程度,呈现溢出效应,且该效应初步表现为传染效应。异质性检验发现,在低会计信息透明度、高行业风险、新《证券法》适用后,中小股东诉讼的传染效应更显著,但被诉公司与同行业公司的距离会削弱中小股东诉讼的传染效应。机制检验发现,股价崩盘风险是中小股东诉讼影响同行业公司融资约束的途径之一。本文不仅丰富了中小股东诉讼溢出效应方面的研究,而且为上市公司关注同行业公司外溢风险提供了直接证据。  相似文献   

张路  李金彩  袁振超  岳衡 《金融研究》2021,495(9):188-206
管理者能力是管理者有效率地利用企业资源创造价值的能力。本文以企业股价大幅下跌风险为切入点系统分析了管理者能力对资本市场稳定的影响。研究发现:管理者能力能够显著抑制企业未来股价大幅下跌的风险,具有市场稳定效应。这种稳定效应主要体现在管理者隐藏坏消息动机较强和隐藏坏消息空间较大(内部缺乏大股东治理和外部制度环境水平较低)的企业。进一步研究发现,管理者能力主要通过降低企业经营风险和提高企业治理水平等路径缓解企业未来股价大幅下跌的风险。本文丰富了管理者能力和股价下跌风险的研究,还对如何合理利用企业家资源维护我国资本市场平稳健康发展提供了重要的现实证据。  相似文献   

企业集团特征与成员企业价值   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
作为外部市场机制的一种替代形式,企业集团在发展中国家广泛存在。一方面,企业集团通过建立内部市场降低成员企业(Group-affiliated Com- panies)之间的交易成本,能够提高企业的价值;另一方面,企业集团内部控股股东与其他股东之间的代理问题相对于独立经营的公司更加严重,对其成员企业价值存在负面影响。本文以我国A股上市公司中的集团成员企业为样本,采用实证的方法研究了集团化经营方式对其成员企业价值的影响。结果表明:集团成员企业的经营效率和市场价值总体上均显著优于其所在行业的中值;同时,集团内上市公司数量的增多、集团层面的多元化经营都会显著提高成员企业的市场价值;但是,政府作为集团最终控股人或者控股股东持股比例过高时,集团产生的代理问题对成员公司价值存在显著的负面影响。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This study examines the stock market reactions and information transfer effects due to financial instability for four life insurance companies that eventually failed or were taken over by regulators. The four companies were First Executive Corporation, First Capital Holdings Corporation, Monarch Capital Corporation, and Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company. In general, significant negative capital market responses were found after a company released an announcement regarding financial instability. Information transfer effects of a negative announcement by one insurer were not found to have a significant impact on the other insurers. This study complements past studies of contagion effects within the insurance industry.  相似文献   

We find, like [Lang, L.H.P., Stulz, R.M., 1992. Contagion and competitive intra-industry effects of bankruptcy announcements: An empirical analysis, Journal of Financial Economics, 32(1), 45–60], that large firm bankruptcies generate a dominant contagion effect. A value-weighted portfolio of competitors' stocks experiences a significant loss of 0.56% in the three days centered around the Chapter 11 announcement. This represents an average loss of $3.32 for all the competitors combined for every dollar lost by the bankrupt firm. In addition, we find that small firm bankruptcies also generate a dominant contagion effect among smaller sized competitors; an equally-weighted portfolio of all competitors has a significant 0.12% drop. In a new approach to separate the contagion and competitive effects, we compare the stock price reactions of competitors who themselves subsequently file for bankruptcy in the next three years (candidates for contagion effect) with those who do not do so (candidates for competitive effect). As expected, candidates for contagion effect experience a significant, negative three-day stock price reaction of −4.68%. However, contrary to expectations, candidates for competitive effect also have a significant, negative return (−0.49%), suggesting that the competitive effect is weak at best since it is dominated by the contagion effect even in this sample. Other procedures to identify candidates for competitive effect generally yield similar findings. Finally, we analyze competitors' stock price reactions based on selected characteristics (e.g., industry concentration, and leverage), with similar results as before. One explanation for the failure to detect a competitive effect is that the impact may already have been incorporated in stock prices prior to the filing for Chapter 11. Consistent with this explanation, we find significant positive stock price reactions by competitor stocks for the hundred days prior to the bankruptcy announcement.  相似文献   

郑挺国  葛厚逸 《金融研究》2021,489(3):170-187
传统研究采用静态CCK模型检验股票市场的羊群效应,但无法描述羊群行为的动态变化以及市场可能受到的外部影响。本文基于中国股市日频交易数据,在静态CCK模型中引入参数的区制转移性质识别股市在不同状态间的转换,并分析中国股市羊群效应和交叉羊群效应的时变特征。研究表明,中国股市运行周期可被划分为两个区制,分别呈现低波动和高波动的行情特征;羊群效应的程度随区制转移而变化,具有区制依存性。其中,沪深股市在高(低)波动区制中,羊群效应更强(弱),相应区制持续时间较短(长);中国台湾股市仅在高波动区制中出现羊群效应,相应区制持续时间较短;中国香港股市无论在低波动区制或是高波动区制中,均不存在羊群效应。此外,沪深A股在低波动区制中对美国股市和中国香港股市存在交叉羊群效应。  相似文献   

This paper presents evidence of the shareholder wealth effect of institutional activism using its spillovers on non-target companies. The spillovers are instructive because they are a response to an exogenous shock and thus create an environment to conduct a clean event study. In particular, we examine the spillover effects of the first target announcement of the Korea Corporate Governance Fund. As the very first sign of institutional activism in the country, this announcement creates an expectation of similar governance efforts even in non-target companies, especially in those companies whose governance is currently poorer and thus the scope for future activism is greater. Consistent with institutional activism contributing to shareholder wealth, we find that, among non-targets, those firms granting fewer rights to outside shareholders experience a more positive stock price reaction. Further analysis lends additional support to the positive wealth effect of institutional activism.  相似文献   

Firm-specific information has a damped effect on business group-affiliated firms’ stock prices. Such firms’ idiosyncratic stock returns are less responsive to idiosyncratic commodity price shocks than are the idiosyncratic returns of otherwise similar unaffiliated firms in the same country and commodity-sensitive industry. Using global commodity shocks means we assess responses to common idiosyncratic shocks of the same magnitude, frequency, and observability. Further identification follows from difference-in-difference tests exploiting successful and matched exogenously failed control block transactions. We conclude that business group firms’ stock prices provide less firm-specific information to capital providers and managers.  相似文献   

Using earnings announcement events made by group member firms in Hong Kong, this study examines the governance role of boards of directors in curbing propping activities within family business groups. We find that earnings released by group member firms affect the stock prices of their nonannouncing group peers in a manner consistent with intragroup propping. More importantly, this effect is less pronounced when the announcing firms have a larger board or a board with a higher proportion of independent directors, but more pronounced when they have an executive director from their controlling families acting as board chairperson. Furthermore, the monitoring effect of boards of directors is strengthened for firms subject to new regulations increasing board power. Our results suggest that board oversight can mitigate propping activities.  相似文献   

中国上市公司股票信用风险的事件研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在对上市公司违规行为分类的基础上,采用事件研究法对股票信用风险引起股票价格的异常波动进行实证分析,发现收益信息披露和担保或关联交易两类违规行为,给投资者造成明显损失.  相似文献   

We compare the performance of firms affiliated with diversified business groups with the performance of unaffiliated firms in Turkey, an emerging market. We address the question of whether group-affiliated firms create internal capital markets or control large cash flows. Our findings indicate that group affiliation improves a firm's accounting performance, but not stock market performance. Deviation of cash-flow rights from voting rights has a negative but insignificant effect on accounting performance, but a significant effect on market performance. We also find that a firm's accounting, but not stock market, performance increases with the level of group diversification. Our results show that internal capital markets play an important role for the existence of business groups in an emerging market context.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the relation between the extent of media coverage and stock price synchronicity and whether this relation varies across different institutional infrastructures. We document three notable findings. First, media coverage is negatively associated with stock price synchronicity, suggesting that the media facilitates the incorporation of firm-specific information into stock prices. Second, a firm's information environment and corporate governance play a moderating role in the relation between media coverage and the synchronicity of stock prices. Third, the synchronicity-reducing effect of media coverage is stronger in countries with weak institutional infrastructures. Overall, our study suggests that media coverage is an important determinant of stock price synchronicity.  相似文献   

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