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Urban centres and their surroundings often act as highly dynamic economic areas. Due to continuing urban migration, population growth as well as their heightened potential for employment, they have significant impact on Germany’s overall economic performance. Cities benefit from their neighbouring regions via a division of labour based on functional and spatial comparative advantages. Jobs in the service sector are concentrated in the city, while surrounding regions show a relatively high specialisation in the industrial sector. The economic development of metropolitan regions can be fostered particularly by improving supra-regional metropolitan functions related to education and to research and development. Moreover, the improvement of the intra-regional infrastructure also contributes to the economic strength of the whole metropolitan area.  相似文献   

An unexpected surplus in the German statutory health insurance central fund has led to unwise discretionary decisions which should be avoided in the future. First, the setting of the contribution rate, which is currently politically determined, should be replaced by a rule-based procedure to adjust contribution revenues to expected expenditures. Furthermore, in view of the European Fiscal Compact’s debt criteria becoming effective in 2014, health care financing’s dependence on the state budget should be reduced. However, reorganising health care financing is only one area of reform. It should be accompanied by implementing workable solutions for increased competition among health insurers as well as providers.  相似文献   

Ohne Zusammenfassung Carsten Herrmann-Pillath ist Academic Director der Sino-German School of Governance an der Frankfurt School of Finance and Management.  相似文献   

Im Zentrum der aktuellen Debatte um die chinesische Exportverknappung bei den Metallen der Seltenen Erden steht die Sorge einer strategischen Abh?ngigkeit mit daraus entstehenden Wettbewerbsnachteilen für die europ?ische Wirtschaft. Entsprechend werden Forderungen nach einer industriepolitischen Antwort laut. Die dabei diskutierten Rohstoffvorratslager k?nnen dazu beitragen, extreme Preissteigerungen abzufedern und Zeit für eine Reaktion des Angebots au?erhalb Chinas zu gewinnen. Allerdings sollte sich die Wirtschaftspolitik auf die Koordination bei der Einrichtung solcher Vorratslager konzentrieren und die Finanzierung der Industrie überlassen.  相似文献   

Vocational training in the German crafts sector traditionally provides skilled workers to other industries. It is shown that this fact contributes to the overall innovativeness of the German economy. Outside of the crafts sector, many employees with craft qualifications are found in highly innovative industries and innovative working environments. Especially in research intensive manufacturing companies, employees with craft qualifications are often engaged in activities that are characterized by a higher degree of complexity. This provides some evidence that vocational education and training in the crafts sector generates positive externalities that benefit other parts of the economy.  相似文献   

Frenkel  Michael  Ngo  Tuyet 《Wirtschaftsdienst》2021,101(6):432-438
Wirtschaftsdienst - Im November 2020 wurde das RCEP-Abkommen als größtes Freihandelsabkommen der Welt von Brunei, Kambodscha, Indonesien, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, den Philippinen,...  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung  Seit Jahresbeginn ist der Gesundheitsfonds aktiv. Er steht als Kernstück der jüngsten Gesundheitsreform im Mittelpunkt einer breitgef?cherten Kritik. Welche Auswirkungen hat er auf den Wettbewerb zwischen den Krankenkassen? Inwieweit unterliegt der Gesundheitsmarkt der Wettbewerbsregulierung? Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Peter Oberender, 68, ist Direktor der Forschungsstelle für Sozialrecht und Gesundheits?konomie an der Universit?t Bayreuth; Dr. Jürgen Zerth, 36, ist wissenschaftlicher Assistent am Lehrstuhl Mikro?konomie und an der Forschungsstelle für Sozialrecht und Gesundheits?konomie.  相似文献   

Ute Burtke 《Heilberufe》2016,68(10):46-47

Among all G20 countries, Germany has the lowest level of inequality in terms of disposable income. Germany’s tax and transfer system – which has a strong and effective redistributive impact compared with other countries – plays a key role in this connection. Over the past ten years, positive growth and employment trends have significantly improved opportunities for economic participation and have put a stop to previous trends towards greater income inequality. In order to safeguard efficient growth and redistributive policies in the future, it is essential for Germany to maintain sufficient incentives for investment, innovation and employment. Political reform strategies to ensure equality of opportunity should aim to achieve a more broad-based accumulation of private wealth and to strengthen labour force participation. The promotion of lifelong education and training, and the economic and social application of the knowledge created in this process, will play a decisive role in achieving these objectives.  相似文献   

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