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以往对于零售业态的评价往往局限于销售额、总资产、利润率等单一指标的评价,这些方法无法从这些局部的信息对不同的零售业态或者是单一业态进行全方位的综合比较,采用信息熵赋权法评价我国现阶段的零售业态发展将更有助于全面、深入反映出业态绩效。  相似文献   

影响零售业态选择和发展的主要因素   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
零售业态是零售企业的经营形态。经济水平的发展、消费需求的变化、竞争的加剧、管理的科学化和零售业态本身的发展规律的综合作用,导致主导零售业态在不断更替。国内外零售业态的调整与创新,引起了我们对影响零售业态选择和发展的主要因素的思考。  相似文献   

我国零售业态发展趋势初探   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
零售业是一国经济发展的橱窗,零售业态的发展程度直接体现着该国零售业的发展水平。我国的零售业态经历了曲折的发展过程.改革开放后.我国几乎同时引进了国外近一个世纪发展出来的大部分业态。一时间出现了业态“诸侯纷争”的激烈竞争局面,使人不得不产生对我国未来零售业态发展趋势的思考。本文通过对我国零售业态的发展历史的分析.我们得出:我国零售业态未来将出现百货店、大型综合超市、大型购物中心、便利店、折扣店五分天下的局面。当然,任何事物都是内外因共同作用的结果。我国零售业态的未来发展状况。除了受到我国自身条件的作用外。零售业的对外开放、外资零售业的大举进入,也将对我国零售业态的发展产生重要影响。因此也应是我们的考虑因素之一。  相似文献   

零售业态是指零售企业为满足不同的消费者需求而形成的不同经营形态.本文以内蒙古为例,在论述内蒙古零售业态格局现状的基础上,通过分析经济发展水平、消费者行为及行业竞争程度这三个影响零售业态发展演变的重要因素,对内蒙古零售业态发展状况进行深入分析,以期对内蒙古零售业的发展有所借鉴.  相似文献   

本文认为,随着我国社会主义市场经济体制的不断完善,我国商业零售业格局发生了巨大变革,各种新型零售业态相继出现,形成了多种业态并存的格局。但在实现多元化发展的同时,仍然存在一些不容忽视的问题,如业态布局不合理,结构失调;组织化程度低,运作不规范,优势难以发挥;业态结构调整基本上是纯粹的模仿式;产业高度分散;经营方式缺乏竞争力等。文章指出,要促进我国零售业态多元化经营健康发展,必须加快实现零售业从单一业态向多业态发展;实现零售业态结构合理化;调整零售业地区布局,积极引导农村零售业发展;加强零售业态混合经营管理,将零售业态结构调整引向深入。  相似文献   

零售业态演变规律的综合模型构建   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
鲍观明  叶永彪 《财贸经济》2006,(4):48-51,94
本文通过考察已有的零售业态演变理论或模型和零售业态的过去、现状,从零售企业或政府的决策考虑入手,力图构建一个零售业态演变的综合模型,对零售业态演变规律给出一个系统性、全方位的回答.本文追述了零售业态演变方面的相关文献,指出该综合模型构建的必要性和立足点;构建了一个零售业态演变的综合模型,并加以具体说明该模型中的各部分以及各要素之间的关系;也指出该模型的不足以及后续研究的重点.  相似文献   

"新零售"时代的来临,给社会带来新的消费方式的同时,更加剧了行业竞争,零售行业、特别是超市业态面临的经营压力越来越大。通过选取我国15家上市超市企业作为研究对象,以获取的年报相关数据为基础,通过灰色关联分析方法,对各企业总体经营效益水平进行综合评价。通过数据分析和评价研究,对超市业态发展提出建设性意见。为商业企业进行科学、客观的综合效益评价,具有理论应用研究价值,对促进行业的相互学习与发展、提高效益提供实践参考。  相似文献   

中国零售企业如何跻身财富500强   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国“入世”之后必然要更大程度地开放零售业市场,国内商业零售企业将面临外国零售企业的全方位竞争,零售业态的现状与发展趋势引起人们的普遍关注。本文对我国零售业态的现状进行剖析,并借鉴财富500强中世界零售企业巨头沃尔玛的经验,提出了我国零售业态的发展战略,寻求其合理的发展出路。  相似文献   

我国零售连锁经营业态发展问题及其对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从广义角度分析,零售连锁经营业态包括商品零售连锁经营业态、服务零售连锁经营业态和餐饮零售连锁经营业态.我国零售连锁经营业态整体发展周期逐渐缩短,总体发展不成熟,三种零售连锁经营业态发展水平差异较大,地区零售连锁经营业态发展不平衡,应促进我国零售连锁经营业态稳定、平衡发展.  相似文献   

零售业态变迁经典理论综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
西方国家的零售业态经历了五次业态变革,业态发展已经非常成熟,许多学者对零售业态的变迁作出了解释。了解西方经典的零售业态变迁理论,有助于研究我国零售业态的发展,为我国零售业态的变迁提供理论依据,使得我国的零售业态发展更为合理。  相似文献   


The omnichannel varies across countries due to different retail environments and retailers’ growth strategies. The Japanese big retailers’ omnichannel can be characterized by having multiple retail formats, such as department stores, general merchandise stores, convenience stores, specialty stores, Internet stores, and so on. They have grown by multiplying retail formats to appeal to different customer segments, and they have unique challenges in managing an omnichannel with many retail formats. These are (1) extremely wide variety of merchandise, (2) enormous quantity of data from transaction, inventory, logistics, and customers, (3) different organization structures and management, and (4) unique organizational capabilities in each retail format. From these challenges, we could propose further research issues as follows: (1) theoretical consideration of boundary-spanning functions among retail formats, (2) international comparative analysis reflecting the different conditions in each country, and (3) clarifying the characteristics of the omnichannel shopper in the Japanese omnichannel environment.  相似文献   

零售营销策略组合及零售业态多样化   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
晏维龙 《财贸经济》2003,(6):83-86,95
现代零售业的一个种重要特征就是业态的多样化,各种新业态层出不穷.而不同业态的主要区别,在于其营销策略的组合方式.本文在总结前人关于零售业态演变理论的基础上,提出消费者偏好理论,指出消费者对零售服务需求的差异性,决定了零售经营形态的多样性,而消费者需求偏好的改变,导致了零售经营形式的改变,推动了零售业态的演化和发展.  相似文献   

目前我国城市商业网点规划编制工作全面展开,构建城市商业网点规划的理论框架对于今后各地编制城市商业网点规划具有重要的现实意义。在分析城市商业网点的发展趋势与商业网点规划理论依据的基础上,探讨我国城市商业网点规划的主要内容,认为核心内容是商业网点空间布局,商业业态规划及商业网点发展的激励与规制政策,构建我国城市商业网点规划的理论框架。  相似文献   

文章认为以前的零售业态的变化规律理论都不能很好地解释零售业态在中国的发展变化规律。提出多维度视角解释零售业态发展变化的规律,认为消费者满足是根本;社会发展环境是背景;技术革新是基础;精细化管理是关键。并以此解释日本和中国各阶段的零售业态发展变化规律及中日之间的差别。据此并借鉴日本的发展经验,对我国今后的零售业态发展趋势做出预测。  相似文献   

文章提出了一个业态价格梯度模型,该模型将价格梯度与业态竞争分布相联系,通过引入"消费者偏好"概念,较好地刻画了零售业态中服务、价格、成本三者之间关系,在此基础上验证并发展了"技术边界线"理论,提出业态取得竞争优势的关键因素是技术进步、满足消费者偏好以及管理创新带来的成本下降,我国家电零售业态历史发展变化情况也在一定程度上验证了模型的有效性。模型为今后同类研究提供量化分析工具的同时,也为进一步完善业态进化理论提供了新的研究视角。  相似文献   

The emergence of multinational retailers, especially in grocery retailing, has changed the retail scenario in Malaysia over the last decade. In the past, grocery retail formats such as supermarkets, minimarkets, and night markets dominated the Malaysian retail scene, consumers are now given the choice of shopping in large retail outlets where new retail formats such as hypermarkets, warehouse clubs, and superstores now thrive and are increasingly gaining in popularity. Interestingly, large retail concepts are predominantly associated with multinational retailers such as Carrefour, Makro, Giant, and Tesco. The presence of large retailers brings with it the question of dominance and implications of changing customer preferences. This study assesses the perception of small retailers toward their abilities to compete effectively in an industry where large, multinational retailers appear to be dominating. It appears, however, that the small retailers possess distinctive qualities in relation to their strategic inputs that can essentially differentiate them from their larger competitors. It is suggested that some regulatory measures especially by local authorities are necessary, but this must not be to a point of curbing healthy competition among the different types of retailers.  相似文献   

Customer perceptions of retail formats have become ambiguous with new value-added features of traditional retail formats. Hence, this paper proposes a framework for explaining retail patronage formation under the condition that customers perceive the ambiguity of retail format boundaries. The moderating effect of customers' retail format perceptions on customer satisfaction is examined using data from Japanese mini-supermarket customers. Results indicate that customers' perceptions of retail formats partially influence customer satisfaction. Theoretically, this implies that considering retail format as a concept that customers construct a posteriori may be necessary and practically indicates that retail practitioners should manage customers’ retail format perception.  相似文献   

There has been a blurring with respect to the retail formats because of competition and proliferation of different types of formats. In this research, we use a unique scanner panel dataset to investigate how brand choice behavior varies for the same consumer shopping for the same brand across different retail formats. We develop hypotheses pertaining to promotion sensitivity, price sensitivity, package size preference, and effects of demographic and shopping variables on consumer brand choice behavior and test them using a multi-format probit choice model that allows for the estimation of the cross-format differences with respect to the above. We find that consumers exhibit different promotion and price sensitivities in brand choice behavior between the mass merchandise format and supermarkets. Discussions and insights are provided.  相似文献   

Retail development in emerging markets has been the result of key driving forces operating in a variety of ways leading to unpredictable and complex patterns of retail change. Existing theories of retail change remain inadequate for capturing the complexities inherent in emerging markets. In order to capture the impact of the complex interplay of driving forces on retail change in emerging markets, the authors adopted the scenario method which accepts structural uncertainty and allows for multiple interpretations of multiple futures for the phenomenon under study. An example case study is presented, where four possible visions for retail development in emerging markets in Asia are identified. The four scenarios are firstly, a scenario where Traditional Retailers dominate through mom and pop stores, a second one where Regional Retailers dominate, a third one where Discounted Retailers dominate and a fourth where Mixed Retailers gain predominance. The scenarios highlight that the politics of retailing give rise to new conventions of competition in emerging markets, which sustain the coexistence of a variety of retail formats in these markets. The scenarios approach demonstrates that the nature of consumer behaviour rooted in traditions and customs alongside rising aspirations sustains a dual model of retailing in emerging markets. The paper concludes with reflections for retail development theory and implications for practitioners and policy-makers.  相似文献   

研究零售业态集聚概念,对Shopping Mall的概念进行重构,揭示Shopping Mall是业态种类较多、空间分布紧促、且附带诸多服务功能的零售业态集聚的本质;构建Shopping Mall发展的影响因素模型,分析经济发展水平,区位选择、交通状况,服务设施与零售业态集聚的匹配、不同零售业态之间的耦合分别作为触发因素、环境因素、调节因素对Shopping Mall发展的影响。  相似文献   

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