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工程招标投标已成为工程建设选择承包人的主要方式,招标竞争的核心因素就是价格部分的竞争。对招标人来说,对工程设置标底或招标控制价,此价格反映了招标人对招标工程的期望价格。对有限数量的投标人来说,其报价的最终确定及中标价格的最终选定则复杂得多,整个招标过程就是一个招标人期望价格与投标价格进行搏弈的过程。本文就江苏省工程建设专项治理,在工程领域推行招投标制度以来的多种招标定价模式的应用实践,对有关招标模式的优劣进行总结和探讨,对目前招标工作提出一些建议,以便更好地运用。  相似文献   

工程量清单计价是在建设工程招标投标中,招标人根据施工图纸,按照《建设工程量清单计价规范》计算工程量,并在招标文件中给出工程量清单,作为招标文件的重要组成部分,它反映了工程拟建情况,拟建数量,作为各投标人投标报价的共同基础。再由投标报价人依据招标文件中工程量清单和有关要求,结合施工现场情况,根据投标人自身的技术专长和管理水平,经营状况、机械配备以及合理的施工方案,按照企业定额或参照建设行政主管部门发布的现行消耗定额及价格信息,并考虑工程施工风险因素等进行自主报价的一种行为。这种投标方式较好地解决了“政府管理与…  相似文献   

通过做好招标前期招标文件和技术条件的编写及审核工作、加强评审过程商务审查、引入供应商评价等工作,可以提高电力物资招标效益,吸引更多有实力的设备生产厂商参与电力公司投标,从而彰显招标在市场竞争中的真正价值,发挥最低投标价中标法的最大作用。最低投标价中标法就是招投标时,在满足技术规范和商务条款的情况下,选择报价最低的投标人中标的评标方法。招投标的本质是"竞争",竞争最直接的体现就是价格的竞争,这是市场经济的普遍规律。《中华人民共  相似文献   

正通过做好招标前期招标文件和技术条件的编写及审核工作、加强评审过程商务审查、引入供应商评价等工作,可以提高电力物资招标效益,吸引更多有实力的设备生产厂商参与电力公司投标,从而彰显招标在市场竞争中的真正价值,发挥最低投标价中标法的最大作用。最低投标价中标法就是招投标时,在满足技术规范和商务条款的情况下,选择报价最低的投标人中标的评标方法。招投标的本质是"竞争",竞争最直接的体现就是价格的竞争,这是市场经济的普遍规律。《中华人民共  相似文献   

改革开放以来,我国城乡建设发展势头迅猛,社会固定资产保持稳定增长,工程建设项目多投资额度大,建筑市场竞争激烈,建设工程招投标一直是社会关注的热点、矛盾的焦点、工作的难点。有些地区在招投标活动中,招标人、招标代理机构、投标人三者关系错综复杂,存在着一些不正当竞争行为,如招标人肢解工程、化整为零,缩小范围、以邀代招,拖延时间、  相似文献   

招标文件是招标投标活动中最重要的文件,它是投标人编制投标文件的依据,评标委员会评标的依据,也是以后招标人与中标人签订合同的基础,所以招标文件编制质量的好坏直接影响招投标活动的成败。笔者认为招标文件的编写除应当根据招标项目的特点和需要,简明扼要、真实准确地表达招标人的意愿要求,并能突出工程的针对性和各异性外。招标文件的内容还应从以下几方面去突出:一、评标办法应细化、评标内容具体明确,分值设置合理,具备可操作性。实行工程量清单招标后,评标时一般坚持合理地价中标的原则,但是,报价到底多少为合理,因投标企业技术能力…  相似文献   

工程量清单就是由招标人提供工程数量,由投标人自主报价的一种计价行为;工程量清单计价模式是对原有定额计价模式的改革,其措施有“控制量、指导价、竞争费”。工程量清单计价要求投标单位根据市场行情和自身实力对工程量清单项目逐项报价,可以避免工程招标中的弄虚作假、暗箱操作等违规行为;工程量清单计价采用综合单价计价,实体和非实体分离,分部分项工程量清单项目是按综合实体划分,项目设默默置不含施工方法。实行工程量清单计价,有利于建筑市场公平竞争,有利于业主对投资的控制,有利于实现风险的合理分担。  相似文献   

在建设工程施工招标中,我们经常会碰到招标人在招标文件中指定一些主要材料、设备(如钢材、水泥、装饰材料及安装工程中的主材、设备)的价格,要求投标人按照指定价格计人投标报价并不得变动的情况。在以后的工程实施过程中,这些材料设备大都由招标人负责采购供应,所以习惯上被称为“甲供材”。虽然“甲供材”是计划经济时代的产物,但是在当前的施工招标中我们依然需要经常面对和处理“甲供材”的有关问题。  相似文献   

工程量清单计价的含义 工程量清单——是表现拟建工程的分部分项工程项目、措施项目、其他项目名称及其相应工程数量的明细清单。 工程量清单计价——是指投标人完成由招标人提供的工程量清单所需的全部费用,包括分部分项工程费、措施项目费、其他项目费和规费、税金。 工程量清单计价方法——是指建设工程招投标中,招标人按照国家统一的工程量计算规则提供工程数量,由投标人依据工程量清单自主报价,并按照经评审低价中标的工程造价的计价方式。 工程量清单计价规范——是统一工程量清单编制、规范工程量清单计价的国家标准,调节建设工程招投标中使用清单计价的招标人、投标人双方利益的规范性文件;是我国在招投标工程中实行工程量清单计价的基础。参与招投标各方进行工程量清单计价应遵守的准则;是各级建设行政主管部门对工程造价计价活动进行监督管理的重要依据。  相似文献   

所谓最低投标价法,简单地说就是在招投标时,在投标文件能够满足招标文件实质性要求的投标人中,评审出投标价格最低的投标人,但投标报价低于其企业成本的除外的一种评标方法。从理论上看,最低投标价法是一个完美的评标方法,它能最大限度地节约建设资金,使招标人达到最佳的投资效益。但在我国的实践中,由于种种原因,最低投标价法的运用往往走样变形,背离初衷。有的投标人通过恶意压价报价来达到中标的目的,中标后或是频频更改设计、造成决算价超出中标价,或是偷工减料、导致严重质量问题,由此使得很大一部分人对它抱着怀疑态度,认为最低投标价…  相似文献   

Firms that have failed to meet the performance expectations of investors must seek new ways of creating value or face the loss of financial support. Using resource‐based arguments, we find that valuable and difficult‐to‐imitate strategies that recombine the firm's existing stock of resources to create new products, processes, or technologies have a positive effect on organizational recovery as measured by investors' expectations. Similarly, acquiring new resources through mergers or acquisitions also has positive effects on investors' expectations. In contrast, valuable and difficult‐to‐imitate strategies that provide the firm with access to new resources through alliances or joint ventures do not affect investors' expectations of performance. We also find that taking actions that are not valuable and difficult‐to‐imitate either have no effect on performance or may lead to further performance declines. Lastly, our results show that valuable and difficult‐to‐imitate strategic actions that use existing resources in new ways contribute the most to organizational recovery. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

火电施工企业进入市场后面临着多种困难,难以适应日益激烈的市场竞争,作者对火电施工企业目前存在的问题及如何求得稳定发展进行了论述,提出了应采取的措施.  相似文献   

A business network is a dynamic organizational form, ever shifting and changing. Capturing conceptually the dynamics of a network is difficult. We seek to explicate and understand how transient commitments focused on instrumental activities unfold and how they lead to network dynamics. We study this using the activity and actor dimensions of a dynamic network. Our empirical data is based on the defense supply industry where a number of firms act, interdependently and yet also somewhat independently, to change and adjust their surrounding network and so bring new solutions to their customers.  相似文献   

Service firms may seek benefits from information asymmetry and economies of scope by diversifying. Each source of benefit is based on different underlying mechanisms and each is affected differently by implementation difficulties and service characteristics. Previous research, however, has not analyzed the relative performance effects of these two very different sources of benefits for related diversified service firms. Thus, this paper uses an integrative framework including these aspects to examine the relative performance effects of benefits from information asymmetry and economies of scope in service firms.  相似文献   

Given the complexity (e.g., digitization, customization, and scale) of modern business solutions, salespeople increasingly seek to influence the pre-planning stages of buyer decision making to increase effectiveness. During the early stage of organizational buying, salespeople can align their firm's capabilities and expertise by offering input on problem definition, before a solution is sought. However, surprisingly little is known about the role of salespeople in the period before a buying firm decides to officially address a problem and seek vendor solutions. Thus, our research focuses on the inclusion of both incumbent salespeople (strong ties to the buying organization) and non-incumbent salespeople (limited, or non-existent, ties to the buying organization) in pre-decision phase information sourcing of buyers. Drawing upon theory from social network and problem solving literatures, we develop a contingency model to illustrate pre-decision phase conditions based on problem framing, structure, and urgency that make incumbent or non-incumbent salespeople more likely to be sources of information. We test our hypotheses across a series of scenario-based experimental studies conducted with purchasing managers. Our findings suggest situations where incumbent and non-incumbent salespeople have a greater likelihood of being positioned to engage in pre-decision stage planning with customers.  相似文献   

To overcome the negative outcomes of dependence, disadvantaged parties in exchange relationships characterized by dependence asymmetry seek effective strategies to rebalance their dependence. Obtaining legitimacy in the eyes of the advantaged party through legitimizing actions is a novel way to influence the advantaged party's exchange and conflict management approaches toward the disadvantaged party. However, a disadvantaged party's preference between external and internal legitimizing actions varies across cultures because culture influence the character if the relationship management preference. Drawing on the individualism–collectivism framework, we argue that facing dependence asymmetry, a Chinese firm is more likely to seek legitimacy through external legitimizing actions than a Western firm. In contrast, a Western firm is more likely to seek legitimacy through internal legitimizing actions than a Chinese firm when facing dependence asymmetry. We also predict a positive relationship between legitimizing actions, both external and internal, and the disadvantaged party's performance. We test these hypotheses by collecting dyadic survey data of exchange partners in Chinese-owned and Western-owned firms. The results support most of our predictions. Theoretical and managerial implications for partners in dependence-asymmetric relationships are discussed based on these findings.  相似文献   

The authors examine how managers select between corporate restructuring implementation alternatives and how those decisions influence the profitability of the restructuring event. They argue that managers and owners have information asymmetries with respect to the assets in the restructuring and the restructured firms' diversification strategy, and that managers select between two popular implementation alternatives, spin-offs and sell-offs, to convert knowledge differences into financial gain. When the restructured assets reside in primary and related business lines or the firm has low and related diversification among its business lines, the restructuring is difficult for observers to assess and understand. Spin-offs most effectively and profitably reduce information asymmetries by transferring assets to the capital market and increasing the efficiency and transparency of the restructuring firm. Conversely, when the restructured assets reside in secondary and unrelated business lines or the firm has high diversification, sell-offs best mitigate asymmetries by using market forces to reallocate assets to their most productive uses while improving the strategy and performance of the restructuring firm. Tests of a sample of 204 restructuring events support the hypotheses. Overall, the findings suggest that the influence of corporate restructuring on financial performance is determined in part through how the restructuring is implemented. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Firms seek to imitate innovations that yield competitive advantage, but imitation can presage disappointment when the innovation value is below expectations. Empirical research has only rarely examined the diffusion of such disappointing innovations, and it is not known whether negative information from past adopters will halt the diffusion process. Likewise, the effect of heterogeneity in the innovation value on its spread has not been systematically investigated. Here, a unique dataset on a disappointing innovation is used to examine how adoption decisions are imitated, but actual use and subsequent abandonment can yield information that reduces the likelihood that others will adopt. The findings show imitation of the adoptions of other firms, but avoidance of the innovation once these firms start using the innovation or abandon it. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Research summary : Among the most difficult firm strategic choices is the trade‐off between making a long‐term commitment or holding off on investment in the face of uncertainty. To operationalize strategic management theory under demand, technological and competitive uncertainty, we develop a Strategic Net Present Value (NPV) framework that integrates real options and game theory to quantify value components and interactions at the interface between NPV, real options, and strategic games. Our approach results in new propositions clarifying the way learning‐experience conditions, technological uncertainty, and proprietary information interact to tilt the balance in the interplay between wait‐and‐see flexibility and strategic commitment. As such, Strategic NPV adds to our understanding of the conditions where NPV, real options, or strategic thinking are more relevant. Managerial summary : This study develops and elucidates implementation of a new valuation construct, “Strategic Net Present Value (NPV),” that integrates real options and game theory to more accurately portray strategic decisions underlying management theory. Among the most difficult firm strategic choices in capital intensive industries, such as energy, mining, chip manufacturing, and infrastructure development, is the trade‐off between making a long‐term commitment or holding off on investment in the face of demand, technological, and competitive uncertainties. The study provides new insights on the way various conditions, such as learning‐experience effects, technological uncertainty, and proprietary information, interact to tilt the balance in the interplay between commitment and wait‐and‐see flexibility. As such, Strategic NPV adds to our understanding of when NPV, real options, or strategic thinking matter more critically for decision making. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

All too often, the terminology and practices of public relations are used when marketing is what is really needed. This misapplication appears most often when a concept, an idea, or an intangible product is involved. Webster defines public relations as: relations with the general public through publicity; those functions of a corporation, organization, branch of military service, etc., concerned with informing the public of its activities, policies, etc., and attempting to create favorable public opinion.This definition implies a general, ongoing effort to supply information supporting the image of an organization. There is, however, a considerable difference between this kind of activity and the specific, overt process of marketing. This difference has been particularly apparent in attempts of public utilities to “sell” nuclear power plants. Utilities, of course, are monopoly suppliers and, as such, must seek a favorable image in the community. Thus, when public opposition to nuclear power plants mounted, many utilities responded with stepped-up public relations programs; the method they knew best. This article examines the experience of several utilities in locating nuclear plants and suggests how marketing techniques might be used in selling this intangible product.  相似文献   

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