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This paper tests the dividend-signaling hypothesis using Japanese data. It is found that firms that increase dividends experience earnings growth in the preceding years but earnings declines in the subsequent years. Just the opposite tendency is found for firms that decrease and omit dividends. These results go against the hypothesis. Nevertheless, the event study results show that the market reacts positively (negatively) to the announcements of dividend increases (decreases). Thus, the evidence indicates that managers tend to be overly optimistic or pessimistic about future earnings when changing dividends, and the market tends to overreact to dividend change news.  相似文献   

For 174 large Japanese corporations during 1992–1996, we find that top executive pay is higher in firms with weaker corporate governance mechanisms, controlling for standard economic determinants of pay. We use management ownership and family control (“the ownership mechanisms”), and keiretsu affiliation, the presence of outside directors, and board size (“the monitoring mechanisms”) to measure corporate governance mechanisms. We also find that the excess pay related to ownership and monitoring variables is negatively associated with subsequent accounting performance, consistent with the presence of an agency problem. We do not, however, find an association between this excess pay and subsequent stock returns.  相似文献   

Employing a unique data set provided by Governance Metrics International, which rates firms using six different corporate governance dimensions, we analyze whether Japanese firms with many governance provisions have a better corporate performance than firms with few governance provisions. Employing an overall index, we find that well-governed firms significantly outperform poorly governed firms by up to 15% a year. Using indices for various governance categories, we find that not all categories affect corporate performance. Governance provisions that deal with financial disclosure, shareholder rights, and remuneration do affect stock price performance. The impact of provisions that deal with board accountability, market for control, and corporate behavior is limited.  相似文献   

Nobumitsu Kagami 《Futures》1975,7(2):147-151

This study examines the relationship between liquidity management and operating performance, and that between liquidity management and corporate value for firms in Japan and Taiwan. We observe that the cash conversion cycle (CCC)–returns on assets (ROA) and CCC–returns on equity (ROE) relationships are commonly negative and sensitive to industry factors. Both Japanese and Taiwanese firms with q>1 have significantly lower CCC than firms with q⩽1. In addition, Japanese firms with q>1 have significantly higher ROA and ROE than firms with q⩽1. Overall, the findings indicate that aggressive liquidity management enhances operating performance and is usually associated with higher corporate values for both countries in spite of differences in structural characteristics or in financial system of a firm.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effects of board gender diversity on female representation at lower organization levels and corporate social responsibility (CSR) performance. Using a panel data set of more than 1000 Japanese listed firms from 2005 to 2014, we focus on firms that introduced female directors to their male-dominant boards for the first time and find that the first-introduced female directors are positively associated with a greater number of female officers and managers. The introduction of the first female director is also associated with better CSR performance. Our results are statistically significant and suggest that board gender diversity has an effect on promoting gender diversity at lower levels and CSR performance in listed firms.  相似文献   

The extant literature generally suggests that the performance of client firms deteriorates if their distressed main bank reduces the supply of credit. However, this insight is only consistent with the notion that main banks have an information advantage over other banks to the extent that a client firm has trouble getting access to credit if the firm changes its main bank. This paper shows that Japanese firms did change their main banking relationship when their main banks become distressed in a period with financial shocks. Surprisingly, these firms did not suffer from loss of access to credit and actually their performance significantly improved after their change of main banks.  相似文献   

Since the late 1990s, Japan has witnessed a substantial increase of partial mergers where two or more firms spin off whole operations in the same business and combine them into a joint venture (JV). This paper provides the first academic evidence on this phenomenon. I find that partial mergers normally occur as a response to negative economic shocks by firms that are larger and more diversified than firms in total mergers. An event study identifies positive and significant returns to partial merger announcements. Unlike total mergers whose value accrues mostly to the shareholders of small (acquired) firms, large and small firms in partial mergers receive comparable returns, which are particularly large to firms forming an equally owned JV. This study also finds that partial mergers are often ex post transformed, with equity sale between partners being the main source of change.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to highlight the financial characteristics of failed firms in Japan, and to construct corporate bankruptcy prediction models with greater prediction accuracy. Our principal component analysis indicated that failed firms in Japan could be classified into two groups: a group having negative financial structures and a group having a declining flow of funds. Additionally, they can be classified into two other different categories of groups: one whose financial position during three years before shows a ‘V’ shape and another group that shows a ‘XXX’ shape.Our discriminant analysis indicated that improved prediction accuracy could be obtained by using, as predictor variables, both ratios and absolute amounts based on cash base financial statement data three years before failure. This data was adjusted to properly reflect the exceptions, reservations, and qualifications appearing in the audit reports and those based on accrual base financial statement data.  相似文献   

This paper examines Jensen's [J. Finance, 1968, 23, 389–416] alphas and the time-varying return premia unexplained by standard risk factors in Japan and presents several new findings. First, in contrast to the US experience, positive alphas remain after Fama and French's three factors are applied to excess stock returns in Japan. Second, positive alphas remain in Japan, even if the Fama–French three factors combined with momentum and reversal factors are applied to excess stock returns. Third, the positive return premia unexplained by these five factors bear little relation to the dynamics of the Japanese macroeconomy. Fourth, the time series evolution of the positive return premia indicates autonomous dynamics with at least three regimes. Fifth, we can predict or time the acquisition of the positive return premia for small-size portfolios in Japan by observing the direction and effect of the return premia of large-size portfolios and high-book equity to market equity (BE/ME) portfolios. Finally, application of the self-exciting threshold autoregressive (SETAR) model shows that the size effects are stronger than the BE/ME effects in Japan, given that the return premia from small-size portfolios in the SETAR model are bounded by positive thresholds, while the return premia from high-BE/ME portfolios are bounded by negative thresholds.  相似文献   

Japan 2000     
Hidetoshi Kato 《Futures》1985,17(6):570-579
This article describes key determinants shaping Japanese society in the year 2000: population structure, education, social change, resources, the shift to an ‘information society’, Japan's economic and social model, and its relationships with neighbouring countries. A major theme is that Japan has indeed lost its postwar ‘model’.  相似文献   

This paper relates cross-sectional differences in returns on Japanese stocks to the underlying behavior of four variables: earnings yield, size, book to market ratio, and cash flow yield. Alternative statistical specifications and various estimation methods are applied to a comprehensive, high-quality data set that extends from 1971 to 1988. The sample includes both manufacturing and nonmanufacturing firms, companies from both sections of the Tokyo Stock Exchange, and also delisted securities. Our findings reveal a significant relationship between these variables and expected returns in the Japanese market. Of the four variables considered, the book to market ratio and cash flow yield have the most significant positive impact on expected returns.  相似文献   

This article examines the development, activities and achievements of trade unions in Japan. Although the economic context has been less unfavourable in Japan than in other countries, the unions have been unable to obtain corresponding advantages, especially with regard to wages and salaries. Important reasons for this—including the annual trade union ‘spring offensive’ and the dispute settlement system—are analysed.  相似文献   

日本现行的养老金课税制度起源于第二次世界大战后的1954年,在经历了近半个世纪的不断改革后,它已经发展成为一整套完整的课税体系,在日本经济的高速发展阶段,对日本企业所追求的"终生雇用制"的形成作出了不可磨灭的贡献.近年随着日本泡沫经济的崩溃,企业倒闭、裁员大量出现,"终生雇用制"在日本企业文化中的地位受到了一定程度的动摇,与此相关联的养老金课税体系也面临着全面解体的考验.但是日本现行制度无论是其制度本身还是其对员工、企业的课税关系,对在市场经济下我国现阶段的法制建设,无疑提供了一个完整的范本.  相似文献   

Banks and Corporate Control in Japan   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
Using a large sample of Japanese firm level data, we find that Japanese banks act primarily in the short term interests of creditors when dealing with firms outside bank groups. Corporate control mechanisms other than bank oversight appear necessary in these firms. When dealing with firms in bank groups, banks may act in the broader interests of a range of stakeholders, including shareholders. However, our findings are also consistent with banks "propping up" troubled bank group firms. We conclude that bank oversight need not lead to value maximizing corporate governance.  相似文献   

刘畅 《银行家》2004,(12):100-100
花旗银行的日本支行因被控违反日本法规而接受日本方面的强制性监管,充分显示出日本银行业监管力度的强大。 日本SESC发现花旗银行违反日本法规 日本证券交易监视委员会(Securities andExchange Surveillance Commission,SESC)在2004  相似文献   

Huge variations in expenditure per life saved have been documented in the USA, Sweden, and Japan. Using an original-position argument, this paper examines normative rationales that might permit departures from equalization of marginal lifesaving investments. The conclusion is that adjustment for identifiability, as reflected in strict benefit-cost analysis, is not justified yet adjustments for consideration of longevity, quality of life and productivity are compelling. It is less clear as to whether factors such as ability to pay, voluntariness and catastrophic potential should influence lifesaving expenditures.  相似文献   

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