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由于物价上涨的原因,办学成本、生均培养成本逐年提高,而中国高校学费标准数年未进行调整。阐述确定高校学费收费标准的依据和影响因素,对高校差异化学费收费进行可行性分析,并提出相应的对策。  相似文献   

曾道荣  张谛 《财经科学》2007,(11):70-76
本文认为高等教育成本是受教育者接受高等教育服务所耗费教育资源价值的总和,根据受益和能力原则分担高等教育成本是制定高校学费标准的基本依据.提出了按学校地域、层次、科类专业、办学水平确定高等教育生均成本;按教育者家庭所在地(县级)分城镇和农村分别计算全国各地大学生应交纳高校学费标准;国家财政高等教育拨款分为高等教育生均基本拨款和差额拨款两个部分的基本思路;将高校学生资助纳入高校学费政策体系等新的思考.  相似文献   

刘磊 《经济研究导刊》2009,(29):242-245
从全国各高校学科专业的学费标准数据中选出了100个典型样本,并建立了以预期收入和国家生均投入为变量的分学校、分专业的学费收费标准评价模型。通过对模型评判、模型检验及模型建立出的学费计算标准进行分析,主要验证出当前我国高等教育学费收费标准存在的不足,并针对这一不足提出了收费标准应符合收益成本对等原则、国家教育部门应制定学费相关量化方案与制度并完善我国高等教育的资助制度等建议。  相似文献   

“高学费、高补助”政策认为高等教育能产生巨大的个人收益,受教育者理应支付相应高额学费,高校再把学费按一定比例资助低收入家庭学子,既能解决高校成本补偿问题,又能有益于贫困学子接受高等教育。但经济理论和社会实践都证明,在当前中国社会转型期,“高学费、高补助”政策有贫困学子是个伪证。  相似文献   

马静 《时代经贸》2010,(8):140-140
本文对高校学费管理工作中遇到的一些进行分析及思考,并提出了解决问题的办法和措施。  相似文献   

本文对高校学费管理工作中遇到的一些进行分析及思考,并提出了解决问题的办法和措施.  相似文献   

冯世毅 《经济师》2007,(7):115-115,117
高校学费收缴管理是高校财务管理工作的重点和难点。随着高等教育体制改革的不断深入,高校办学规模不断扩大,学费、住宿费收入已经成为高校资金来源的重要组成部分。目前高校普遍反映学费收缴困难,学费欠费率有逐年上升的趋势。学费欠费率的上升直接影响到高校预算收入的实现,直接影响到高校财务状况。文章就目前高校学生欠费类型及原因进行简要分析,并提出相应的对策与建议。  相似文献   

卓宝光  林雷 《经济师》2014,(1):161-162
目前,我国公办高校全日制本科学费存在两大问题:一是差异不合理,二是没有与时俱进。建立公办高校全日制本科学费定价机制是一个复杂的系统工程,应由形成机制、配套机制和约束机制组成,三种机制须同时发挥作用。  相似文献   

叶檀 《商周刊》2014,(18):11
高校扩招、大兴土木,最终财政出面土地置换解决高校危机。高校目前的情况,与国企相同,公立高校掌握了最好的教育资源,形成自然垄断,中国教育质量也就可想而知了。中国教育经费不足找到新论据,中国高校今年开始普遍上调学费8月23日,人民网消息,近日,江苏、贵州、浙江、宁夏回族自治区等多地陆续发布了普通高校学费上调信息,部分高校平均涨幅达50%另据《光明日报》报道,湖南非"211"一本院校部分专业学  相似文献   

马静 《时代经贸》2012,(12):81-81
本文针对高校学费核算现行收付实现制存在的弊端,提出引入权责发生制的必要性,并对其具体运用进行了探讨  相似文献   

Using a natural experiment, a sharp rise in tuition fees in some of the programmes at the University of Paris 9-Dauphine, we study the impact of tuition fees on students’ pathways, and outcomes. We apply an optimal matching method to the national database of students’ registrations (SISE) to define a typology of pathways. We then use a nonordered multinomial logit model to evaluate the impact of the rise in tuition fees on the types of pathways selected by the university. We show that there is a significant impact on these pathways. The increase in tuition fees reduces geographic and social mobility, thereby accentuating the phenomena of social segregation. Furthermore, contrary to what some of the studies assert, the rise does not appear to encourage greater effort: we find no impact on the graduation success rate.  相似文献   

This paper studies the impact of an increase in higher education tuition on intergenerational mobility in China. We develop a theoretical model for the parental decision about the investment on education of children to illustrate the impact from the perspective of borrowing constraint. We consider the Chinese college tuition and subsidy reform around 1986 as a quasi-natural experiment for identifying the policy effect of the reform on intergenerational educational mobility by using the data from the census of 2000 and the China Family Panel Studies (CFPS). We find that an increase in the education burden induced by the reform of college tuition has reduced intergenerational educational mobility, and it is more noticeable in regions with a relatively higher increment in the tuition fee. Our results are robust with consideration of the co-residence bias, government investment in elementary education, and the higher education expansion.  相似文献   

The present paper studies the determinants of higher education spending by the German federal states with a focus on the interplay between higher education spending of neighboring states. More specifically, the paper asks whether the German federal states free‐ride on one another's higher educational spending or whether they employ higher education spending to attract university graduates. We identify a positive relationship between the states' higher education spending and conclude that the states compete for graduates rather than free‐ride. We also consider the effect of the recent introduction of tuition fees in some, but not all German states. We do not find evidence that tuition fees led to crowding out of public higher education funds.  相似文献   

The fact that education provides both a productive and a consumptive (nonproductive) return has important and, in some cases, dramatic implications for optimal taxes and tuition fees. Using a simple model, we show that when the consumption share in education is endogenous and tuition fees are unconstrained, the optimal tax/fee system involves regressive income taxes and high tuition fees. A progressive labor income tax system may, on the other hand, be a second‐best response to politically constrained, low tuition fees. Finally, the existence of individuals with different abilities will also move the optimal income tax system toward progressivity.  相似文献   

排污费是政府为保护环境、维护社会利益而制定的重要控制措施,但是很多企业通过建立政治关联降低上缴排污费。基于企业寻租理论及可持续发展理论,通过对我国重点环境监控的上市公司有关政治关联背景的高管人员的研究发现,政治关联会对企业获得政府环境优惠政策产生影响,并且与排污费成负向相关关系。监管部门应建立健全环境监管机制,限制有政治关联背景人员的行为,在选定政策免征时制定完善的规则。  相似文献   

高校收费标准与我国居民的支付能力   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
我国当前高等学校的收费问题,是一个颇受关注的社会问题。就收费标准而言,超过了绝大多数居民的负担能力。为此,提出以下改革建议:科学计算高校运营成本,以人均可支配收入为依据,重新审定并适当降低收费标准,采用略有差别的收费标准,城镇居民不多收,农村学生要少收。  相似文献   

贫困大学生的心理健康与培养教育研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自从1995年中国高校招生并轨制度开始实行,高校收费持续攀高,除极少数专业外,全部是自费上学。由于中国区域经济发展不平衡等原因,部分农村或城市的贫困家庭经济压力沉重,没有能力负担大学生的高额学费,这就形成了中国高校特有的贫困大学生群体。在高等教育迅速发展的过程中,贫困生现象日益突出,并呈逐年迅速上升趋势。由于中国大学生心理健康问题受到了高校的普遍重视,通过对贫困大学生的心理健康状况进行调查分析,对他们的心理现状、心理问题的成因进行调查研究,为解决高校贫困生心理问题提出基本对策。  相似文献   

This paper studies the aggregate and distributional implications of introducing tuition fees for public education services into a tax system with income and consumption taxes. The setup is a neoclassical growth model where agents differ in capital holdings. We show that the introduction of tuition fees (a) improves individual incentives to work and/or save and (b) can be both efficient and equitable. The focus is on the role of tuition fees as an extra price and how this affects private incentives.  相似文献   

We study the determination of public tuition fees through majority voting in a vertical differentiation model where agents' returns on educational investment differ and public and private universities coexist and compete in tuition fees. The private university offers higher educational quality than its competitor, incurring higher unit cost per trained student. The tuition fee for the state university is fixed by majority voting while that for the private follows from profit maximization. Then agents choose to train at the public university or the private one or to remain uneducated. The tax per head adjusts in order to balance the state budget. Because there is a private alternative, preferences for education are not single‐peaked and no single‐crossing condition holds. An equilibrium is shown to exist, which is one of three types: high tuition fee (the “ends” are a majority), low tuition fee (the “middle” is a majority), or mixed (votes tie). The cost structure determines which equilibrium obtains. The equilibrium tuition is either greater (majority at the ends) or smaller (majority at the middle) than the optimal one.  相似文献   

在KTV中收取音乐版权费可以激发音乐人的创作热情,推动我国文化产业蓬勃发展。然而这涉及到唱片公司、音乐著作人、KTV场所经营者等多方面的利益,将版权费在多个主体间进行合理分配成为当务之急。本文基于合作博弈论中的Shapley模型,对当前我国KTV音乐版权费用的征收方式进行了分析。结合当前存在的问题提出了"版权费与经营收益挂钩,版权费按Shapley模型分配"的解决方式,既保证了KTV经营者、消费者的利益,又能将版权费用在音乐著作权人之间进行合理分配。为解决Shapley模型的缺陷,本文基于具体问题,提出了"贡献因子"、"渴望函数"、"意愿因子"等概念,对原始Shapley模型进行加权改进,并结合具体案例对模型进行了解释与验证。最后对模型的应用进行了评价,并提出进一步的研究方向。  相似文献   

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