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简日 《国际广告》2009,(12):124-126
今年8月3日,在“电众数码”成立刚满一周岁之际,本刊记者走访了这家由电通与分众传媒合资成立的互联网广告公司,探寻其稳步成长的原因。一年来,电众中国员工人数增长近一倍,从80人扩充至将近160人。在电通内部,大家仍亲切地称它为“电网”。不过,经过一年的独立运营,电众已开始给同业交出一份出色的答卷。  相似文献   

南方航空指定电众数码为数字业务代理合作伙伴经过一场激烈比稿,电众数码广州办公室近日赢得中国南方航空的数字业务,将在南方航空推出新国际线路以及5架新空客A380飞机到位之前,帮助提升南航的国际品牌形象。  相似文献   

冯利芳 《成功营销》2011,(11):62-62
身为电众数码执行副总经理.尹敬业在采访中用”Old fashion”来形容自己,表现之一就是很少玩微博。这和一般人们印象中数字营销人的形象不甚相符.但尹敬业并不在意,如同电众数码出身传统4A广告公司日本电通一样.尹敬业身上传统广告人的气质反成为他独特的个人风格。  相似文献   

近日,中国首届品牌程序化研究项目启动发布会在北京落下帷幕。会议当天,全球最大规模的六大代理集团(阳狮集团AOD、宏盟集团Accuen、电众iDSP、IPG集团Cadreon、群邑集团Xaxis、安吉斯集团Amnet)、20多家媒体集团(搜狐、优酷土豆、  相似文献   

主持人:各位网友大家好.新一期互动行销沙龙走进新浪演播室。今天我们请来了三位非常重要的嘉宾:电众数码媒介副总监胡丹丹,中华英才网市场部online推广总监兰雅尼,新意互动广告公司的产品总监张俊。  相似文献   

李晓林 《中国电子商务》2007,(10):I0036-I0038
作为某集团营运总裁,我认为其财富营运密码一是由品牌建立和扩张开启的:二是由美誉度和吸引力开启的;三是由品牌(有效市场)忠诚度的巩固和扩展开启的;四是由品牌护理和“重拾创业心态”开启的。下面概述其四个密码:  相似文献   

意大利已故的电影大师卢奇诺·维斯康蒂(Luchino Visconti)作为新现实主义电影的开山人物,在电影史上留下了浓重的一笔。他的早期电影《小美人》(Bellissima)虽不像后来的《豹》、《诸神的黄昏》和《白夜》那样声名赫赫,但仍不失大师气象,它从琐碎的生活细节出发,对人生价值做出了独特的思考。这一思考同样可以开启管理者的心智。  相似文献   

英国内政部(HomeOffice)部长级官员计划开启与中国旅游业者的商谈,以期为出手阔绰的亚洲“购物团”建立一套更简便的签证申请体系。目前英国的边境管理制度打击了这些游客的热情。  相似文献   

加拿大铝业集团(ALCAN)是世界最大的铝业集团公司之一,上海加铝复合板有限公司是其下属复合产品(ALCAN COMPOSITES)业务集团的成员,也是从此开启了中国的铝塑复合板时代,十几年里,项目遍布中国几十个大中城市。  相似文献   

美国碟线公司(DiShNetwork)。如今美国第二大直播卫星通信公司。自上世纪80年代开启直播卫星电视业务。至今已将服务范围拓展至全产业链。通过技术革新和并购,碟线不仅专注于卫星广播电视信号的提供,还开启了卫星数字网络业务.数字机顶盒等视频设备的生产,以及节目内容的生产,不仅为家庭用户提供了实现TvEverywhere的家庭网络中心。  相似文献   

More companies than ever before are keeping track of what their customers are asking for and buying. How do the best companies take data from millions of transactions and convert it to a successful business strategy? Larry Rosenberger, John Nash and Ann Graham have been exploring the new frontier of data, analytics, decisions and actions.  相似文献   

今天的分众传媒是围绕消费者生活形态打造一个无时不在、无处不在的数字化媒体平台,用英文来说就是Anytime,Anywhere,Any Screen,这与"分众化"传播理念以及生活圈媒体群的概念一脉相承,是分众精准传播理念的再深化。  相似文献   

Digital technologies have dramatically changed the organisation and marketing environments. Whether this presents an opportunity or a challenge for small and medium organisations depends on how these organisations approach it, strategically. Specifically, organisations that are guided by a combination of market, learning and entrepreneurial orientations are well-positioned to take advantage of the opportunities presented by digital technologies because they adopt attitudes and behaviours that support the generation and use of market insight, proactive innovation and openness to new ideas. We call this combination the digital orientation (DO), and present a set of propositions that facilitate its development. This paper creates value both through the conceptualisation of the DO and the outlining of the implications for strategic marketing management of understanding the strategic factors supporting or hindering the performance of small and medium enterprises in the digital economy.  相似文献   

在乌卡(VUCA)时代,世界增加了不确定性、易变性、复杂性和模糊性的时候,品牌发展所面临的因素越来越复杂。不确定性:2020年以来,世界宏观环境的不确定性明显在加强,对社会、经济、生产、生活等都产生着极其深远的影响。易变性:从经济角度看,全球价值链以及国际贸易的分工与合作呈现出间歇性中断和阶段性收缩态势。  相似文献   

This research draws on the stimulus-organism-response framework to explore how traditional, physical atmospheric variables relate to consumers’ internal value responses to the m-shopping experience. Further, this research exposes how fulfillment of consumers’ utilitarian and hedonic values relate to consumers’ experience of flow while shopping and their intentions to return to the m-shopping platform. Findings suggest the stimulus-organism-response framework provides a viable perspective on the design of mobile shopping experiences. Moreover, traditional atmospheric variables influence consumers’ shopping experiences in the mobile context. Theoretical and practical implications are provided.  相似文献   

在雷达中频数字信道化中为了简化实现多种带宽的设计要求,提出了数字变带 宽设计方法改变接收信道的带宽。首先,与传统的模拟变带宽的设计方法比 较分析表明,该方法具有降低多带宽接收信道设计复杂程度的优点;然后,通过建立理论模 型,对其进行仿真和分析,理论原理可行。最后通过实测某雷达回波信号进行验证,仿真结果和实测结 果基本一致。结果表明,该方法不影响接收信道输出信噪比,同时又能简单实现接收信道的 多种带宽改变,具有可行性和工程实用性。  相似文献   

The economic performance of the European Union has taken on a new dimension in regard to the emerging “digital economy”. Usually, it is argued that the EU lags behind the United States in most aspects of the use and diffusion of information and communication technologies (ICT). This paper argues that there are serious challenges confronting the EU in dealing with the digital economy, especially in respect to education issues, consumer confidence and the avoidance of a “digital divide”. On the other hand it is pointed out that there has been tremendous progress in respect to the economic significance of electronic commerce, the development of (self-)regulatory mechanims and the creation of a modern policy framework. The content of this article is entirely the responsibility of the author and does not necessarily reflect the views of the BMWi or any EU institution.  相似文献   

Shapiro, C., & Varian, H.R. (1999). Information Rules: A Strategic Guide to the Network Economy. Boston: Harvard Business School, ISBN 0‐87584‐863‐X. Tapscott, D., Lowy, A., & Ticoll, D. (1998). Blueprint to the Digital Economy: Creating Wealth in the Era of E‐Business. New York: McGraw Hill, ISBN 0‐07‐063349‐5. Bullis, D. (1999). Preparing for Electronic Commerce in Asia. Westport, CT: Quorum Books, ISBN 1‐56720‐206‐3.  相似文献   

The internet brought disruptive change to the business landscape through the creation of a whole host of digital marketing tactics. But with these new tactical options has come the need for marketing managers to (1) prioritize what they wish to accomplish and (2) determine which digital marketing tactics to invest in. We consider these issues from the perspective of four business strategies: prospectors, analyzers, low-cost defenders, and differentiated defenders. In this article, we provide marketing managers with insights into how businesses pursuing various strategies approach these digital marketing issues, with the ultimate goal being to assist managers in the efficient and effective implementation of their firm’s adopted strategy.  相似文献   

贾丽军 《广告大观》2009,(11):165-165
互联网时代,越来越多的新科技、新媒体和新兴数码终端应运而生,也使得数字化营销开始活跃,大有山雨被来之势。区别于传统营销的关键是:消费者不再被动地接受广告讯息,而是主动地搜寻自己感兴趣的话题。  相似文献   

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