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大规模风力发电应用现状研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
众所周知,能源是人类生存的基本要素、经济发展的物资基础.化石燃料是人类最早利用的能源之一,石油、天然气和煤炭等资源仍然是世界经济的能源支柱.随着全球经济的快速发展和人类生活水平的日益提高.能源需求也越来越大.地球上的石油、天然气等积蓄了亿万年的化石能源.经过数百万年的巨大消耗,最终将不可逆转地趋向枯竭,其燃烧向大气排放大量二氧化硫导致全球环境恶化得问题也日益凸显.已威胁到人类社会的安全和发展.充足的能源和洁净的环境是经济持续发展的前提条件.为有效遏制地球温室效应,尽快走出燃碳时代,世界各国正掀起一股清洁能源利用热潮.太阳能、风能、水能、潮汐能等作为可再生绿色能源,已深受全世界的重视.  相似文献   

能源是经济发展的物资基础、人类生存的基本要素,现在主要依靠化石燃料如石油、天然气和煤炭等,但是这些资源燃烧产生的大量二氧化硫、二氧化碳导致全球环境恶化,并且不具有可再生性。目前世界对于新能源的开发提出了政策性的指导,太阳能、风能、潮汐能、水能等作为可再生绿色能源深受青睐,我国已经确立了以可再生能源替代化石能源的思路,并将逐步提高替代能源在能源结构中的比重,风能作为技术最成熟和经济可行的清洁能源,也已成为替代能源焦点。本文从不同角度,结合风电项目特点,对如何加强风电项目工程建设过程控制提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

一,中国清洁能源行业的现状 据估计,占世界目前耗能80%的化石燃料(煤炭、石油、天然气)的最终可采量相当于33730亿吨原煤,而世界能耗正以年5%的速度增长,预计只够人类使用一二百年.随着石油、天然气等优质能源的逐步枯竭,新能源的开发利用还没有重大突破,目前世界正处在被称为"青黄不接"的能源低谷时期.  相似文献   

英国的『碳减排技术发展战略』   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2005年6月,英国贸工部和环境、食品和农村发展部联合发布了《用于化石燃料的碳减排技术发展战略》,这将对英国能源领域的发展产生重大影响。背景英国《能源白皮书—我们能源的未来—创造低碳经济》,把气候变化作为其主要目标之一,要在2050年在1990年的基础上使二氧化碳排放量减少60%。国际能源署《2004年世界能源展望》显示:2002年的世界一次能源需求总量超过10,000百万吨油当量(M toe),其中80%是化石燃料。预计到2030年,需求量将会增加60%左右,化石燃料也将占据其中的80%以上(即煤22%,石油35%和天然气25%)。这一趋势意味着,与能源有关的二…  相似文献   

生物质发电在中国大有可为   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一、加强可再生能源的开发利用是实现可持续发展的必由之路 能源是人类社会赖以生存和发展的重要物质基础。在几百年前,人类利用的能源主要是生物质能等传统可再生能源。工业革命以后,煤炭、石油、天然气等化石能源快速发展,逐渐成为生产和生活的主导能源。目前,全球每年能源消费总量已经超过150亿吨标准煤,其中90%左右是化石能源。  相似文献   

由化石能源体系向以氢为载体的新的能源体系及多样化转换,虽然看似难以置信,但不是前所未有。世界各国直到19世纪中叶其能源体系仍然是以牲口为主要交通运输工具,以木材取暖和炊事。今天形成以煤炭、石油和天然气化石能源体系的交通运输燃料和电力的能源无处不在,它已经很难从现代社会功能中区分出来。  相似文献   

按照美国能源部和有关国际机构的定义,清洁能源主要包括:先进的可再生能源技术、内在安全核电、天然气和洁净煤技术。长期以来中国能源供应建立在不可再生的矿物燃料基础上,必将导致能源资源逐步耗竭,显然不可持续。可再生能源则可以源源不断开发利用,对于环境没有或很少污染。毫无疑问,可再生能源是开采燃料和电力之源,是未来能源的基础。基于清洁能源的开发利用具有社会、环境与资源诸多方面的效益,是实施可继续发展能源战略的必由之路,因此,制定促进清洁能源开发利用的政策已经成为众多国家的普遍选择,同样也成为中国的必然选择。这里侧…  相似文献   

天然气作为一种洁净的能源,是未来世界普遍采用的燃料,同时也是我国城市燃气市场中的主要燃料.文章以平顶山市的天然气发展为例,对天然气在城市发展中出现的问题进行了探讨,并提出了相应的解决措施.  相似文献   

未来20年中国经济所面临的最严峻的问题,一是不可再生资源的节约利用与替代资源的寻找,二是可再生资源的再生状态的维持,未来20年,我国水能和核能的开发将逐步进入更大的视野,在总量和结构两方面的变化将进上步 经我国的一 能源构成和利用结构。总的趋势是天然气率先填补煤炭在结构退行中的份额,天然气、水能、核能在高科技支持下进上步优化能源结构。我国清洁能源的利用技术,尤其是煤的清洁利用技术将在21世纪初叶进  相似文献   

碳税的中国路径   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
考虑到近期出台资源税改革方案的可能性较大,一个阶段出台的税种不能过于密集,需要有一段时间来消化化石燃料价格上涨的影响.因此在资源税改革后有必要设置一定的过渡期,再开征碳税,课题组初步考虑将碳税的实施时间确定为资源税改革后的1~3年期间内,预计为2012~2013年. 研究碳税首先必须对碳税进行概念上的认定,还需理清碳税与能源税、环境税之间的关系. 简单而言,碳税就是针对二氧化碳排放征收的一种税.更具体地看,碳税是以减少二氧化碳排放为目的,对化石燃料(如煤炭、天然气、汽油和柴油等)按照其碳含量或碳排放量征收的一种税.而能源税一般是泛指对各种能源征收的所有税种的统称,包括国外征收的燃油税、燃料税、电力税以及我国征收的成品油消费税等各个税种.  相似文献   

We use a global energy market (GEM) model to show that natural gas has the potential to help stabilize global carbon emissions in a span of about 50–100 years and pave the way towards low and zero carbon energy.The GEM provides a close fit of the global energy mix between 1850 and 2005. It also matches historical carbon and CO2 emissions generated by the combustion of fossil fuels. The model is used then to forecast the future energy mix, as well as the carbon and CO2 emissions, up to the year 2150.Historical data show relative decarbonization and an increase in the amount of hydrogen burned as a percent of fossil fuel use between 1850 and 1970. The GEM indicates that with a larger contribution of natural gas to the future energy market, the burned hydrogen percentage will increase. This decarbonization will help to advance economic and environmental sustainability.  相似文献   

With implementation of the Kyoto Protocol, Russia will most likely be able to exert market power in the emission permit market. But, as Russia is also a big exporter of fossil fuels, the incentives to boost the permit price may be weak. However, a significant share of Russia’s fossil fuel exports is natural gas. If a high permit price boosts the demand for natural gas through substitution from more polluting fuels and thus increase gas profits, this may increase the incentives to exert monopoly power in the permit market. Moreover, a large fossil fuel exporter may use its market position to influence the effective demand for permits. Hence, the relationship between permit income and fossil fuels exports runs in both directions. In this article, we explore the interdependence between the revenues from permit and fossil fuel exports both theoretically and numerically. A computable general equilibrium model suggests the fact that Russia as a big gas exporter has small effect on the incentives to exert monopoly power in the permit market. Moreover, Russia’s monopoly power in the permit market has a small, but non-negligible impact on the optimal level of Russian gas exports.  相似文献   

Recent legislation intended to increase the use of renewable energy sources and lower the amount of carbon dioxide emissions from energy has changed the structure of energy markets. The effect of these policies on carbon-intensive fuel sources is rather obvious. For natural gas, though, the effect is not immediately clear. This letter uses a structural model of natural gas demand to uncover whether these policies have led to increased demand because natural gas is a relatively clean source of energy that couples well with renewables or if these policies have crowded out natural gas on net.  相似文献   

Carbon intensive fuels generate a significant negative externality which is quite relevant for climate change mitigation policy. We propose a dynamic growth model where output is produced using two types of energy sources: fossil fuel and renewable energy. Fossil fuel discovery, extraction, and associated costs are incorporated in our model together with the dynamics of greenhouse gas emissions and consequent damages. Consistent with the empirical facts, our numerical solutions suggest that fossil fuels, especially coal, should not be exploited to depletion. Furthermore, renewable energy should be gradually phased in to meet targets consistent with the Paris 2015 agreement. We show that adopting those policies should slow down the growth rate of cumulative emissions; but the outcome is contingent upon the carbon emission targets set for advanced countries, as distinct from those assigned to developing countries.  相似文献   

Abstract. We study how restricting CO2 emissions affects resource prices and depletion over time. We use a Hotelling‐style model with two non‐renewable fossil fuels that differ in their carbon content (e.g., coal and natural gas) and in addition are imperfect substitutes in final good production. We show that an economy facing a CO2 flow‐constraint may substitute towards the relatively dirty input. As the economy tries to maximize output per unit of emissions it is not only carbon content that matters: productivity matters as well. With an announced constraint the economy first substitutes towards the less productive input such that more of the productive input is available when constrained. Preliminary empirical results suggest that it is cost‐effective to substitute away from dirty coal to cleaner oil or gas, but to substitute from natural gas towards the dirtier input oil.  相似文献   

随着开采难度的增加,化石能源生产过程中的能源消耗量不断增长,可供于经济社会能够真正使用的净能源量也随之变动,这将对我国的经济增长产生不可估量的影响。基于此,本文从"净能源"角度提出化石能源供应净量的概念,并预测至2025年我国化石能源产量、净进口量、生产过程中的消耗量;进而,将取得的重要参数和预测数据应用到能源型生产函数中,通过Lingo软件模拟出化石能源供应净量的变动对我国经济增长的影响,计算得出:在基准情景下,我国GDP增速呈逐步放缓的趋势,2011-2015年间为9.26%,2016-2020年间为6.01%,2021-2025年间为4.29%,目前正处于高速增长阶段过渡到中速增长阶段甚至是低速增长阶段的新时期。  相似文献   

Conventional energy security has been focused on the depletion of natural resources, particularly oil, natural gas and coal. More recently, the link between energy security and the military has been made, focused on the defence of international oil tanker chokepoints and the free flow of oil through these trade routes. This paper considers a possible future in which, the impacts of climate change have been realized far earlier than most experts have previously expected. This has promoted a transition to cleaner energy technologies long before the depletion of fossil fuel resources. In this scenario, the peak in demand for fossil fuels occurs before the peak in supply and some nations are strongly promoting the development and deployment of clean energy technologies. Some private companies developing and deploying these technologies benefit from sudden market expansion, fuelled largely by the world's richest nations struggling to reduce their carbon footprint.In this scenario the countries of the world would fall into one of the three categories: (1) the countries willing and readily able to adjust in response to rapid and serious climate change, (2) the countries willing to adjust, but facing significant economic hardship without external assistance and protection, (3) and those countries unwilling and, perhaps to their perception at least, unable to play a part in combating climate change. In this scenario, the Western Economies will likely fall under the first category while the BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China) might fall into the second category. These nations together are needed to achieve a viable, powerful, and effective formal or informal “Clean Energy Alliance”. Some countries however will probably fall into the third category. This paper considers how countries in the first two categories could respond by adjusting their foreign, trade and even military policies.If climate change is as severe and as pressing as some fear, leadership will be needed from those nations who are most capable of responding to the crisis. Within a generation, the great powers might find themselves shifting from keeping trade routes open to constraining the same trade. Severe climate change impacts could even approach the timescale of technological innovation needed to respond to this crisis. This paper proposes that our world may need new military and foreign policy options as well as new energy technology options in the years to come. Parallels are drawn between the challenge of decarbonising the global energy systems in the early twenty-first century and the ethical imperative of ending slavery in the early nineteenth century.  相似文献   

《Applied economics letters》2012,19(10):925-931
This article decomposes the growth in US CO2 emissions by state. Using the Logarithmic Mean Divisia Index (LMDI) method, we account for CO2 emissions change in each state between 1990 and 2004. The change is decomposed into five effects: (a) emissions per unit of fossil fuel; (b) share of fossil fuel in total energy consumption; (c) energy intensity; (d) gross state product per capita and (e) population. Results show that for the past 15 years gains in the efficiency of energy use in the economy, the lowering share of fossil fuels in total energy consumption and lowering of emissions intensity of fuels all contributed to offsetting the effect of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita and the population growth in carbon emission across the US.  相似文献   

Consequences of consuming petroleum in transportation—e.g., air pollution, global warming, energy insecurity—have stimulated interest in alternative automotive fuels and in vehicles that can use multiple fuels and combinations of fuels. Consumer behavior in choosing motor fuels for flexible- or dual-fuel vehicles will likely be a key factor in creating and maintaining stable markets for new fuels. This paper explores the implications of recent studies on the sensitivity of choice of gasoline grade to price. It analyzes natural gas vehicle owners' refueling behavior, based on a survey of natural gas vehicles in Canada. The paper uses statistical models to estimate the importance of performance, range, refueling convenience, and other factors in the fuel choice decision. Choice of gasoline grade is highly sensitive to fuel prices. The cost advantage of natural gas also is of paramount importance for natural gas users. However, refueling convenience is essential for overall satisfaction and is a major factor in the frequency of natural gas use. Alternative fuels not only must be cost competitive with gasoline but initially will require a cost advantage so as to overcome range limitations and refueling inconvenience.  相似文献   

Wind energy is a clean and sustainable energy, and wind power does not rely on fossil fuels.So there is no fuel price risk, and it, of course, does not include the environmental costs, such as carbon emissions.Because of these unique advantages, wind power has gradually become an important part of the strategy of sustainable development in China.Now with the growing voices on global greenhouse gas emission reduction, and as a clean and efficient energy,wind power has huge potential in combating climate change, energy security pressures and the needs for energy Wind power in China began to develop from the 1980s.In the first 20 years, the speed of development was slow;but since 2004, it has had an extremely rapid growth.This paper, in order to study the development mechanism of China's wind power industry, investigated and analyzed the status quo of wind power industry in China, and then found that(1)the development trend of wind power industry in China appears exponential growth:(2) China's installed capactiy of wind power is still smaller than that os some other countries;(3) new subsidy policies bring developing opportunities to wind power industry in China;(4) the sectors of wind power industry are in unbalanced growing;(5) the owners of proposed wind farms are too optimistic though the built wind farm had many problems.In addition, by using the methodology of Game Theory, this paper has also constructed the matrix of pre-assessing risks of China's wind power industry to further discuss the potential risk fuctors within China's wind power industry as risk factors of wind farm construction, risk factors of production of wind turbines, risk factors of parts and components manufacturing industry under risk indicators like R&D, patents, the domestic policy, the international policy, the quality of products and the market regulation, in order to provide a scientific assessment and self-assessment tool for investors or implementers and also to promote the further development of the wind power industry.  相似文献   

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