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This study examines the relationship of perceived organizational values to employee mobilization behaviours as mediated by perceived organizational support (POS) and affective organizational commitment. Firstly, a scale comprising three types of perceived organizational values (interpersonal values, formal values, and individual well‐being‐centered values) was developed and validated using a sample of 580 employees. Secondly, the relationships among variables were examined using structural equations modeling on an independent sample of 260 employees. POS mediated the relationship between employees' perceptions that their organization values the individual well‐being of its members and their affective organizational commitment, which in turn mediated the relationship between POS and individual mobilization behaviours. The contributions of these findings to advancing scholarship and practice are discussed. Copyright © 2010 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study uses a sample of 832 Canadian public servants to test a theoretically derived framework which hypothesizes that generational cohort: (1) predicts the importance public servants place on intrinsic and extrinsic work values, (2) predicts the perceived availability of such rewards in public service workplaces, and (3) impacts the relationship between perceived availability of important rewards, organizational commitment, and job satisfaction. Our study adds to the limited body of research on generational cohort and work values in the public service. Generational cohort had little impact on the importance of work values, but did predict perceived availability of work‐rewards and the relationship between perceived availability of important rewards, organizational commitment, and job satisfaction. Findings could help public service organizations' recruitment and retention efforts. Copyright © 2018 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The exploration of the relationship between organizational commitment and training is still in its early stages. Although there have been several studies reported on training and organizational commitment in Western countries, very little has been done in respect of the local professionals in Malaysia. This research investigates the association between five training variables (availability of training, support for training, motivation to learn, training environment and perceived benefits of training), and various aspects of organizational commitment (affective commitment, normative commitment, continuance commitment and overall organizational commitment). The availability of training, support for training, motivation to learn, training environment, perceived benefits of training were all significantly correlated with affective commitment, normative commitment and overall organizational commitment. The training environment and perceived benefits were also significantly correlated with continuance commitment. However the availability of training, support for training and motivation to learn were not significantly correlated with continuance commitment. This suggests that despite other forms of commitment, Malaysian workers do not feel that they need to remain in an organization that has made available the training, given support for the training and were motivated to learn. Otherwise, results suggest that on the whole, training does seem to have an influence on organizational commitment. The practical implication of this is that managers, who are so desirous of enhancing organizational commitment among their subordinates, should pay more attention to training. Annual income was found to correlate positively with affective commitment and overall commitment. Age and tenure were not significant predictors of overall organizational commitment contradicting studies in the West. This demonstrated that Malaysians might have different attitudes towards organizational commitment. The older they are and the longer they stay within an organization do not imply that they will be committed towards their organization. This phenomenon can be attributed to the uncertain business environment in Malaysia.  相似文献   

This study examined the mediating effects of perceived organizational support and affective commitment in the relationships among perceived supervisor support, organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) (individual and organizational), and turnover intentions. The proposed relationships were tested by conducting the same study involving restaurant employees in three different countries – India, USA, and South Korea. The mediating effects of perceived organizational support and affective commitment between perceived supervisor support and turnover intentions were found to be consistent across the three countries. However, the relationships among OCBs differed. While affective commitment was significantly related to both OCBs in the South Korean sample, affective commitment was significantly related only to OCBs towards organization in the US sample, and neither relationship was found to be significant in the Indian sample. This study helps to explain how contextual factors influence responses to each study variable and the proposed relationships.  相似文献   

Flight attendants' working conditions are harsh due to frequent night shifts, long shifts, and long sequences. This study sought to identify the antecedents and consequences of flight attendants' job satisfaction and assess the significant relationships among the study variables. Two hundred and twelve flight attendants in South Korea airlines were randomly chosen. Significant antecedents of job satisfaction were revealed to be self-efficacy and perceived benefits of organizational support. The indirect effect of emotional dissonance via burnout on job satisfaction was significant, and the significant positive effect of job satisfaction on organizational commitment was confirmed. Findings may guide employers in developing internal marketing strategies, including more effective benefit and reward systems, and career development programmes.  相似文献   

This study investigates the antecedents of organizational citizenship behaviours by using data consisting of 196 part-time instructors drawn from six sport centres in the Republic of Korea. The results of a structural equation analysis suggest that job satisfaction has a positive effect on organizational and occupational commitment, occupational satisfaction has a positive effect on organizational and occupational commitment, organizational commitment has a positive effect on organizational citizenship behaviours (OCBs) and a negative effect on turnover intentions, and turnover intentions has a negative effect on OCBs. The effect of occupational commitment on both turnover intentions and OCBs was not significant. This research addresses a number of important issues in the management of human resources (i.e. part-time workers) in service organizations; that is, this study examines how part-time employees' satisfaction and commitment with respect to their jobs, occupations or organizations are related to their OCBs; this relationship is arguably one the most important issues facing service organizations today.  相似文献   

Anecdotal comments from practitioners and extant empirical research suggests a tenuous link between perceived organizational support and desired employee outcomes. Accordingly, in this study the authors conduct a meta-analysis examining the effects of perceived organizational support on four employee outcomes: organizational commitment, job satisfaction, performance, and intention to leave. The authors also examine the extent to which these effects are moderated by job type (frontline vs. non-frontline employee). Findings from the study indicate that perceived organizational support has a strong, positive effect on job satisfaction and organizational commitment; a moderate, positive effect on employee performance; and a strong, negative effect on intention to leave. Study findings also indicate that the effects of perceived organizational support are more pronounced for non-frontline employees.  相似文献   

Social exchange theory explains how a party in social interaction provides the other party with reciprocal rewards. Applying this concept to the customer context, this study empirically investigates determinants of customer citizenship behaviors (CCBs) in services. For the generalizability of the study across various service providers, the data were collected based on Bowen’s (1990) classifications of services. With a total of 665 usable customer responses, structural equation modeling was adapted to test the theoretical research model. This study reveals that customers’ perceived support and justice from the service provider positively influence affective commitment toward the organization, resulting in CCBs. The results show that customers’ perception of organizational support has the partial mediation effect between customers’ perception of organizational justice and their affective commitment. Furthermore, customers’ affective commitment partially mediates the relationship between customers’ perceived organizational justice and CCBs, but fully mediates the effect of customers’ perceived organizational support on CCBs.  相似文献   

The organizational learning construct and its effective mechanism are two research issues. This study is based on a survey of 908 managers and employees from 43 companies in different regions of China. The results of exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) show that organizational learning in Chinese enterprises is a multi-dimensional construct comprising of inter-organizational learning, organization-level learning, collective learning, individual learning, exploitation learning and exploration learning. The results of hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) reveal that the unit-level dimensions of organizational learning affect employee’s satisfaction and emotional commitment through the mediation of individual learning. In organizations characterized by high level of organization-level learning and low level of exploitation learning, there is a strong correlation between employees’ satisfaction/emotional commitment and their turnover intention. Hierarchical regression analysis (HRA) also indicates that organizational learning affects perceived organizational financial performance through the full mediation of organizational innovation. Some implications are discussed for organizational learning research and practice. Translated and revised from Guanli Kexue Xuebao 管理科学学报 (Journal of Management Sciences in China), 2007, 10(5): 48–61  相似文献   

Research on whistleblowing has not yet provided a finite set of variables which have been shown to influence an employee's decision to report wrongdoing. Prior research on business ethics suggests that ethical business decisions are influenced by both organizational as well as intrapersonal variables. As such, this paper attempts to predict the decision to whistleblow using organizational and intrapersonal variables. External whistleblowing was found to be significantly related to supervisor support, informal policies, gender, and ideal values. External whistleblowing was not found to be significantly predicted by formal policies, organizational tenure, age, education, satisfaction, or commitment.  相似文献   

职业紧张导致的过度劳动问题,对劳动者个体、用人单位和社会经济发展均具有负面影响。以北京地区1114名全职外卖骑手为调查对象,基于相关理论和文献研究,采用四种问卷考察了心理资本、组织支持感在职业紧张与过度劳动关系中的作用。调查数据统计分析表明,98.56%的被调查外卖骑手存在职业紧张情况,过劳程度处于危险区和高危区的外卖骑手占比为77.65%。相关性分析与回归分析表明,外卖骑手职业紧张与过度劳动存在明显的正相关关系,同时职业紧张对心理资本有显著的负向影响。中介效应检验表明,心理资本在职业紧张和过度劳动的关系中起到部分中介效应,中介效应占总效应的比例为34.86%。多元层级回归分析表明,组织支持感在职业紧张与过度劳动的关系间起显著的负向调节作用,即外卖骑手感知到的组织支持可以缓解职业紧张对过度劳动的影响。基于上述实证分析,外卖送餐企业可以通过降低工作要求来缓解外卖骑手的职业紧张,尝试对外卖骑手自我效能、乐观、希望和韧性等心理资本的内容进行开发,围绕情感性组织支持、工具性组织支持、上级支持和同事支持等维度,采取相关措施提高员工的组织支持感,以缓解外卖骑手过度劳动现状,促进外卖骑手群体的身心健康。  相似文献   

This research investigates how personalized communications enhance customer‐company relationships, which ultimately produce favourable marketing outcomes. Two factors were manipulated in an online experiment: the perceived effort made by customers to obtain a personalized newsletter (high vs. low) and the level of relevance of the message (high vs. low). The results indicate that perceived effort positively affects calculative commitment (even more so for highly involved customers), while the level of relevance of the message increases affective commitment. In addition, the interaction between perceived effort and message relevance has significant effects on calculative and affective commitment. Finally, affective commitment partially mediates the relationships between relevance and both loyalty and word‐of‐mouth intentions. Managerial implications regarding the best usage of personalized communications are discussed. Copyright © 2013 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of the organizational commitment and occupational commitment of employees in Korean firms on their turnover intentions and organizational citizenship behaviours. In addition, using the interactional effect analysis, this study examined the interactional effects of the two types of commitment on turnover intentions and organizational citizenship behaviours. A total of 209 employees in nine different firms participated in this study. The results revealed that organizational commitment had a negative effect on turnover intentions, while occupational commitment had a positive effect. In addition, organizational commitment had a positive effect on organizational citizenship behaviours, whereas occupational commitment did not have any noticeable effect thereupon. Both organizational commitment and occupational commitment showed certain overall interactional effects regarding organizational citizenship behaviours as well as turnover intentions.  相似文献   

This article is a meta-analytic study examining the moderating effect the boundary spanning role has on the relationship between perceived supervisory support (PSS) and other important constructs within the marketing domain, including: job satisfaction, organizational commitment, performance, and turnover intentions. There was a positive relationship between PSS and every construct except turnover intentions, which was negative. Along with this, three out of the four relationships were stronger for boundary spanners as compared to non-boundary spanners. Overall, managers aimed at meeting organizational objectives (e.g. performance; turnover) should provide supervisory support to boundary spanning employees.  相似文献   

By collecting a nationwide sample, the model of employee voluntary turnover in China is explored. There are three conclusions: 1. there exist significant correlation between any two variables including salary, job involvement, interpersonal support, job satisfaction, organizational commitment and turnover intention; 2. job involvement, interpersonal support and salary predict significantly organizational commitment, and interpersonal support and salary predicted significant job satisfaction; 3. job satisfaction can predict significantly turnover intention.  相似文献   

Virtually all studies that focus on the relationship between CSR perceptions and employees’ organizational commitment have not taken into consideration the fit between social and environmental activities and a firm’s business‐unit strategy. This is essential to inquire because scholars have argued that when companies ingrain CSR activities into their strategy‐making process (i.e., in their vision, mission, and overall business model), this might send a more compelling message that resonates closer to workers’ personal standards, and actually enhance employee‐level outcomes. Nevertheless, there is no certainty “if” and “how” these evaluations could affect employees’ organizational commitment. To address this issue, we use cue consistency theory and social identity theory as overarching frameworks to develop a model where we conceptually link perceptions of strategy‐CSR fit with a particular type of organizational commitment: affective. In addition, we posit and test three mediators to understand the underlying psychological mechanisms of this relationship: perceived external prestige, organizational identification, and work meaningfulness. Through structural equation modeling, and using a heterogeneous final sample of 579 employees, we find compelling evidence to support the fact that strategy‐CSR fit enhances employees’ affective organizational commitment through the proposed mediators. Academic contributions and practical implications are then discussed.  相似文献   

In this study, we examine the role of individuals' commitment in small and medium-sized firms. More specifically, we argue that employees will commit themselves to their firm based on their current work status in the firm, their perception of the organizational climate, and the firm's entrepreneurial orientation. We also examine how individuals' commitment affect the actual effort they exert vis-à-vis their firm. The study's hypotheses are tested by applying quantitative analyses to survey data collected from 863 Mexican small and medium-sized businesses. We found that individuals' position and tenure in the firm, their perception of psychological safety and meaningfulness, and the firm's entrepreneurial orientation all are positively related to organizational commitment. We also found a positive relationship between organizational commitment and effort. Finally, our findings show that organizational commitment mediates the relationship between many of the predictor variables and effort. We discuss the limitations and implications of our findings and provide directions for future research.  相似文献   

Perceived competence mobilization is the degree to which employees perceive that they have adequate opportunities to utilize their competences in their current jobs. The findings of the research reported here suggest that employees' perceived competence mobilization is associated with a number of favourable employee attitudes, including intrinsic motivation, organizational commitment and intention to stay with the organization. Findings based on cross‐sectional data from 881 public workers indicate that perceived competence mobilization better predicts relevant employee attitudes than any of the other variables included. The indicated effect of perceived competence mobilization on intrinsic motivation overpowers the effect of self‐efficacy (perceived competence), one of the core variables of self‐determination theory. Perceived competence mobilization also appears to mediate many relationships involving self‐efficacy or perceived training opportunities. Hence, continued research into this construct is of potential value to researchers and organizations.  相似文献   

This study examines the link between supervisor‐subordinate dissimilarity and associated perceptions of discrimination and exclusionary treatment. Using a sample of 1,059 employees from a large Southeastern insurance company, we examined age, race, and gender dissimilarity as predictors of perceived discrimination, supervisory support, and leader‐member exchange. In addition, we examined supervisor liking/attraction and status of affiliation with supervisor as intervening variables. Race dissimilarity related positively to perceptions of discrimination and exclusionary treatment, mediated by both supervisor liking and status. Effects for age and gender dissimilarity were nonsignificant. We discuss the importance of these findings for understanding and managing dyadic relationships at work. Copyright © 2013 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Asian disease problem (ADP), as a demonstration of the framing effect, revealed a preference reversal between options perceived as risky and those perceived as certain. This research identifies individuals' involvement level as a moderator of the framing effect. The framing effect in the ADP consisted of emotional choice outcomes regarding human lives. Two studies in this paper demonstrate that when based on emotional choices, the framing effect in high involvement conditions increases in size. Interestingly, this influence of involvement reverses when the framing effect is based on rational choices. The studies reveal that the negativity invoked by the certain loss option is instrumental in the underlying mechanism of the risky choice framing effect, such as that demonstrated by the ADP. Copyright © 2014 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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