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傅立叶红外光谱法快速筛选PVC保鲜膜及增塑剂DEHA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]建立快速、简便的鉴别PVC膜及其增塑剂类别的方法.[方法]以环己酮为溶剂,无水乙醇为沉淀剂,应用溶解-沉淀法进行聚合物与增塑剂的分离,采用红外光谱透射法定性测定聚氯乙烯(PVC)及其增塑剂成分(DEHA).[结果]将分离纯化后的样品与浓缩得到的较纯的增塑剂分别进行红外光谱透射检测,将得到的光谱图进行谱库搜索,结果分别是PVC和DEHA,匹配率分别为92.2%和96.8%.[结论]该法简单、快速、安全、准确.  相似文献   


Eco-design packaging is a potential tool to reduce food waste. However, the absence of a theoretical basis regarding the relationships between eco-design packaging and consumer food waste behavior obscures the social impact of this packaging. This study assesses research linking eco-design packaging and food waste avoidance from a consumer perspective. The authors analyze 22 articles in top-tier journals, and conclude that consumer perceptions of eco-design packaging could reduce food waste. Results lead to a conceptual model of the mechanism whereby consumer perceptions of eco-design packaging influence food waste avoidance intentions.  相似文献   

随着社会的不断发展,食品检验成为人们关注的首要问题。在传统的食品加工中,通常存在着一些安全问题,主要表现为添加剂成分过多、检验过程不规范、技术性落后等。因此,要彻底地控制食品安全问题,就要加强检验中的技术性,运用近红外光谱方式分析样本成分。本文从近红外线光谱技术的整体概述出发,探讨其在食品检验过程中的应用。  相似文献   

How does edible packaging bias taste perceptions and acceptability? To examine this, we conducted an experiment where we manipulated what information participants received about a product with edible packaging and whether participants ate the product with its edible packaging and core food product intact or ate the edible packaging and core product layers separately. Participants who received information about edible packaging and tasted the edible packaging layer separately rated the product lower on dimensions of taste, healthiness, and intention to purchase than participants in other treatment groups. Findings suggest that framing a product as an edible package with environmental benefits can lead to negative judgments. Contrary to what environmentalists would expect, it may be best to simply not highlight its environmental benefits. Findings also suggest that consumers’ judgments of edible packaging may depend on how well the packaging material is integrated with its principal food product, and that highly separated products (such as edible cups) may face greater barriers to adoption.  相似文献   

Since consumers primarily make in-store purchase decisions, firms use product packaging to attract potential consumers. Ever-increasing market competition in many food product industries has further fueled this phenomenon in firms. However, the question of how retail food packaging affects consumer processes has received very little attention. This study investigates the benefits of food packaging on consumer responses to hedonic products by comparing different benefits (i.e., utilitarian and hedonic) of food packaging to understand which one has more impact on consumers’ perceived quality and purchase intention. The results show that both utilitarian and hedonic benefits of retail food packaging are critical predictors of consumer evaluations but play different important roles in determining customers’ reactions. Utilitarian benefits of food packaging impact perceived quality more than hedonic benefits do. Compared to utilitarian benefits, hedonic benefits of retail food packaging have more impact on consumer purchase intention.  相似文献   

红外线的加热方式主要有导热、对流、辐射3种。与之相对应的传统加热方法,是以可燃物进行燃烧或者通过电流通电的方式进行加热,被加热的物体受热后产生热量,然后通过热空气对流的方式将热量传递到物料中。红外线加热技术目前已经在各个领域都得到了很好的应用,但在食品加工方面的应用并未得到普及。基于此,主要对这项技术在食品加工中的应用及相关研究进展进行分析。  相似文献   

近红外光谱技术在食品检测与质量控制中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着人们生活水平的提高,食品安全问题受到广泛的重视,食品检测方法成为近年来食品质量控制中的研究热点。近红外光谱分析技术凭借快速、无损、方便可靠等优点,在食品检测领域获得了广泛的应用,成为食品质量检测的新手段。基于此,重点分析近红外光谱分析技术在肉质食品、乳制品和水果蔬菜中的应用。  相似文献   

本文主要探索近红外光谱分析技术在我国大米检测中的具体应用情况,分析、阐述相关知识和相关原理,以促进我国食品、技术的安全发展。  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to understand the concept of food “naturalness,” as it is perceived by the consumer via the packaging. The research is based on a qualitative study from which three types of experimental packaging were constructed (emotional, functional, and mixed) and a quantitative study carried out on 163 French consumers. The research identified two dimensions of food naturalness and related them to credibility, attractiveness, quality, and purchase intention, with differences according to the three types of packaging tested. The highlighting of their role in the perception of the naturalness of a food product should help managers to avoid overexposure of the concept.  相似文献   

简述食品快速检测的定义、常见方法,详细介绍的食品快速检测在餐饮监管中的应用,描述了食品快速检测的应用现状并展望了食品快速检测的前景。  相似文献   

体育高考加试的重要性日见突出.为了应对这一节,高三体育教师必须采取合适的协调措施,预先解决突发状况的应对问题,并制定有效的学习策略.不权如此,还要引导学生做好相应的心理准备、训练学准备,等等.多管齐下,为体育高考加试的顺利完成打下扎实的基础.  相似文献   

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