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Armour LA 《Fortune》2008,157(13):98-100, 102, 104

萧冰 《中国纺织》2004,(9):76-79
布鲁塞尔之行 在今年3月北京举行的全球纺织经济论坛上,欧洲纺织服装组织主席力普特对中国纺织竞争力曾提出质疑.经过中国纺织产业组织与其之间的交流沟通,他留下了三个问题.我们意识到,进一步通过直接交流的方式来进行沟通,对存疑的问题及时做出一些解释非常必要.为此,中国纺织工业协会特派徐迎新、孙淮滨两位谈判代表于7月28日启程,赴布鲁塞尔与欧洲纺织服装联盟及国别分属机构进行又一次交流与交锋.  相似文献   

12月22日,文化部、财政部、国家税务总局联合公布了2010年通过认定的动漫企业和重点动漫企业名单。据悉,全国仅有9省市18家企业获得重点动漫企业认定。这些通过认定的动漫公司在获得由省级认  相似文献   

时间:2012年5月8日来源:新浪第111届广交会本月5日在广州闭幕。在国际经济环境不景气、展会出口成交环比下降4.8%的严峻形势下,汕头交易分团经过多方努力,取得较好业绩,共出口成交31958万美元,成交额比上届增长了7.5%。  相似文献   

It has been widely asserted that the Group on Basic Telecommunications (GBT) agreement reached in February 1997 is a significant step forward for the cause of global telecommunications liberalization. This article brings together two authors on different sides of the needed debate about the potential impact of the GBT deal. Following a brief introduction, William Drake argues that the GBT deal could, depending on its implementation, have a substantial liberalizing effect not only on specific markets, but also on the broader institutional arrangements of the global telecommunications policy environment. In response, Eli Noam argues that the GBT is useful, but that its significance is being greatly exaggerated, that most policy changes were taking place anyway, and that it could in some cases have the negative effect of slowing down the process of global liberalization.  相似文献   

记者日前从曼罗兰总部获得消息:不久前,曼罗兰成功赢得英国News Inetrmational购置新印刷机的项目合约,总金额达5亿欧元。这次全球两大顶尖企业的合作,进一步印证了曼罗兰作为全球印刷科技领导者的卓越地位,同时亦体现了曼罗兰向全球和大中华地区承诺的“我们就是印刷”的王者风范。  相似文献   

佚名 《玩具世界》2008,(12):45-46
自从我每天冒着母亲的一阵唾沫星子夹杂着父亲的雷霆万钧才无限留恋的离开播放着《变形金刚》的电视机的那段难忘的日子开始,除了电视机里那活生生的汽车人和霸天虎们之外,摆在商店橱窗里诱人的TF玩具就成为我心中永远的追寻。上学的那段艰苦岁月中,几乎每天在上学放学的路上我都要去问候那些橱窗里的伙伴们,为此我迟到过、晚点过,不知又有多少老师和父母的责骂加在我的头上,也许是橱窗里的伙伴们给予我的勇气,那些责骂对我来说,无异过眼云烟……  相似文献   

2002年6月4日,在第30个界环境日前夕,中国包装总公司南昌明总经理对环保绿色包装发表评论:“人口、资源、环境是当今世界可持续发展的三大主题。包装业直接关系到环境与资源。中国包装业以倡导绿色包装,积极推进绿色环保包装产业的发展为宗旨。在4月22日世界地球日,我们与家乐福中国区共同发起保护地球‘行动宣言’……”他还指出,“在资源日益短缺、环境急剧恶化的今天,绿色环保包装是缓解并扭转这一趋势,实现可持续发展的主要组成部分。”南总经理的评论,标志中国绿色包装进入二次革命新时代。自2001年12月我国…  相似文献   

We develop a theoretical framework for understanding why firms adopt specific approaches for the management of innovation project portfolios. Our theory focuses on a key contingency factor for innovation, namely the dynamics of competitive environments. We use four dimensions to characterize the patterns of environmental dynamics: velocity, turbulence, growth and instability. The paper then proposes the concept of dynamic risk as a determinant of portfolio management processes. Dynamic risk results from second‐order learning by a firm confronted with a specific dynamic pattern in its environment. This learning concerns the likely nature of threats and the required updating of cognitive frameworks in such environments. Attempts to deal with dynamic risk enable various actors inside the firm to understand what kind of dynamic capabilities are needed in their innovation portfolio management processes. As a result of this diffuse learning, firms tend to favor certain common characteristics in their concrete portfolio management activities. To advance the theorizing of these characteristics, the paper also proposes four dimensions of portfolio management: structure, commitment, emergence and integration. Based on arguments inspired by the dynamic capability and related literatures, we advance a series of hypotheses, that relate environmental dynamics dimensions and portfolio management dimensions. These hypotheses are tested based on a survey of 795 firms in a variety of sectors and on four continents, using original scales and structural equation modeling methods. The results show, among other findings, that high‐velocity environments favor structured as well as integrated portfolio management approaches, while high‐growth environments favor approaches that are structured but commit significant resources to each project as well. Turbulent environments favor approaches that are emergent, but also, contrary to our expectations, have high resource commitment levels. Finally, firms in unstable environments have a marginal preference for emergent approaches. Results could help advance the dynamic contingency theoretical perspective on dynamic capabilities, as well as improve the practice of innovation portfolio management.  相似文献   

在孩子的成长过程中,玩具是必不可少的"伙伴"。但随着孩子年龄增长和兴趣转变,玩具的更新换代也越来越频繁。从婴儿时期的婴儿车、积木、橡皮泥、摇铃到童车、滑板车、毛绒玩具、益智产品,每个家庭都像是一个品种齐全的二手玩具市场。于是,被淘汰或玩腻了的玩具闲置下来,成为令不少家长"头痛"的累赘。特别是随着人们生活水平的提高,孩子的玩具也越来越多,越来越高级.家长对孩子们的有求必应导致了  相似文献   

南米 《中国纺织》2003,(6):25-26
进入4月以来,国内棉花价格经历了一轮大幅下跌。4月7日。中国棉花价4月7日,中国棉花价格指数(CC Index 328)为13362元/吨,而6月2日为12189元/吨。下跌1173元。近期,棉花市场初步显露止跌回稳迹象,但国内棉花市场的“冬天”还没有过去。  相似文献   

当前,国内瓦楞纸箱业的发展符合国家环保、循环经济和节约型城市的要求,它属绿色包装范畴的“生产-回收-利用-再生产”循环经济模式,并逐步发展为以纸代木、以纸代塑,逐步实现轻量化、节约原纸,成为节约型经济.  相似文献   

传送带是瓦楞纸板生产线中仅次于瓦楞辊的重要配件,国外产品每平方米约130美元,国内产品则在每平方米680元人民币左右,因此一条上传送带的价格约需5-8万元人民币,传送带使用于瓦楞纸板贴合部,其最常见的问题是打滑和传送带偏轨,怎样使用和维护传送带,让它发挥最大的效益,也就成为实际操作中的重要问题。  相似文献   

Some strategy scholars and practitioners contend that markets have become increasingly hypercompetitive in recent years. We examine this contention by analyzing industry and business performance patterns in a broad sample of firms drawn from the Compustat Industry Segment database for the 1978–97 period. We find little support for the argument that markets have become more hypercompetitive. From the late 1970s to the late‐1980s we observe decreased performance and market stability, consistent with increasing hypercompetition contentions. From the late 1980s to the mid‐1990s, however, trends reverse and performance and market stability increase. For strategy research, our results suggest that hypercompetitive perspectives are important but no more so now than they were in recent years. For practice, our results suggest that managers today face markets no more dynamic and opportunities to gain and sustain competitive advantage no more challenging than in the past. Accordingly, they should continue developing a portfolio of skills to manage businesses whether conditions are increasingly stable or unstable. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Vincent 《玩具世界》2011,(11):53-54
欧盟新玩具指令2009/48/EC中除化学部分外的要求已于2011年7月20日起强制执行。此后,进入欧盟的玩具除化学部分的要求仍可以满足1日玩具指令88/378/EEC外,其它要求必须满足新玩具指令2009/48/EC。  相似文献   

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