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中国汽车工业协会2007年7月的统计数据显示,陕汽重卡的市场增长率同比增长平均超过100%,已经连续17个月位居重卡行业之首。除去中国重型卡车产销高速增长的整体趋势之外,陕汽重卡的高位增长还得益于企业精心打造的“双优”工程,得益于陕汽对品质孜孜不倦的追求,以及对用户的关爱。  相似文献   

今年1-8月陕汽取得增长率行业第一的优异成绩,市场占有率近11%,稳居行业第四位,9月份,陕汽与潍柴动力联合再次发力重卡市场,借德御(原骑士),陕汽重卡至尊版、德龙中长驾驶室自卸”三大系列新品上市之机,对四季度重卡市场进行全面攻坚。  相似文献   

进入元月份以来,陕汽重卡市场启动很快,一线订单纷至沓来,日最高达到758辆。28日,订单首次突破1辆大关,实现了首月开门红。据统计,截至元月31日,陕汽重卡订单1.3万辆,同比增长近11倍,元月份的良好开局,为陕汽2010年产销10万辆目标的实现奠定了基础。  相似文献   

重型卡车为陕西控股的拳头产品,陕汽出口销量常年位居全国重卡行业前列。带着SHACMAN的英文标识的重卡已经开进了全球80多个国家,据陕汽进出口有限公司海外市场部部长李健介绍,截止到2013年11月底,陕汽今年出口各类重卡已有一万余辆。  相似文献   

随着燃油费用的不断上扬,重卡油耗成为用户关注的焦点。陕汽以为用户创造最大价值为目标,通过与国内外知名公司进行技术攻关,在重卡节油技术方面取得重大突破。整车及重要零部件总成的优化,使整车油耗降低10%-15%,成为2006款陕西重卡最大的亮点。  相似文献   

一、陕汽2006年的辉煌 2006年.在行业整体略有增长的情况下,陕汽取得了骄人的业绩.全年重卡销售突破33万辆.实现增长率116%.单月最高增长率298.6%.连续12个月全国领跑,市场占有率达到11%:同时.取得了销售增长率全国第一.节油重卡销量全国第一.斯太尔平台重型牵引车销量全国第一,专用车市场增长率全国第一.服务网络体系及满意度指数第一.市场份额增长率全国第一等优异成绩。  相似文献   

2007年,陕汽集团全年产销突破6.8万辆.产值180亿.其中重卡超过6万辆,出口2.5亿美元.市场增长率超过100%。2008年.陕汽将力争全面实现产销8万辆的目标,并在此后6年连续跨越三各台阶.最终在2012年实现产销重卡12万辆。为了实现上述目标.陕汽在“德赢”思想的指导下,构建“四大平台”完善发展体系。  相似文献   

截至3月30日,陕汽重卡产销突破1.5万辆,3月产销突破7000辆,创单月产销历史记录,实现首季产销开门红。  相似文献   

在上海车展500多平方米的展台上,精心打造的陕汽德龙系列牵引车和陕汽斯太尔S2000系列重卡,吸引了众多的参观者。此次,陕汽集团以参展产品凸显了高新技术和绿色环保两大主题。  相似文献   

“北京碧水蓝天,有我陕汽重卡”,近期这幅格外醒目的标语引起市场对陕汽重卡的高度关注。目前,陕汽积极响应北京市政府淘汰黄标车、建立“绿色车队”的行动,重招推出“黄改绿”购车超值优惠支持政策,即日起至12月28日,09款新品全线优惠回报“黄改绿”用户,  相似文献   

Most service businesses tend to experience unwelcome delays in service delivery that often generate strong negative impacts from customers. In response, managers develop and implement service intervention strategies, such as providing length and reason of a delay, both of which have been reported to have positive impacts on customers. However, the results from studies investigating such interventions are mixed. Accordingly, it is hypothesised that these effects may be contingent upon certain situations. This research project has investigated the wait situation using an experimental design. A 2 × 2 × 2 factorial design was first created using a restaurant scenario for the stimulus material and an online web site was used to collect data from 130 respondents. Our findings indicate a significant moderating effect of level of service use and degree of goal attractiveness on the effectiveness of providing duration and cause information. More importantly, we found that under certain conditions a service intervention may be counterproductive to the intended strategy. This finding suggests that managers need to be wary of developing and executing expensive service recovery strategies without due regard to the customer segment being targeted.  相似文献   

We propose a framework for creating an effective self-managed service climate for frontline service employees with four antecedents – work facilitation, dedication, creativity and variety. Specifically, we examine the role of employee empowerment to mediate the relationship between the proposed antecedents when creating a self-managed service climate. Structural equation modelling was used to examine the anticipated relationships, the research design was cross-sectional. 533 adults, employed in services industries, participated in the study. The antecedents were found to have significant positive direct effects and employee empowerment was found to have a significant partial mediating effect on the four antecedents for creating an effective self-managed service climate. Theoretical and practical implications and future research directions are discussed.  相似文献   

This research examines whether service failure in hospitality settings reduces situational power and whether feelings of powerlessness have implications for service recovery efforts. Three studies demonstrated that service failure reduced consumers’ situational power, but only among those with high dispositional power motivation (studies 1 and 2). Moreover, those with high dispositional power motivation evinced greater satisfaction with service recovery efforts that involved status-enhancing compensation as opposed to utility-enhancing compensation (study 2), and when status-enhancing compensation was presented in public as opposed to in private (study 3). These findings suggest that consumers with high dispositional power motivation prefer service recovery attempts that counteract the feelings of powerlessness they experience from service failure. Service managers can benefit from these findings by understanding how feelings of power interact with service recovery efforts.  相似文献   

This study make provides service marketers, particularly those delivering information technology (IT) related service, with insight to the factors that consumers use when evaluating IT services. We develop a service continuance model that includes the antecedents of the consumer׳s decision to continue using information technology (IT) related services in a B2C service environment. Using data from the smart phone service consumers, a covariance-based structural equation modeling analysis is used to test the research model. Results from our empirical study suggest that the association between service usefulness and service continuation intention is fully mediated by service satisfaction. Though both system-service quality and customer-service quality are positively associated with service satisfaction, consumers of IT related services attach greater importance to system-service quality than to custom service quality. Likewise, the indirect path to service continuation intention is stronger in system-service quality than in customer-service quality. Our findings have practical implication for growing market share in IT related services by recognizing the importance of system-service quality in technology service delivery.  相似文献   

Models of service encounters are often fraught with reductionism, describing business relationships as mathematical combinations of dyadic constellations. Metaphors of ideal social relationships (marriages or friendships) are highlighted to stress normative aspects of equal, balanced and long-term business partnerships. However, these approaches are limited in their analytical sensitivity, as they cannot address the complexity of multipart relationships, where meanings, roles and relationships are continuously constructed and reconstructed. In order to understand the ambivalent quality of business interactions, this article analyses the corporate travel market by applying Simmel's depiction of the triad as a specific social form. Triadic constellations and more complex service networks involve dialectic tensions, simultaneously exhibiting loyalty and disloyalty, trust and distrust, empowerment and disempowerment. It is argued that a qualitative methodology is a more adequate approach to grasp such dynamic and contextual social realities, because (opposed to a quantitative approach) it is not confined to operate with mutually exclusive analytical categories.  相似文献   

Marvin B 《Restaurants & institutions》1992,102(21):108-9, 112, 117 passim

An organization's ability to correct service errors is an important factor in achieving success in today's service economy. This paper examines service recovery in hospitals in the U.S. First is a general review of service recovery theories. Next is a discussion of specific service issues related to the hospital environment. The literature on service recovery is used to make specific recommendations to hospitals for ways to improve their ability to remedy service errors when they occur. Suggestions for future research in the field of service recovery are also made.  相似文献   

文章分析了实现个性化信息服务的关键技术--个性化信息推荐系统.  相似文献   


The topic of new service development has been relatively neglected in the literature on innovation and new product development. This paper explores some of the similarities and differences between new product development and new service development. It outlines the typical stages of the new product development process and then suggests how new product development in service organisations may differ because of the characteristics of services like intangibility and inseparability.  相似文献   

Services dominate the world's established economies (such as those of the US, Germany, and Finland) and are becoming increasingly important in developing economies, including those of China and India. Yet most companies, national governments, and universities do not put much energy into service research, innovation, or education. This ironic juxtaposition of facts has led us, along with others, to promote a focus on service research and service innovation across companies and institutions. We call this the “service imperative.” In this article, we present our view of the service imperative as a burning platform that is giving birth to many hopeful directions for the future of the global economy. We believe that companies and nations that embrace the service imperative will prosper and benefit, as will individuals who do the same. We also contend that widespread embracing of the service imperative can lead to improved quality of life for people worldwide.  相似文献   

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