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The main purpose of this study is to examine the impact of US affiliates of multinational corporations on the generation of employment in the Latin American manufacturing sector. The emphasis of the analysis is mainly empirical, and an important by-product is the collection and processing of information about the quantitative evidence on the role of US MNCs in the Latin American manufacturing sector. The study focuses on seven countries (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru and Venezuela) and attempts to answer the following types of questions. Do MNC affiliates constitute a quantitatively significant mechanism in the generation of employment? is the technology employed by MNC affiliates labour-saving? does the presence of the MNCs result in an expanded market with important increases in the sources of employment? The implicit alternative used in this study to examine such questions is the domestic enterprise of similar size to the existing US affiliate located in the corresponding manufacturing branch.  相似文献   

杨莉 《特区经济》2011,(4):91-94
跨国公司因跨境经营活动会面临各国公司治理制度冲突问题。欧盟公司治理制度协调的相关争议从某种程度上反映了对"盎格鲁-美国式"治理模式和德国治理模式适用于欧盟跨国经营企业的合理性和有效性的思考。本文通过对两种治理模式的制度假设及特点分析,简要结合跨国公司的治理环境特点,借探讨欧盟公司治理争议之机来探索和审视适用于跨国公司的公司治理理念。  相似文献   

The more industrialized LDCs are emerging increasingly as exporters of capital (or of technology in several forms). This paper draws on the recent experience of Indian MNCs to reexamine the factors which give rise to Third World multinationals. The author summarizes the current state of research in the analysis of LDCs MNCs, drawing upon specific MNC literature and other related literature on trade and technology. He deals with the evidence on Indian capital exports, placing it in the broader context of technology exports, discussing some examples of interest and drawing comparisons with foreign investment by some other LDCs. He assesses the Indian experience, using the distinctions drawn by Dunning's ‘eclectic’ theory but concentrating on the processes of technical change that underline the growth of its MNCs. The final section draws some tentative conclusions.  相似文献   

对企业高管进行有效激励,降低企业的激励成本,有利于企业的平稳运行和经济的繁荣发展。文章以2003-2014年所有A股上市公司为样本,对在职消费通过彰显"地位"、"威望"等而对企业高管产生的激励作用进行检验。研究发现,"地位"、"威望"等精神层面的非物质因素对企业高管具有激励作用,并在激励效果上对货币薪酬具有替代作用:国有企业中,在职消费更可能作为货币薪酬的替代性补偿而产生激励作用;民营企业中,在职消费更可能发挥精神层面的激励替代作用。而在货币薪酬等物质激励得到相对满足的情况下,考虑了"地位"、"威望"等精神因素的激励契约具有更高的激励相容性,能够有效地为企业节约激励成本,提高内部资源配置效率,进而提升股东价值。  相似文献   

This paper first reviews the voluminous, recent literature related to location choice by Japan's multinational corporations (MNCs) in Asian manufacturing. This review suggests that host economy size, labor costs (defined to include the influences of productivity and labor quality) and agglomeration of Japanese investors were among the most important factors influencing location choice by Japanese MNCs. However, evidence regarding a wide range of other potential determinants was more mixed. Principles underlying the literature review are then illustrated by constructing an index of investment attractiveness from 140 components used to measure the influence of 10 groups of determinants, and ranking the 11 largest Asian hosts to Japan's manufacturing MNCs in a baseline and 14 alternative scenarios. The baseline and four of the five alternative scenarios prioritizing local or export markets reveal China to be the most favorable location, usually followed by Singapore and Hong Kong. In nine alternative scenarios with lower weights on domestic and export markets but higher weights for cost factors, Singapore, followed by Hong Kong and China, were usually the most attractive locations. At the other end of the scale, India, Vietnam and the Philippines ranked lowest in the baseline and in most alternative scenarios, with Indonesia ranking slightly higher. Baseline index rankings were similar to rankings of affiliate sales for China, India, Vietnam and the Philippines, but diverged for the other seven economies.  相似文献   

本文以美国跨国公司为例,对跨国公司制造业海外R&D投资国别选择的影响因子进行了实证研究。结果表明,从世界范围看,跨国公司在东道国的FDI和东道国市场规模是影响跨国公司R&D投资的主要因子;仅就发展中国家而言,东道国市场规模并不影响跨国公司R&D投资;跨国公司的产业类别不同,其R&D投资国别选择的影响因子亦有差异。  相似文献   

胡靖 《华东经济管理》2004,18(3):110-113
全球经济中已形成了以跨国公司为主体的复杂一体化的国际生产体系。在这一体系中,跨国公司特别是来自发达国家的跨国公司既是先进技术的载体和绝大多数前沿技术的创新者,也是国际技术转移与技术扩散的主体。随着前沿创新领域的扩展、创新成本的迅速提升以及高科技活动战略联盟的发展,没有跨国公司的直接参与而获得新技术将是一件越来越困难的事。而且,随着FDI机制越来越自由化的发展,创新活动成本的提升使跨国公司更倾向于内部的技术转移:随着我国加入wT0,开放的逐步深化,贸易投资的日益自由化可能会进一步使技术引进的政策失效可见,如何在大量吸引外资的同时加速外商技术转移已成为我们引进外资过程中亟需解决的一大重要课题。本文首先分析了跨国公司技术转移实现的过程,进而提出了跨国公司技术转移的行为函数,以此为基础建立了总体分析模型,明确了影响跨国公司技术转移的现实经济因素.为进一步确立政策选择思路提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

近年来,随着外商直接投资的规模日益扩大,跨国公司通过后向关联途径对东道国产生的技术溢出效应越来越受到学者的关注。为了能为今后的深入研究提供借鉴,文章首先从后向技术溢出的内涵及途径两方面对现有的理论研究进行了文献梳理;然后,分别对后向技术溢出的正向效应和非正向效应的实证研究结论进行了归纳,发现大多数学者的研究都支持正的后向技术溢出效应;最后,从东道国和跨国公司两个层面,将国内外学者关于跨国公司后向技术溢出效应影响因素的研究进行了总结,认为技术差距、行业开放水平、投资动机、技术吸收能力以及外资集聚程度都对跨国公司的后向技术溢出效应产生影响。  相似文献   

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have played an important role in many countries’ industrial development. Among these countries, Taiwan is well known for the outstanding performance of its SMEs. Limited knowledge about the causes of such performance has been revealed gradually. The main purpose of this study is to explore the determinants of SMEs’ market shares in Taiwan’s manufacturing sector. According to economics literature, economies of scale determine the market share of SMEs. The usual explanation given is that economies of scale create barriers against SMEs entering the market and competing efficiently with larger firms. It is also said that the strong entrepreneurial drive to have a self-owned business is a crucial explanation for the creation of new businesses, usually as offshoots from a small one. Finally, such factors such as an even-handed policy scheme, the availability of technology in relation to R&D, transaction costs, and so forth, are also important for creating a favourable environment for SMEs. Applying cross-industry pooling data from 1976 to 1986, the market shares of SMEs in Taiwan’s manufacturing sector were found to be affected by the following factors: (1) SMEs’ performance related to labour productivity and their willingness to set up new enterprises; (2) institutional factors including low entry barriers, suitable technology, the adoption of a subcontract system, and prosperous export markets. The empirical findings are compared with those from studies of the US and Germany.  相似文献   

狄琳娜 《特区经济》2009,(10):81-83
本文运用博弈论的方法研究滨海新区跨国公司技术转移的情况。文章通过研究滨海新区承接国际产业转移优势,结合跨国公司在滨海新区国际技术转移状况,深入剖析跨国公司对东道国进行技术控制与技术转移之间的两难决择,提出滨海新区运用政策吸引跨国公司进行技术转移的对策。  相似文献   

跨国公司绿色战略的选择受到企业内外部若干因素的影响,跨国公司在发展中东道国的绿色战略对本土企业的环境行为和东道国的环境规制都产生影响.在已有环境管理文献基础上,文章提出跨国公司在我国设立子公司和建立全球价值链有利于提高我国企业环境管理水平和环境规制的改善.  相似文献   

Conclusions In this paper we examined the potential of MNCs to give rise or to promote concentrated markets in a host country. Foreign presence in the form of MNCs affectsdirectly the market structure of the economy by in-creasing both the relative inequalities in the size distributions of firms (entropy) and the level of absolute concentration (Herfindahl-CR4). MNCs tend to populate capital intensive sectors and may also account for a potentialindirect stimulation on the concentration process through their effects on domestic barriers to entry. Industries characterised by such horizontal FDI are likely to be able to earn and maintain supra-normal profits in the domestic market. However, the effective curb of competition caused by MNCs did not show uneven distribution of gains in profitability to be present in the market for a sample of 100 large MNCs and local firms. We should suggest that concentration and other market imperfections may be the basic factor determining profitability in Greece,not multinationality per se. Moreover, the potential indirect influence of MNCs on domestic barriers may act as an agent for promoting structural changes, especially in the capital intensive sector.  相似文献   

影响跨国公司技术转移的因素分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
全球经济中已形成了以跨国公司为主体的复杂一体化的国际生产体系。在这一体系中,跨国公司特别是来自发达国家的跨国公司既是先进技术的载体和绝大多数前沿技术的创新者,也是国际技术转移与技术扩散的主体。随着前沿创新领域的扩展、创新成本的迅速提升以及高科技活动战略联盟  相似文献   

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SEM s) have played an important role in many countries’industrial development. Among these countries, Taiwan is well known for the outstanding performance of its SME s. Limited knowledge about the causes of such performance has been revealed gradually. The main purpose of this study is to explore the determinants of SME s’market shares in Taiwan's manufacturing sector. According to economics literature, economies of scale determine the market share of SME s. The usual explanation given is that economies of scale create barriers against SME s entering the market and competing efficiently with larger firms. It is also said that the strong entrepreneurial drive to have a self-owned business is a crucial explanation for the creation of new businesses, usually as offshoots from a small one. Finally, such factors such as an even-handed policy scheme, the availability of technology in relation to R&D, transaction costs, and so forth, are also important for creating a favourable environment for SME s. Applying cross-industry pooling data from 1976 to 1986, the market shares of SME s in Taiwan's manufacturing sector were found to be affected by the following factors: (1) SME s’performance related to labour productivity and their willingness to set up new enterprises; (2) institutional factors including low entry barriers, suitable technology, the adoption of a subcontract system, and prosperous export markets. The empirical findings are compared with those from studies of the US and Germany.  相似文献   

与传统跨国公司相比,新兴经济体跨国公司在多个方面都呈现出不同的特征。在FDI动因方面,除了资产运用动因外,新兴经济体跨国公司FDI还包括资产寻求动因;在所有权优势方面,网络关系、资本支持、独特的制度环境是新兴经济体跨国公司所有权优势的表现和重要来源;从成长与演化特征来看,这两类跨国公司也存在一定的区别;近年来发展的新兴经济体跨国公司理论,如LLL分析框架、非平衡理论等与包括OLI理论等在内的传统跨国公司理论也有重要的不同。  相似文献   

《World development》2001,29(2):291-309
Multinational corporations (MNCs) play an increasingly important role in the economic development strategies of many less developed countries (LDCs). At the same time the sustainable development of LDCs requires economic growth to be accompanied by environmental protection and greater social equity. This paper contributes to the literature concerned with MNCs' contribution to the sustainable development of LDCs. The concept of sustainable business practice (SBP) is proposed as relevant to understanding MNCs' contribution, and an analytical framework incorporating the content, context, and process of SBP is used to examine what SBP might consist of, as well as those conditions important for its widespread adoption. Results from a study examining the Colombian and Peruvian petroleum industries show that despite important contributions by MNCs to sustainable development, SBP is not yet widespread. The study also shows the importance of external institutional pressures—principally in the form of local legislation—for MNCs' contribution to the sustainable development of LDCs. Finally the paper shows how the process of change toward more SBP is closely linked to the external context in which MNCs operate, the characteristics of their internal context, and the internal and external processes linking these contexts.  相似文献   

Productivity spillovers from multinational corporations (MNCs) to local firms have been an area of keen research interest in developing economics. Claims of positive spillovers in the form of technology transfers have been questionable, in part because of the many ambiguous conclusions obtained. The paper argues that the lack of focus in the mechanisms underpinning spillovers may be one of the reasons for the ambiguity. Using local input–output linkages as the mechanism for technology transfer, this study examines the presence and the enabling conditions for spillovers. Accounting for the variations in firms' characteristics, the findings show that skills‐oriented MNCs participating in international production networks transmit horizontal spillovers to local establishments. Vertical spillovers from MNCs are mostly relevant only to lower‐skilled establishments. For skilled and export‐oriented local establishments, technologies learned from producing for international production networks are more significant than forming linkages with MNCs in the domestic market.  相似文献   


The question of why some multinational corporations (MNCs) perform better than others is at the centre of the analysis of many international business disciplines and the subject of a never-ending debate of policy-makers. The dilemma of whether the MNC's organizational culture differs from home countries’ national culture is the subject of our research. We provide empirical evidence that MNCs’ national cultures shape and dominate MNCs’ organizational cultures with a direct impact on their performances. For the first time by using performance measurement techniques and reconstructing cultural distance indexes, we are providing empirical evidence of the impact of home country's national culture on MNCs’ performance.  相似文献   

This study examines the interplay between tax and internal reporting incentives among affiliates of multinational corporations (MNCs). MNCs face limited information flows that may prevent affiliates' performance metrics to be responsive immediately to changes in the firm's tax planning. Using granular data of affiliates belonging to MNCs from 21 European countries, our study provides new empirical evidence of affiliate internal reporting responses induced by changing tax plans. When high-tax-rate countries tighten income shifting rules, we first document that income shifting is reduced and low-tax-rate affiliates have less income. Second, we predict and document that managers of these low-tax-rate affiliates offset this decrease in profits by managing upwards a key performance metric: affiliate earnings. Our results are consistent with firms not quickly adjusting the affiliate managers' incentives in the face of changing tax planning strategies, and affiliates managing reported earnings to offset the effect of changes in the tax planning of the firm. Cross-sectional analyses provide further evidence consistent with the theory underlying the main tests. The results support the policy of tightening income shifting rules when the objective is to reduce income shifting, and firms' central management would benefit from considering the implications of changing tax plans on the assessment of local managers.  相似文献   

The failure or the slow progress of industrialization programmes in developing countries is often attributed to the reluctance of developed countries to ‘transfer technology’ to them. It is indeed true that in many cases developed countries are reluctant to part with the technological know-how gained over the years to a potential competitor; however, it would be unfair to blame lack of transfer of technology totally for the failure of industrialization aims of developing countries. In most cases the types of technology employed in developing countries are well established. However, the performance of these industries falls well below expectations, even though the technological know-how is fully available. The success of any industry once the technology has been mastered depends largely on efficient production management, which attempts to utilize resources in the most efficient way. Studies in developing countries have shown that production management is given little prominence in the industrial sector. As a result, numerous problems are encountered which lead to inefficiencies and low productivity. The significance of production management is neglected due to the shortage of qualified production management personnel. It is shown that of 32 universities in a sample of 18 developing countries, only one university offered a course in production management. In developed countries, one would typically find 15 such courses in a similar number of universities. The paper argues that without first having personnel qualified to perform the production management function, any industrialization programme has little chance of success. Developing countries and international agencies have been preoccupied with the problem of transfer of technology; it is time serious thought is given to the problems of production management following the technology transfer.  相似文献   

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