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随着高科技信息时代的到来,全球网络化以势不可挡之势迅速渗透于各个领域。随着电子商务这种特殊运作方式的出现,网络会计也应运而生,它基于网络计算机技术,以整合实现企业电子商务为目标,提供互联网环境下财务管理模式、会计工作方式及各项功能,从而能够进一步实现管理的数字化,并最终实现管理信息化。本文就网络会计在M型组织结构中的应用及可行性进行探讨。  相似文献   

跨组织资源与企业合作:基于关系的视角   总被引:19,自引:3,他引:19  
本文针对企业资产专用性风险与垂直一体化分解之间的矛盾,提出应当用跨组织资源来探讨企业之间合作的本质。这种资源依赖于企业合作中的网络关系.并随着关系的不同而体现出不同的性质。基于跨组织资源,我们对企业合作中的个体行为与群体行为进行了分析。本文认为,跨组织资源化解了资产专用性风险与一体化分解之间的矛盾.并推动了企业间合作的实现。本文提出,跨组织资源是在特定的机制与环境中创造租金的,同时对组织环境也产生着重要的影响.因而跨组织资源与其所嵌入的企业合作网络之间是一种互构的关系。  相似文献   

论互联网与中小企业创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在网络环境下,中小企业借助互联网,以企业联盟的方式发展自己。网络环境中,联合创新是企业信息技术高度发达与企业追求创新的一种结合体。企业技术联盟成为企业创新组织模式。企业只有身处技术创新网络内部才能迅速接受技术变化趋势,从而融入技术发展的主流技术群体。实现网络化创新的模式是集企业创新系统集成和外部联盟创新融为一体来获取信息,并创造创新产品的连续流动。我们重点研究利用计算机和网络技术的支持系统,建设网络化中小企业创新服务体系,构建企业网络化创新平台。  相似文献   

基于组织模块化的价值网研究   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
在企业所处的商业生态系统中,随着价值链的延伸、分解和网络化,企业的内部网络和外部网络联结起来,形成一个开放的价值网,价值的创造、交换和共享分布在整个网络中。在价值网中,逐渐形成了不同职能、不同层次的组织模块,组织模块化构成了价值网的组织基础。本文的实践意义在于为企业在网络经济中的竞争战略提供指导:企业之间的竞争已演变为其所属的价值网的竞争,企业必须致力于构建基于价值网的竞争能力:模块化能力、控制协调能力、关系管理能力。  相似文献   

虚拟经营及其基本形式   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
虚拟经营是指企业在组织上突破原有的界限 ,虽有生产、行销、设计、财务等功能 ,但企业体内却没有完整的执行这些功能的组织。也就是说 ,企业在有限的资源条件下 ,为了取得竞争的最大优势 ,仅保留企业中最关键的功能 ,而将其它的功能虚拟化———通过各种方式借助外力进行整合弥补 ,以使有限的资源得到最大效率的利用。伴随高科技的发展 ,信息技术和通讯技术的空前进步 ,虚拟经营使得企业之间可以更迅速地在更大空间上交流 ,相互补充 ,合作开发 ,互利互惠 ,共同进步。虚拟经营主要有虚拟生产、虚拟共生、战略联盟、虚拟销售网络和虚拟职能部…  相似文献   

试验装备维修保障数智化转型过程分为信息数字化、联结网络化和运行智能化,信息数字化是对试验装备、维修保障资源、维修保障能力及维修保障过程信息的数字化,联结网络化是建立军内部门之间以及军队与社会化维修企业之间维修保障数据的数字化网络和共享平台,运行智能化是通过各维修保障参与方维修保障数据的互通互享,实现维修保障的需求、设计、过程管控、效益评估、持续改进等活动的智能化运行。  相似文献   

企业的网络化合作创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业创新网络的合作对象是指与企业以网络化合作关系联结的组织和机构,即构成企业创新网络的各个结点,包括其他企业、大学、科研机构、政府、资本市场、中介和顾客等。企业与企业之间通过建立战略联盟,形成资源互补,可以缩短新产品的开发周期、分散技术开发和市场、财务风险,通过信息交互和组织学习提升企业各自的竞争力。大学与科研机构是科研成果与创新的重要源头,通过合作可以获得先进技术成果,  相似文献   

网络计划技术在项目管理中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
与IT技术结合的广义网络计划技术是现代管理学科中比较盛行的一种科学管理方法。文章通过l200kt/a柴油加氢项目的计划编制,来介绍网络计划技术在项目管理中的应用,采用这种技术,不仅在计划制定期间求得工期、资源、成本的优化,而且在计划的执行过程中,通过信息反馈,进行有效的监督、控制和调整,能够保证项目预定目标的实现。  相似文献   

林玻 《中国石化》2000,(8):32-34
目前 ,网络时代确实已经到来 ,传统产业正迅速发生着一场革命———网络化革命。那么 ,互联网、电子商务的应用对企业到底会产生哪些深刻的影响 ?我认为有8个方面 :1.可以降低采购成本物资采购是个复杂的、多步骤的过程。但是如果实现电子化、网络化后 ,采购过程将变得简便、顺畅。⑴通过互联网可以在全球范围内广泛搜寻适宜的厂商 ,发展与主要供应厂商的关系 ,能得到较大的折扣 ,因而能降低采购成本。⑵由于采购过程使用电子订单、电子发货单、电子确认系统以及货款兑付电子化 ,因此极大地降低了采购过程中的劳务、各种表单印制品及邮寄…  相似文献   

处于转型期的中国企业正发生着巨大变化,一个明显的特征就是企业经济呈现出网络化发展的态势.企业网络中的各个厂商如何利用发展起来的网络资源、处理好与网络中其它厂商的关系,构成企业网络中战略研究的主要内容.本文用网络分析的方法对中国经济转型过程中企业网络及嵌入其中的战略的变化特点进行了分析,有关结论对转型期中国企业的发展和利用网络资源具有指导意义.  相似文献   

高技术产业集群的“竞合关系”表现出“合作关系占主导,竞争关系为辅助”的关系结构;高技术产业集群内部经济主体具有长期合作的主观倾向;高技术产业集群的网络治理机制可以分为正式机制与非正式机制。从关系结构与网络成员的机会主义行为分析入手,对高技术产业集群非正式网络治理机制——信任文化和声誉机制进行了研究;高技术产业集群的信任体系结构包含五个层次,信任是网络型组织的基本运行机制,建立高绩效网络的最重要的要求是信任或社会认同。信任机制可以降低组织之间的交易成本;高技术产业集群以企业为主体的网络具有开放性,声誉机制的扩散效应更为明显,高技术产业集群声誉机制的重要含义在于拓展了交易范围与交易空间,为技术创新提供了更多的资源选择,使潜在交易对象可以演变为现实的可利用资源。  相似文献   

The question of whether corporations add value beyond that created by individual businesses has engendered much debate in recent years. Some of this debate has focused on the pros and cons of related vs. unrelated diversification. A standard explanation of the benefits of related diversification has to do with the ability to obtain intra‐temporal economies of scope from contemporaneous sharing of resources by related businesses within the firm. In contrast, this paper deals with inter‐temporal economies of scope that firms achieve by redeploying resources and capabilities between related businesses over time, as firms exit some markets while entering others. The transfer of resources due to market exit distinguishes our treatment of inter‐temporal economies of scope from standard intra‐temporal economies of scope. In addition, these inter‐temporal economies can benefit from a decentralized and modular organizational structure. This ability to obtain inter‐temporal economies of scope via organizational modularity and recombination suggests that corporations do not necessarily need a high degree of coordination between business units in order to benefit from a strategy of related diversification. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Leveraging social network sites is high on the list of priorities for a lot of businesses that are eager to find more effective ways to reach, learn about, and engage customers in new product development (NPD). However, the rapidly changing landscape of social network sites can be difficult to navigate successfully and doubts remain about whether and how they can be used to good effect. In fact, empirical research confirming a positive relationship between the use of social network sites in NPD and business performance is scarce. This paper reports on research examining the use of social network sites for three purposes, namely for market research guiding the development of new products, for getting customers to collaborate in the NPD process, and for new product launch. The results of this research suggest that the benefits expected from using social network sites in NPD are largely not being realized by businesses. Using social network sites to conduct market research leading into the NPD process was not found to contribute to business performance, and in fact was found to have negative relationships with both profitability and market growth. Using social network sites to get customers to collaborate in the NPD process was found to be positively related with innovativeness but not with market growth or profitability. Finally, using social network sites for new product launch was where the most positive indications were seen, since this was found to be positively related with innovativeness, market growth, and profitability. Thus, it appears that while businesses may get good results from using social network sites for product launch, they still have a learning curve to traverse before they can successfully use them for market research or customer collaboration in NPD. While there is currently a great deal of enthusiasm—even hype—about the potential opportunities of using social network sites for NPD, this research suggests that businesses should move carefully and recognize that just jumping on the social network bandwagon will not insure success.  相似文献   

This paper studies redeployment of resources between target and acquiring businesses following horizontal acquisitions. The analysis draws from perspectives that emphasize the strategic importance of resources that are subject to market failure. We define a five-part typology of R&D, manufacturing, marketing, managerial, and financial resources. We show that targets and acquirers frequently redeploy resources following horizontal acquisitions, especially resources that frequently face market failure. We then show that the magnitude of redeployment of each type of resource increases with the asymmetry of the merging businesses' relative strength on the resource dimension. The research stresses evolutionary perspectives on business organizations that emphasize the importance of organizational differences in competitive markets. The central premise of our research is that the market for businesses is often more robust than the market for resources. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This article explores the nonlinear relationship between organizational integration and new product market success (NPMS). The concept of organizational integration was measured by assessing the degree of integration among various groups of people involved in the development of new products including new product development (NPD) teams that are typically the focal points of NPD efforts. New product market success was measured by examining four often‐used measures of NPD success. The mail survey research approach was used to gather empirical data from NPD managers in three major industries. The data gathered from this survey process were used as the basis from which to extract information to address this study's major research questions, which include: (1) How is the degree of new product market success related to the nonlinear degree to which groups of people (including NPD teams) integrate during NPD processes? and (2) How is the degree of new product market success related to the nonlinear degree to which separate groups of people (e.g., customers, suppliers, and functional departments) integrate during NPD processes? This study found that high levels of organizational integration (overall organizational integration and supplier organizational integration) during NPD processes are associated with high levels of new product market success. Additionally, this study found that the relationship between new product market success and organizational integration (customer organizational integration and functional organization integration) during NPD processes exhibit nonlinear, U‐shaped relationships. Therefore, the first important finding of this study confirms that various forms of organizational integration impact in a positive way the market success of new products. This suggests that management responsible for all NPD projects should consciously integrate important groups of people to support such developments. This study's findings also confirm and imply that new product developers in the studied industries should integrate marketing and research and development (R&D) over the duration of the NPD process. This suggests that new product managers must be proactive to assure that members of NPD teams are actively engaged with groups of supporting people within and outside new‐product–producing organizations. Unlike prior research, a major finding of this study suggests that the association between organizational integration and new product market success does not form inverted U‐shaped relationships. Data from this research imply that new product market success is linearly influenced by overall and supplier organizational integration. However, this study's data suggest that new product market success is nonlinearly influenced by customer and functional organizational integration. This study's data suggest that when customer organizational integration and/or functional organizational integration is increased, new product market success can be increased at a rate which is greater than a linear rate.  相似文献   

Antecedents and Outcomes of Employees' Trust in Chinese Joint Ventures   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
In this study we investigate the antecedents and outcomes of employees' trust in their supervisors and organizations in Chinese joint ventures. We develop a model that links trust, job security, and subordinate-supervisor guanxi. The model considers job security as an antecedent of trust in the organization and subordinate-supervisor guanxi as an antecedent of trust in supervisors. It further suggests that the turnover intention of employees is affected by their trust in their organization, and that their organizational citizenship behavior is affected by their trust in their supervisors. We use a data set consisting of 295 employees collected in four joint ventures in Southern China to test the hypotheses. The results of our LISREL and OLS regression analyses support the proposed model. Job security and subordinate-supervisor guanxi are found to affect employees' trust. In addition, trust in the organization has a stronger effect on turnover intention than does trust in one's supervisor. Trust in supervisors significantly affects the organizational citizenship behavior of employees. These findings have practical implications for the management of workers in Chinese joint ventures.  相似文献   

信用关系的建立和维护已经成为经济生活中非常重要的一部分,作为这几年新兴的市场交易形式--第四方物流,在目前这样一个尚不成熟的阶段更需要对建立和维护各个主体之间信用关系的机制构建进行研究。第四方物流运作中各主体之间信用机制的构建对于实现信息资源共享,有效降低交易成本,建立相对稳定的第四方物流市场有着十分重要的作用。本文运用博弈论的方法提出基于合同预付或抵押的信用保障机制,并给出相应行为的奖惩措施,以宁波在第四方物流市场上信用信息平台的建设为例,得出要建立和维护主体之间良好的信任关系应该注意的几个重要因素和相应的解决措施。  相似文献   

The role of well-functioning markets for development is now widely recognized. However the challenge remains to make these markets benefit the poor and the environment. Increasing attention is being given to the potential role markets can play for agrobiodiversity conservation through product diversification and increasing competitiveness in niche and novelty markets. Several case studies were undertaken that explore the use of market-based approaches to on-farm agrobiodiversity management and livelihood improvement. This paper explores how the theory of collective action can provide a more synthetic understanding of how market chains operate, and the changes that could permit a more equitable distribution of benefits. The case studies illustrate the need for improved trust, mutual understanding of each actor’s involvement, and an agreed process of collective action with a high level of community participation. The cases differ in their degree of collective action, the level of market organization and the ways in which handling, processing, and innovative marketing add value to the agrobiodiversity products. Comparative analysis identified a range of situations in which market development can support agrobiodiversity conservation and livelihoods.  相似文献   

Organizational Restructuring: Impact on Trust and Work Satisfaction   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
After the Asian financial crisis, companies are now contending with the current global economic slowdown. Whether it is at the national, industry or organizational levels, restructuring has gained currency as a strategic decision to realign internal structure with changing macro environmental factors. Faced with more competitive markets and greater demands on costs controls, organizations and businesses are taking the fast track to cost-cutting by downsizing, reorganizing their divisions, streamlining their operations, and closing down unprofitable divisions.Changes that are introduced in an organizational restructuring will affect the socio-psychological well-being of organization members given the potential for uncertainty that may accompany such changes. There is a need to better understand the consequences of organizational restructuring and consider some of its potential side effects on the work environment. Employees in a post-restructuring context are understandably wary about the future direction of the organization and their roles within it.This study is an attempt to examine the social-psychological impact of organizational restructuring on trust and work satisfaction. Additionally the inter-relationships between trust and work satisfaction, including their antecedents in the work environment are examined.Trust and work satisfaction levels were tracked before and three months after organizational restructuring for varying types of changes that were initiated during the restructuring. Both trust and satisfaction with working in the organization declined significantly when compared to pre-restructuring levels. Independent t-tests analysis indicated that there was a significant decline in trust for the work group which had a newly hired manager and a change in work processes. Results showed that there was a negative relationship between both work satisfaction and trust with the extent of change required of employees.The findings also showed that there was a positive relationship between trust and work satisfaction and that trust contributed to work satisfaction. Perception of colleagues willingness to help solve job-related problems contributed significantly to strengthening of trust relations among colleagues. Additionally, colleagues and supervisors willingness to listen to employee problems contributed significantly to work satisfaction.Results of the study highlighted the need for strategic decision-makers to consider the social impact of organizational restructuring. Top managers must realize that both trust and work satisfaction are important ingredients for the effective functioning of an organization and to actively ensure that support systems or structures are adequate and available to mitigate the negative impact, particularly if the changes to be implemented are extensive.  相似文献   

This paper examines the concept of network pictures through the lens of the organizational sensemaking perspective. Essentially it develops the concept of network pictures by suggesting we think of them as exercises in sensemaking. It does so by providing an introduction to organizational sensemaking before establishing a degree of commensurability between network pictures and sensemaking. It suggests that what we may then see more clearly is that the concept of network pictures needlessly gets involved in reification when talking of ‘the’ network picture whereas a more dynamic approach leads to ideas of network picturing in which the complete discrediting or collapse of extant sensemaking and network pictures provides a research opportunity that could be jointly explored by both perspectives. The paper concludes that paradoxically ‘finding’ this new sense or new network picture appropriate to radically changed times is facilitated by a process that involves first ‘becoming lost’.  相似文献   

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