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货币当局的汇率政策目标之一在于通过改变国内外资源的相对价格,促进对本国资源禀赋优势的发挥,加速本国经济的发展。但是货币当局的汇率政策会越来越受制于利用富裕资源进行生产部门的凸性生产函数,进而使得汇率政策的作用下降。因此,"货币当局应当审慎考虑自己的汇率政策,依据国民经济的不同发展状态和生产函数的具体特征而重新估计汇率政策的作用和代价"(郑祖玄,2007)。  相似文献   

随着我国经济对外开放和市场化程度加深,利率波动和汇率波动呈现出显著的联动性,使得协调利率政策和汇率政策的必要性加大。理论和实证分析的结果显示,利率和汇率对价格水平有明显的政策效应,但利率的负价格效应显著小于汇率的负价格效应,汇率对稳定物价水平的作用效果迅速且强度大,并且,我国物价指数呈现价格链传导特征。建议货币当局应协调汇率政策和利率政策的调整幅度和节奏,完善货币政策工具箱,保证货币稳定。  相似文献   

随着我国社会主义市场经济的确立,宏观经济政策在经济活动中的调控作用日益重要。而货币政策的有效与否,关键是确立货币总量这个中介目标,从而实现最终目标,而联系这个中介目标和最终目标的纽带是货币需求涵数,所以确立一个稳定、合理和可预测的货币需求函数对于货币当局实施有效的货币政策具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

新经济周期中的利率与汇率张志一、我国经济周期中的利率利率是中央货币当局法定的七种货币政策工具之一。长期以来,我国最重要的货币政策工具主要是贷款限额,中央银行存贷款利率地位不高,变化很少,不能起到调节货币发行的作用。这与一般市场经济国家把利率作为主要的...  相似文献   

中央银行票据:终将消逝的政策工具   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
汪洋 《财经科学》2005,(5):8-14
本文对我国2002年以来发行中央银行票据的背景和调控原理进行了分析.从我国货币政策和汇率政策协调的角度看,中央银行票据的发行是这两大政策冲突的表现,是货币当局试图同时实现人民币内外币值稳定的无奈之举.作者解释了中央银行票据无力承担主流政策工具的理由,并认为国债在未来将最终代替中央银行票据成为货币当局操作的主要政策工具.  相似文献   

货币当局在外汇公开市场上买卖外汇,干预市场汇率走向,能否实现预定汇率目标呢?这是一个关于外汇干预的有效性或效力的问题。许久以来,它一直是货币当局及研究汇率的学者争论的焦点。在布雷顿森林体系下,外汇干预的效力似乎并未受到多大的怀疑,各国货币当局深信只要将在法定平价规定的幅度范围内(1%)市场所不愿吸收的本币或外币购进,汇率就是可管理的。  相似文献   

苗颖 《经济师》2005,(10):252-253
在本币因持续性国际收支顺差而被迫升值的情况下,货币当局如何协调货币政策与汇率政策是至关重要的。特别对于利率市场化与汇率市场化程度不高的国家尤为重要。货币政策的独立性是首要坚持的原则,不能因惧怕本币汇率升值而放弃货币政策的自主性。  相似文献   

本文采用向量误差修正模型及脉冲响应函数,选取中国、日本、巴西和阿根廷作为样本,运用1996-2009年的季度数据,分别对四国的汇率传递时滞进行实证分析。研究表明:不同汇率制度下,汇率变动对国内物价水平的影响存在差异,汇率传递均存在时滞。固定汇率制度下,汇率传递效应的时滞更长;在相对浮动的汇率制度下,汇率传递的时滞相对较短。本文样本中,中国的汇率传递时滞最长,为18个月。因此,在人民币汇率制度改革过程中,确定汇率波动区间以及考察汇率政策效果时,需要考虑汇率波动对国内物价影响时滞的长短。同时,受我国外汇市场化程度的影响,货币当局应当合理引导汇率预期,以适应货币政策目标的需要。  相似文献   

本文利用外汇市场压力方法建立并经验地估计了人民币实际汇率制度弹性.在此基础上,考察了中国货币当局在人民币汇率制度安排上的言行一致性问题和不同的实际汇率制度安排下的中国宏观经济绩效.研究发现:一是"害怕浮动"在为中国提供货币政策纪律的同时,也赋予了货币当局采用扩张性货币政策促进产出增长的能力;二是人民币实际的汇率制度安排越具有弹性,就越易导致较高的通货膨胀,反之亦然;三是无论中国名义上宣称了什么类型的汇率制度,实际的人民币汇率制度越具有弹性,就越不利于中国实际产出的增长.反之亦然.在此基础上,结合汇率制度名义和实际分类法的思想,本文认为,在当前人民币名义上宣称有管理的浮动汇率制度这个既定前提下,人民币实际的汇率制度表现为"害怕浮动"的特征不仅是合理的政策选择,而且也是有利于中国的福利增进的.  相似文献   

对一国对外贸易及生产发展状况产生重大影响的政策主要有关税政策和汇率政策。所谓关税,是指在发生进出口贸易时,由海关对进出口商征收的捐税;而汇率则是指一个国家的货币折算成另一个国家货币的比率或比价。关税政策和汇率政策是一个国家对外经贸政策的重要组成部分,其机理是通过直接对进出口商品价格的影响来促进或抑制进出口贸易,进而对进口国相关产业的生产产生促进或抑制作用。目前,我国正在积极寻求早日“复关”,而“复关”的重要前提条件之一是我国必须大幅度地削减平均高达30~40%的进口关税税率,促成人民币汇率的单一化并…  相似文献   

This paper conducts an econometric investigation of monetary interaction in the Korean economy over the past two decades. The study pays close attention to a critical role played by broad money and an interest rate term spread in the economy. A vector autoregression reveals two cointegrating relationships, both of which are consistent with macroeconomic theory: the first relationship corresponds to a broad money demand function, while the second represents a monetary policy rule function. The cointegrated system is then reduced to a vector equilibrium correction system, which characterizes the interaction between money demand and monetary policy rule. It is also demonstrated that the preferred model is a reliable forecasting device, suggesting that the broad money contains information about the real economy in the future.  相似文献   

This paper analyses monetary policy shocks in Japan using a factor augmented vector autoregressive approach. There are three main findings. First, the time lags with which the monetary policy shocks are transmitted vary between the various macroeconomic time series. These include several series that have not been included thus far in standard vector autoregressive analysis, including housing starts and employment indices. Second, a coherent picture of monetary policy effects on the economy is obtained. Third, it is found that monetary policy shocks have a stronger impact on real variables, such as employment and housing starts, than industrial production.  相似文献   

Abstract.  I develop a small open economy dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model to study monetary policy and the business cycle in Taiwan. Several versions of the model with different representations of Taiwanese monetary policy are estimated using Bayesian techniques. The major findings are that: (i) monetary policy in Taiwan is best described by a money supply growth rate rule; (ii) the Taiwanese economy is more flexible than the Euro area economy; and (iii) export price mark-up and investment-specific technology shocks are the main driving forces of output growth fluctuations in Taiwan.  相似文献   

Using monthly data, we perform a vector-autoregressive analysis to measure the effects of monetary policy on the Vietnamese economy. We concentrate our attention on the period following the introduction of the Law on Central Bank in January 1998 (which brought the national monetary policy and its objectives in line with international practices). Contrary to previous studies on Vietnam, we find evidence suggesting that monetary policy (through the manipulation of interest rates) is an effective policy tool in stabilizing prices. However, credit growth tends to induce inflationary pressures. In addition, we find that an expansion of broad money supply leads to an increase in industrial production.  相似文献   

央行货币政策操作政策拐点与开关函数的测定   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
货币政策操作是政府对经济进行宏观调控的重要手段。不同的国家和地区、不同的经济发展时期,其货币政策的运用效果及特点存在明显的差异。赵进文、闵捷(2005)的研究结果表明:在1993年第1季度至2004年第2季度期间,我国货币政策操作在效果上表现出明显的非对称性,具有很强的非线性特征。在此基础上,本文首先通过Terasvirta检验法判定了央行货币政策操作开关函数的类型,之后基于先进而复杂的T-O-O网格点搜索法,测定了我国货币政策操作的政策拐点与开关函数的具体形式。  相似文献   

We analyze a relation between interest rate controls and equilibrium determinacy using a two-country model featuring traded and non-traded goods. In addition, parameters of preference and production may differ between the two countries. We find that macroeconomic stability strongly depends on such heterogeneity including monetary policy, and that it is easier to generate determinate equilibrium under perfect liberalization of the economy, but to operate monetary policy in the economy with non-traded goods.  相似文献   

根据对1998~2009年间我国货币供应量、利率、股票市场规模、实体经济的四变量VAR模型分析判断,我国资本市场并不能对以经济增长为目标的货币政策调整信息进行及时有效的传导;且引起了货币当局产生上期货币政策调整不够的认识误差。这些情况实际反映出货币调整不足以使公众对未来经济,尤其是实体经济保持乐观预期。我国应努力不断改进实体经济的健康运行机制,以使公众对未来经济保持稳定和较高的收益预期。  相似文献   

中国货币政策绩效的短期分析与预测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据对经济的不同作用,货币政策可分为紧缩的货币政策和宽松的货币政策。在过去的6年里,中国的货币政策一直处于相对稳健的状态。中国经济之所以取得了持续稳定的增长,就是因为实施了稳健的货币政策。通过对2004年中国经济金融形势的回顾及对货币政策及其工具的实施效果的分析,我们判断,在2005年或今后的一段时间里,我国将继续实行稳健的货币政策。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the implications of hitting a monetary target (rate of interest or money supply) in an open economy. The technique of linear optimal control is applied to a small open economy of the Australian economy. A feature of the model is the interrelationship between the monetary and open sectors which complicates the use of monetary policy. Four optimal control experiments are reported in detail. The results indicate that we should aim for a money-supply target rather than an interest-rate target and that some assistance from fiscal policy should be provided to monetary policy in order to achieve this target.  相似文献   

The extent to which fiscal and monetary policies respond to inflation and unemployment and the degree to which policy makers coordinate their policies have important implications for their usefulness as instruments of economic stabilization. Using a framework of minimizing a policy maker's loss function, subject to the state of the economy, this paper tests for the joint determination of monetary and fiscal policies. Our results show that the pre-Reagan/Bush and pre-Volcker/Greenspan eras can be characterized by a noncooperative game between the two policies. For the Reagan/Bush and Volcker/Greenspan regimes, our results are consistent with a cooperative game in which fiscal policy dominates and monetary policy accommodates. Our results also have implications for the possibility of future cooperation by policy makers.Financial support from Southwest Texas State University and DePaul University is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

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