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当今世界 ,经济全球化进程势不可挡。而以通信和计算机为代表的信息革命已成为经济全球化的第一推动力 ,其通过因特网带来的信息全球化浪潮正在对我国新时期的思想政治工作产生重大而深远的影响。一、信息全球化对新时期思想政治工作的严峻挑战信息全球化是信息克服空间障碍在因特网上实现全球范围的自由传递。因其具有及时性、综合性、开放性、虚拟性等特点 ,不仅使信息传递速度和广度十分惊人 ,也使人们使用和推广因特网的速度非常迅猛。目前 ,世界上 2 5 0个国家中已有 2 40个提供了因特网网上服务。我国从 1994年 4月获准接入因特网 ,目…  相似文献   

地理信息系统(Geographic Information System,简称GIS)是20世纪60年代出现的新技术,是通过一切途径来获取和管理有关空间基础信息的科学技术领域。本文首先介绍了环卫规划以及GIS的含义和内容,然后阐述了目前地理信息系统在环卫规划中的应用,最后分析了GIS在环卫规划中应用的局限性,并对未来发展趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

信息技术与信息产业现状和发展趋势   英国是西方主要发达国家,电信市场开放较早,网络升级和信息化应用发展很快,在通信和信息产业领域具有良好的基础,但调查数据却表明,英国经常上网的人口比例落后于美国、加拿大、日本、澳大利亚、瑞典、挪威、芬兰等国。英国大公司在使用新的信息技术方面保持了世界领先地位,但小公司则明显落后于其他西方发达国家,这与英国发展知识经济的目标形成较大反差。   根据 1999年的调查,显示有关具体指标如下:   英国目前有 62%的公司使用因特网,超前于意大利 (36% )和法国 (34% ),但落后…  相似文献   

程承旗 《经济论坛》1995,(14):39-42
程承旗博士是北京大学遥感与地理信息系统研究所城市与3S室主任、副教授。3月17日,应河北省政府办公厅、省计委和省工程咨询研究院的邀请,到省城做了题为《信息高速公路与河北省GIS产业发展战略》的报告。报告着重介绍了作为信息高速公路核心构件的地理信息系统(GIS)产业发展状况和展望及对发展河北省GIS产业战略的建议。 地理信息系统(GIS),是以地理空间数据为基础,采用地理模型分析方法,适时提供多种空间、动态的地理信息的计算机技术系统。该系统具有区域空间分析、多要素综合分析和动态预测能力,是新兴的边缘科学。近年来,在世界范围内广泛而迅速地得到发展,已成为政府决策、军事指挥、经济管理、城市发展等重要领域的辅助手段。 征得程博士的同意,我们整理了这篇报告在本刊发表,为各级领导的宏观决策、规划和调控管理提供参考,并希望借此能引起有关部门和领导对发展GIS产业的重视。  相似文献   

新西兰因特网管委会第二代因特网(因特网-2)指导小组的30位专家于2001年10月召开会议,商谈新西兰发展第二代因特网的问题。因特网-2是在现有因特网的基础上进一步向高速、宽带发展的结果。该指导小组起草了一份报告,描述了下一代因特网将如何工作,并在新西兰如何发展的问题。该指导小组主席说:这项工作是涉及电子通信供应商、数字领域中制定政策的政府官员以及大学和研究部门等多个范畴的人员参加的大的网络性工作。它的影响将波及全社会,其硬件能力将从百万级(megabit)上升到10亿级(gigabit),所带来的商业机遇也…  相似文献   

在现代信息社会里,GIS作为一种集地理空间特征和各种统计信息为一体的特殊信息系统,是信息高速公路上的节点和基础设施。也是目前国内外许多领域研究的热门课题。公路交通无论其基础设施建设,还是其运营管理,都与管理空间信息密切相关,在公路交通的建设工作中,应用GIS技术,可有效地提高公路建设与管理的信息化水平,提高交通运输效率,实现可持续发展。  相似文献   

二十世纪以来,以电子为基础的信息技术的发明与运用,使得人们的生活、工作与行为广柑东断发生着深刻变化,电报和电话的使用是人们感受信息技术的最早方式,而计算机与网络技术的广泛应用,则预示着一个新的时代-互联网时代的到来。电子商务,从狭义上讲是指政府、企业和个人利用现代电子计算机与网络技术实现商业交换和行政管理的全过程;从广义上说,它的本质是建立一种全社会的“网络计算环境”或“数字化神经系统”,以实现信息资源在国民经济和大众生活中的全方位应用。与传统商务模式相比,电子商务模式发生了显著变化。  相似文献   

一、运用GIS进行技术开发 地理信息系统是用于采集、模拟、处理、检索、分析和表达地理空间数据的计算机信息系统。嵌入式地理信息系统(Embedded GIS)是集成GIS功能的嵌入式系统产品,是系统设计与开发层次上的应用,是一个软硬件混合的系统,它是导航、定位、地图查询和空间数据管理的一种理想解决方案。嵌入式GIS通过集成先进的个人化计算机技术PDA、移动通信技术(GSM/CDMA)和卫星导航定位GPS技术,以拓展GIS系统的应用领域,提高GIS信息采集和数据处理的方便性和实时性。本文以Mapinfor公司推出的MapX3.0为数据承载平台建立土地变更调查系统,方便用户快捷、可靠的进行数据采集及信息查询。  相似文献   

《中国信息导报》杂志系科学技术部主管、中国科技信息研究所和中国科技情报学会主办的综合性刊物。它全面反映信息业发展的动向热点和重大题材,探讨包括科技信息系统及IT业在内的信息业体制改革和创新体系的建设问题。面向信息界和企业界,政策性强、信息量大、内容丰富,曾荣获国家科委、中共中央宣传部、国家新闻出版署授予的全国优秀科技期刊一等奖。本杂志月刊,大16开本,64页,四封彩色精印,国内外公开发行,国际标准刊号:ISSN1005-7919,国内统一刊号:CN11-3505/G3。全国邮局均可订阅。漏订者可与本…  相似文献   

从目前的发展趋势看,只有通信数据速率达到Mbps数量级以上的系统,才能成为真正意义上的宽带无线IP系统,因为这个速率已经赶上甚至超过了有线因特网的访问速率,可以真正为用户提供“网上冲浪”。当前几种典型的宽带无线系统1.2.5G(2G+)无线通信系统:在2G移动电话系统基础上发展起来的宽带无线数据通信系统被称为2.5G或2G+系统,主要代表有GPRS(通用分组无线业务)系统和IS-95B系统。前者是为提升GSM系统数据业务能力而开发的,支持广域移动和IP业务,下行数据速率可达115.2Kbps。后者发展于IS-95 CDMA系统,性能与前者基…  相似文献   


The purpose of this paper is to introduce explicitly pleasure and belief in what aims at being a Humean theory of decision, like the one developed in Diaye and Lapidus (2005a). Although we support the idea that Hume was in some way a hedonist – evidently different from Bentham's or Jevons' way – we lay emphasis less on continuity than on the specific kind of hedonism encountered in Hume's writings (chiefly the Treatise, the second Enquiry, the Dissertation, or some of his Essays). Such hedonism clearly contrasts to its standard modern inheritance, expressed by the relation between preferences and utility.

The reason for such a difference with the usual approach lies in the mental process that Hume puts to the fore in order to explain the way pleasure determines desires and volition. Whereas pleasure is primarily, in Hume's words, an impression of sensation, it takes place in the birth of passions as reflecting an idea of pleasure, whose “force and vivacity” is precisely a “belief”, transferred to the direct passions of desire or volition that come immediately before action. As a result, from a Humean point of view, “belief” deals with decision under risk or uncertainty, as well as with intertemporal decision and indiscrimination problems.

The latter are explored within a formal framework, and it is shown that the relation of pleasure is transformed by belief into a non-empty class of relations of desire, among which at least one is a preorder.  相似文献   

John Stuart Mill has traditionally been portrayed as self-contradictory and failing to construct a unified social theory. Recent scholarship, however, has challenged this view, finding Mill's work to be creatively synthetic in bridging the antinomies inherent in liberal democratic thought. This revisionist interpretation of Mill is advanced by an understanding of his theory of justice and its role in shaping his policy positions on issues such as welfare, education, voting rights, property rights, taxation, government intervention, and the future of capitalism.  相似文献   

Arik Hesseldahl In the aftermath of the September 11 attacks, U.S. officials quickly turned their attention to other potential targets, including California's Golden Gate Bridge. What would happen if terrorists took down the bridge between San Francisco and Marin County? How much of the region would be affected and for how long?  相似文献   

Neoliberal political movements advocate privatization of public pension systems. Globalization imposes pressure on nations to conform to neoliberal policy views with respect to the design and structure of social insurance, including public pension systems. The paper begins with an investigation of the economic, ethical and ideological dimensions of the privatization debates in the U.S.; it argues that privatization advocates may be largely moved by ideology, since the other reasons advanced appear weak or unfounded. The second part discusses the history of Social Security, the purposes for its creation, and some of its economic effects. Differences between public and private pension systems are considered. A brief international comparison of some aspects of public pension system finance and benefit structures is presented. The final section considers the ethical, macroeconomic and distributional implications of privatization, prefunding and payroll tax funding, and argues for a pay as you go system financed with income taxes. In order to promote equity, economic security, community, and social cohesion, public pension systems should be universal in coverage. In order to reduce the inequality, income insecurity, and aged poverty generated by market economies, public pension systems ought to be progressive: benefit/contribution ratios should be inversely proportional to income, and progressive income taxes should finance the system. To promote economic growth, the systems should be financed on a pay-as-you-go basis, and should not be prefunded except for an emergency reserve. The fiscal policy recommendations partially depend upon the theory developed by Abba Lerner in the 1940s, and recently advanced by Wynne Godley and Randy Wray: Lerner's “principle of functional finance.”  相似文献   

The European Union,which is at the beginning of its term of office for all Member States in the European Parliament,the European Commission,its governing body a...  相似文献   

中国拥有世界五分之一强的人口 ,收入又在迅速增长。因此 ,国际上很自然地会考虑或推测她在今后的几十年是否有能力养活自己。中国的人口预计将从 2 0 0 0年的 1 2 8亿增长到 2 0 2 0年的 1 4 6亿 ,和 2 0 3 0年的 1 4 9亿。与此同时 ,人均收入的增长将导致对家畜和鱼类产品更大的需求 ,因而对饲料的需求也将有很大的增长  相似文献   

Although he was much influenced by David Ricardo when he wrote the classical part of his Principles , John Stuart Mill was not a Ricardian when he penned his theories of wealth and distribution. They are based on a triple foundation. First, a belief that economics is a moral discipline. Second a theory of custom-driven human behavior. Third, an empirically formed conviction that the institutions of state, education and business cooperate to structure the distribution of income. On the basis of these presuppositions, Mill formulated 1) an institutional theory of the formation of human and non-human wealth and 2) an even more institutional theory of distribution demonstrating how the aforementioned institutions malignantly skew the distribution of income to the advantage of the propertied classes and to the extreme disadvantage of the working class. As a social economist, Mill recommended institutional reforms designed to eradicate the poverty of the working class.  相似文献   

This article seeks to evaluate the appropriateness of a variety of existing forecasting techniques (17 methods) at providing accurate and statistically significant forecasts for gold price. We report the results from the nine most competitive techniques. Special consideration is given to the ability of these techniques to provide forecasts which outperforms the random walk (RW) as we noticed that certain multivariate models (which included prices of silver, platinum, palladium and rhodium, besides gold) were also unable to outperform the RW in this case. Interestingly, the results show that none of the forecasting techniques are able to outperform the RW at horizons of 1 and 9 steps ahead, and on average, the exponential smoothing model is seen providing the best forecasts in terms of the lowest root mean squared error over the 24-month forecasting horizons. Moreover, we find that the univariate models used in this article are able to outperform the Bayesian autoregression and Bayesian vector autoregressive models, with exponential smoothing reporting statistically significant results in comparison with the former models, and classical autoregressive and the vector autoregressive models in most cases.  相似文献   

Synopsis Classification is an important activity that facilitates theory development in many academic disciplines. Scholars in fields such as organizational science, management science and economics and have long recognized that classification offers an approach for ordering and understanding the diversity of organizational taxa (groups of one or more similar organizational entities). However, even the most prominent organizational classifications have limited utility, as they tend to be shaped by a specific research bias, inadequate units of analysis and a standard neoclassical economic view that does not naturally accommodate the disequilibrium dynamics of modern competition. The result is a relatively large number of individual and unconnected organizational classifications, which tend to ignore the processes of change responsible for organizational diversity. Collectively they fail to provide any sort of universal system for ordering, compiling and presenting knowledge on organizational diversity. This paper has two purposes. First, it reviews the general status of the major theoretical approaches to biological and organizational classification and compares the methods and resulting classifications derived from each approach. Definitions of key terms and a discussion on the three principal schools of biological classification (evolutionary systematics, phenetics and cladistics) are included in this review. Second, this paper aims to encourage critical thinking and debate about the use of the cladistic classification approach for inferring and representing the historical relationships underpinning organizational diversity. This involves examining the feasibility of applying the logic of common ancestry to populations of organizations. Consequently, this paper is exploratory and preparatory in style, with illustrations and assertions concerning the study and classification of organizational diversity.  相似文献   

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