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关于部分研究生学术诚信缺失问题的思考   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
何艺新 《理论观察》2006,(3):130-131
诚信是人最为重要的品德之一,学术诚信是学术人格的重要组成部分。然而,目前研究生学术诚信缺失的状况令人担忧。因此,必须从重视道德自津,培养学术诚信的学术人格;加强学术引导,建立学术诚信的学术航标;尊重自我意识,完善研究生学术道德规范;完善制度设计,加强外部力量的约束,以提高研究生科研道德水平。  相似文献   

学术诚信是学术人格的重要组成部分,是人们在学术活动中所表现出来的求真务实,不弄虚作假的诚实守信行为。学术诚信缺失是在科学研究和学术活动中的各种造假、抄袭、剽窃和其他违背科学精神的行为。近年来,随着研究生扩招等各种因素的影响,研究生学术诚信缺失状况日益严重,直接影响着高校研究生的培养质量及学风乃至全国科教兴国战略的实施。  相似文献   

学术诚信是大学生诚信道德体系的重要组成部分。文章立足学术诚信的科学内涵,针对当代大学生的学术不诚信行为,深入分析其原因,进而提出加强大学生学术诚信建设的对策:加强思想教育,培养学生的学术诚信意识;完善组织和规章建设,建立健全大学生学术诚信制度;健全学术诚信档案,建立诚信回报机制。  相似文献   

高校学术组织是学校科技和教育事业发展的重要组成部分,在推动高校科研诚信体系建设中具有独特的优势。文章通过对国内外高校科研诚信体系建设现状及存在问题的分析,提出基于学术组织的高校科研诚信治理体系架构,围绕诚信教育、学术交流、学术评价、学术监督4个方面阐述了高校学术组织在科研诚信治理体系中发挥的作用。  相似文献   

近年来,研究生学术道德问题突显,学术不端行为屡见不鲜,严重影响了我国学术水平的提高。研究生学术道德问题直接关系到整个学术界能否健康发展,同时也是研究生培养建设完善的重要组成部分。文章针对现今日渐严重的研究生学术道德问题进行了研究,将已有博弈论相关知识与研究生学术道德问题现状相结合,以研究生、学校及用人单位为博弈局中人进行了建模博弈分析,提出了研究生学术道德培养的相应策略。  相似文献   

对学术社团功能定位与研究生学术道德培养问题研究成果进行描述,学术社团对研究生学术道德的培养具有隐性的内化的作用,是研究生德育教育的重要载体,是研究生创新能力培养的重要平台,为后续研究提供了启示和思路。  相似文献   

随着知识经济时代的到来,学术诚信已成为越来越重要的道德规范。当前学术不端现象频发,引发社会对学术诚信问题的关注。大学生作为开展科研工作的重要后备力量,其学术规范问题更应引起重视。文章通过探究当前学术诚信现状、大学生群体产生学术失信行为背后的原因,进而提出如何在高校构建集制约机制、激励机制、监督机制"三位一体"的学术诚信保障机制,以期形成良好的高校学术氛围。  相似文献   

李蓉 《发展》2010,(2):118-119
端正学术风气,加强学术道德建设是当前我国高等学校一项刻不容缓的重要任务。本文拟从学术道德思想教育是基础、学术监察惩戒制度是助力、导师言传身教是关键、学术评价体系是导向等四个方面对研究生学术道德建设的有效途径进行积极探索。  相似文献   

大学生学术诚信是国内大学德育中的重要研究领域,学界主要从大学生学术诚信的内涵、学术不诚信的现状、原因及治理对策、国外的大学生诚信研究及其借鉴意义等方面对这一问题展开研究.国内研究在取得丰硕成果的同时,还存在核心概念界定不一、缺乏大规模实证研究和专门的针对性研究较少等问题.  相似文献   

我国研究生教育正面临由追求数量向提高质量的转变.面对日渐严重的研究生学术道德失范行为,研究生辅导员应担负起学术道德教育的核心作用.辅导员要以身作则,带头遵守学术道德规范,为研究生树立榜样,同时要强化对研究生的学术道德教化并实施学术规范的引领.  相似文献   

随着我国研究生招生规模的不断扩大,研究生面临的心理压力也不断增加,其心理健康受到了较大的威胁。研究生心理压力主要来自学业压力、就业压力、经济压力和婚恋压力。减轻研究生心理压力,提高研究生心理健康水平的关键措施在于构建研究生心理健康服务体系。  相似文献   

Surveys suggest that a majority of graduate students seek academic positions after completing their degree. We survey groups involved in the job market to determine the roles of teaching and research in hiring and the subsequent success of new faculty. We find that while characteristics that signal research potential are highly valued by both graduate directors and department chairs, there are significant discrepancies in the extent that teaching is valued in the hiring process across institution types. Furthermore, although new faculty devote half of their time to teaching, only half of them agree that graduate school prepared them to teach.  相似文献   

The school shutdown due to the global pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) can lead to an increase in educational inequality through disproportionately affecting disadvantaged children. We use data from a unique survey of 7202 junior high school students and their parents from Shaanxi province to explore whether the school shutdown enlarged the educational gap between students with different parental socioeconomic statuses (SES) during the pandemic. We find that students with more highly educated parents experienced an increase in relative test rankings after the shutdown period. A 1-year increase in parents' education led to a relative 0.18-percentile increase in students' rankings of total test scores. We also identify the mechanisms behind the enlarged gap by means of heterogeneity analyses. We show that parents' education mainly affected children's academic performance through parents' engagement in their children's homeschooling, mitigating the negative impacts of Internet addiction on students, and serving as substitutes for teachers who were unable to teach well online.  相似文献   

目的研究场认知风格、学业成绩与家庭经济地位的关系。方法用镶嵌图形测验(简称EFT)和自编的家庭SES问卷对553名中小学生施测,并收集期终考试成绩。结果①母亲职业、父母职业总分、家庭SES总分与EFr得分在9年级呈显著正相关(P〈0.01)。父亲职业与EFT得分在4、5、9年级呈显著正相关(P〈0.05);父母学历与EFT得分各年级相关均未达到显著。②家庭SES得分与学习成绩总分各年级相关均未达到显著。结论家庭经济地位对场认知风格的形成和学业成绩有影响,但是在不同的年龄阶段影响不同。  相似文献   

张艳  焦艳 《科技和产业》2021,21(3):166-173
近年来,随着科研失信和学术不端行为的多发易发,国家对科研诚信和学术规范日益重视.为了建立基于科研管理全过程的教育预防、监督检测、诫勉惩罚的高校科研诚信与学术规范的管理体系,围绕科研诚信和学术规范的相关政策,通过比较研究的方法,对近年来科研失信和学术不端行为的范围界定及处理流程进行梳理分析.从科研管理视域下,明确指出高校科研管理中科研诚信和学术规范相辅相成的内在关系.科研诚信是自我的道德约束,学术规范是社会的制度约束,是科研管理坚守的两条底线.通过分析探讨项目申报、项目开展、项目结题和成果报奖等环节中科研诚信和学术规范的潜在问题,建议结合科研活动的一般过程,以信任为前提,以科研诚信为道德约束,以学术规范为制度约束,建立"事前教育预防、事中监督检测、事后诫勉惩戒"的高校科研诚信与学术规范的全过程管理体系,为健康良好的科研生态提供保障.  相似文献   

Using a random assignment of students to mandatory courses in a Chinese university, we estimated the short- and long-term teacher effects on undergraduate academic performance, with a particular focus on part-time instructors. The findings show that both short- and long-term teacher effects existed. Among four groups of instructors, part-time instructors had the largest positive impact on short- and long-term student academic achievement. In addition, associate professors improved students' achievement the most in the long-term, while graduate student instructors raised student test scores the most in the short-term. Assistant professors were the least effective for both short- and long-term outcomes. This study also compared the value-added results to students' subjective evaluations of teaching quality, and found similar patterns except that students rated associate professors higher than part-time instructors.  相似文献   

We conduct a randomized control trial to investigate the effect of a soft-skills intervention that highlights the role of beliefs about perseverance on non-cognitive skills, effort, and academic performance of college students. We have a sample of 366 undergraduate students from women-only and public colleges in a major metropolitan city in Pakistan. We find that a brief discussion stressing perseverance and a constructive interpretation of failures led to increased level of grit among treated students one year after the intervention. However, we find no significant increase in hours of study and college attendance after one year or test scores two and nine months after the intervention. Our findings suggest that soft-touch interventions may impact non-cognitive skills, but they can be insufficient for improving academic achievement.  相似文献   

This paper examines peer effects among graduate students in a Chinese university. We implement a quasi-experiment empirical strategy and find that a student's master GPA is positively associated with his roommates' college GPA. Our results exclude the possibilities that the peer effects are driven by the spillover of peer intelligence or effort level but support the academic skill mechanism.  相似文献   

大学生诚信教育研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大学生诚信教育是社会主义市场经济发展的需要,是践行科学发展观的必然要求,也是大学生个人健康成长的需要,对构建“和谐社会”具有重要战略意义。为强化大学生的诚信意识,突出诚信在成长道路上的重要作用,营造公平竞争、求真务实的校园风气,把大学生培养成为诚实守信、知行统一的文明大学生,本文针对大学生诚信危机状况进行了分析,提出了加强大学生诚信教育的途径。  相似文献   

Conclusions Using the same universities with high-quality sports programs studied by McCormick and Tinsley, this paper qualifies their conclusion that big-time football enhances the academic mission through an advertising effect. While the advertising effect of an established big-time football winning tradition may attract a higher quality student to a university, there is a cost for some students once they enroll. Consistent with the adverse effect on output of faculty publications found in the Shughart, Tollison, and Goff study, this paper offers evidence that athletic success comes at the expense of some students who fail to graduate. Faced with the decision to study or engage in entertainment, the opportunity cost to students is higher when their football program is successful. If the football team is nationally ranked, there is greater incentive to talk football in the dorm, attend home games, cut Friday classes to take road trips to away games, including bowl games, and in general put off studying. In contrast, the evidence suggests that a big-time basketball program is unrelated to the graduation rate.  相似文献   

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