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文章以Probit、Tobit回归模型为主要工具,利用来自黄河流域下游山东省464份调查问卷的数据,研究了影响居民生态补偿的支付意愿与支付水平的主要因素。研究表明:影响居民生态补偿支付意愿与支付水平的因素并不完全相同。对生态环境问题的关注程度和性别因素显著影响居民的生态补偿支付意愿,但显著影响居民的生态补偿支付水平的因素是对黄河上游生态环境重要性的认识;另外,显著影响居民生态补偿支付意愿与支付水平的共同因素是对保护黄河上游生态环境需要大量投入的知晓程度和居民年收入。  相似文献   

政府投入是支持中低端养老地产项目发展的必要手段.政府投入分为直接投入和间接投入,构建了政府直接投入影响下,成本分担和购买服务两种间接投入情形下政府和中低端养老地产服务供应商微分博弈模型.研究表明:相比政府购买服务,成本分担更能提高老年消费者居住满意度,同时带来的政府和企业的效益也更高;老年消费者满意度对政府直接投入越敏感时,对提高老年消费者长期居住满意度效果越好.  相似文献   

农业补贴政策对农户行为和农村发展的影响分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
农业补贴是一国政府对本国农业支持与保护政策体系中最主要、最常用的政策工具,是政府对农业生产、流通和贸易进行的转移支付。WTO框架下的农业协议,对成员国的国内农业支持水平和范围作了规范,它对我国今后的农业支持体系和农民收入都将产生影响。农业补贴政策还会对我国农村的政治、经济、文化教育等各方面产生影响,其中,最直接的影响将是经济领域,而农业受到的影响最大。  相似文献   

通过考察清代石仓地主阙翰鹤在道光十六年(1836)至同治九年(1870)间"理家政"过程中留下的账簿和契约,本文描述了其在日常经营和生活过程中的雇工结构、工资水平和支付方式。研究发现,在阙翰鹤的雇工结构中,农业雇工占主体地位,非农业雇工居次要地位;农业雇工的工资水平略低于非农业雇工,但不同工种间真实工资水平差距不大,每工折米4斤上下;除塾师外,其他工种的工资货币化支付程度较低。与清中后期剧烈波动的银钱兑价形成鲜明对比,石仓地方市场上以制钱计价的乡村雇工,其雇工结构、实际工资和货币化水平均呈现相当稳定的结构。  相似文献   

长期以来,我国对农业的正外部性和农产品的公共性问题认识不够,因此,在发展农业的思路和政策上,采取了市场化的倾向,政府对农业的投入逐渐缩小,阻碍了农业发展和农民增收。如何解决这一问题,笔者认为,必须高度重视农业的正外部性和农产品的公共性特征,加大政府对农业的财政支持和保护力度,是保证农业快速发展和农民持续增收的有效途径。  相似文献   

农业补贴是一国政府对本国农业支持与保护政策体系中最主要、最常用的政策工具,是政府对农业生产、流通和贸易进行的转移支付。也就是政府通过行政手段,干预资源转移到农业领域,以支持本国农业的发展。  相似文献   

邓希婷  余忠 《科技和产业》2022,22(10):139-143
农业上市公司是推动乡村振兴的重要参与者,其中,知识资本是农业上市公司提升绩效的重要手段。通过选取2016—2019年56家农业上证A股上市公司为研究样本进行回归,分析农业上市公司中知识资本对绩效的影响关系。研究结果支持了员工的本科率指标与农业上市公司绩效正相关的假设,认为员工的学历在一定程度上对农业上市企业有益处;同时,农业上市公司前一年的研发投入能为下一年公司带来经济效益,提升企业的绩效,但研发费用占比过高会负向影响农业上市公司的绩效水平;而员工培训费用的增加则会积极促进公司绩效的提高。因此,农业公司应重视知识资本的作用,在管理方面合理引入知识资本提升公司绩效。  相似文献   

转型期中国政府农业投资的规模与结构分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文通过实证研究,认为政府农业投资规模的大小对农业增长有着很强的正影响,政府投资在我国农业发展中起到不可替代的作用。另外,不同的投资结构所产生的边际产量不同,所以改善农业投资结构也能对农业增长产生正的影响。因此建议,在当前我国的公共财政体制改革中,不但要加强农业的支持力度和投入规模,还要优化投资结构。  相似文献   

在WTO框架下加强中国农业的国内支持政策   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
在WTO框架下支持和保护我国的农业发展,目标是为了实现农民增收。我国农业保护的总原则应以“国内支持为主,边境保护为辅”。国内支持应当尽可能在“绿箱政策”所涉及的内容领域做文章,充分发挥区域比较优势,政府应增加投资强度,支持农业科技进步,支持农业结构调整,支持农村人力资本开发,支持农村区域综合发展,同时,应改革农业宏观管理体制,改善为农业、农民服务的环境,给农民购买农用投入物品以补贴为农民创造更多的  相似文献   

我国"入世"最新一轮谈判中,属于凯恩斯(Cairns)集团的主要农产品出口国,要求我方在农业补贴问题上接受比一般发展中国家更为严格的约束性承诺,我方谈判代表拒绝了这一要求,结果导致谈判破裂。外国为什么对我国农业补贴问题如此敏感关注?"入世"谈判为何因农业补贴出现僵局?这些问题正引起国内外广泛关注。一、支持和保护:农业补贴的两层含义一般意义上的补贴,指政府通过财政手段向某种产品的生产、流通、贸易活动或某些居民提供的转移支付,农业补贴主要是对农业生产、流通和贸易进行的转移支付。WTO 农业  相似文献   

刘骄乐  张侨 《科技和产业》2022,22(7):247-252
为探究旅游企业内部营销措施,提高员工满意度,进而提升服务质量,选取海南省(三亚市为主)各地区的旅游企业员工为调查对象,以员工工作投入为中介变量,实证研究旅游企业内部营销对员工满意度的影响。结果表明:旅游企业内部营销不能直接正向影响员工工作满意度;旅游企业内部营销对工作投入具有直接显著正向影响;工作投入对旅游企业员工满意度有直接显著正向影响;工作投入在内部营销和员工满意度之间具有中介作用。  相似文献   

何玲雁 《科技和产业》2023,23(12):136-141
国有企业员工薪酬体系优化与员工激励机制建设一直是国企改革的重点。为此,对高管薪酬制度现状以及国有企业高管薪酬政策等相关文献进行系统分析,梳理影响国有上市公司高管薪酬的因素,建立面板数据分析模型,选取2010—2020年中国国有上市公司样本,探究不同类型的国有上市公司高管薪酬与经营业绩、薪酬政策的关系。研究发现,高管薪酬政策与经营业绩对两种类型的国有上市公司的高管薪酬具有显著的正向影响。基于研究结论,从政府薪酬管制、公司治理、增强高管薪酬的业绩敏感性、改进薪酬激励的方式等角度,分别对两类国有上市公司提出管理建议。  相似文献   

Summary and Conclusion With cross-section data on the purchases of four energy inputs by 11 U.S. manufacturing industries, Allen partial cross elasticities of input substitution and own price elasticities of demand were computed. The sample set represents 85 percent of total manufacturing energy demand in 1962. The substitution elasticities between fuel oil and natural gas, fuel oil and purchased electricity, and between natural gas and electricity, were statistically significant for about half of the 11 two-digit SIC industries studied. These elasticities ranged between 12.9 and 1.7 with half of them less than 4.0.Importantly, the elasticity of substitution between coal and the above three energy inputs was significantly different from zero in only three manufacturing industries (comprising some 35 percent of total manufacturing energy demand). Thus it would appear that only three U.S. manufacturing sectors will contribute towards the substitution of domestic for international energy sources. Indirect substitution between energy sources, with the consequent implications for the balance of payments, will primarily have to come from the substitution of electricity (from coal-fired plants) for natural gas (from Canada) and fuel oil (indirectly from the Middle East, Africa, and Latin America).Similar substitution results were found when all 11 industries were aggregated together or divided into large and small energy demand groups. As well, there appear to be no significant differences in overall substitution response between the two categories of large and small energy users. Supporting the substitution results, we found that the own price elasticity of demand for coal to be about –.5 and not different from zero while the price elasticities for natural gas, fuel oil, and purchased electricity were between –.7 and –2.67 (and statistically different from zero).As a general conclsuion, the substitution of domestic coal for other energy inputs will primarily have to come indirectly through greater use of coal to produce electricity which is purchased by the manufacturing sector. The scope for direct substitution of coal for other energy inputs in U.S. manufacturing is limited to only three sectors and cannot be expected to have an exceptionally large impact on mitigating the inflation and blanace of payments implications of the recent increases in the price of imported energy inputs.This work was undertaken at the Bureau of Economic Analysis. Discussions with George Green, A. Ray Grimes, Jr., Michael Mohr, John R. Moroney, Gorti Narasimham, and Benjamin Wolkowitz are acknowledged. These individuals, as well as the B.E.A. and the author's present employer, remain independent from the views expressed in this study.  相似文献   

Needlessly high levels of unemployment are a contributing factor to a wide range of social ills, which would be substantially alleviated by driving unemployment to a low level of about 1.5 percent. This will require substantial increases in government deficits and debt. Recent trends in the ratio of private profit-seeking invested capital to GDP have been steady or slightly downward, while the ratio to GDP of desired private asset holdings has been growing, leaving a gap that must be filled by a growing government debt if GDP is to grow rapidly to a full employment level. The corresponding deficits are the means whereby the flow of income payments is enhanced, market demand increased, full employment is achieved and a corresponding expansion of private investment induced, leaving future generations to enjoy an enhanced heritage of capital in place and a more experienced work force. Meeting debt service payments from a prosperous economy will be less onerous than meeting current debt service requirements from an economy in the doldrums. If inflation becomes a problem, it must be taken care of by methods that do not involve unemployment, such as the use of marketable gross markup warrants. President of the Atlantic Economic Society 1991–92.  相似文献   

公共服务供给方式的创新是乡村振兴的深刻主题及客观要求。在此背景下,本文探讨了乡村振兴进程中拉萨市公共服务供给方式的创新,分析了拉萨市当前主要是由政府供给,政府与企业、社会组织合作供给,自主供给和社会组织自愿供给的三种主要公共服务供给方式,发现了乡村振兴进程中拉萨市公共服务供给方式在供给导向、供给主体、信息化建设以及政府购买服务等方面存在的挑战并着重探讨了公共服务供给方式的创新机制,完善拉萨市公共服务供给方式,可从以现实需求为导向,增强公共服务供给有效性、以协同推进为抓手,促进不同供给主体的多元性、以信息化建设为支撑,加强政府购买服务监督三个方面为着力点。  相似文献   

中小企业通过信用担保机构获得融资已成为一条解决"融资难"问题的重要渠道.我国以中小企业信用担保体系的制度性安排为基础,但中小企业信用担保体系存在着三重制度性缺陷:结构性缺陷、经营管理性缺陷和功能性缺陷.中小企业信用担保机构担保风险防范和调适,应做到以下五点:监管部门指导担保机构做好风险识别、量化和管理工作;加强法律法规建设;政府担保机构要坚持政策性资金实行市场化经营的原则,避免行政干预;建立和完善担保机构的资金补偿机制和各种风险防范机制;积极推进中小企业信用制度和担保机构信息化建设.  相似文献   

在实地调研基础上总结了影响浙江纺织企业节能减排的资源、环境、经济与社会因素,分析了浙江纺织企业节能减排的困境及其财税政策的不足,提出了促进浙江纺织企业节能减排的财政支出政策与税收政策的建议:在财政支出政策的选择上应注重综合运用政府直接投资、政府采购、财政补贴和转移支付等手段;在税收政策的选择上应综合运用税收优惠政策、差别性的环保税、产品税和消费税政策等。  相似文献   

This paper puts forward an intertemporal model of a small open economy which allows for the simultaneous analysis of the determination of endogenous growth and external balance. The model assumes infinitely lived, overlapping generations that maximize lifetime utility, and competitive firms that maximize their net present value in the presence of adjustment costs for investment. Domestic securities are assumed perfect substitutes for foreign securities and the economy is assumed small in the sense of being a price taker in international goods and assets markets. It is shown that the endogenous growth rate is determined solely as a function of the determinants of domestic investment, such as the world real interest rate, the technology of domestic production and adjustment costs for investment and is independent of the preferences of domestic households and budgetary policies. The preferences of consumers and budgetary policies determine the savings rate. The current account and external balance are functions of the difference between the savings and the investment rates. The world real interest rate affects growth negatively but has a positive impact on external balance. The productivity of domestic capital affects growth positively but causes a deterioration in external balance. Population growth, government consumption and government debt affect the current account and external balance negatively, but do not affect the endogenous growth rate.  相似文献   

This paper solves a model that links earnings quality to the equity risk premium in an infinite‐horizon consumption capital asset pricing model (CAPM) economy. In the model, risk‐averse traders hold diversified portfolios consisting of risk‐free bonds and shares of many risky firms. When constructing their portfolios, traders rely on noisy reported earnings and dividend payments for information about the risky firms. The main new element of the model is an explicit representation of earnings quality that includes hidden accrual errors that reverse in subsequent periods. The model demonstrates that earnings quality magnifies fundamental risk. Absent fundamental risk, poor earnings quality cannot affect the equity risk premium. Moreover, only the systematic (undiversified) component of earnings‐quality risk contributes to the equity risk premium. In contrast, all components of earnings‐quality risk affect earnings capitalization factors. The model ties together consumption CAPM and accounting‐based valuation research into one price formula linking earnings quality to the equity risk premium and earnings capitalization factors.  相似文献   

罗明忠  陈明 《南方经济》2014,32(11):78-92
基于广州市15家民营企业372位员工的调查数据,本文对工作特征、员工满意度与劳动争议处理行为之间的关系进行了实证分析。结果表明,工资收入越高,每天工作时间越少,员工满意度越高;职位等级和工龄与员工满意度不存在显著关系。员工满意度对劳动争议处理中的建议行为有正向影响,对消极行为和对抗行为有负向影响;单个的工作特征因素对员工的劳动争议处理行为没有直接的决定作用。可见,员工满意度作为个体对所在企业的综合情感体现,能在日常职业情境与突发劳动争议之间架起一座联系的桥梁。  相似文献   

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