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本文就地勘单位走向困境、进入市场普遍存在的问题进行了探讨,对地勘单位“找矿越多,队伍越穷”的现象进行了分析解剖并提出了自己的见解。本文想通过抛砖引玉促进地勘单位全方位进入市场,来提高自我发展的能力。  相似文献   

会计控制是在地勘单位的资金动力过程中通过调节,保证实现经营目标的一系列行为。本文针对地勘单位当前会计控制实务的现状及存在的问题进行了分析,并对如何加强地勘单位的会计控制提出了对策。  相似文献   

本文针对地勘施工单位存在大量应收工程款不能按时收回,形成长期拖欠的情况,提出慎重承揽工程、严格合同管理、加强过程控制、设置清欠机构、实行债务重组、建立债权贴现管理公司等七项对策,借以加强地勘施工单位对拖欠工程款的清理。  相似文献   

本文通过对地勘单位改制的经济条件失分析,提出了地勘单位改制的目标模式为国家、职工、其他机构或社会公众共同持股且以职工股为主的股份制模式,使其成为上互制约、相互监督、共同发展的利益共同体。并指出了采取该目标模式的优越性,以及地勘单位在改制中应当注意的主要问题。  相似文献   

阐述地勘单位采购合规管理的重要性与必要性,分析地勘单位存在的采购管理问题、主要问题类型与表现形式,提出新形势下构建地勘单位采购合规管理风险防范措施。旨在通过地勘单位采购合规管理,进一步规范采购主体责任和采购行为,构建多位一体的地勘单位大监督体系,规避企业采购风险,提高采购效率和企业竞争力,达到降本增效目标,实现地勘单位高质量发展。  相似文献   

本文介绍了地勘单位企业改制的基本内容和工作步骤,分析了地勘单位在企业改制中存在的问题,强调发挥思想政治工作的重要作用,论证了地勘企业规模经营与长期发展战略的辨证关系,提出了地勘单位转企改制的发展方向。  相似文献   

本文从企业标准化管理角度出发,应用标准化基础理论,结合地勘单位实际,对地勘单位标准化体系问题,从原则、构成、内容等方面提出了具体的想法,并提出对地勘单位标准化工作的意见。  相似文献   

作者认为,地勘单位在目前的转机建制中面临的首要问题是资金短缺。因此,加强财务管理,盘活存资金至关重要。文章通过对地勘单位财务管理现状及存在问题的分析,提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

本文对地勘单位改制将要面临的问题从多层面进行了分析,同时相应地提出了解决对策和措施,并对地勘单位迫切面临改制的各企业按竞争实力及规模提出了相应的改制方案。  相似文献   

煤田地勘单位有着良好的会计基础工作,本文从细节方面指出了煤田地勘单位的会计基础工作中的不足,分析了产生的原因,并提出了解决办法.  相似文献   

One of the purposes of the secondary mortgage market is to move funds from areas of capital surplus to areas of capital shortage. If mortgage funds move freely throughout the economy then the price of mortgage funds (the terms of the mortgage) should be the same everywhere. Thus, if the secondary mortgage market is efficient, mortgage terms should show less geographic variation after the secondary market began in 1970 than they showed before. In this paper, the efficiency of the market is tested in two stages. In the first, the average terms of mortgage loans in 1968 and 1978 are examined to determine whether they became more homogeneous after the secondary market was begun. In the second stage, the terms are modeled as a function of region, year by region interaction variables, foreclosure rates, the usury ceiling and the average cost of funds. This model is estimated and analyzed using a multivariate multiple regression technique.  相似文献   

The reorientations of energy policy, and in particular the promotion of renewables, have changed the market conditions for energy companies significantly. Over recent years, the resulting challenges put the energy companies’ financial ratios under severe stress. As the need to invest remains urgent, energy firms seek to broaden and diversify their sources of funding. Against this backdrop, the article addresses an innovative form of securities-based debt financing for energy companies, which explicitly links the financing transaction to the investing of funds in renewable energy projects. Due to the early stage of development of so called green (project) bonds, an initial disambiguation is essential. Thereafter, current market processes, structures and rules are considered. Based hereupon, it is possible to discuss the new opportunities that green project bonds afford energy companies.  相似文献   

以基金的平均周收益率、詹森指数、特雷诺指数、夏普指数以及基金的选股能力、择时能力、抗跌能力为基础研究了54只封闭式基金的业绩排名,发现平均周收益率高的基金经过风险调整后的回报率仍然很高,这说明能够在一定程度上控制风险的基金其业绩较佳;大多数平均周收益率高的基金其收益突出是因为其选股能力突出,而这些选股能力突出的基金中大部分的基金抗跌能力也很强;少数平均厨收益率高的基金其收益突出是因为其择时能力突出,但这部分择时能力强的基金却未表现出强的抗跌能力。根据这些指标提出了基金的诊断式评级,以为投资者和监管机构提供更多的信息。  相似文献   

BT模式是在近年的工程实践中出现的一种投融资建设管理新模式,深受我国政府重视.BT模式在深圳地铁5号线工程中得到了实际应用,不仅很好地解决了投资方资金瓶颈问题,而且有效地提高了建筑企业施工组织管理水平,显著地提高了建筑企业物资集中采购规模效益.文章通过对深圳地铁5号线BT项目案例进行分析,研究了大型建筑企业在地铁BT项目运作中管理新模式,分析其优势和不足之处,提出了解决的办法和建议.  相似文献   

In this paper, we evaluate the scope of Chadwick’s claim on the superiority of competition for the market over competition in the market under incomplete information. We firstly characterize the expected outcome achieved under competition in the market at a Cournot Bayesian-Nash equilibrium. Then we characterize the optimal expected outcome achieved under a competition for the market mechanism designed by a government facing a shadow cost of public funds. We show that a regulated monopoly selected by an auction mechanism results in higher expected welfare than does duopoly competition when the entry cost is low but that the opposite holds when the market size is small and the entry cost is high for some values of the shadow cost of public funds. These results are explained by the influence of adverse selection on the entry decision at the Cournot equilibrium and by the level of expected total fixed costs in both mechanisms.   相似文献   

工程项目业主作为未来工程项目的所有和建设市场上的买方,对项目目标实现起主导作用,是工程项目的责任主体,工程项目业主应当依法认真履行自己的职责。但是,目前许多工程项目业主将应由自己完成的有关项目工作,强加给承包商、监理去做,项目运行过程中许多工作,达不到项目的需求,搞乱了建筑市场,虽经几年整顿规范建筑市场,此问题没有从分配上解决。我们已加入WTO,将有大量的国外承包商、监理涌入我国,工程项目业主认真履行职责是一个焦点问题,本在分析业主、承包商、监理关系基础上,较具体地指出了项目业主应履行的职责。  相似文献   

通过对陕焦化工有限公司20万t/a焦炉煤气制甲醇项目背景及工艺的技术经济评价和生产实践分析,认为该项目是可行的。但经过生产实践表明项目投资受宏观经济形势影响较大,同时焦炉煤气制甲醇项目在运行过程中具有较强的抗市场波动能力。  相似文献   

Product development for high technology products is comprised of the three stages of assessment, development, and execution. In addition, all three stages consist of information and decisions involving technological, product, and market dimensions. This article presents a systematic approach for integrating these three dimensions by which a go—no-go decision can be reached prior to the expenditure of large amounts of funds for research and development.  相似文献   

This article seeks to examine the relationship that exists between the development of high order thinking such as creative and problem solving skills and the need for pupils to achieve high levels of performance in their design and technology public examinations during the final year of compulsory education in the UK.The data under discussion were collected during the final year of a four year research project when a sample of fifty 15–16 year old pupils was chosen from eight schools in the north-east of England.For the purpose of this article a further sub-sample of twenty-seven pupils [twelve pupils who achieved high marks for their project work (sixty-five percent and above) and the fifteen pupils who achieved low marks in their project work (forty percent and below) was selected.In discussing the findings, the relationship between levels of creativity, performance, personal goal characteristics, motivation and design procedures used by the pupils will be highlighted. Conclusions will then be drawn concerning the part played by GCSE Design and Technology examination project work in enhancing the development of creative, innovative thinking and problem solving skills.  相似文献   


Index funds consist of a subset of stocks, an index tracking portfolio, included in the market index. The index tracking portfolio aims to match the performance of the benchmark index. In this paper, we propose a hybrid model for solving the multiperiod index tracking problem, which includes rebalancing concerns, transaction costs, limits on the number of stocks, and diversification by sector, market capitalization, and stock weight. Our hybrid model combines the genetic algorithm (GA) to select stocks of the index tracking portfolio and mixed-integer nonlinear programming (MINLP) to estimate its weights. Finally, we apply our proposed hybrid model to the S&P500 to find an index tracking portfolio that includes those constraints. The results show that our hybrid model is able to create an index fund whose return rate is similar to the market index with significantly lower risk.  相似文献   

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