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对冲基金是投资基金的一种,是以有限合伙方式利用对冲投资技巧投资于证券及各种金融衍生工具的投资基金,多为私人投资基金。据美国范氏顾问公司对1997年的全美对冲基金的统计,60%的对冲基金使用信贷杠杆筹资效果。显然,对冲基金的这一特征使之与商业银行间结成了密切的联系。范氏顾问公司对该年各投资集团回报率的统计表明,虽然1998年由于全球政治经济情况的意外波动造成几家著名的对冲基金投机失败,使对冲基金陷入困境,但就总体而言,1993年以来对冲基金的收益率一直高于其他类型基金的平均收益率,使曾对对冲基金持谨慎态度的商业银行又回到了对冲基金的身边。  相似文献   

对冲基金与金融风险   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

本文通过分析国际对冲基金的发展现状及其性质,并结合我国当前实际——私募基金规模不断增大,金融市场逐步开放等,分析我国本土对冲基金的形成条件和未来发展中的相关问题。  相似文献   

对冲基金作为短期的流动性国际投机资本,是导致世界金融和经济不稳定并引发金融危机的重要因素。建立对基金国际监管制度,对于引导国际资本的合理、有序流动,促进世界经济持续、稳定、健康增长有着十分积极的作用,是促成新的国际金融秩序乃至新的国际经济秩序建立的一个重要环节。  相似文献   

对冲基金及其监管问题研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
胡平 《南方金融》2008,(4):43-46
近年来,随着金融市场的加速创新和结构性调整,对冲基金的规模也迅速扩张,成为国际金融市场的重要参与者。与传统的资产管理、共同基金相比,对冲基金在投资策略、组织形式等方面具有自己的特点。对冲基金日益扩大的资产规模和自由灵活的投资策略增加了金融市场的流动性、提高了市场效率,但同时也给金融体系带来了新的不稳定因素。2006年以来,对冲基金对金融稳定的影响日益成为全球金融监管者关注的问题。有些国家主张通过间接监管的方式,有些则一直推动加强对对冲基金的直接监管。如何加强对对冲基金的监管,减少对冲基金对金融体系稳定性的负面影响,仍然是全球金融业面临的一项挑战。  相似文献   

一、对冲基金探源 对冲基金在美国有很长的历史。最早记录在案的对冲基金名为 AR Jones,发行于1949年,至今仍活跃在金融市场上。 当这种基金在美国首次出现的时候,因为被准予做空头交易,从而具备了套期保值,控制风险的能力,“对冲基金”即由此得名。  相似文献   

对冲基金的发展为金融市场提供了流动性,减少了市场的低效率,并为投资者提供了多元化的投资途径和高额回报。但有时候,对冲基金的过度投机也被认为对金体系产生了威胁。2011年被称为中国的对冲基金元年,如何发展对冲基金,并最大限度发挥其对金融市场的正面作用是摆在我们面前的紧迫课题。由于我国资本市场仍处于新兴加转轨阶段,金融制度不够完善,衍生品市场不够成熟,在鼓励发展对冲基金的同时,监管机构也应该做好应有的风险监管工作。  相似文献   

本文梳理了对冲基金的概念、特征及对冲策略,指出市场中性是这些对冲策略普遍存在的内在一致性要求。在此基础上,本文进一步讨论了市场中性策略的收益来源,分析了市场中性策略的做空优势,指出对冲策略拓宽了传统组合边界。  相似文献   

国际对冲基金监管制度比较研究与启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对冲基金近年发展迅猛,各国根据本国国情初步建立了监管制度。本文认为应从改进治理结构、强化自律监管,加强市场约束、提高透明度等方面,沿运营流程和主要运营当事人两条线索完善对冲基金现有监管法律制度。在金融市场全面开放背景下,我国应在放开私募管制基础上根据市场和金融产品发展进程推进对冲基金逐步合法化。  相似文献   

针对当前国际对冲基金重返亚洲寻找商机的现实,在分析其近期主要活动特征的基础上,提出防范国际对冲基金及其他短期投机资金投机套利的应对措施是:提高认识,高度重视;大力加强外汇监管;改革人民币汇率机制;加快金融外汇制度改革:慎重开放资本项目。  相似文献   

Accurate appraisal of hedge fund performance must recognize the freedom with which managers shift asset classes, strategies, and leverage in response to changing market conditions and arbitrage opportunities. The standard measure of performance is the abnormal return defined by a hedge fund's exposure to risk factors. If exposures are assumed constant when, in fact, they vary through time, estimated abnormal returns may be incorrect. We employ an optimal changepoint regression that allows risk exposures to shift, and illustrate the impact on performance appraisal using a sample of live and dead funds during the period January 1994 through December 2005.  相似文献   

伴随着20世纪90年代一系列金融危机的发生,研究对冲基金的重要性日益凸显.对冲基金是指通过非公开方式向少数富裕个人和机构投资者募集资金而设立的,对包含对冲、杠杆等在内的投资策略的使用不受或很少受到限制,基金经理通常也作为基金的一个主要投资者,具有以绝对回报为中心的业绩提成费用结构的投资资本组合.对冲基金的特点主要包括:募集方式的非公开性和募集时象的特定性、投资策略的高度复杂性、奖励性佣金结构的特殊性、杠杆投资和收益的杠杆性、信息披露义务的相对宽松性以及操作的灵活性等.我国发展对冲基金既有可能性,又有必然性.  相似文献   

Defining contagion as correlation over and above that expected from economic fundamentals, we find strong evidence of worst return contagion across hedge fund styles for 1990 to 2008. Large adverse shocks to asset and hedge fund liquidity strongly increase the probability of contagion. Specifically, large adverse shocks to credit spreads, the TED spread, prime broker and bank stock prices, stock market liquidity, and hedge fund flows are associated with a significant increase in the probability of hedge fund contagion. While shocks to liquidity are important determinants of performance, these shocks are not captured by commonly used models of hedge fund returns.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a cross‐country law and finance analysis of the misreporting behaviour in the hedge fund industry in terms of smoothing returns so that a fund consistently generates positive returns. We find strong evidence that international differences in hedge fund regulation are significantly associated with the propensity of fund managers to misreport monthly returns. We find a positive association between wrappers and misreporting, particularly for funds that do not have a lockup provision. Also, we find some evidence that misreporting is less common among funds in jurisdictions with minimum capitalisation requirements and restrictions on the location of key service providers. We assess the robustness of our finds to a number of specifications, including, different specifications of misreporting bin widths, subsets of the data by fund type, as well as specifications controlling for collinearity and selection effects and other robustness checks. We show misreporting significantly affects capital allocation, and calculate the wealth transfer effects of misreporting and relate this wealth transfer to differences in hedge fund regulation.  相似文献   

自瑞银证券提出《2009年10个出乎意料的事》以来,投资者就一直在思考新兴市场能否重拾平价价值的问题。在过去,随着新兴市场的快速发展,这些市场的市盈率水平已经可以参考发达国家,不过这一状况自2008年10月后出现了逆转,从所谓的高估值变成了高折价。美国对冲基金研究机构(HFRI)的研究表明,全球投资人在2008年底呈现强烈的风险回避意愿,对冲基金从新兴市场中撤出了创记录的资本金。  相似文献   

Rational theories of the closed‐end fund premium puzzle highlight fund share and asset illiquidity, managerial ability, and fees as important determinants of the premium. Several of these attributes are difficult to measure for mutual funds, and easier to measure for hedge funds. This paper employs new data from a secondary market for hedge funds, discovers a closed‐hedge fund premium that is highly correlated with the closed‐end mutual fund premium, and shows that the closed‐hedge fund premium is well explained by variables suggested by rational theories. Sentiment‐based explanations do not find support in the data.  相似文献   

High-Water Marks and Hedge Fund Management Contracts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Incentive fees for money managers are frequently accompanied by high‐water mark provisions that condition the payment of the performance fee upon exceeding the previously achieved maximum share value. In this paper, we show that hedge fund performance fees are valuable to money managers, and conversely, represent a claim on a significant proportion of investor wealth. The high‐water mark provisions in these contracts limit the value of the performance fees. We provide a closed‐form solution to the cost of the high‐water mark contract under certain conditions. Our results provide a framework for valuation of a hedge fund management company.  相似文献   

Hedge funds have generated significant absolute returns (alpha) in the decade between 1995 and 2004. However, the level of alpha has declined substantially over this period. We investigate whether capacity constraints at the level of hedge fund strategies have been responsible for this decline. For four out of eight hedge fund strategies, capital inflows have statistically preceded negative movements in alpha, consistent with this hypothesis. We also find evidence that hedge fund fees have increased over the same period. Our results provide support for the Berk and Green (2004) rational model of active portfolio management.  相似文献   

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