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随着人们旅游观念的转变,以及物质生活水平的提高,越来越多的游客开始追捧生态旅游,而休闲农业与乡村旅游是基于自然生态环境发展起来的旅游模式。因此,乡村旅游已经成为人们比较喜欢和向往的旅游地点。同时,休闲农业与乡村旅游发展模式能够有效地带动农村地区经济的发展,对提高当地人民群众的生活质量起到一定的帮助作用,从而有利于实现城乡的融合和一体化。可见,休闲农业与乡村旅游符合市场发展的需求,它具有一定的市场价值和发展的空间。下面本文主要从休闲农业与乡村旅游的发展背景及现状出发,提出一些发展的对策及建议,希望能够推动农村地区旅游的发展和升级。  相似文献   

基于休闲时空涉入的地方认同模型之研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
缺乏对外派驻地的地方认同感、难以在驻地从事有益的休闲活动来调适外派压力,已成为长期派驻大陆的台资企业台籍人员外派失败的主因之一.文章以广州市台资企业台籍人员为研究对象,通过实证研究探讨外派人员在驻地休闲时空涉入与地方认同的关系,并以结构方程模型方法验证建构基于休闲时空涉入的地方认同模型.研究表明:(1)台籍人员的职业倦怠与休闲感知自由呈显著负相关、与休闲调适策略呈显著正相关,休闲感知自由对于职业倦怠与休闲调适策略的影响关系存在显著负向的中介调节效果;(2)台籍人员的休闲感知自由与休闲调适策略、休闲时空涉入两者皆呈显著正相关,休闲调适策略对于体闲感知自由与休闲时空涉入的影响关系无显著的中介调节效果存在;(3)台籍人员的休闲调适策略与休闲时空涉入无显著的因果关系存在;(4)台籍人员的休闲时空涉入与地方认同呈显著正相关,地方认同与休闲时空涉入呈显著正相关、存在正向的互惠效果;(5)就休闲涉入前因关系模型而言,台籍人员通过休闲感知自由影响休闲时空涉入的因果关系影响敏感性强于通过休闲调适策略,即当处于同等程度的职业倦怠时,台籍人员通过休闲感知自由程度影响休闲时空涉入程度的效果较好.研究成果可作为海峡两岸相关主管部门、台资企业协会与台资企业完善台籍人员休闲生活管理制度的参考.  相似文献   

<正>文章以广东省乡村旅游游客为研究对象,基于“认知—情感—行为”理论和自我调节态度理论,构建目的地依恋与游客满意度的链式多重中介模型,研究乡村景观认知对重游意愿的影响,使用自制量表收集数据,应用SPSS 26和AMOS 24软件对研究模型进行实证分析。结果表明:(1)乡村景观认知对重游意愿存在显著的正向影响;(2)乡村景观认知正向影响目的地依恋,目的地依恋正向影响重游意愿;(3)乡村景观认知正向影响游客满意度,游客满意度正向影响重游意愿;(4)目的地依恋和游客满意度在乡村景观认知与重游意愿之间存在链式多重中介效应。文章深入探究游客旅游行为动机和心理机制,可以为制定乡村旅游营销策略提供理论基础,有利于提高乡村旅游服务质量。  相似文献   

"浙中生态廊道"建设的大环境下,探索金华乡村运动休闲旅游发展的策略。政府应加强对各乡村运动休闲旅游发展的统筹配置,市场兼顾;在发展过程中加强乡村运动休闲旅游设施的建设;各乡村应该依托自身的资源优势,错位开发具有个性化的运动休闲产品;运用"互联网+"的模式,树立乡村运动休闲旅游新形象的同时,加强营销力度,完善乡村运动休闲旅游产品的开发与包装。  相似文献   

乡村休闲旅游是一种较高层次的以休闲度假为主的旅游类型,其兴起和发展对新农村建设具有一定的现实意义.本文以成都"五朵金花"乡村休闲旅游为典型个案,探讨了现阶段乡村休闲旅游发展的"共性"特征和一般规律;并借鉴国内外经验指出地方政府应大胆导入市场化方式,积极运用节事活动,提升乡村休闲旅游的核心竞争力;使其更健康地发展.  相似文献   

文章从道德判断的双加工理论出发,探讨了旅游环境启发的游客敬畏情绪体验对游客道德判断和道德意愿的影响,以及不同伦理意识下这种影响之间的差异.首先,通过现场实验提出在具有启发敬畏情绪特质的旅游景区中,游客具有更高的道德行为.其次,通过实验室实验操控敬畏和愉悦两种情绪发现,相对于愉悦情绪,敬畏更能促进游客在旅游情景中的道德判断和道德意愿.最后,研究还发现情绪类型(敬畏和愉悦)与伦理意识(低相对主义和高相对主义)存在显著的交互效应.对于高相对主义的游客,与愉悦情绪相比,启发敬畏的游客道德判断更加严格,道德意愿更加强烈;而对于低相对主义的游客,敬畏和愉悦在游客道德判断和道德意愿上的影响没有显著差异.文章揭示了游客敬畏情绪在伦理旅游中的作用,丰富了关于情绪对伦理旅游影响的研究,对抑制我国游客道德失范,促进游客文明旅游具有现实意义.  相似文献   

游客乡村旅游质量感知是指游客在乡村旅游产品消费过程中形成的对质量属性表现的综合评价。本文选择新疆昌吉州杜氏农民为实证研究对象,以游客感知理论为基础,通过访谈和游客问卷调查获得第一手数据资料,结合已有的研究成果,运用数学方法对数据进行统计分析。验证了新疆城郊型乡村农庄旅游质量的游客感知主要表现在外部综合形象、核心吸引资源、接待服务态度与质量、农庄旅游基础设施4个层面。游客的收入水平、家庭所在地及性别条件对感知水平有影响。通过中西部乡村旅游六要素的游客感知质量的对比研究,发现经济发展状况及乡村旅游开发形式对乡村旅游质量感知有影响。  相似文献   

随着经济与社会的不断发展,人民的生活水平逐步提高,旅游成为新时期人们休闲放松的主要途径之一。新乡村的建设逐渐完善,乡村开始成为新兴的旅游目的地。新乡村与旅游业相互作用,乡村旅游业的蓬勃发展,也促进了乡村的进一步转型。但乡村旅游还存在诸如文化因素平淡、旅游链条短缺等问题。本文以新乡村建设和乡村旅游的基本概念为出发点,论述新乡村建设与乡村旅游之间的关系,提出新乡村旅游发展中亟待解决的问题,并针对出现的问题提出解决策略。  相似文献   

与农业相结合的乡村旅游景区开发,不仅拓宽了乡村振兴的新思路,而且从整体上促进了旅游业的高质量发展地区。最近,在广东省农业农村厅、文化旅游厅联合开展的第七批全省休闲农业和乡村旅游示范镇建设活动中,新会区大鳌镇2019年成功入选省级休闲农业和乡村旅游示范镇,是江门市唯一入选的镇街。从旅游资源多元化的视角来看,无论是农业还是农副产品,都逐渐受到游客的青睐。本文将分析如何探索乡村休闲农业与特色旅游的整合发展路径,这将会值得高度重视和深入思考。  相似文献   

<正>乡村振兴是我国为推动农村发展作出的重大战略部署,在实施乡村振兴战略的背景下,要推动森林旅游产业健康发展,需要充分考虑乡村的发展情况。文章以福建省南平市森林旅游产业发展为着力点,以森林生态景观资源和人文景观为依托,突出森林生态、森林文化、森林康养等旅游项目,并针对森林旅游发展中存在的问题,提出加大人才培养力度、加快林业产业升级、拓宽旅游开发思路、打造休闲养生产业、加强产品特色宣传等森林康养旅游产品开发建议,以满足游客的多元化旅游需求,推动森林旅游高质量发展,促进农民增收。  相似文献   

Examining Rival Models of Leisure Coping Mechanisms   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The present study examined the role of leisure in coping with stress and promoting good health. Using police and emergency response service workers (n = 132), this study tested a number of theoretically grounded leisure coping models to discover mechanisms by which leisure coping influences the relationship between stressors and adaptational outcomes (i.e., immediate adaptational outcomes such as coping effectiveness and stress reduction, and physical and mental health). Ensel and Lin's (1991) life stress paradigm was adopted to conceptualize these rival models (eight in total), and structural equation modeling was used to compare goodness of fit among the models to identify the best model. The findings suggest that stressors and leisure coping appear to independently influence adaptational outcomes. Leisure coping facilitated positive immediate adaptational outcomes that subsequently had a positive impact on health, irrespective of the level of stress experienced. The potential contribution of leisure to coping with stress and health is highlighted. Results suggest that the development of enduring beliefs about the role of leisure as ways of coping (i.e., leisure coping beliefs) seems essential for the actual and effective use of leisure as a means to manage stress (i.e., leisure coping strategies). Theoretical and practical implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Despite the recent growth of leisure coping research, it is not entirely clear: what aspects of leisure best contribute to coping with stress, and how the mechanisms that link leisure to adaptive outcomes operate. Another limitation of this research has been a tendency to examine leisure coping independent of general coping - coping not directly associated with leisure (e.g., problem-focused coping). To help overcome these limitations, the purpose of this study was to test two models of leisure and coping: (a) an independent model and (b) a buffer model, when the effects of general coping were taken into account. The findings of the study using police and emergency response service workers suggest that the effects of leisure on adaptive outcomes differ depending on the type of leisure coping used. Situation-specific leisure coping strategies (i.e., actual coping behaviors and cognitions available through leisure) were significantly associated with effectiveness of coping, satisfactory coping outcomes, and stress reduction (i.e., immediate adaptive outcomes), whereas enduring leisure coping beliefs (i.e., personality dispositions and beliefs about the role of leisure as a means of managing stress) significantly predicted better physical health (as a long-term outcome), irrespective of the level of stress experienced. Both types of leisure coping had significant 'main effects' supporting the independent model. Also, evidence of the buffer model was found for the effects of leisure coping strategies on moderating the detrimental impact of stress on physical health. Implications of leisure coping research for health promotion and lifestyle intervention are discussed.  相似文献   

Evidence suggests that leisure coping is affiliated with resilience, and that both predict stress-coping and well-being. However, a theoretical explanation of how resilience is associated with the stress-reducing properties of leisure coping is lacking. Using the broaden-and-build theory, a model was developed proposing that resilient individuals proactively use leisure coping to cultivate positive emotions and in turn enhance well-being. Leisure coping and positive affect (PA) were suggested to mediate the relationship between resilience and well-being outcomes (stress and flourishing). The model was tested among 202 U.K undergraduates, a population reported to experience high stress. Structural equation modelling revealed that resilience had a significant positive effect on flourishing. Leisure coping beliefs demonstrated a positive relationship with resilience, PA and flourishing. PA mediated the relationship between resilience and flourishing and between resilience and stress. Leisure coping strategies did not meaningfully contribute to the model. Leisure beliefs may have emerged as more important than leisure strategies because leisure beliefs are relatively stable with more enduring effects on health and well-being, while leisure strategies are transient and situation-based. Future research should examine the relationships longitudinally to explore developmental change. Implications of the findings for undergraduates are discussed.  相似文献   

The present study explored if women who are homeless face chronic stress and how the women cope with living in a shelter, which could be chronic stress or part of ongoing chronic stress. The study demonstrated that women who are homeless experienced chronic stress. When the women discussed how they coped with stress, various strategies were identified with a primary strategy of being with others. The women also noted that they engaged in diversionary leisure activities to help them relax. Although diversionary activities helped the women relax, they were not identified when the women discussed coping. It could be that diversionary activities have become so much a part of the women's lifestyles that these activities unconsciously assist with coping. Thus, diversionary leisure activities are critical to coping with chronic stress, but not recognized as coping strategies. The present study suggests that researchers working in the area of stress and coping must be cognizant of the differences between event stress, traumatic stress, and chronic stress, and the various conscious and unconscious ways that people cope with chronic stress.  相似文献   

This article examines relationships between stress, health, and participation in physically active leisure using data collected as part of the 1985 and 1990 U.S. National Health Interview Surveys (NHIS). In particular, the article analyzes: (a) the effects of life‐cycle progression (controlled for gender) on subjectively perceived stress and self‐reported health; (b) the role of physically active leisure in enhancing health or buffering adverse health outcomes of stress; and (c) the effects of selected social‐economic factors, such as education and income, on the relationships between life‐cycle, stress, health, and physically active leisure. According to our analyses: (1) stress is unevenly distributed across the life span; (2) stress‐reducing effects of physically active leisure are present among retired older people more so than in the middle‐aged life‐cycle groups; and (3) direct health‐enhancing effects of participation in physically active leisure are more evident than the buffering effects of leisure on stress‐health relationships. A critical discussion of methodological and substantive issues facing researchers interested in the relationships between leisure, stress, and health is provided.  相似文献   

This study is to investigate the impact of the causality between work–family conflict (WFC), well-being, and leisure coping strategies on tour professionals, and to verify the regulating role played by leisure coping strategies. The results suggest that when a tour professional experiences a high degree of WFC, perceived well-being is reduced. Applying leisure coping strategies affects the well-being of tour professionals to a high degree, and significantly regulates the relationship between WFC and well-being. To emphasize the role of internal marketing, this study concludes that leisure coping strategies must incorporate measures that provide direct benefits to tour professionals.  相似文献   

There is growing interest in how workers recover and unwind from work during leisure, as poor unwinding has been associated with negative health. This research explores the recovery process to gain a greater understanding of how individuals switch‐off from work‐related thoughts post work. Specifically, we conducted interviews with workers who habitually find it difficult to switch‐off from work (i.e. high ruminators), and workers who find it easy to switch‐off from work (i.e. low ruminators). Three master themes were elicited using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis: (1) work philosophy, (2) coping strategies and (3) coping outcomes. The findings revealed differences in core beliefs about work; high ruminators perceive blurred boundaries between work and home life, and they allowed work to mentally predominate during their leisure time, whereas low ruminators viewed their work and leisure as two distinct spheres, and actively developed strategies to switch‐off and disengage from work. Both high and low ruminators acknowledged the health benefits of unwinding post work, yet only low ruminators managed to successfully do so. It was concluded that there is a need for organisations to educate their employees, particularly high ruminators, about the importance of strategic unwinding post work to optimise the quality of leisure time and prevent them from becoming fatigued and burnt out.  相似文献   

Stress and coping are prevalent and ubiquitous in our everyday lives. The degree and manner in which we experience stress, and ways in which we cope with stress, strongly influence our daily choices and their outcomes, including those related to leisure. Research on leisure, stress, and coping is important within a broad spectrum of leisure research since it can be potentially integrated with leisure research on constraints and negotiations, lifespan development, diversity, and lifestyle. Such integration works to bridge the gap in the leisure research community that is often characterized as isolated entities. One important tangible benefit of such integration is that stress and coping have the potential to be a common language for many researchers with diverse interests, and it thus leads to opportunities for enhanced communication and understanding, as well as for possible collaborations. We hope that this special issue, presenting a diverse collection of papers focused on leisure, stress, and coping, may instill such ambitious, but important, desire. The role of this issue is threefold: (1) to better identify relationships among leisure, stress, and coping, (2) to introduce new theoretical and methodological approaches for such research, and (3) to encourage increased attention to and collaborations related to leisure, stress, and coping research.  相似文献   

Negative life events, such as the unexpected loss of a loved one, a disabling accident or a natural disaster, are inevitably distressing and disruptive. Coping with and recovering from such events generally requires a variety of personal and social resources. Previous research on leisure and coping has suggested that leisure orientations and relationships can be important in reducing the likelihood that stress becomes debilitating in some way. But the results of that work are equivocal and generally do not distinguish leisure resources that make events less stressful from those that are employed in coping with stressful events after they occur. This analysis examines the leisure-coping literature as well as recent work on the dynamics of coping and the impact of pleasant events and concludes in identifying four distinguishable functions of leisure that relate to self-protection, self-restoration, and personal transformation.  相似文献   

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