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技术创新是解决目前风电产业产能过剩、缺乏核心技术发展瓶颈的重要路径,最新文献已经发现高管特征和企业异质性对企业技术创新绩效的影响,但研究结论尚存在分歧。本文以沪深两市风电产业上市公司为研究对象进行实证研究发现:高管持股和女性高管对风电企业技术创新绩效具有显著的促进作用;国有风电企业和省会城市风电企业的技术创新优势会因内部治理结构短板而丧失。将企业异质性作为调节变量进一步研究发现,国有企业中高管持股和女性高管对风电企业技术创新绩效的正向影响更加显著;区位在省会企业中高管持股和女性高管对风电企业技术创新绩效的正向影响更加显著。  相似文献   

本文引入团队冲突作为中介变量,建立起异质性、冲突和团队绩效的关系模型,通过对企业中108个研发团队的实证分析,探讨了团队异质性对研发团队绩效的影响机理.结果显示,关系冲突在社会属性异质性和团队绩效间发挥中介效应,任务冲突在信息异质性和团队绩效间发挥中介效应,而价值观异质性直接对团队绩效产生负面效应.最后结合研究结果给出相应的建议.  相似文献   

发明家高管能够促进企业创新,但发明家高管团队的创新促进作用有待进一步研究。本文通过整理分析2008~2020年A股战略性新兴企业高管团队的研发经历数据,深入探究了高管团队研发经历对战略性新兴产业创新质量和创新效率的影响。研究发现,高管团队中有发明家高管以及发明家高管的人数占比对战略性新兴企业的实质性创新和创新效率提升具有显著促进作用。通过异质性分析得知,这种促进作用在小规模与非国有性质的企业中更为显著。从作用机制来看,发明家高管团队通过提高企业的研发投入,提升战略性新兴企业的创新质量和创新效率。研究结论从人力资本结构优化角度为中国战略性新兴产业的技术创新提供了政策启示。  相似文献   

面对日益激烈的竞争压力,如何构建能高效制定战略决策的高管团队以提高经济价值,是煤炭企业在发展中的重难点。选取2009—2018年我国煤炭行业的上市企业数据为研究对象,对高层管理团队异质性与财务绩效之间的关系进行研究,并在此基础上进一步加入盈余管理分析盈余管理对高管团队异质性与财务绩效之间关联性的调节作用。研究结果显示:高管团队高年龄异质性和低任期异质性能对财务绩效产生正面影响,并且企业盈余管理行为可以增强高管团队异质性对财务绩效的影响。最后,对我国煤炭企业构建高管团队提出了相应建议。  相似文献   

本文采用OLS 回归分析方法, 利用2017 年信息技术产业上市公司截面数据, 研究了资本结构与研发投入的关系以及高管团队异质性对二者关系的调节作用。 实证研究结果发现, 企业资本结构对研发投入具有显著抑制作用; 高管团队的性别结构会加重上述抑制作用; 高管团队的年龄结构、 任期差异将会显著缓解这种抑制作用; 而高管团队受教育程度对两者关系无影响。 基于上述研究结论, 本文提出了若干优化高管团队结构的建议。  相似文献   

企业社会资本与技术创新:基于吸收能力的实证研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本文针对我国企业社会资本影响技术创新的机制问题展开分析,从企业社会资本的特征维度出发,引入吸收能力的视角,提出了基于吸收能力的企业社会资本与技术创新绩效的概念模型。在问卷调查的基础上,通过多元线性回归分析和结构方程模型分析,对我国企业社会资本如何影响技术创新的问题进行了实证研究。研究结果表明,在不考虑吸收能力作用的情况下,企业社会资本的结构、关系和认知等三个维度的水平对于我国企业技术创新绩效的提升均具有积极显著的作用;企业社会资本三个特征维度的水平通过提高吸收能力进而正向影响技术创新绩效;其中,认知维度在结构维度和关系维度发挥效应中承担中介变量的作用。为提高企业技术创新绩效,建议以知识的获取和利用为导向,注重企业社会资本三个维度水平的均衡提高。  相似文献   

情商被认为是绩效的有效预测因子,已有文献主要集中于个体情商与绩效的关系研究,而对团队中两者间的中介变量的研究很少,而国内这一研究几乎是空白。通过对来自中国企业的594位团队领导者及其下属成员的问卷调查,试图探讨领导者个人情商与团队绩效之间的关系,尤其是研究团队情商在其中的中介作用。结构方程模型分析显示:领导者个人情商与团队绩效是正的相关关系,领导者情商通过团队情商对团队绩效有显著影响作用,高团队情商有助于团队绩效的提升。研究结果表明,团队领导者不仅要通过提高自身的情商来提高团队绩效,而且要培养团队管理和运用情感情绪资源的能力,创造共享的情绪规范来增强团队内部的信任、认同和沟通协作效能,从而提高团队绩效。  相似文献   

以新产品产出作为测度我国高技术企业产品创新绩效的指标,以我国2003~2008年大中型高技术企业的面板数据为样本,应用广义矩方法对包括R&D投入和非R&D投入在内的技术创新资源投入对我国高技术企业产品创新绩效的影响进行了实证分析。结果显示:包括研发经费和科技人员在内的R&D投入、非R&D投入构成要素中的技术改造、技术引进、消化吸收对提升我国高技术企业产品创新绩效具有显著的直接正向影响。同时,研究发现技术引进、国内技术购买作为调节变量,显著提升了研发经费投入对高技术企业产品创新绩效的边际贡献;消化吸收作为调节变量,显著提升了技术引进和国内技术购买对高技术企业产品创新绩效的边际贡献。根据实证研究结论,为在开放式创新环境下提升我国高技术企业的产品创新绩效,本文进一步提出了针对性的对策建议。  相似文献   

为促进企业技术创新,本文以2012~2022年我国A股上市企业为研究对象,开展了数字金融对企业技术创新的作用机制及其异质性检验实证研究。具体地,运用研究对象的面板数据进行回归,以企业技术创新为被解释变量,数字金融为解释变量,企业数字化程度为调节变量,融资约束和融资成本为中介变量,企业规模、企业盈利能力、企业年限、企业成长性、高管激励、股权集中度、董事会独立性为控制变量,通过回归分析、调节作用检验、中介效应检验、异质性检验和稳健性分析,验证了被解释变量和解释变量之间的相关性。结果表明,数字金融促进企业技术创新,且对数字化程度高的企业技术创新促进作用更强;数字金融通过缓解企业融资约束、降低企业融资成本来促进企业技术创新;数字金融对非国有企业、高技术行业和成熟期企业的技术创新促进作用更显著。在此基础上,为进一步提高企业技术创新,分别从政府层面、金融监管部门层面和企业层面,提出了针对性建议与政策,以充分发挥数字金融对企业技术创新的促进作用。  相似文献   

京津冀产业政策对装备制造业的技术创新绩效具有重要影响, 产业集聚作为产业结构特征, 会对产业政策与技术创新绩效间的关系产生影响。本文选取了行业层面的面板数据进行研究, 对产业政策、产业集聚、技术创新绩效三者之间的关系进行探索。研究发现, 税收优惠、创新补贴对装备制造业技术创新绩效具有负向影响; 专业化集聚与技术创新绩效之间具有“倒U型” 关系, 多样化集聚与技术创新绩效之间具有“正U型” 关系; 专业化集聚对税收优惠、创新补贴与技术创新绩效之间的关系具有正向调节作用, 多样化集聚的调节作用则不显著。  相似文献   

伴随我国经济的快速发展,面临的资源与环境问题日益突出,激励节能环保企业增加研发投入进行技术创新具有重要意义。论文以深沪两市118家节能环保A股上市公司2011~2015年的数据作为研究样本,以研发投入作为被解释变量,以税负总额、所得税税负和流转税税负作为解释变量,结合节能环保产业自身特点,运用多元回归模型分析了税收优惠对节能环保上市公司研发投入的影响。实证结果表明:税收优惠政策对节能环保上市公司技术创新产生了正面影响,所得税优惠政策比流转税优惠政策对研发投入的影响更显著。建议从继续完善所得税税收优惠、逐步加大流转税优惠力度、建立健全配套措施等方面完善激励节能环保企业增加研发投入的税收优惠政策。  相似文献   

Investigating the new product portfolio innovativeness of family firms connects two important topics that have recently received considerable attention in innovation and family firm research. First, new product portfolio innovativeness has been identified as a critical determinant of firm performance. Second, research on family firms has focused on the questions of if and why family firms are more or less innovative than other organizational forms. Research investigating the innovativeness of family firms has often applied a risk‐oriented perspective by identifying socioemotional wealth (SEW) as the main reference that determines firm behavior. Thus, prior research has mainly focused on the organizational context to predict innovation‐related family firm behavior and neglected the impact of preferences and the behavior of the chief executive officer (CEO), which have both been shown to affect firm outcomes. Hence, this study aims to extend the previous research by introducing the CEO's disposition to organizational context variables to explain the new product portfolio innovativeness of small and medium‐sized family firms. Specifically, this study explores how the organizational context (i.e., ownership by top management team [TMT] family members and generation in charge of the family firm) of family firms interacts with CEO risk‐taking propensity to affect new product portfolio innovativeness. Using a sample of 114 German CEOs of small and medium‐sized family firms operating in manufacturing industries, the results show that CEO risk‐taking propensity has a positive effect on new product portfolio innovativeness. Moreover, the analyses show that the organizational context of family firms impacts the relationship between CEO risk‐taking propensity and new product portfolio innovativeness. Specifically, the relationship between CEO risk‐taking propensity and new product portfolio innovativeness is weaker if levels of ownership by TMT family members are high (high SEW). Additionally, the effect of CEO risk‐taking propensity on new product portfolio innovativeness is stronger in family firms at earlier generational stages (high SEW). This result suggests that if SEW is a strong reference, family firm‐specific characteristics can affect individual dispositions and, in turn, the behaviors of executives. Therefore, this study helps extend the knowledge on the determinants of new product portfolio innovativeness of family firms by considering an individual CEO preference and the organizational context variables of family firms simultaneously.  相似文献   

Commitment to Innovation: The Impact of Top Management Team Characteristics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Many organizational and environmental factors influence a firm's commitment to innovation. Among the organizational factors, the perceptual lens of the top management team and the team's dynamics are posited to have a significant direct impact on the firm's commitment to innovation. This study revisits the classic arguments of Hayes and Abernathy and empirically examines several of their propositions.
The results clearly indicate a positive relationship between the technical orientation of the TMT/CEO and above-average R&D intensity. This effect remains even after controlling for the impact of performance in prior periods and firm diversification. Overall, these results suggest that establishing a high level of commitment to innovation will be promoted or impeded in many organizations because of the predispositions of the CEO and top management team.  相似文献   

In this research we discuss the relationship between CEO and top management team (TMT) member compensation, and explore the implications of TMT pay for firm performance. Specifically, we suggest that firm performance may benefit due to agency and group behavioral issues when top management team member pay is aligned—alignment is defined as the degree to which TMT member pay reflects (1) shareholder interests and (2) key political and strategic contingencies within the firm. In support of our theorizing, we found CEO pay to be related to TMT pay; TMT compensation, in turn, predicted performance (i.e., return on assets and Tobin's q) when aligned with shareholder interests and internal contingencies. Moreover, the effect of CEO pay on future firm performance was dependent on top team pay. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

技术创新主要源自于具有导向性的研究和开发活动,是影响企业竞争力和可持续发展至关重要的因素。本文以中美范围内工业制造行业的 209家上市工业企业为样本,结合企业 2009~2015 年相关数据,实证分析了R&D投入与企业绩效的关系。研究结果表明研发支出和企业经济绩效之间具有非线性关系,可用倒U型曲线来描述,R&D 投入具有动态边际效应,研发投入为销售额的4%时,企业相应的经济效益达到最优水平。最后,本文建议企业应该加大R&D投入力度,同时注重研发投入的最佳阈值,以获得最大的产出效益,提高企业技术创新的竞争能力。  相似文献   

本文在分析汽车产业技术创新能力影响因素的基础上,构建汽车产业技术创新能力影响因素的系统动力学模型并进行模拟仿真,对影响汽车产业技术创新能力的各因素及其关系进行系统分析。仿真结果表明:增加要素的投入,尤其是增加企业家因素、产学研合作强度及外商投资力度对自主品牌汽车销量具有显著的正向影响;增加企业R&D和人力资源的投入不能给新产品销量带来显著影响;政府的支持有时会增加企业的创新成本。研究结果可为汽车产业进行技术创新提供决策依据。  相似文献   

Scholars view entrepreneurial orientation as an essential element of high‐performing firms. The extant research has focused extensively on the construct development related to and performance implications of entrepreneurial orientation. Prior research has also identified the significant positive impact of entrepreneurial orientation on technology commercialization. The research community has, however, yet to examine critical antecedents of entrepreneurial orientation and to investigate relevant antecedents and consequences of entrepreneurial orientation in transitional settings such as that of China. Most Chinese firms are embracing significant changes in governance incentive mechanisms as China deepens the economic reform. The extant literature provides limited insight as to how incentive mechanisms such as chief executive officer (CEO) ownership and turnover may affect firm entrepreneurial orientation in China's transitional setting. Furthermore, given the significant changes and uncertainty in the market place, China provides an ideal laboratory to examine the influence of technological turbulence on the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and technology commercialization. Aimed at filling in these glaring gaps, this study develops a conceptual model, with institutional theory as its underpinning, to examine the relationships among governance incentive mechanisms, entrepreneurial orientation, technological turbulence, and technology commercialization. The empirical results from a sample of 607 Chinese firms reveal several important findings. The CEO ownership has a significant positive effect on entrepreneurial orientation, and CEO turnover frequency has an inverse U curvilinear impact on entrepreneurial orientation. Furthermore, entrepreneurial orientation positively affects technology commercialization, with technological turbulence positively moderating this relationship. This study makes several important contributions. First, the present article brings into sharper focus the differing impacts of CEO ownership and CEO turnover on entrepreneurial orientation. The theoretical deliberation and empirical testing offer useful insights into the formation process of entrepreneurial orientation. Second, the examination of the moderating effect of technological turbulence provides additional richness to the extant literature. In addition, different from prior studies, this study was conducted under China's transitional economy context. By integrating unique institutional arrangements and the turbulent technological environment, two key characteristics of China's transitional economy setting, the study broadened and deepened understanding of key antecedents and consequences of entrepreneurial orientation. The article also discusses managerial implications of the findings and suggests directions for future research.  相似文献   

This study examines the role of top management team (TMT) trust climate in the relationship between CEO transformational leadership (TFL) and firm performance under dynamic environments. The research results based on a sample collected from firms in Vietnam show that TMT trust climate is a key mediator which can convert CEO TFL into better performance outcomes. Moderated-mediation analyses further reveal that the mediating effect of TMT trust climate is more significant in less dynamic environments. Our study contributes to the TFL theory by identifying a critical mechanism that intervenes in the relationship between CEO-level TFL and firm performance. We reveal how CEOs exert leadership influence on subsequent TMT dynamics and performance outcomes by navigating external environments. Moreover, our study offers insights with regard to the trust theory by uncovering TMT-level intragroup trust as a mediator, and thus complements most of prior examinations that focus on the moderating role of trust in workplace team contexts.  相似文献   

为了维持长期的竞争优势,企业需要不断进行技术创新和产品创新。如何在有限的研发资源下使创新项目组合的绩效最大化是企业进行创新管理中面临的主要问题。本文从创新项目组合的战略一致性、平均项目绩效和业务协同3个指标来度量创新项目组合管理绩效,并从流程和管理者的视角研究其关键影响因素。通过实证研究发现,高管参与和项目组合管理流程的设计与实施对项目组合的战略一致性有显著的正向影响;高管参与、项目经理胜任力和项目终止质量对平均项目绩效有显著正向影响;项目经理胜任力、项目组合管理流程的设计与实施和项目中止质量对业务协同有显著正向影响。  相似文献   

This paper is built upon previous work concerning how three factors—an upper echelon’s compensation, the total compensation level of a chief executive officer (CEO), and compensation gaps between a CEO and a top management team (TMT)—affect a firm’s international expansion level. Using longitudinal data (2000–2005) from 528 publicly listed firms in Taiwan as our sample, we found that CEO total compensation level and TMT total compensation were positively related to firms’ international expansion level, and that the larger the compensation gap between CEO and TMT, the higher the given firm’s international expansion level. The implications that these findings have for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

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