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基于2011年“中国老年健康影响因素调查”(CLHLS)数据,采用Logistic回归模型和路径分析法,以饮食方式、体育锻炼、社会参与和睡眠质量等为中介变量,实证分析社会经济地位对我国老年人健康状况的影响效应及其路径.经济状况和教育程度对我国老年人的自评健康和心理健康均有显著的正向影响,但职业特征的影响不显著.路径分析表明,社会经济地位对自评健康的总效应为0.094,其中直接效应为0.019,中介变量产生的间接效应为0.075.社会经济地位对心理健康的总效应为0.144,其中直接效应为0.083,中介变量产生的间接效应为0.061.因此,社会经济地位不仅对我国老年人自评健康和心理健康产生直接影响,并且通过中介变量对老年人自评健康和心理健康产生间接影响.社会经济地位对心理健康的间接效应弱于直接效应.政府在制定健康老龄政策的过程中,除应重视经济支持、社会保障等因素外,还应重视睡眠质量、饮食方式、体育锻炼和社会参与等中介变量在老年人健康促进中的作用.  相似文献   

基于中国健康与养老追踪调查(CHARLS)2015年追访数据,利用阶层回归模型研究全国和分城乡老年人视力功能、听力功能与认知功能的关系,同时引入抑郁状况和社交活动作为中介变量,形成多重中介模型,通过该模型探究视力功能和听力功能对认知功能的影响大小和方向。结果表明,听力功能和社交活动与中国老年人认知功能呈现显著正向影响,抑郁状况与中国老年人认知功能呈现显著负向影响,且关联作用呈现城乡差异,城镇老年人的听力功能、抑郁状况与认知功能关联强度高于农村,农村老年人的社交活动与认知功能关联高于城镇。抑郁状况和社交活动在中国老年人"听力功能-认知功能"中起部分中介作用。视力状况对老年人认知功能的影响统计不显著。  相似文献   

学术界就隔代照料对老年人健康的影响意见上并不一致.利用2014年中国老年社会追踪调查数据,探讨中国老年人隔代照料的数量和强度,以及其对于老年人躯体健康和心理健康的影响.我国老年人平均照料孙子女数量为0.52个,73.29%的老年人提供隔代照料,17.57%的老年人每周至少照料孙子女一次;在控制了社会人口特征和代际支持变量后,发现主要是隔代照料的强度而非隔代照料的数量对我国老年人健康产生影响;提供低强度隔代照料的老年人对其自评健康有负面作用,提供高强度的隔代照料则对老年人孤独感状况有积极作用.  相似文献   

提升老年人幸福感、获得感和养老生活质量是积极老龄社会治理的重要目标。独居老年人养老是应对老龄化、少子化、空巢化的重要课题。本文利用CLHLS数据,运用多因素有序Logistic回归分析社会交往与独居老年人生活满意度的关系,剖析独居老年人社会交往的网络结构、类型与特点以及城乡、性别等差异。研究发现:独居老年人总体生活满意度水平较好,交往格局以传统亲缘为核心,依次向友缘等圈层扩展;邻居、朋友等关系网络成为重要支持力量,也成为链接和贯通传统家庭血亲资源与社会资本的中介。独居老年人可以依赖友缘社会网络实现“抱团养老”;应在夯实传统社会网络基础性功能的同时,拓展各类网络资源,动态优化网络间的互动机制,提升生活质量。  相似文献   

生活满意度是个体幸福感的重要指标之一。本研究在前人研究的基础上,通过建立结构方程模型,综合考察了各因素对于生活满意度以及安全感的影响,并同时探究这些因素的影响机制。研究结果显示,个体对医疗保障体系的满意程度、食品安全、个体失业经历以及社会环境质量对于安全感具有显著的预测作用,安全感以及个体的健康状况对于生活满意度具有显著的预测作用,并且,安全感在失业经历与生活满意度之间具有完全中介作用,同时安全感也在社会环境质量与生活满意度之间具有完全中介作用。  相似文献   

随着经济的发展和社会的进步,体验消费的形式日益多样化,并逐渐在消费市场中占据重要地位。鉴于现有研究大多关注体验消费的结果变量,而缺乏对其前因变量如心理因素的探索,通过在线问卷调查收集有效样本1014份,并利用层次回归分析法、拔靴法等实证分析孤独感与体验消费意愿之间关系,探讨社交需求和自我建构在其中的作用。研究结果表明,孤独感对个体体验消费意愿具有显著正向影响,即个体感受到的孤独感越强,其为摆脱孤独感及相关负面情绪影响而进行体验消费的意愿越强;社交需求在孤独感对个体体验消费意愿的影响中起中介作用,即孤独感会激发个体产生社交需求,进而提高个体进行体验消费的意愿;自我建构调节了社交需求的中介作用,且相比于独立型自我建构个体,孤独感对依存型自我建构个体社交需求的影响更大,依存型自我建构个体进行体验消费的意愿更强。因此,为进一步推动体验消费产业发展,对企业而言,应积极关注孤独感等消费者内在心理因素,根据消费者心理与个人特质制定相关营销策略,满足消费者社交需求,缓解消费者孤独感;对商家而言,应积极向目标消费者传递体验产品社交价值,激发消费者依存型自我建构,满足消费者情感诉求;对政府而言,应关注居民心理状态,积极引导居民进行体验消费,加强社会成员心理健康建设。  相似文献   

失能是老年人生命历程中的重大负性事件,以往研究对于失能是否以及如何影响老年人的幸福感鲜有探讨.基于2014年中国老年社会追踪调查数据,使用广义有序Logistic回归模型验证了失能状态对老年人幸福感的影响,并引入经济贫困、社会贫困和心理贫困三个中介变量,形成多元中介模型,通过对该模型的检验阐述了失能状态对老年人幸福感的作用机制.研究发现,失能是晚年幸福的核心掣肘,相比未失能者,失能老年人的幸福感明显偏低.失能不仅直接降低了老年人的幸福感,还通过经济贫困、社会贫困和心理贫困的中介路径间接影响其幸福感.而且,相比经济贫困和社会贫困,心理贫困在失能对老年人幸福感影响过程中的中介作用更大.  相似文献   

老年人独居比例和孤独感的上升已经成为家庭现代化转型中的典型现象,现有对二者关系的研究忽视了社会网络的视角。基于2014年中国老年健康影响因素跟踪调查数据,利用潜在类别分析和logistic回归模型考察了社会网络在老年人独居和孤独感之间所发挥的作用。研究发现,老年人独居并不意味着会感到孤独,不同类型的社会网络加重或缓解了独居带来的孤独感上升。具体而言:第一,老年人社会网络可以分为多元-活跃型、社会-消极型、子女-消极型和单一-活跃型四种类型;资源禀赋丰富的老年人具有多元-活跃型社会网络的概率更大。第二,仅具有子女-消极型社会网络的老年人,单人独居才会显著提升他们的孤独感。第三,单人独居和夫妇独居老年人均会通过多元-活跃型的社会网络缓解自身孤独感。应通过积极的公共政策,从能力建设和社区环境营造两方面,推动老年人社会网络向多元-活跃型转变。  相似文献   

基于2018年中国老年社会追踪调查(CLASS)数据实证分析年龄认同对老年人生活满意度的影响和作用机制。研究发现:保持年轻的年龄认同能够提高老年人的生活满意度,这一结论在使用工具变量法纠正内生性问题并经过一系列稳健性检验后仍然成立;机制检验显示,保持年轻的年龄认同通过改善健康状况、增强自我效能、激发社会参与进而提高老年人的生活满意度;异质性分析表明,保持年轻的年龄认同更有助于提升女性、高龄和非农业户口老年人的生活满意度。上述结论为年龄认同的主观福利效应增添了经验证据,也为推进积极老龄化和健康老龄化、促进老年人生活福祉提供了政策启示。  相似文献   

张强  王晓庆  王蒲生 《中国物价》2022,(12):125-128
本文基于广州市的调研数据,采用分层随机抽样方法确定研究对象,通过评估轮候制度满意度量表设计测量满意度,通过逐步多元线性回归分析其影响因素。结果显示:老年人对广州市先行先试的公办养老机构评估轮候制度满意度综合得分为19.46,中位数为20.00,影响因素中申请轮候通道、子女数量、社会活动都起到了显著的正向影响作用,而文化程度、就业时主要职业类型、了解渠道起到了显著的负向影响作用。总体上老年人对评估轮候制度有较高的满意度,但仍存在进一步提升的空间;未来各地推广该制度还需进一步明确政府在养老服务供给领域的责任边界;优先重点突出对困难群体的保障力度;继续重视家庭子女养老与机构养老的协同作用;避免老年人与社会脱节,积极推动老年人参与社会活动;养老服务相关公共政策的宣传贯彻需要追寻与老年人生理、心理特点的适配;在服务供给达到一定阶段之后,应迈向多样化、个性化的发展方向。  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2023,66(5):655-666
Loneliness is a rampant and modern epidemic that affects the majority of employed adults and shows no signs of subsiding. Loneliness not only contributes to numerous health problems—including anxiety, depression, heart failure, and suicide—but can also cause greater employee stress, cynicism, distrust, and decreased job performance, as well as higher turnover and absenteeism. Loneliness-prompted absenteeism singlehandedly costs employers billions of dollars a year in lost productivity. Consequently, understanding and managing workplace loneliness is of paramount importance for leaders. A review of the causes and outcomes associated with workplace loneliness is provided in this article, as well as three evidence-based interventions that can help reduce workplace loneliness: (1) fostering opportunities for relationship building, (2) increasing support around evolving work contexts, and (3) fortifying a people-focused organizational culture. By presenting research-based guidance, we help leaders combat on-the-job loneliness faced by employees, as well as managers; generate healthier work environments; and cultivate improved individual, team, and organizational performance.  相似文献   

在目前中国养老服务体系建设中,精神病老年群体的机构照料服务迄今处于民政、卫生、残联等部门未管到的"真空地带"。以北京为例,调查了市区、郊区、农村地区50岁以上老年精神病患者居家养老的现状。精神病老人以及他们的家庭社会处境不利,需要社会保护,需要政府提供社会服务。现阶段,政府应将这一群体的养老服务纳入国家公共卫生投资的视野。为精神病老年人提供社会照料服务,应列为民生工程的重要组成部分。  相似文献   

Hypothesized relationships among reports by employees of moral distress, their perceptions of their manager’s behavioral integrity (BI), and employee reports of job satisfaction, stress, job engagement, turnover likelihood, absenteeism, work-to-family conflict, health, and life satisfaction were tested using data from the 2008 National Study of the Changing Workforce (n = 2,679). BI was positively related to job satisfaction, job engagement, health, and life satisfaction and negatively to stress, turnover likelihood, and work-to-family conflict, while moral distress was inversely related to those outcomes. The magnitudes of relationships with job satisfaction, job engagement, and life satisfaction were greater with BI than with moral distress. Moral distress mediated the relationships between BI and the employee outcomes, supporting the view that employee’s perceptions of their manager’s BI might influence the employee’s behaviors as well as their attitudes.  相似文献   

The rate of business formation is higher in countries that rank better on dimensions of social progress. This creates a need for investment capital and helps drive a positive relation between social progress and IPO activity. For example, my results suggest that a one standard deviation improvement in a country's Social Progress Index is associated with an additional 0.372 IPOs and a $69.416 increase in cumulative IPO proceeds raised per million people. The relation is stronger for emerging markets than for developed markets. Social progress is also positively correlated with the proportion of IPO firms that receive venture capital funding.  相似文献   

This study examined factors that affect consumer satisfaction with TV shopping by investigating both convenience‐ and emotion‐related variables. Data were obtained from 295 online surveys with TV home shoppers who were 60 years and older. The structural model revealed (1) a positive effect of lack of shopping mobility on loneliness and perceived convenience of TV shopping, (2) a positive effect of loneliness on parasocial interaction, and (3) positive effects of parasocial interaction and perceived convenience on satisfaction with TV shopping. Results provide implications for TV shopping networks and producers. Parasocial interaction can be utilized to enhance the consumer experience by alleviating older consumers' loneliness, which ultimately leads to their satisfaction. Furthermore, convenience benefits of TV shopping can be emphasized to attract older consumers who have limited shopping mobility. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Relationships between the behavioral integrity of managers as perceived by employees and employee attitudes (job satisfaction and life satisfaction), well-being (stress and health), and behaviors (absenteeism) were tested using data from the 2002 National Study of the Changing Workforce (n = 2,820). Using multivariate and univariate analysis, perceived behavioral integrity (PBI) was positively related to job and life satisfaction and negatively related to stress, poor health, and absenteeism. The effect size for the relationship with job satisfaction was medium-to-large while the effect sizes with respect to the other variables were small-to-medium. There was no support for the hypotheses that women would perceive lower levels of behavioral integrity and that the strength of the relationships between PBI and the outcomes variables would be stronger among women than among men.  相似文献   

This study applies the dualistic model of passion (Vallerand et al., 2003) to the work setting and examines the relationships between harmonious passion (characterized by a strong but controllable desire to engage in an activity), obsessive passion (characterized by an internal pressure to carry out an activity), and optimal functioning outcomes at work. Harmonious passion associated positively with: mental health; three elements of flow (i.e., concentration, control, and autotelic experience); vitality, and affective commitment. These relationships were partly mediated by satisfaction of the basic psychological needs of autonomy, competence, and relatedness. In contrast, obsessive passion directly and negatively predicted mental health and weakly but positively predicted autotelic experience. Theoretical and applied implications are discussed. Copyright ©2010 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The study implemented 419 mall‐intercept interviews with people who are 55 or older in large malls in three metropolitan cities in the United States. The five subdimensions of mall‐shopping motivation of older consumers were identified under two dimensions: Consumption‐oriented mall‐shopping motivation (service consumption, value consumption, and eating) and experiential mall‐shopping motivation (diversion and aesthetic appreciation). The structural model revealed significant effects of social interaction, loneliness, and mall‐shopping motivations on mall spending. Outcomes suggest that a mall can be a place to reduce older consumers' loneliness and that retailers in the mall can attract and make older consumers spend more by emphasizing value consumption and service consumption. Results also provide the implication for mall developers that providing more experiential features and events in malls may attract more older consumers. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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