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我国政府开发式扶贫资金使用绩效的评估与思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
改革开放近30年的实践表明,政府开发式扶贫资金对贫困地区解决温饱和社会发展产生了深远影响,但其资金使用绩效有待进一步提高。以592个国家扶贫开发工作重点县为例,2002--2004年各年中央和省两级政府扶贫资金投入总额分别为:210.6亿元、216.7亿元和229.5亿元。同期,绝对贫困人口分别为:1752万人、1763万人和1613万人。三年贫困人口人均政府扶贫资金为1280元,  相似文献   

1.农村资金通过金融渠道流出。通过分析农村信用社的存贷差和邮政储蓄机构在农村吸收的存款,测算出1978~2001年农村资金净流出规模为7196.3亿元。其中,通过农村信用社净流出额为5171.4亿元。农村信用社吸收的存款仅有42.5%通过集体农业贷款、乡镇企业贷款和农户贷款留在了农村,其余57.5%通过各种渠道流出农村。而邮政储蓄机构则以只存不贷的形式直接造成2024.9亿元的农村资金净流出。1994~1997年,农村资金通过中国农业银行净流出2646亿元,其中,1994年为543亿元,1995年为701亿元,1996年为705亿元,1997年为687亿元。由于资料不全,工商银行等…  相似文献   

本文以城市化进程中农村环境建设为起点,结合目前的新农村建设,通过调查南京市城乡边缘区农户对现有农村环境质量状况的评价和未来政府环境投资的需求,比较和分析了农户对政府不同类型环境投资的需求强度。结果认为,城市化进程致使农村环境质量恶化,加强农村环境建设十分必要,而且农户对此也有较强的需求。从满足农户偏好出发,政府应把有限的资金重点投资于既能产生环境效益又能产生经济效益的基础设施建设项目中,同时应结合当地实际情况,充分利用城市化进程给农村环境建设带来的契机。  相似文献   

随着农村经济的发展,农村的资金需求呈现多元化的发展趋势,作为主要面向“三农”服务的农村信用社,必须认真研究农村资金需求特点,满足农户多样化贷款需求,实现农户和农村信用社的双赢。一、当前农村资金需求特点从农户的资金需求看,主要表现为生活性金融需求和生产性金融需求。生活性金融需求主要有教育、医疗、住房、婚丧等;而生产性金融需求,主要表现为非传统型农业生产金融需求,它可分为经济作物种植金融需求和工商性金融需求。其资金需求具有以下特点:1.差异性、多层次。吉林省农村幅员辽阔,自然和社会条件差别很大,农村金融需求也必然…  相似文献   

我国政府扶贫资金使用的绩效分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
从我国扶贫资金的来源结构上看,政府扶贫资金占绝大部分和绝对比重。通过政府扶贫资金及其具体投向对提高农业总产值和农民纯收入,降低农村贫困人口及其比例的回归分析,从而来考察我国政府扶贫资金使用的绩效。  相似文献   

农民专业合作组织是联系农户、企业和市场的纽带,是建设农村社会化服务体系,带动农民进入市场的重要载体。在建设新农村促进生产的过程中它将发挥最直接最现实的作用。与此同时,它不但作为经济组织发挥着作用,而且在政治上也成为了政府与农民间的桥梁。近年来,农民专业合作组织在政府政策与经济双重支持下发展迅猛。据查,2006年中央财政就拨付1亿元作为促进农村专业合作经济发展的专项资金,从这一点也不难看出政府对这一组织高度的重视力度。以笔者所在的东宝区漳河镇为例,自2003年以来,漳河镇政府财政部门就先后投入20余万元资金扶持农户建…  相似文献   

王月光 《经济师》2008,(10):193-194
我国是一个农业大国,农村经济在国民经济中占有极其重要的地位,农户作为农村经济的重要组成部分和最基础的单位,是构建和谐社会的关键环节之一。当前在广大农村,发展现代农业,资金缺乏是一个绕不开的难题。不论是发展生产,还是自主创业,或是从事经营活动.对于缺少原始积累的广大农户来说,都离不开资金的支持。而由于各种主客观因素,造成了农户有需求但贷不到款、农村合作银行有资金但难以放贷给农户的两难状况。这不仅是时下农村合作银行遇到的问题,同时也涉及到农户、政府及社会等方方面面的因素。文章以浙江省平湖市为例,对此问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

小额信贷支农探讨   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
目前,在我国是以财政拨款、税负减免、金融保险为工具,通过财种粮农民直接补贴、农业税全面减免、农业保险机制的运行来支持三农问题的解决。在金融服务领域是农业银行、农业发展银行和农村信用社“三足鼎立”的金融支农格局。但是,随着农业银行近年来的逐步淡出和农业发展银行的政策性角色的限制,农村信用社实际上承担着农村、农户和农业信贷支持的主要力量,逐步成为支农主力军,其在农村小额信贷市场中地位的重要性逐步显现。以2005年上半年为例,全国农村信用社农户贷款余额4176亿元,较年初增加了1028亿元,增幅为32.7%;小额信用贷款695亿元,比年初增加368亿元,增幅112.5%,联保贷款268亿元,比年初增加149亿元,  相似文献   

我国扶贫资金投向现状及建议   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
进入21世纪以来,为了实现经济社会的全面协调发展,加快全面建设小康社会的步伐,我国继续把扶贫开发作为对农村的一项重要工作,进一步加大了政策支持和资金投入力度。这对贫困县和广大贫困群众来说,是一个重要的机遇。但是,近年来,农村贫困人口的减少速度不断下降,与扶贫投入的不断增加形成强烈反差,并已成为社会普遍关注的问题。扶贫成效高低受多方面因素制约,其中扶贫投入的总量和使用结构是两个非常重要的内在因素。虽然多年来国家已在财力范围内尽可能地增加了扶贫投入,但是关于扶贫资金使用结构的问题却鲜有扶贫理论研究者和实践者进行研究。为此,财政部农业司扶贫处课题组专门赴河北平山县、甘肃会宁县和云南巍山县三个贫困县进行农户抽样调查和参与式评估,并结合国家统计局农调队提供的县级和农村住户级统计资料,重点分析了我国扶贫资金的重点投向、不同投向的财政扶贫资金的使用效果,以及农户在资金投向方面的实际需求。在此基础土,提出了今后扶贫资金投向的优先领域以及相关的政策建议。研究表明,要使我国的农村扶贫工作取得进一步的进展,不仅需要关注资金的总量,还需要关注财政扶贫资金的投向和扶贫效果,以及财政扶贫投资是否满足了贫困地区和贫困人口的实际需要。  相似文献   

“九五”期间,石家庄资金需求为1350亿元,其中工业投资(包括基本建设和技术改造)需求为570亿元,金融机构各种贷款余额为11821亿元,由此形成的投资缺口约为168亿元,平均每年336亿元。面对这样的资金缺口,本着发展重点行业、重点企业、重点项...  相似文献   


This paper investigates the impact of economic growth, and more specifically robust economic growth along with other macroeconomic determinants, on poverty levels using both the U.S. official measure of poverty and an estimated time series of Sen indices of poverty. The results reveal that the period of robust economic expansion that the U.S. economy experienced during the 1990s did not have a significant impact on poverty using either measure. In addition, we find that the impact of growth and other macro controls is dramatically different when a subset of the poverty population, namely non-white poverty, is investigated. The percentage of households headed by women is shown to be a significant factor in examining poverty for this subgroup.  相似文献   

本文根据我国扶贫政策的目标构建了“收入主导型”的多维贫困识别指标,并对成人和儿童设置了差异化的多维贫困识别标准,以此为基础运用CFPS数据度量了我国多维贫困的程度,最后进一步探究多维贫困产生的原因。有74%的儿童存在至少一个维度上的贫困。儿童的多维贫困程度比成人严重,儿童健康和教育维度贫困率都在20%左右,亟须从生命周期视角下构建精准扶贫政策体系。对多维贫困影响因素的分析结果显示,人力资本因素、家庭负债情况等因素影响显著,折射出教育扶贫、金融扶贫等政策的必要性和紧迫性。  相似文献   

The minimum cost of an adequate diet, following food preferences, is estimated for families in ten South American cities in five countries, allowing for household composition by age and sex. The ratio of actual expenditure on food and beverages to this normative expenditure is then used to rank families in six classes, of which the bottom two correspond to absolute poverty, or to actual expenditure less than the estimated minimum. Three questions can then be explored: which families appear to be poor, on this measure? how do such families allocate their spending toward other items such as housing? and, does this indicator of poverty classify families in much the same way as other proposed measures? The results suggest some under-reporting of food spending in the poorest class, but otherwise the ratio of reported to normative spending gives good results, free from the errors in other parts of the budget and the arbitrariness of indicators which depend on socially-defined rather than physiological “needs.” Poor families tend to be large, with many children; to have many dependents per income recipient; to have male working members other than the head; to suffer unemployment of members other than the head; to have relatively low levels of schooling; and to show high density in housing. Even quite poor households spend appreciable amounts on housing and on education, while not satisfying all food needs; both kinds of spending increase rapidly as food requirements are met. There are no consistent relations between poverty and type of employment or the share of income attributed to the head. The data refer to 1966–69 and are highly comparable; all monetary estimates are in dollars of equal purchasing power.  相似文献   

There is a glaring paradox in all commonly used measures of poverty. The death of a poor person, because of poverty, reduces poverty according to these measures. This surely violates our basic intuitions of how poverty measures should behave. It cannot be right in concept that differentially higher mortality among the poor serves to reduce poverty. This article begins the task of developing poverty measures that are not perversely mortality sensitive. A family of measures is proposed that is an intuitive modification of standard poverty measures to take into account the fact that the rich live longer than the poor.  相似文献   

This paper considers the issue of poverty in Poland in the decade 1978–88, during which the Polish economy experienced a severe slump (1979–81), and started a modest recovery (1983–88). The estimated poverty rate increased from less than 10 percent of the population in the late 1970s to about 18–20 percent ten years later. The increase was almost entirely due to pauperization of the urban (workers and pensioners) households. As real wages decreased, the percentage of the poor workers' households increased from 6 to almost 20 percent. The total number of pensioners, a social group with the highest poverty incidence, went up due to demographic trends and government policy of early retirement in response to market reforms undertaken in 1982–83. In addition, poverty incidence among pensioners increased to 25 percent. Overall, out of the total estimated number of 7 million poor, about 3.1 million are the new poor, i.e. people who before the crisis lived above the poverty level, and have since fallen below it. Such a deterioration in living standards, to a large extent limited to urban areas, probably had a significant impact on the ever growing disenchantment with the Communist regime which eventually resulted in its overthrow.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the determinants of rural poverty in India, contrasting the situation of scheduled caste (SC) and scheduled tribe (ST) households with the non-scheduled population. The incidence of poverty in SC and ST households is much higher than among non-scheduled households. By combining regression estimates for the ratio of per capita expenditure to the poverty line and an Oaxaca-type decomposition analysis, we study how these differences in the incidence of poverty arise. We find that for SC households, differences in characteristics explain the gaps in poverty incidence more than differences in transformed regression coefficients. In contrast, for ST households, differences in the transformed regression coefficients play the more important role.  相似文献   

John A.  Bishop  Feijun  Luo  Xi  Pan 《Review of Income and Wealth》2006,52(4):625-641
Market-oriented economic reforms have substantially changed the Chinese economy. A policy of "allowing some to get rich earlier" clearly has benefited some regions of the country more than others. The purpose of this paper is to investigate changes in regional urban poverty during this period of policy transition. Our approach is based on survey responses to minimum needs (i.e., the "subjective method"). For the richest (Coast) and poorest regions (North West) we find unambiguous declines in poverty between 1988 and 1995 for the registered population. For the Central and South West regions we find that changes in poverty over time are sensitive to both the poverty line selected and the poverty index employed.  相似文献   

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