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支付方式对消费额度有显著影响,相较于使用信用卡支付、代金券,使用现金支付的消费额度更低。支付方式出现了多样化,可以满足消费者的需求。究其原因,现金支付时的痛苦更甚,痛苦使得消费者约束了消费行为,降低了过度消费的可能性。但是,避免痛苦本身就是一种消费动机,而不是消费结果产生后的解释。不同支付方式所产生的消费动机可以使我们更好的掌握消费者不同的消费行为,以便促进更好的消费,提升消费额度。  相似文献   

在当今社会互联网的飞速发展影响了我们日常生活的方方面面。就拿支付方式来说,从最早的现金支付,到银行卡支付、信用卡支付,再到网银支付,最后到当今的手机支付。在手机支付中,影响较大的就可以说是支付宝平台的蚂蚁花呗。"先消费,后付款"这是花呗最早的广告。相较于大学生,花呗则是提前消费最好的选择。本文将就云南大学东陆校区的大学生为例,进行调查,探究大学生对于使用花呗的认知,和使用情况。  相似文献   

刘佳刚  刘乐山 《消费经济》2007,23(4):29-31,35
过度节俭消费观念使消费者轻视消费注重储蓄,攀比虚荣消费观念导致消费者重视消费轻视储蓄,非理性预期偏差对消费影响具有双重性,"官僚收入"存在会引起消费水平急剧攀升。非理性消费行为对中国消费市场存在较大影响。  相似文献   

美国零售市场的特色及消费趋势宋利红美国标榜开放与公平竞争的商业环境,吸引了世界各国商品竞相角逐。基于对消费者权益的延伸和保护,各种便利消费购买过程上的信用贷款(如信用卡、个人支票等)、消费保护措施(如保修、退款、退货等)、商品资讯(如电视购物、消费者...  相似文献   

在竞争日益激烈的信用卡市场,大量营销的弊端凸显。顺应消费者需求的变化,信用卡的营销模式也应求新求变。在竞争白热化的信用卡市场,改大量营销为"小众营销,"关注不同消费群体的个性化需求,准确把握目标客户的消费特征,进行市场细分,利用尊荣营销、价值营销、服务营销和低价营销等营销模式满足目标消费者的个性化需求,方可跳出信用卡"肉搏战"的怪圈。  相似文献   

消费者在消费决策时往往会偏离基本的"经济人"理性原则,违背一些简单的经济运算法则,做出非理性经济行为,其原因与个体存在的心理账户及其认知偏差有关.了解并掌握心理账户的本质特征,把握认知偏差的规律,不仅能合理解释个体的某些消费和投资行为,而且能为企业或政府制定消费或投资政策提供决策指导.  相似文献   

<正>前不久,一款被招商银行行长马蔚华称之为"国内商业银行在移动支付产业新标准下推出的首款移动支付产品"亮相。这是马蔚华联手全球3G智能手机主要制造商HTC掌门人王雪红的产物。所谓手机与银行卡"合二为一"的移动支付产品——手机钱包。当80后、90后的消费时代来临,这款试水近场支付的"手机钱包"真的会消灭信用卡吗?这不仅考验着开发商与投资商,同样也考验着年轻的消费者。  相似文献   

易得性直觉偏差是影响消费的重要因素,它通过影响消费者的主观风险认知来影响其消费行为。在易得性直觉偏差水平不断提高的前提下,我国消费者的主观风险认知变得日益敏锐,并由此降低了消费者的消费驱动力,促使其消费行为回归传统,在一定程度上影响了消费率的提高,不利于我国消费水平的提升。为改善这种状况,应尊重感知风险认知偏差的客观事实,改善民众的主观感受;从消费领域入手,提高消费者的消费信心;减少因经营者主观故意而引起的消费风险,增强经济惩罚的威慑力;顺应消费者感性化消费趋势,树立政府在产品安全管理工作方面的形象。  相似文献   

在微电子支付领域,随着即付即用(pay-per-use)类型电子商务和移动商务的发展,微支付的重要性日益凸现.本文在对PayWord微支付系统协议分析基础上提出了"虚支付"的概念,基于这一概念,设计了一个微支付系统NPAY,较好地解决了消费者超额消费问题,减少了系统的通讯开销,并且消费者可以匿名消费。  相似文献   

信用卡作为一种新兴的消费支付工具,具有极大地便利性。然而在其发展过程中,由于利益的驱使,信用卡套现的现象随之发生,成为信用卡发展过程中的"毒瘤"。本文重点分析谁应承担信用卡套现风险的责任。  相似文献   

Retail sector survives in the face of severe competition caused especially by outshopping activity. Outshopping involves residents—urban or rural—of one area travelling to another area, usually larger retail developments, to buy goods. This practice is of special concern to retailers particularly when consumers outshop even if the product is available locally. This study aims to understand how psychographics influence the propensity to outshop among urban and rural consumers, and more specifically to find out which products they purchase. It analyzes a quota sample of 298 usable responses from urban and rural areas of northern Gujarat. A structured questionnaire was administered through survey approach. From an exploratory analysis, six factors were extracted and regressed with a propensity to outshop among consumers, followed by the analysis of variance to determine which products were outshopped by consumers. The study demonstrates that rural consumers’ propensity to outshop is influenced by factors such as outlet prone, local involvement, and time saving opinions, urban consumers’ propensity to outshop is influenced by travelling oriented, outshopping interests, and time saving opinions. Additionally, rural consumers outshop for sports goods and flooring materials, while urban consumers outshop for children's clothing and fancy items for women’s use. This study can help retailers to tailor-make their communication strategies for rural and urban consumers. In addition, it can contribute significantly in understanding the retail flow for specific product categories, which in turn, can help retailers in designing marketing mix strategies for expanding their customer base.  相似文献   

This paper studies stores that voluntarily reward consumers for changing their convenience-oriented, waste-increasing consumption behaviors. We focus on shopping bag rewards programs which encourage consumers to substitute reusable bags for plastic bags. Instead of assuming that consumers have environmental consciousness, we consider the peer pressure of participating in rewards programs among consumers as the driving force increasing the number of consumers behaving in environmentally friendly ways. The results show that rewards programs can be effective in reducing plastic bag users in the long term and can increase profits for the stores implementing them. Unlike former studies suggesting a plastic bag ban or levy to reduce plastic bag use, these findings suggest that the policymakers should support these long-term-effective bag rewards programs by educating consumers about the value of using reusable bags and offering subsidies for stores that implement bag rewards programs.  相似文献   

《Journal of Retailing》2022,98(2):209-223
We develop a conceptual framework for collaborative artificial intelligence (AI) in marketing, providing systematic guidance for how human marketers and consumers can team up with AI, which has profound implications for retailing, which is the interface between marketers and consumers. Drawing from the multiple intelligences view that AI advances from mechanical, to thinking, to feeling intelligence (based on how difficult for AI to mimic human intelligences), the framework posits that collaboration between AI and HI (human marketers and consumers) can be achieved by 1) recognizing the respective strengths of AI and HI, 2) having lower-level AI augmenting higher-level HI, and 3) moving HI to a higher intelligence level when AI automates the lower level. Implications for marketers, consumers, and researchers are derived. Marketers should optimize the mix and timing of AI-HI marketing team, consumers should understand the complementarity between AI and HI strengths for informed consumption decisions, and researchers can investigate innovative approaches to and boundary conditions of collaborative intelligence.  相似文献   

受新冠肺炎疫情的影响,大多消费者只能在线观看企业通过互联网实施的品牌仪式,然而以往研究更多揭示的是消费者直接参与的仪式效应,鲜有消费者不直接参与的仪式研究。基于社会交换理论,文章运用实验法探讨了当消费者见到但不实际参与品牌仪式时,品牌仪式对消费者信任的影响机制,即品牌仪式的“见”之效应。结果表明:作为视觉材料呈现的品牌仪式(对比随机动作)也能激活消费者的仪式感知,增加消费者对品牌的信任。原因在于当消费者从品牌仪式的互动体验中获取相应的积极情感资源(心流体验)后,会更倾向与品牌建立信任关系。此外,消费者品牌关系规范会调节品牌仪式对消费者信任的影响,对于共享型关系中的消费者,品牌仪式通过增强消费者心流体验,进而增加消费者对品牌的信任,但对于交易型关系中的消费者,该效应消失。  相似文献   

Ranking alternative products to help consumers make better purchase choices is a valuable research topic. Most previous decision support models cannot be well applied to heterogeneous consumers. This paper focuses on establishing a personalized interactive model to assist consumers make better buying decisions with less effort. For the alternative products provided by consumers, we collect online reviews and parameter configurations of alternative products and then obtain the fusing evaluative information. As consumers are dominated by bounded rationality, they only provide partially key attribute weights, based on which, we construct an optimizing model to obtain the optimal attribute weights of customers for products. Then, a satisfaction function is proposed by uniting aspiration levels and risk attitudes of consumers and a compensatory decision rules is established to rank and recommend the brands to consumers. Finally, practicability of this study is illustrated with a real car purchase case. Through the case study, it can be seen that the proposed decision support model generates a personalized list of alternatives based on consumer's own utility function about risk attitudes, aspiration levels, and preferences for product attributes, which further confirms that the proposed model can capture the personalized needs of consumers. Theoretical and managerial implications of this model as well as advantages are further illustrated.  相似文献   

This paper expands agency theory by identifying mythic agency as a lens through which retailers can view spectacular events during which consumers act heroically to achieve an important consumption goal. Partaking in a stressful and challenging retail experience invokes the stages of a quest, through which successful consumers emerge transformed and where they challenge, at least in part, the culturally prescribed role of bride. Retailers who create events that evoke and support consumers’ heroic actions can develop powerful, meaningful, and enduring relationships with their customers.  相似文献   

《Journal of Retailing》2019,95(3):63-75
The current research compares sole-identity versus dualidentity consumers in their responses to different retail persuasion attempts that occur in situations with low versus high ulterior motives. We examine different consumer responses (e.g., interaction time, perceived friendliness, future interaction intentions, and actual purchase behavior). We find that dual-identity consumers (those individuals with sales experience who have both a consumer and agent identity available) tend to automatically activate their agent identity which makes them more likely to take the perspective of the sales agent as compared to sole-identity consumers (individuals without sales experience who only have a consumer identity available). Dual-identity consumers show greater sensitivity to ulterior motives as exhibited by more accurate responses when persuasion cues suggest that ulterior motives are low, but not high. In contrast, sole-identity consumers are insensitive to differing levels of ulterior motives. The current research further demonstrates that perspective-taking can mitigate sole-identity consumers' defensive reactions which can increase their responses to sales agents' persuasion attempts with low ulterior motives.  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2016,59(1):115-124
User-generated content, such as online product reviews, is a valuable source of consumer insight. Such unstructured big data is generated in real-time, is easily accessed, and contains messages consumers want managers to hear. Analyzing such data has potential to revolutionize market research and competitive analysis, but how can the messages be extracted? How can the vast amount of data be condensed into insights to help steer businesses’ strategy? We describe a non-proprietary technique that can be applied by anyone with statistical training. Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) can analyze huge amounts of text and describe the content as focusing on unseen attributes in a specific weighting. For example, a review of a graphic novel might be analyzed to focus 70% on the storyline and 30% on the graphics. Aggregating the content from numerous consumers allows us to understand what is, collectively, on consumers’ minds, and from this we can infer what consumers care about. We can even highlight which attributes are seen positively or negatively. The value of this technique extends well beyond the CMO's office as LDA can map the relative strategic positions of competitors where they matter most: in the minds of consumers.  相似文献   

The present exploratory study investigates the differential impact of various relevant corporate brand associations on consumers' cognitive (product attitude and purchase intention) and affective responses (affective corporate commitment) in the three sectors, namely durables, services and fast moving consumer goods. The findings reveal that corporate brand associations can be categorised into two categories – universal associations, which are influential in all the sectors, and sector-specific associations, which have a differential effect on consumers in different sectors. Thus, this study reveals that corporate branding is important to consumers in all the sectors, but a single corporate brand story does not work in all the sectors. Further, corporate associations do not always have a positive effect on the consumers; under certain circumstances, these might either have no effect or have a negative effect on the consumers. Finally, there are two routes by which corporate brand associations can influence consumers – by affecting their cognitive responses or by influencing their affective responses towards the company. The recognition of the important corporate brand associations in the three sectors, and the routes (cognitive or affective) through which these associations influence consumer choices would enable marketers to develop more sophisticated corporate communication strategies.  相似文献   


We examine how consumers engage in reflexivity related to their ongoing process of identification within book clubs. The ongoing nature of identification processes, coupled with the conditions associated with liquid modernity, results in a cycle of self-reflexive doubt where consumers grapple with existential questions as they reflect on their lives. Through an examination of book clubs, we show that consumers engage in reflexive practices within the day-to-day setting of a book club. To do this, consumers engineer their clubs into identification incubators – controlled environments in which consumers engage in reflexivity related to their identification processes. We show that by turning book clubs into incubators, consumers are able to capitalize on two reflexive resources – books and other club members – to thoughtfully reflect on their lives. We note, however, that maintaining the incubator is often stressful for consumers and can lead to tensions between club members.  相似文献   

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