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●要总结我国水电开发的经验教训●要根据我国水能资源的特点改进规划工作●要把西部水电尽量用于发展当地经济和提高居民生活水平上●要把西部水电开发和西电东送建立在西部大开发的综合规划的基础上●要研究如何提高西电东送的经济效益问题  一、要总结我国水电开发的经验教训。我国西部丰富的水能资源没有得到充分开发,关键在于西部地区国民经济和社会发展比东部慢,用电需求增长缓慢;只开发规模不大的水电站,无条件向中东部送电。要加快西部水电的开发,首先要发展西部经济,使电力需求加快增长,其次才是西电东送。当地建设水电站…  相似文献   

水电开发重点与规划目标 要充分利用我国较为丰富的水能资源的优势,立足水能资源地域分布不均、时空分布不均和富集程度高的基本国情,坚持优先开发水电方针,优化水电开发布局和重点,继续加快开发13个水电基地,重点开发四川、云南和青海境内的大型水电基地电站,积极开展西藏境内河流水电流域规划、前期工作,适时开工建设,有序推进小水电生态开发,科学建设抽水蓄能电站,重视老水电站技术改造,提升水能资源开发利用率.  相似文献   

水电的优先开发与生态保护   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目前,中央国有、地方国有的发电(集团)公司和有实力的集体、私有发电企业,大、中、小并举,争先恐后地开发水电,建设形势如火如荼。水电已成为我国能源供应的重要组成部分,为国民经济的发展、社会的全面进步和人民生活水平的提高做出了巨大贡献《。中共中央关于制定十一五规划的建议》提出,在保护生态基础上有序开发水电,为我国“十一五”期间及以后较长一段时间持续、健康开发水电指明了正确的方向。我们要贯彻和落实科学发展观,认真分析总结水电开发的经验和教训,坚持优先开发、加快开发、科学开发、有序开发、在保护生态的基础上开发水电…  相似文献   

水电开发利弊之争,特别是环保之争,从来没有停止过。要实现水电建设科学发展,必须加强水电建设与环境保护的协调,解决开发与保护的矛盾。乌江水电开发公司(以下简称公司)多年来坚持走绿色生态、和谐发展之路,提出了“开发乌江清洁能源,建没绿色环保水电”的环保目标,环保工作取得了显著成效。  相似文献   

据统计,印度可开发的水电资源为84000兆瓦,负荷系数为60%,而目前仅开发了15%,另外7%的水电资源正在开发过程中。一、最新的水电开发政策1998年8月印度政府颁布了最新的水电开发政策,鼓励通过私人电力生产商以及合资等形式投资水电。具体措施有:促进私人电力生产商与国有水电公司在水电开发方面的合资;简化联邦政府对水电工程的审批程序;为水电工程制定合理的税率;在水电工程的最终成本估算中,要包括对水文的风险性进行补偿的部分;对小型水电站(装机容量到25兆瓦)给予进一步的优惠措施;组织联邦专家组对要进行升级改造的…  相似文献   

创新发展理念,推进中国水电科学发展。一要切实转变观念,确立水电开发建设的新理念。要从单纯工程水电转变为生态水电,从纯粹的技术工程转变到社会工程。更加重视移民利益和生态环境保护,建设能源生态文明,把水电开发与生态工程建设,与地区经济发展有机结合起来,促进流域经济社会的可持续发展。  相似文献   

水电流域滚动开发的若干问题冬水按语为落实国务院领导关于流域梯级滚动综合开发的指示精神,贯彻电力工业部关于水电开发的指导思想,并遵照电力工业部史大桢部长关于水电流域滚动开发要认真从内部机制和外部环境进行研究的指示,电力工业部水电农电司于1996年4月2...  相似文献   

水电要加快发展,需在4个方面进行结构调整  水电要加快发展,应在以下4个方面调整。其中3个方面是电力系统自身的,1个是相关行业的调整。  1.从区位上说,常规水电的开发重点要由中东部调整到西部。中东部在建、筹建的项目开发率已达63%,其中河南、湖北、广东、辽宁、吉林已经超过80%,而西部的开发率很低,特别是几个资源大省,西藏仅03%,云南45%,四川约10%。调整常规水电的重点开发地区是由我国资源分布和开发现状决定的。  2.常规水电要从主要开发径流电站和调节性能差的电站,转为重点开发年调节以上,特别是龙…  相似文献   

卢明湘 《电力技术经济》2004,16(3):64-65,68
分析了我国水电开发运用 BOT 融资方式的可行性和优势,初步探讨了我国水电开发运用 BOT 融资方式应注右的问题,目的是为在我国水电开发领域引入 BOT 融资方式,以有效缓解我国水电开发的投资资金短缺问题,  相似文献   

创新发展理念,推进中国水电科学发展.一要切实转变观念,确立水电开发建设的新理念.要从单纯工程水电转变为生态水电,从纯粹的技术工程转变到社会工程.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effects of having a separate innovation unit on exploration, exploitation, and ambidexterity in manufacturing and service firms according to traditional paradigms of the innovation management discipline that innovation units should be organized in a separate department. Many manufacturing firms have such a unit while few service firms do. This paper sets out to investigate the advantages of having such a unit for exploration, exploitation, and ambidexterity, and whether there are differences between manufacturing and service firms that could help explain why such units are present or absent. The literature suggests that a separate innovation unit has a positive effect on exploration and ambidexterity in manufacturing firms. However, the effect on improving operational activities, that is, exploitation, is unclear. If exploration and exploitation are two ends of a continuum, as the literature suggests, more exploration comes at the cost of exploitation. On the other hand, others have suggested the possibility of an orthogonal relationship, where a separate unit can simultaneously enhance exploration and exploitation. In this paper, the Dutch Community Innovation Survey (CIS) is used to investigate these relationships for manufacturing and service firms, with a question added to the survey regarding the locus of innovation within each firm, that is, mostly within a dedicated innovation unit or dispersed throughout the firm. Our findings show that a separate innovation unit increases exploration, exploitation, and ambidexterity in both manufacturing and service firms. It thereby provides support for the orthogonal view of ambidexterity. A separate unit enhances the ability to exploit and be ambidextrous equally in service and manufacturing firms, but has a weaker positive effect on exploration, and exploratory and ambidextrous performance in service firms. This finding implies that both manufacturing and service firms benefit from having a separate innovation unit, with the advantages being greatest for manufacturing firms. In service firms, such an innovation unit alone may not be sufficient, as such units are expensive to maintain, while they contribute less to ambidextrous performance than in manufacturing firms. Based on the latter finding, future studies should make a distinction between the ability to be ambidextrous in creating exploratory and exploitative innovations, and ambidextrous performance, the ability to gain financially from engaging in both types of activities simultaneously.  相似文献   

在油田注水开发中,由于地层的非均质性和注水质量问题,往往导致一部分油层未水驱或水驱不见效。某油田第三系主力油田这方面的潜力就高达69.3%。油田注水七发的质量“症结”主要是:注水井点不完善,油层对应率差;纵向单层突进,造成高低渗透层受效状况的差异;平面指进和舌进,造成大面积死油区;注入水质差,造成油堵塞。要从根本上改善油田注水开发效果,必须按照”把好入口分而治之,调整剖面,齐头并进”的对策,搞好油  相似文献   

The paper investigates the logic of innovation in construction by addressing four questions: What is actually being renewed in construction? How is it being done? Who is involved? and Why do or do not the companies innovate? The paper draws on a combination of an industrial network perspective and the exploration–exploitation dichotomy to analyze data from a study of innovation in the Norwegian and Swedish construction industries. The findings show that construction companies are increasingly working more systematically to turn project-level ideas into company-wide knowledge. This indicates an innovation logic that is oriented towards exploitation of new combinations through the internal network. The companies are also increasingly concerned with establishing closer connections to customers and users, which have traditionally been weak. This has led to an orientation towards exploitation through the external network, at least on the customer side. In turn, this may lead to more innovative behavior and renewal in the industry as a whole. However, it requires that not only the customer relationships, but also the relationships on the supply side must change. Companies in the construction industry should be conscious about their innovation logic, in terms of whether they base their innovation behavior on a biased orientation towards exploitation or exploration or towards the internal or external network. A balance is needed.  相似文献   

Despite the increased interest in using digital technologies for servitization purposes, little is known about what drives firms towards a digital servitization strategy. Using a dynamic capabilities lens, we look into the relationships between two organizational mechanisms – exploitation and exploration – and firms' orientation towards digitization, servitization and digital servitization. On top, we examine the influence of two environmental contingencies – technological turbulence and competitive intensity – as potential influencers of these relationships. We collected and analyzed data of 139 Belgian firms through hierarchical regressions. Exploitation and exploration are positively associated with digital servitization, but exploration trumps the effect of exploitation when firms do both. Technological turbulence is positively associated with digitization regardless of the firm's level of exploration or exploitation, and competitive intensity only relates positively with servitization when firms emphasize exploration. Theoretically, we contribute to the literature by unravelling the relationship between firms' dynamic capabilities and their environment. In order to fully understand firms' strategic transition towards digital servitization, both should be considered. As managerial implications, we suggest that firms pay close attention to adapting their strategy to fit an increasingly changing environment.  相似文献   

加入WTO后国企人力资源的开发与管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国加入WTO后,国企在人力资源开发与管理方面将面临严峻考验。如何积极应对入世后挑战,快速构筑企业人力资源竞争力,本提出应把人力资源竞争力看作是企业发展的核心能力,以此来推动企业快速持续发展。  相似文献   

Tim Swift 《战略管理杂志》2016,37(8):1688-1698
Research summary : R&D‐based exploration and exploitation are necessary in order for firms to have sustainable competitive advantage. Yet, transitioning between these orthogonal types of R&D is considered profound organizational change. Building on recent research showing that compact, significant changes in R&D expenditure is an antecedent to the transition between explorative and exploitative R&D, I show that this leap between exploration and exploitation is quite hazardous. The magnitude of changes in R&D expenditure, whether increases or decreases, is positively associated with organizational failure. Firms maintaining higher levels of absorptive capacity are more capable of surviving the leap from R&D‐based exploitation to exploration, and firms that do not use reductions in R&D expenditure to manipulate short‐term earnings performance are more likely to survive the leap from exploration to exploitation. Managerial summary : In order to survive and thrive, innovative companies must be able to exploit their existing competencies, and to explore for new ones once those current competencies decline in value. However, transiting from one form of innovation to the other is difficult because the skills required to explore are fundamentally opposed to those required to exploit. In this article, I describe how difficult this leap between exploration and exploitation can be. I show that the move between R&D‐based exploration and exploitation is related to organizational failure. In addition, firms that are superior learners are more likely to survive the leap from exploitation to exploration, and firms that are not cutting R&D expenditure to manipulate earnings are more likely to survive the leap from exploration to exploitation. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The author gives an account of the importance of fish as a source of animal protein and as an appreciated food, particularly in developing countries. Despite declining growth rates in food fish production in recent years, there is considerable potential for increasing supplies in order to maintain the role of fish. The relatively low cost of many fish-producing systems should encourage increased exploitation of fishery resources for food purposes. This will not be achieved, however, unless sustained efforts in research and development are ensured. Collaboration on an international scale and financial support from developed countries will be required.  相似文献   

苏州城市交通发展和房地产开发都经历了历史上最快的发展期。在分析苏州市房地产开发和交通发展基本特征的基础上,研究了交通发展对房地产开发的影响,提出了房地产开发主动适应交通发展的策略,旨在促进苏州城市交通和房地产开发的可持续发展。  相似文献   

The literature suggests that established firms need to balance their exploration and exploitation activities in order to achieve superior performance. Yet, previous empirical research has modeled this balance as the interaction of orthogonal activities. In this study, we show that there is a trade‐off between exploration and exploitation and that the optimal balance between exploration and exploitation depends upon environmental conditions. Using a novel methodology to measure the relative exploration versus exploitation orientation, we find an inverted U‐shaped relationship between the relative share of explorative orientation and financial performance. This relationship is positively moderated by the R&D intensity of the industry in which the firm operates. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

苏里格气田是典型的低渗砂岩气藏,储层岩石孔隙结构复杂,具有明显压敏特征;目前气井采用控制产量和放压生产2种方式,其动态特征差别较大,对压敏条件下气体渗流机理及其对气井产能的影响认识不清,2种生产方式对气井开采效果的影响有待进一步评价。在岩心实验分析的基础上,通过储层压力敏感性评价,建立压敏条件下气井渗流方程,定量评价压敏条件下气井产能特征,并结合实际动态资料,修正渗透率压敏参数,分析预测气井开发后期生产动态,量化对比不同生产方式下压敏对气井开采效果的影响,优化配产,提升气田开发水平。  相似文献   

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