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过去零售地理主要是从零售业的载体--商业中心、集市、各种商业机构和设施来研究零售业的空间结构,而从消费者的角度来研究城市零售商业网点配置的却很少.本文对广东江门市消费者购物行为的制约因素和家庭购物现状进行研究,探讨其对零售商业网点配置的影响,为江门市零售商业网点的调整和规划提供理论依据.  相似文献   

纪敏 《商场现代化》2007,(25):11-12
本文介绍了GIS的概念和商品市场选点的规划理论,列举了GIS的商业规划和商业分析的主要功能,同时详述了利用GIS分析了连锁零售网点布局模式这样一个实例,使用Voronoi模型下的商圈划分,推导了新增网点选址的数学模型,计算便利店和人口布局的耦合性及新增网点区位选址,从而说明GIS在商业规划和商业分析中的应用。  相似文献   

孙宁  曹喆 《江苏商论》2011,(10):7-9,18
为应对日益紧张的全球能源安全和气候变化的威胁,世界范围内掀起了关于集约型城乡规划的理论探讨和实践热潮。而零售商业网点的布局对集约型城乡规划的发展有着重要影响,中国快速城市化进程中出现的零售商业网点布局不合理问题日益凸显,基于此本文在集约型发展背景下对城市零售商业网点布局进行分析研究。  相似文献   

城市商业街面临环境变化的对策选择   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
商业街及其类型 商业街是建立在由若干个大型店铺与众多中小零售商店借以相互依存的能够共生共荣的商业设施,除此之外还包括各种娱乐活动中心、运动休闲和公共设施之类的复合型购物、休闲、文化娱乐等要素构成的商业聚集地.商业街在其发展的历史进程中,在功能上完成了由单一的满足消费者购物的基本需求向集购物、休闲、娱乐、餐饮、健身、运动等多元化需求的转变;在街市的规划上经历了由杂乱无章的自由发展阶段到逐步完善、整体布局协调的成熟阶段;在商业街发展与规划的构造上,已逐步实现了网点布局、经营结构、经营形态、门市铺面等配置的合理化与高级化.  相似文献   

中国加入世界贸易组织后,以家乐福和沃尔玛等为首的国际零售业巨头在中国的大举扩张迅速改变了中国城市消费者的购物行为。家乐福在中国的零售网点已经从1995年的一家普通大型超级市场发展到目前遍布全国的8家超大型超级市场和59家超级市场。日前,68%的中国消费者选择在趟大型魈级市场购物,这一比例在亚洲仅次于泰国;  相似文献   

论哈尔滨市商业零售网点的布局   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论哈尔滨市商业零售网点的布局张丙振本文主要论述关于哈尔滨市目前零售商业企业在布局上所存在的问题,试图提出未来发展中所应采取的有效思路以及相应的探索性对策。目的在于使哈尔滨市商业零售网点布局更趋于合理化、系统化,能够有效地推动哈市整体规划和相关产业的发...  相似文献   

2011年我有机会在美国进行了较长时间的商业服务业发展现状考察,从考察中总结出一些东西可供上海的商业服务业可持续发展的借鉴. 合理的商业服务业网点规划布局为缩小城乡差别奠定了基础 从消费者购物的便利性上来讲,美国基本上是一个没有城乡差别的国家,而能够消除这种城乡差别的基础性条件是各级政府的商业服务业网点布局的合理规划.  相似文献   

2011年我有机会在美国进行了较长时间的商业服务业发展现状考察,从考察中总结出一些东西可供上海的商业服务业可持续发展的借鉴。合理的商业服务业网点规划布局为缩小城乡差别奠定了基础从消费者购物的便利性上来讲,美国基本上是一个没有城乡差别的国家,而能够消除这种城乡差别的基础性条件是各级政府的商业服务业网点布局的合理规划。我曾经在美国伊利诺伊和俄亥俄这两个农业大州真正的农村里做过这样的考察,  相似文献   

本文以山东青岛市为代表,运用实证研究方法对农村居民购物决策风格维度进行研究;在深入分析不同购物决策风格消费者行为特征的基础上,为农村零售商业的发展提出针对性的对策建议.  相似文献   

本文认为,和谐商业是和谐社会的重要组成部分,和谐社会离不开和谐商业。文章提出,构建和谐商业,第一,要培育以城市店为龙头、乡镇店为骨干、村级店为基础的农村现代化流通体系,建立和发展日用消费品、农副产品、农业生产资料"三位一体"的连锁经营服务体系,搞活农产品流通,实现城乡协调发展;第二,要加强零售商业网点规划建设的法制化,规范零售企业进货交易行为,杜绝各种乱收费,建立严厉的失信惩罚制度,进一步整顿和规范市场秩序,坚决打击制假售假、商业欺诈、不正当竞争等违法违规行为;第三,要转变商业增长方式,提高零售企业竞争力;第四,要改进工商关系,实现合作双赢;第五,要加强商业道德建设,优化消费环境,使消费者放心购物、乐于消费。  相似文献   

Does the choice of exchange rate regime affect an economy's adjustment to real shocks? Exploiting the unpredictability and economic exogeniety of windstorms-hurricanes and typhoons-and earthquakes this paper assesses the often contrasting answers found in the theoretical literature. There is robust evidence that exchange rate flexibility helps an economy better adjust to real shocks. And consistent with the channels emphasized in the classic literature on exchange rates and shocks, differences in the behavior of the export sector help explain the different reactions between the two regimes.  相似文献   

This paper uses the Logistic regression technique to explore the relationship between the decisions to give and volunteer and frequency of church/synagogue attendance. Our empirical results support the hypothesis that frequency of church/synagogue attendance increases the likelihood of giving and volunteering. The paper also finds that when church/synagogue attendance falls below the threshold level of once a week, frequency of religious service attendance loses its influence on individual charitable behavior. The author's findings suggest that whether an individual is a member of a church or professes to believe in a religion is not as good a predictor of individual charitable behavior as frequency of church1 synagogue attendance.  相似文献   

Individual perceptions of the work environment, or psychological climates, have been shown to be important determinants of work attitudes such as satisfaction and job involvement. However, little is known concerning the relationships between psychological climate and other variables that may lead to or cause these perceptions. This research examined causal relationships among dimensions of psychological climate and leader behavior. Specifically, the investigation attempted to determine whether leader behavior caused psychological climate, or whether psychological climate caused leader behavior. Eithty-five foremen from a truck manufacturing facility participated in the study over a 17-month period. Results of cross-lagged panel correlations and causal path analysis indicated that psychological climate caused leader behavior. Since one individual's perceptions of his/her work environment can only indirectly be linked to another person's (in this case, the leaders) behavior, an intervening variable is required to explain these findings. This variable may be a consensual or organizational climate.  相似文献   

盈余质量是公司财务报告中盈余信息相关性和可靠性的表现。尽管一家公司的财务决策并不只依赖盈余质量一个标准,但它已逐渐成为投资者掌握公司价值的有效工具。随着证券市场参与主体的日渐成熟,上市公司的盈余质量必将受到各方的关注,对公司的经理人而言,通过盈余管理行为美化公司的账面盈余,会降低盈余的质量,不一定有利于公司的股价;对投资者而言,不能只看到盈余的表面数据,更要对深层次的盈余质量加以关注,才能做出正确的投资决策。  相似文献   

This study tested the hypothesis that 'revenue maximization of the tenants of sports facilities is dependent on the geographical location of the facility (location of distribution)'. Revenue maximization was operationalized pertaining to sponsorship. A survey instrument was sent to all sponsors of a Melbourne-based football club. The sponsors were grouped as location dependent and location independent based on the location of their head office and financial turnover achieved in the area around the sports facility. The survey collected information on three different steps in the sports consumption process including 'coming to the sports facility', 'being in and around the sports facility' and 'being serviced in the sports facility'. t-Tests were run for most items of the questionnaire in relation to location dependency. Indicative evidence was found in support of the general hypothesis. In particular, direct sales (turnover) in the area around a sports facility were found to be an important factor when considering the issue of location dependency. Smaller, lowspending sponsors with an important percentage of turnover in the area around the sports facility were less likely to move with the football club to a (remote) new facility. In relation to sponsors' objectives, it was found that the objectives of location-dependent sponsors are directed more towards direct sales (or product /brand related as defined elsewhere), whereas location-independent sponsor's objectives seemed to be indirectly related to sales (or corporation related and generation of media benefits as defined elsewhere).  相似文献   

Mitigating response distortion in answers to sensitive questions is an important issue for business ethics researchers. Sensitive questions may be asked in surveys related to business ethics, and respondents may intend to avoid exposing sensitive aspects of their character by answering such questions dishonestly, resulting in response distortion. Previous studies have provided evidence that a surveying procedure called the randomized response technique (RRT) is useful for mitigating such distortion. However, previous studies have mainly applied the RRT to individual dichotomous questions (e.g., yes/no questions) in face-to-face survey settings. In this study, we focus on behavioral research examining the relationships between latent variables, which are unobserved variables measured by multiple items on Likert or bipolar scales. To demonstrate how the RRT can be applied to obtain valid answers from respondents answering a self-administered online questionnaire with Likert and bipolar scales, we build a behavioral model to study the effect of punishment severity on employees’ attitudes toward misuse of information systems resources in the workplace, which in turn influence misuse behavior. The survey findings meet our expectations. The respondents are generally more willing to disclose sensitive data about their attitudes and actual behavior related to misuse when the RRT is implemented. The RRT’s implications for causal modeling and the advantages and challenges of its use in online environments are also discussed.  相似文献   

Nowadays celebrity endorsement has become a popular marketing technique in the non-profit sector. However, there is still a degree of light and shade as regards the determinants of the effectiveness of this communication strategy. Taking into account the significant lack of studies in this particular field, the current research presents a causal model with nine hypotheses, which analyse the sequence of relationships that cover from the background of celebrity credibility, to the determinants of the attitude towards adverts and the intention to collaborate. We surveyed 329 adults, who rated a fictitious ad with a celebrity without perceived experience in the non-profit area. As a result, it is observed that the celebrity’s credibility depends on the fit perceived, the attribution of altruistic motivation, the celebrity image and the general attitude towards celebrity activism. Furthermore, it is found that a credible celebrity has a strong influence on the attitude towards the advert and, indirectly, on behavioural intentions.  相似文献   

Perceived behavioral integrity involves the employee’s perception of the alignment of the manager’s words and deeds. This meta-analysis examined the relationship between perceived behavioral integrity of managers and the employee attitudes of job satisfaction, organizational commitment, satisfaction with the leader and affect toward the organization. Results indicate a strong positive relationship overall (average r = 0.48, p<0.01). With only 12 studies included, exploration of moderators was limited, but preliminary analysis suggested that the gender of the employees and the number of levels between the employee and the manager are potential moderators of the relationship. In the current sample of studies, country where the research was conducted did not seem to have any moderating effects. In addition to suggesting further investigation of potential moderators, we call for research that examines the relationship between behavioral integrity and outcomes that include individual behavior and organizational performance.  相似文献   

Value co-creation (VC) is generally considered as having mutually beneficial implications for all actors involved. Nonetheless, emerging evidence on value co-destruction and its consequences on the wellbeing of co-creating actors implies that narrowing down on specific fallouts of this process is needed for managerial interventions. This paper contributes to the value-co-creation literature by exploring the relationship between customer participation in VC on some difficult to detect employee service behaviors: workaholism and fear-based silence. The extent to which employee trust (TRS) in employee – hotel relationship moderates these relations is assessed. While the findings from 422 frontline employee-customer data within luxury hotels in Ghana support a negative effect of VC on fear-based silence and workaholism, TRS buffered these effects. We recommend that VC in service failure and recovery be approached with tact, compassion, and forgiveness.  相似文献   

文章以长三角25个地级以上城市为样本,利用空间计量学方法对其1991-2008年的FD I区位决定进行实证分析。结果发现:近20年来长三角城市FD I区位决定因素及其作用发生了动态变化,一些传统因素如市场规模、城市化水平、产业发展、工资水平、与上海距离等影响不再显著或有弱化趋势,取而代之的是外资集聚经济和工资效率因素上升为主导地位,其作用不断增强,基础设施因素影响日趋重要。值得注意的是,邻域空间关联效应一直是影响长三角城市FD I区位分布的重要因素,城市吸引FD I不仅取决于自身区位条件,还受周边城市FD I聚集的影响。上述发现对于长三角各城市利用FD I和跨国公司投资都具有重要政策意义。  相似文献   

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