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文化建设是和谐社会重要的组成部分。大众传媒在构建新疆和谐社会的进程中,既是推动新疆现代文化建设的重要力量,更是新疆现代文化的重要组成部分。本文从新疆的区域和民族文化多样性特征出发,以期正确认识大众传媒在构建新疆和谐社会中对新疆现代文化的作用。  相似文献   

李梅宇  刘红 《大陆桥视野》2014,(14):145-147
《新疆新闻联播》作为新疆卫视最具权威性的新闻栏目,承担着中国所有省级新闻栏目都应有的功能:即对外宣传、报道时事政治、反映社会民生。那么,作为主流媒体权威栏目的《新疆新闻联播》,是否在新闻话语中体现了社会各阶层平等享有公共媒介资源和话语权?本文对《新疆新闻联播》的文本分析表明其话语中阶层分布并不均衡,这主要是媒介所处的宏观环境和媒介资源不均衡造成的。  相似文献   

当前,在社会大环境和媒介大环境的双重制约下,我国大众传媒业正承受着激烈的内外竞争压力。作为当代大众传媒业的主导形式之一,广播电视媒介的生存与发展也面临着极大的挑战。为了使之在激烈的媒介竞争中立于不败之地,创新就成为当代广播电视节目生产中的关键词之一.  相似文献   

大众传媒在新疆现代文化转型中对人们思想和实践的创新和扩散,在一定程度上对新疆的经济、政治、教育、文化等产生了积极作用,具体表现在三个方面:一是守护新疆文化生态;二是吟唱新型民族关系;三是培育和引导新风尚和新观念。  相似文献   

目前,新疆传媒业已逐步进入竞争和规模化发展的阶段。大众传媒在新疆少数民族地区对新疆民族文化的传承与发展起着越来越重要的作用。准确把握新疆少数民族地区大众传播的特征,对于提高传播质量和效果,促进新疆各民族文化共同繁荣都具有特殊意义。  相似文献   

张钊 《经济视角》2010,(1):16-18
房地产业在促进新疆经济增长,改善居民居住环境,提升投资环境和促进社会和谐等方面起着重要作用。该文从新疆房地产投资情况、供需情况、住房结构情况、住房价格情况4个方面对新疆房地产业的发展现状进行了阐述,分析发现新疆房地产业所存在的问题主要表现为空置房面积偏大、区域发展不平衡等4个阻碍房地产业发展的因素,提出采取加大行业监管力度、加快住房结构调整、引导空置房租赁、降低房价等对策建议,促进新疆房地产业的健康发展。  相似文献   

房地产业在促进新疆经济增长,改善居民居住环境,提升投资环境和促进社会和谐等方面起着重要作用.该文从新疆房地产投资情况、供需情况、住房结构情况、住房价格情况4个方面对新疆房地产业的发展现状进行了阐述,分析发现新疆房地产业所存在的问题主要表现为空置房面积偏大、区域发展不平衡等4个阻碍房地产业发展的因素,提出采取加大行业监管力度、加快住房结构调整、引导空置房租赁、降低房价等对策建议,促进新疆房地产业的健康发展.  相似文献   

大众传媒时代,拟态环境越来越深入、全面地影响着人们的思想和行为.我国的媒介素养教育起步较晚,为了防止拟态环境的负面影响,必须加强大学生的媒介素养教育.  相似文献   

社会思潮是社会意识形态的一种表现形式,它的产生和发展有其特定的社会历史背景及经济、政治、文化条件。在改革开放的历程中,伴随着大众传媒特别是互联网、移动终端等媒介的广泛应用,各种不同的文化和思潮传入中国,表现出多元化、复杂化的特点。一些腐朽消极的社会思潮泛滥导致一些人们的价值观念发生了偏差。基于此,文章试图探索社会主义核心价值观引领当下中国社会生活中存在的各种社会思潮的现实路径。  相似文献   

王宣龙 《经济论坛》2004,(24):143-144
从人类社会步入知识经济时代那一天起,大众传媒就与其注定有着密不可分的联系。传播界有一句名言:“媒介即信息。”在如此依赖信息的当代,媒介的重要地位应该得到充分的验证。在此,笔者逐条分析大众传媒在知识经济时代的作用,以期抛砖引玉。  相似文献   

青年群体是我国社会发展的主力军,是未来建设社会主义伟大事业的中流砥柱,青年的社会责任意识的高低直接影响到我国各项社会建设事业的最终成败。而大众传媒对于青年群体的社会责任意识培养有着不可推卸的教育与引导责任。提升大众传媒对青年社会责任意识教育的积极影响,应当从加强大众传媒自身的社会责任意识、提高传媒的责任教育能力、丰富传媒社会责任意识教育的内容和形式、加大投入、创新管理手段、完善立法、明确媒体责任、搭建校内传媒平台、提高青年群体的社会责任实践能力等方面着手进行。  相似文献   

Mass Media Competition, Political Competition, and Public Policy   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
If better informed voters receive favourable policies, then mass media will affect policy because mass media provide most of the information people use in voting. This paper models the incentives of the media to deliver news to different groups. The increasing-returns-to-scale technology and advertising financing of media firms induce them to provide more news to large groups, such as taxpayers and dispersed consumer interests, and groups that are valuable to advertisers. This news bias alters the trade-off in political competition and therefore introduces a bias in public policy. The paper also discusses the effects of broadcast media replacing newspapers as the main information source about politics. The model predicts that this change should raise spending on government programmes used by poor and rural voters.  相似文献   

《European Economic Review》2001,45(4-6):652-663
If more informed voters receive favorable policies, then mass media should influence policy because it provides most of the information people use in voting. This paper uses a simple model to analyze the effect of mass media provision of news on a number of policy issues: redistribution, the size of the government sector, rents and corruption, the effectiveness of lobby groups and political business cycles. It is easy to deal with such a wide range of issues because existing models of political competition often include informed and uniformed voters. Modelling mass media simply endogenizes who is informed and who is not. The paper also discusses empirical evidence and point to areas for future research.  相似文献   

Are anti‐establishment mass media really useful in preventing politicians from behaving dishonestly? This paper models the direction of media bias, and shows that the probability of a dishonest action by an incumbent is higher (than that in the case of no media bias) if and only if the mass media have some degree of “anti‐incumbent” bias (i.e. information favourable to the incumbent is converted into unfavourable news about the incumbent with a positive probability), provided that the incumbent is less likely to be opportunistic than a challenger in the upcoming election. This result holds irrespective of the degree of “pro‐incumbent” bias.  相似文献   

规模化和公开性使得大众传媒成为了公众舆论的良好载体,传媒影响力的实质在于传媒通过与舆论互动而形成的对社会资本的占有,而传媒经济的实质就是实现这种社会资本与经济资本之间的转化。影响力提高了,传媒才能够最大限度地占有社会资本,只有这样,传媒的经济效益才能够得到保障。虽然要实现传媒社会资本与经济资本之间良性的循环转化并不容易,但毋庸置疑的是,在一个健康的传媒环境中,负责任的报纸,提供有价值的信息,才是真正的卖点。  相似文献   

International Communication plays an important role in our society. Agenda setting theory emerges from communications studies and focuses on mass media influence on setting political agenda.The theory explains the correlation between the rate at which media cover a story and the extent that people think that this story is important. The media has become a strong barrier of communication between families and the outside world.  相似文献   

任晖 《经济研究导刊》2009,(30):157-159
由于中国大众传播媒介的性质和社会角色具有较强的特殊性,媒介经营所涉及到的内容极为广泛,单就营销层面而言,其所面临的难题就远远大于其他产业、企业。试图通过对受众与客户这一对矛盾统一体,面对传媒经营所表现出来的态度加以分析,探讨两者之间的相融相洽,为真正实现媒介经营的良性循环提出一些思考。  相似文献   

Is competition in the mass media market an effective deterrent against media capture? Does it prevent political groups from influencing reporting? This paper shows that in some cases it does not. Building on the literature on media capture, the model highlights that, under fairly generic assumptions, high competition in the media market can drive the cost of media capture to zero, making capture easier. Moreover, it highlights conditions on the parameters where the effect of competition on capture is non-monotonic, i.e. capture may occur for levels of competition lower, but also higher, than those leading to media freedom.  相似文献   

Since objective news coverage is vital to democracy, captured media can seriously distort collective decisions. The current paper develops a voting model where citizens are uncertain about the welfare effects induced by alternative policy options and derive information about those effects from the mass media. The media might however secretly collude with interest groups in order to influence the public opinion. In the case of voting over the level of a productivity-enhancing public bad, it is shown that an increase in the concentration of firm ownership makes the occurrence of media bias more likely. Although media bias is not always welfare worsening, conditions for it to raise welfare are restrictive.  相似文献   

负责任的大众传媒,追求践行社会责任与实现经济效益并行的目标。新疆广播电视媒体在信息传播过程中强调政治性与严肃性,以一种潜移默化的形式影响着人们的生活,所承栽的社会责任较为厚重。目前,在东西部媒体的强势挤压下,新疆广电媒体外部空间狭小,内部发展亦存在困难。新疆广电媒体在履行社会责任的同时,应在全球化视阈中更新传播理念,构筑核心竞争力,这样才能拓宽自身的发展平台。  相似文献   

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