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文章综合地方依恋、游客满意及环境责任行为理论,构建了地方依恋、游客满意与游客环境责任行为之间的关系研究模型。实证研究表明:(1)地方依赖和地方认同均直接影响游客满意;(2)地方依赖和地方认同均直接影响游客环境责任行为;(3)游客满意直接影响游客环境责任行为;(4)游客满意在地方依恋各维度与游客环境责任行为关系中均起到部分中介作用;(5)游客满意在地方依赖与游客环境责任行为关系中起到正向调节作用;(6)游客满意在地方认同与游客环境责任行为关系中起到负向调节作用。  相似文献   

本文从游客对旅游住宿产品体验和感知的视角,研究生态住宿体验和个人涉入度对游客环保行为意向的影响。结果表明:(1)游客的生态住宿体验和个人涉入度对游客的环保行为意向具有显著的正向影响;(2)个人涉入度包括"感知重要性与娱乐价值"、"符号价值"、"风险可能性"和"风险重要性"4个维度;其中"感知重要性与娱乐价值"及"符号价值"对游客的环保行为意向表现出显著的正向影响,而"风险可能性"和"风险重要性"对环保行为意向的影响不显著;(3)生态意识的调节效应显著。该结论对于丰富国内外相关研究具有一定的理论价值,为旅游住宿企业开发产品的价值诉求提供决策参考。  相似文献   

文章将上海历史街区旅游解说系统中普及率最高的解说标识牌作为研究对象,通过标识牌解说效度、游客满意度、地方认同感、地方忠诚度、游客涉入、旅游经验这6个潜在变量构建概念模型,研究标识牌解说效度对游客地方认同感与地方忠诚度的影响作用.研究结果表明:(1)标识牌解说效度未能对地方忠诚度产生直接效应,只能通过游客满意度和地方认同感形成间接影响;(2)标识牌解说效度对游客满意度与地方忠诚度具有显著正向影响;(3)游客满意度和地方认同感对地方忠诚度的显著正向影响也得以验证;(4)游客涉入和游客经验在概念模型中具有显著调节效应.  相似文献   

近年来,中国出境游游客参与博彩消费行为的现象日趋普遍,但对于中国游客博彩消费行为的理论研究却极为匮乏.该研究将目标导向行为模型引入中国游客的博彩消费行为研究领域,建立游客博彩消费行为意向影响因素模型,以到澳门旅游时参与博彩活动的中国内地游客为研究对象,采用问卷调查的方法获取270份有效问卷,并采用结构方程方法对游客博彩消费行为意向的理论模型进行了实证检验.研究结论显示,游客的博彩消费态度、博彩消费的正向预期情绪、博彩消费的感知行为控制以及游客过去的博彩行为对其博彩欲望有着显著的正向影响,而博彩欲望会进一步正向影响游客的博彩行为意向.同时,游客的感知行为控制对其博彩行为意向亦有着直接的正向影响.但是,游客的博彩主观规范、负向预期情绪对于博彩欲望的影响并不显著.该文的研究对于检视目标导向行为模型在旅游消费者行为研究领域的适用性,以及丰富和发展博彩消费者行为理论文献都有着重要的价值和意义.  相似文献   

提升我国公民出境旅游文明素质,培育其文明旅游行为已刻不容缓.文章基于TPB视角,引入道德规范与地方依恋,构建了出境游客文明旅游行为意向影响机制模型.以出境游客为研究样本,运用结构方程模型方法探讨了主观规范、行为态度、感知行为控制、道德规范及地方依恋对文明旅游行为意向的具体影响.研究结果表明:(1)主观规范、感知行为控制、道德规范及地方依恋均通过行为态度间接影响出境游客文明旅游行为意向;(2)主观规范不仅直接影响行为态度,且通过道德规范间接影响行为态度;(3)行为态度是驱动出境游客文明旅游行为意向的最重要因素.  相似文献   

徐洪  涂红伟 《旅游学刊》2023,(9):156-168
国家公园在为生态旅游活动提供场所的同时,也承受着游客不文明行为所带来的负面环境影响。文章基于社会认知理论,从旁观者视角探讨他人不文明行为与游客道德认知在环境态度与亲环境行为关系间的调节机制。文章以武夷山国家公园的326名游客为样本,运用结构方程模型分析进行假设检验,研究发现:(1)他人不文明行为对游客环境态度和亲环境行为具有调节作用,当他人不文明行为较少时,环境态度对亲环境行为的正向影响更强;(2)他人不文明行为负向影响道德认同,正向影响道德推脱;(3)道德认同和道德推脱对环境态度与亲环境行为的关系具有调节作用,当游客产生道德认同倾向时,能够增强环境态度对亲环境行为的正向影响,而当其产生道德推脱倾向时,这种正向影响被削弱;(4)道德认同和道德推脱中介了他人不文明行为对环境态度和亲环境行为关系的调节效应。文章为游客环境态度与亲环境行为的关系研究提供了新的视角,进一步拓展了游客不文明行为和道德认知的作用机制研究范畴,也可为国家公园管理部门在游客行为管理和道德认知引导两方面提供实践启示。  相似文献   

游客感知价值作为旅游目的地竞争优势的新来源,已经得到旅游学者的广泛重视。随着湿地公园作为旅游目的地吸引力的不断增强,湿地公园之间的竞争也将日趋激烈,湿地公园游客感知价值成为湿地公园竞争力管理的标准。文章以西溪和溱湖两大湿地公园为案例地,检验湿地公园游客感知价值量表,探讨湿地公园游客感知价值的结构特征。通过探索性和验证性因子分析,研究得到包括23个题项6个维度的游客感知价值量表,6个维度分别是:环境价值、特色价值、服务价值、管理价值、知识教育价值和成本价值。其中,特色价值、管理价值、知识教育价值是湿地公园感知价值的独特维度。溱湖游客对特色价值和知识教育价值的感知显著高于西溪游客。文章最后讨论了研究的理论贡献和管理意义。  相似文献   

湿地公园游客感知价值研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
游客感知价值作为旅游目的地竞争优势的新来源,已经得到旅游学者的广泛重视。随着湿地公园作为旅游目的地吸引力的不断增强,湿地公园之间的竞争也将日趋激烈,湿地公园游客感知价值成为湿地公园竞争力管理的标准。文章以西溪和溱湖两大湿地公园为案例地,检验湿地公园游客感知价值量表,探讨湿地公园游客感知价值的结构特征。通过探索性和验证性因子分析,研究得到包括23个题项6个维度的游客感知价值量表,6个维度分别是:环境价值、特色价值、服务价值、管理价值、知识教育价值和成本价值。其中,特色价值、管理价值、知识教育价值是湿地公园感知价值的独特维度。溱湖游客对特色价值和知识教育价值的感知显著高于西溪游客。文章最后讨论了研究的理论贡献和管理意义。  相似文献   

琼达  赵宏杰 《旅游学刊》2016,(10):108-115
旅游目的地选择模型建构的研究多数以微观经济学、认知心理学与市场营销学等为基础理论,较少从个体与地方感情连结的视角探讨游客旅游目的地选择决策行为。文章以旅游目的地选择为研究主轴概念,结合地方情感概念中的旅游目的地意象和地方依恋,根据研究文献梳理结果、基础理论界定模型建构的路径变量与逻辑框架,进而提出基于地方情感的旅游目的地选择模型及模型过程步骤。文章建构模型表明,游客旅游目的地选择始于旅游目的地意象的形成,随着整体认知意象的深化,游客对旅游目的地将产生地方认同感,再通过选择决策行为选择意向的旅游目的地从事旅游活动,通过对旅游目的地旅游体验的功能满足产生依赖感,最终形成对旅游目的地的地方依恋感。研究成果对于旅游目的地选择具有交叉研究的创新价值,对于旅游目的地市场战略规划实践活动而言具有参照价值。  相似文献   

通过历史访谈、田野调查,结合遥感影像、环境监测和相关统计数据,从交互过程和交互效应两个维度,以定性和定量的方式探讨了旅游在保护区CHANS系统中的交互作用。结果表明:(1)根据管理者、居民、游客的态度和行为,近30年来,九寨沟旅游的交互过程可分为起步、发展、提速、提升4个阶段,各阶段旅游交互作用的内容、程度有所差异;(2)旅游显著提高了当地的环保意识和保护成效,植被覆盖度持续提高并趋于稳定;(3)旅游给九寨沟带来约10dB环境噪声,但旅游人数与湖泊面积和环境噪声的变化无显著的相关关系;(4)旅游显著提高了保护区居民的经济收入,但其文化、生活方式已有较大改变;(5)旅游管理的方法和手段能有效调控交互过程和交互效应。  相似文献   

Nature-based experiences can contribute to individuals’ connection to nature and intentions toward sustainable environmental behaviours. Conservation psychology can use tourism as a platform to modify tourists’ intentions and behaviours regarding key marine threats such as single-use plastics. This study examined changes to pro-environmental intentions, particularly regarding plastic use, in 267 nature-based tourists from Australia and Tonga who completed a whale watching/swim experience. A theory of planned behaviour (TPB) framework was used incorporating moral norms and environmental identity, which have been previously implicated in explaining pro-environmental actions. This study found that including moral norms in the TPB model significantly increased the ability to predict pro-environmental intentions. Further, when controlling for the TPB and moral norm variables, environmental identity explained a further 15% of tourists’ pro-environmental intentions. The findings suggest the original TPB model may be less suitable within a marine conservation context. Collectively, positive nature-based experiences, environmental identity, and moral norms are important in understanding tourist’s intentions to engage in sustainable environmental behaviours.  相似文献   

文章综合旅游地意象、地方依恋及环境责任行为理论,将旅游地意象分为5个要素,将地方依恋分为2个要素,并构建了旅游地意象、地方依恋与旅游者环境责任行为之间的关系模型。研究发现:(1)景观意象、设施意象、服务意象及安全意象均直接影响情感意象。设施意象与服务意象不仅直接影响地方依赖,且通过情感意象来实现。安全意象和景观意象间接影响地方依赖。安全意象、服务意象及景观意象不仅直接影响地方认同,且通过地方依赖来实现。设施意象间接影响地方认同。服务意象不仅直接影响旅游者环境责任行为,且通过地方依恋来实现。景观意象、设施意象及安全意象间接影响旅游者环境责任行为。(2)情感意象直接影响地方依赖,间接影响地方认同与旅游者环境责任行为。(3)地方依赖直接影响地方认同和旅游者环境责任行为,且通过地方认同间接影响旅游者环境责任行为。  相似文献   

Appealing to tourists’ intrinsic interest for high-quality tourism environments, and thus encouraging them to act with a greater sense of personal responsibility toward the environment, could be critical to promoting sustainable tourism. Proliferating media channels makes the choice, style and delivery of pro-environmental messages a key issue for tourism marketers and management. Social media has become a recognized important channel for tourism information, with user-generated content (UGC) being more trusted than official channels, yet there is little knowledge about its potential role in activating pro-environmental norms. This study investigates that issue. Focusing on the conjoining aspects of personal and social norms for the first time, we propose a hypothetical model to explain the direct and indirect effects of pro-environmental UGC in activating tourists’ pro-environmental behavioral intentions. Working in a Chinese context, where social media plays an increasing role, the research, using a web-based sample (N = 1043), UGC-linked pro-environmental knowledge and awareness, was found to have a strong role in activating pro-environmental norms, creating a pro-environment online community, and increasing tourists’ level of engagement in pro-environmental social media activity. The study highlights the effectiveness of social media channels with UGC providing persuasive communications able to impact sustainable behaviors.  相似文献   


Voluntary changes in consumer behaviour hold significant potential to mitigate the growing environmental repercussions of tourism. Such behavioural changes can occur due to positive behavioural intentions that are in turn underpinned by pro-environmental consumer attitudes. To reinforce voluntary behavioural changes in tourism, it is paramount to understand the major drivers of pro-environmental consumer attitudes. Although national culture can influence pro-environmental attitudes of tourists, its role has been under-researched, especially in the context of emerging tourist markets. This study utilised the environment-orientated dimensions, or value orientations, of major cultural frameworks (Hofstede; Schwartz; Trompenaars & Hampden-Turner) to explore the effect of national culture on pro-environmental attitudes and behavioural intentions in a large-scale quantitative survey of Polish tourists. Correlation between the cultural background of tourists and their pro-environmental attitudes was established, thus highlighting the need for national culture to become an integral element of future scientific, policy-making, and managerial discourse on the key drivers of more sustainable consumer behaviour in tourism.  相似文献   

This paper identifies which information about tourists serves as the best predictor of their pro-environmental behavior at home and on vacation. If a small set of predictors can be identified, the tourism industry would be able to use them to focus attention on attracting tourists with smaller environmental footprints. Results from a survey asking respondents about pro-environmental behavior in their role as residents and tourists indicate that environmental concern, altruism, feeling morally obliged to behave in an environmentally friendly manner, age and regional identity are the best predictors of the segment of people who behave in an environmentally friendly way at home. Income levels and moral obligation best predict membership of the segment of environmentally friendly tourists. The two segments overlap; differences between them are due to the fact that, at home, people can create the infrastructure they require to behave in an environmentally friendly way. On vacation they need to adjust to the infrastructure provided, which can act as a barrier to pro-environmental behavior. Results have direct practical implications, highlighting the value of demand-side approaches to environmentally sustainable tourism for protected areas, both urban and rural, such as focusing on those market segments that have the highest intrinsic inclination to protect the environment.  相似文献   

生态节事活动的成功举办与形象传播对建设生态城市、弘扬生态文明理念具有重要意义。以2019北京世界园艺博览会为案例,基于"投射形象-感知形象"的分析框架,运用内容分析、对应分析、成分分析方法,评估了典型生态节事活动的形象投射与感知差异。研究发现:(1)北京世园会形象可以划分为旅游吸引物、环境与地方氛围、设施与服务、旅游体验4个维度。(2)投射形象与感知形象仅在旅游吸引物维度方向差异小,在环境与地方氛围、设施与服务、旅游体验维度方向差异大。(3)投射形象与感知形象在旅游体验、环境与地方氛围维度上成分差异大;在旅游吸引物和设施与服务维度,投射形象内部存在明显分异,反映在官方微博的投射形象与感知形象成分差异大,设施与服务维度官方公众号的投射形象与感知形象成分差异大。(4)北京世园会努力建构的绿色生态的环境与地方氛围在游客感知层面接受度较差,核心原因是供需两侧的目标、需求与策略的不匹配。本研究对北京世园会投射形象与感知形象的方向差异与成分差异进行了重点分析,揭示了其在不同主题维度的区别化特征。这有助于促进生态节事活动的科学化、精细化评估,为其形象传播效果提升提供支持。  相似文献   

This study examines the causal relationships between place attachment, destination attractiveness and environmentally responsible behavior (ERB), and the mediating effect of place attachment. Four hundred and thirteen tourists were surveyed who had visited the Penghu islands, Taiwan. Structural Equation Modeling was used to determine the relationships among the variables and the mediating effects. Results show that the emotions and feelings (place attachment), which tourists have for Penghu, are positively associated with stronger ERB; the extent of attractiveness of island tourism as perceived by tourists is also positively associated with stronger ERB. A higher level of tourists’ destination attractiveness in regard to island tourism is associated with stronger place attachment; place attachment was found to exert a significant effect in mediating the relationship between destination attractiveness and ERB. The study shows that when island tourists are attracted by and are attached to the destination, they are more likely to exhibit ERB. The study pioneers the integration of all three factors in a sustainable tourism behavior model designed for tourists who stay one night or more at a destination, and tests the hypotheses for the first time in an Asian destination. Management implications and recommendations for the sustainable development of Penghu islands tourism are provided.  相似文献   

Though place attachment has been recognized as a key factor to promote the loyalty of tourists and contribute to the sustainable development of destinations, there is still insufficient evidence to prove the positive impact of local attachment on tourist loyalty. This study mainly focuses on quantifying the effects of place attachment on tourist loyalty and examines the underlying factors that may explain the inconsistent phenomena among previous empirical studies. We systematically screen previous related studies, and 56 independent studies are finally included. A comprehensive framework on place attachment and tourist loyalty is summarized and 22 different hypotheses are put forward from these 56 studies. The results obtained by the meta-analysis method reveal that: first, place attachment and its dimensions are positively related to tourist loyalty, which includes tourist behavior loyalty, attitude loyalty and composite loyalty. Second, the moderating effect of gender on the association of place dependence and revisit intention has been confirmed, while the moderating role of tourist cultural background and place attachment measurement scales is insignificant. Third, place identity has the strongest influence on tourist loyalty among other place attachment dimensions. Finally, the theoretical implication for tourism researchers and practical suggestions for destination managers are provided based on meta-analysis.  相似文献   

Previous studies have explored tourists’ environmentally responsible behavior (ERB) from the perspectives of individual commitment, attractiveness, and involvement. This study approaches from the standpoint of environmental knowledge (EK); it probes tourists’ behavior to facilitate sustainable tourism development, and constructs a sustainable island tourism development model by integrating EK, environmental sensitivity, place attachment, and ERB. Four hundred and seventy seven tourists visiting the Penghu Islands, Taiwan, were surveyed. Structural equation modeling was used to determine the relationships among the variables and the mediating effects. Results indicate that higher levels of tourists’ EK about the Penghu Islands are associated with stronger environmental sensitivity; environmental sensitivity which tourists have for island tourism is positively associated with place attachment. The extent of place attachment of Penghu as perceived by tourists is also positively associated with stronger ERB. When tourists are highly sensitive to the attraction, they are more likely to exhibit ERB. Environmental sensitivity and place attachment were found to exert significant effects in mediating the relationships between EK and ERB. This study pioneers the integration of all four constructs in a sustainable tourism behavior model for tourists to island tourism destinations. Suggestions for marketing and implementation of sustainable tourism, and their managerial implications are proposed.  相似文献   

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