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进一步明确国有独资公司的治理主体,是国有独资公司规范运作的前提,也是国有独资公司健康发展的关键所在.根据利益相关者理论,通过问卷调查和统计分析,用评分法对国有独资公司中众多利益相关者进行分类,从而界定国有独资公司的治理主体,以及各利益相关者与公司生存、价值增值和持续发展的关系.  相似文献   

利益相关者的满足对促进企业的规范运营具有不可忽视的作用。本文在构建企业成 长性综合评价指标体系和利益相关者满足评价指标体系的基础上,采用结构方程模型,对企业成长性整 体及各个因素与利益相关者满足的关系进行分析,结果发现:企业成长性在总体上对利益相 关者满足呈正向影响,即企业成长性的增强,有助于提升利益相关者满足,从而反过来又吸 引各方利益相关者投入更多的资源促进企业的持续发展。从各个因素来看,企业偿债能力和 盈利能力的提升对利益相关者满足有着积极的影响,而企业规模和营运能力对利益相关者满 足的影响程度则不显著。  相似文献   

随着利益相关者经营观念的不断深入,利益相关者关系影响企业财务绩效,良好的利益相关者关系是企业重要的优势资源,这一观点已得到了学术界和实业界的广泛认可,然而,对企业利益相关者关系经营的效率如何研究却较少.在深入揭示利益相关者关系与企业财务绩效之间的投入--产出关系基础上,本文以我国家电业上市公司为样本,运用DEA模型,对利益相关者关系与企业财务绩效之间的投入--产出效率进行了评价,以针对如何提高企业财务绩效提出合理化建议.  相似文献   

通过对利益相关者理论的理论基础、可行性以及利益相关者参与公司治理的特殊性与实践经验3个方面的分析,对利益相关者理论的合理性提出质疑。在此分析的基础上,评价了利益相关者理论,认为指导我国公司治理结构的理论基础应采取以市场价值理念为基本思想的契约理论。  相似文献   

现代企业是一个各种契约关系的集合体。有着不同目标的各个利益相关者必须在一种合作互惠的关系中共同帮助企业实现目标;每个利益相关者之所以愿意为企业做出贡献,反映了他们期望与企业的合作中获得回报。关心企业各个利益相关者的贡献和利益需求,是企业发展的基础;而实现企业关键利益相关者的利益均衡,则是企业可持续发展的关键。  相似文献   

由于缺乏对利益相关者与企业价值间内在机理的理论分析,导致基于利益相关者的企业价值理论在指导企业经营实践中未能发挥应有的作用。本文根据价值链理论,界定了对企业价值有影响的利益相关者范围。结合期望理论,引入利益相关者满足,作为分析影响利益相关者投入继而影响企业价值的指示变量,从理论上分析了利益相关者满足影响企业价值的内在机理,指出利益相关者企业价值经营的关键在于研究利益相关者满足合理性,并进一步采用面板数据模型对我国酒店餐饮类上市公司数据进行实证分析。研究结果表明利益相关者满足与企业价值间存在着显著的相关性;通过β值的分析显示不同利益相关者的满足水平存在着不合理现象,企业存在通过不同利益相关者满足水平的调整提升企业价值的可能。  相似文献   

企业的关系边界及主体关系模式的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在复杂适应系统理论视角下,企业是由投资者、经营管理者、员工以及供应商、消费者、规制者等利益相关者(主体)组成的关系网络,因此,企业的边界取决于不同利益相关者共同构成的关系网络。然而,关系网络的限度与范围又取决于利益相关者之间的关系模式。本文通过构建企业的多主体模型,借助计算机仿真软件NetLogo,动态模拟了构成企业的不同主体的关系模式对企业的关系边界的影响。研究结果表明,主体之间的竞争与合作关系对企业的关系边界有着重要影响:合作依赖模式下,企业关系边界有缩小的趋势;竞争对抗模式下,企业关系边界有增长的趋势,但是增速缓慢;竞合互动模式下,企业关系边界有快速扩张的趋势。  相似文献   

一个国家软实力强弱在于意识形态和政治价值的吸引力、文化感召力。同样,评价企业的国际影响力,也要看它如何输出文化价值观与道德威信力,并通过这些软实力与世界上的各种利益相关者对话。  相似文献   

对海外油气管道建设与运营项目的利益相关者进行分类识别,认为其具有构成碎片特质、利益诉求冲突或相悖、沟通协调困难的特征.按照对海外油气管道利益相关者的识别和分类,将利益相关者的冲突表现归结为核心利益冲突、战略利益冲突和外围利益冲突三类.为应对利益相关者的冲突,建议分类识别,做好利益相关者分析;组建混合项目管理团队,平衡利益相关者诉求;统一协调,减少利益相关者总成本.  相似文献   

演基于利益相关者理论, 推断物流业税收政策绩效评价主体, 在明确高效的物流业税收政策绩效评价主体体系基础之上, 从内部要素与外部要素的视角提出物流业税收政策绩效评价发展对策, 不仅要从绩效评价指标体系、评价流程、评价人员素养、评价软件应用等内部要素着手完善, 也要从法律法规、信息网络、金融监管、社会信用等外部要素加以革新.  相似文献   

根据国家“十二五”发展纲要要求,以产业理论和可持续发展理论为基础,分析了天然气产业体系的内涵,勾勒了中国天然气产业体系的结构模式,提出以建立天然气工业基地、强化国际合作和开发海外天然气资源、积极培育高效的天然气利用产业集群、发展天然气服务产业、完善天然气政策环境、健全天然气(交易)市场体系等为途径,促进天然气产业体系协调发展.  相似文献   

Green marketing and green supply chain have been drawing the attention of both academics and practitioners in the recent decade. However, no holistic framework has been developed on how to build green industrial brands and industrial corporate brands. Whether or not sustainable/green supply chains can be integrated with green industrial marketing in building greener organizations and industrial brands is still unclear. In addition, little is known on the factors on green new industrial product development or how green new industrial products are adopted by organizations. Furthermore, we know little of whether and how green supply chain enables green new industrial product development. This special issue aims at reflecting the most recent advances on green industrial marketing, green/sustainable supply chains and their interplay in green industrial branding, and to explore future research directions. The guest editors hope that the solicited papers can provide insights on the impacts of sustainable or green supply chains on marketing theory in industrial and business-to-business markets.  相似文献   

文章分析了建筑行业信用体系建设对于促进建筑业健康可持续发展、建立健全社会信用体系、构建和谐社会具有的重要意义.研究了中国建筑业协会在行业信用体系建设中所作出的卓有成效的努力,以及信用评价工作的具体做法、内容和程序,总结了信用评价工作中积累的有益经验.  相似文献   

We examined how managers' perceptions of different types of stakeholder influences in the Canadian forestry industry affect the types of sustainability practices that their firms adopt. Both influences involving withholding of resources by social and ecological stakeholders and those involving directed usage of resources from economic stakeholders were found to drive such practices. We found that the industry and its stakeholders have moved beyond a focus on early stages of sustainability performance such as pollution control and eco‐efficiency. However, more advanced practices, such as those involving the redefinition of business and industrial ecosystems where firms locate in a region so that they can exchange and utilize wastes generated by other firms, are in their infancy. Stakeholders and firms in the industry are focused on the intermediate sustainability phases involving recirculation of materials and redesign of processes including sustainable harvesting of lumber. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

理财经理的角色和地位在商业银行个人理财业务发展中越来越重要,如何对其进行有效地激励已经成为商业银行管理中面临的新问题。当前商业银行对理财经理的激励机制中存在激励方式单一,缺乏长期激励机制,绩效考核体系不合理以及职业发展体系不健全等问题,应该通过构建优秀的企业文化,完善非物质激励方式,强化长期激励机制,建立公正科学的考核评价体系,完善理财经理的激励机制,更好地促进商业银行个人理财业务长远健康发展。  相似文献   

立足稳健持续发展要求,结合国家相关政策和行业实际,提出中国煤炭企业实施国际化战略应遵循的基本方针、原则、目标以及目标环境测评方法。  相似文献   

绿色建筑材料的界定与评价   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
绿色建筑材料作为绿色建筑的重要因素之一在建筑业的可持续发展中起着重要的作用。但是,目前在我国关于绿色建筑材料还没有形成统一的认识,绿色建筑材料的评价体系还不完善。本依据工业生态学基本原理和IS014000的核心思想——生命周期,研究了绿色建筑材料含义和标准,并利用生命周期评价方法建立绿色建筑材料的评价体系,这样可以保证评价的科学性和透明性,有利于相关方做出适合环境的建筑材料的选择和使用。  相似文献   

In this paper we use legitimacy as a lens to explore how sustainable business models (SBMs) develop within and across business ecosystems. We explore legitimacy as a resource that is created through sustainable development projects. We introduce the idea of linked legitimacy as a key driver for developing SBMs both within the business ecosystem of the focal firm, and in the overlapping ecosystems of their stakeholders. Using data from three business cases we explore different ways firms build and exploit linked legitimacy and how this leads to SBM development. We suggest that linked legitimacy can cross firm boundaries as a resource to be exploited broadly by ecosystem stakeholders. Finally, we re-conceptualize the rules of engagement for developing SBMs. In our model of SBM development, each firm then takes advantage of the resource (linked legitimacy) available in the ecosystem and is free to use it opportunistically, which drives SBM development.  相似文献   

Sustainability is increasingly drawing the attention of scholars, policy makers, and companies, as the latter are recognizing the necessity and opportunities of implementing sustainable practices in their operations. Marketing plays a substantial role in both applying such initiatives and promoting them, which can be greatly supported through brands. We suggest that firms can use their brands to promote the value of sustainability to their industrial customers, consumers, and other stakeholders. This may be achieved through branding activities that emphasize the firm's sustainability practices and their impact on stakeholders. Expressing sustainability actions as the measurable and relatable outcomes they yield and associating them with brands have the potential to further facilitate this integration of sustainability and branding. A framework and guidelines for sustainability practices that may be employed in this process of integrating operations and marketing are discussed.  相似文献   

我国能源十分紧缺。作为经济和社会发展动力,能源是否有效利用关系到整个社会和经济的可持续发展问题。一个国家能源能否实现可持续利用,需要进行衡量,需要建立一套有针对性的评价指标体系,对每一个指标进行分析和计算,并在此基础上进行指标体系的总体评估。本文利用系统理论,建立了能源可持续利用的系统结构模型,构建了能源可持续利用的指标体系。  相似文献   

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