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企业强文化的资本性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文围绕着企业强文化与企业绩效之间的关系,分析企业强文化的资本性与负债性。首先,在界定企业强文化的内涵后,提出强文化通过筛选与组织内部社会化两种途径形成;其次,在团队生产模型的基础上,引入信念一致性与规范的激励功能,分析了企业强文化的资本性;最后,我们提出企业强文化体现资本性的充要条件在于企业强文化激励、整合与协调组织成员的行为并且帮助组织适应外部环境,因此,在分析企业强文化的资本性与负债性时要考虑外部环境的权变作用。  相似文献   

Previous literature indicated that research and development (R&D) activities are influenced, to a large extent, by the culture of the organization. While these studies have identified elements of culture that are conducive to R&D, identifying the existing dimensions of organizational culture in Malaysian R&D organizations has not been empirically explored. The measures for this study were originally developed for the sole purpose of capturing cultural aspects in R&D organizations in the Malaysian context. These measures were developed based on the relevant issues discovered from exploratory case studies and nine categories of cultural values identified from the literature. A sample of employees (n = 198) from 45 R&D organizations took part in this study. Factor analysis was adopted to uncover common underlying dimensions (factors) of the organizational culture construct. The findings suggest that the organizational culture construct in R&D organizations may best be represented through a structure of eight factors. The eight factors are teamwork and knowledge sharing, empowerment and recognition, conformity and impediments to R&D, risk‐taking, customer orientation, autonomy, social networking, and organizational design. Despite some methodological issues that arose from this study, this model has the potential to become a management instrument to measure the underlying culture in R&D organizations. R&D managers can deploy this model to establish the baseline level of research culture in their respective units and thus provide the foundation for management initiatives to drive R&D activities. This model can also be used as benchmarking parameters when an R&D organization intends to evaluate various aspects of their organizational culture in relation to others that are considered to be leaders in the industry.  相似文献   

分析了股票期权激励制度给上市公司带来的效益以及在中国的应用模式,并按九个方面阐述了股票期权激励制度设计。  相似文献   

理财经理的角色和地位在商业银行个人理财业务发展中越来越重要,如何对其进行有效地激励已经成为商业银行管理中面临的新问题。当前商业银行对理财经理的激励机制中存在激励方式单一,缺乏长期激励机制,绩效考核体系不合理以及职业发展体系不健全等问题,应该通过构建优秀的企业文化,完善非物质激励方式,强化长期激励机制,建立公正科学的考核评价体系,完善理财经理的激励机制,更好地促进商业银行个人理财业务长远健康发展。  相似文献   

知识工作设计与知识型员工薪酬策略   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从系统性、授权度与自由度三个维度讨论了知识工作设计,基于工作与薪酬的双重激励效用,利用委托代理方法分析了知识工作设计与薪酬机制间的关系.最后讨论了知识型员工的薪酬策略。研究表明,上述三个维度的工作设计可适应知识工作的复杂性、满足知识型员工的需求;增加三个维度的水平.工作的复杂性将增加.并能激励员工付出更高的努力水平,但复杂性不能超出员工的能力范围。否则工作设计将得不偿失:工作的复杂性增加时必须增加薪酬激励强度,并增加效益工资与基本工资的比值.但对于复杂性过高的工作,则应降低其比值;员工的薪酬水平决定于其工作价值。  相似文献   

There is little in-depth research that can assist designers to use culture as a catalyst for designing innovative products within Botswana’s context. The concept of culture and design are intertwined, thus modifications stemming from cultural evolution both reflect and determine developments in design. The paper discusses an experimental design approach conducted at the University of Botswana and participants challenge was to transform and encode socio-cultural factors into product design features. The paper concludes by discussing a model which has shown one way concerning how to consciously specify, analyse and integrate socio-cultural factors in the design process.  相似文献   

基于选择性理性的激励模型及应用研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
研究企业激励机制的传统模式主要以经济学理论和目标为前提。本文通过对经济人分析范式的拓展研究,证明在标准的效用最大化经济分析框架中存在着选择性理性的经济行为,经济与管理的激励过程同时包含着社会因素和心理因素及其共同交互作用和影响。个人本质行为激励与社会文化规范激励的交叉作用是研究激励问题不可或缺的手段。  相似文献   

分析了产业技术特点对企业激励模式的影响,针对建筑业不同于其他产业的技术特点,建筑企业的激励模式呈现出了不同的特征。对于建筑企业中生产型从业人员,应采用以计时、计件制为主的短期激励模式;对于管理型和技术型从业人员采用以固定激励和收益性激励为主的中期激励模式;对于管理密集、技术密集的工程项目管理公司,由于企业的收益主要取决于人力资本的贡献,应主要采取以收益性和权益性激励为主的长期激励模式。  相似文献   

自然垄断产业中,由于规制机构与被规制企业之间存在着信息不对称。价格规制政策的实施效果受到制约,而制度背景和经济发展程度是设计一个适合国情的规制定价机制必须考虑的前提因素。本文分析了我国目前的制度特征如何影响我国自然垄断产业规制定价机制激励强度的权衡。在此基础上,尝试提出适合我国目前制度特征的电信产业规制定价总体模型——基于收益率规制并加入动态激励因素的规制定价模型.最后对未来的规制定价机制做出展望.  相似文献   

本文以我国医药行业上市公司为研究对象,采用Heckman选择模型避免样本选择偏差,同时将线性关系与非线性关系相结合,考察“十二五”期间我国医药上市公司高管激励对技术创新的影响。实证研究结果表明:短期薪酬激励与技术创新之间并非简单的线性相关关系,两者之间呈明显的倒U型关系;长期股权激励对技术创新具有显著的正向影响。从而找到薪酬激励的极大值,提出避免过度薪酬激励、适当提高股权激励水平、建立合理的高管激励体系等对策建议。  相似文献   

浅谈服装设计中的“中国风格”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
改革开放以来,在经济全球化文化一体化的背景下,中国的服装文化受到了西方文化的强烈冲击;中国的服装设计也是跟随在西方流行的后面,始终无法形成自己的风格,致使这个拥有丰富而悠久的服装文化的伟大民族不仅不能屹立于世界服装文化之林,而且正在逐步丧失自己的文化。面对这个问题很多人在思索、探寻,探寻中华服饰文化的出路,而这条出路就在于将传统的服饰文化与现代的服装形式相结合。因为只有这样的文化才会被人们接受,只有被接受才有可能长存和发扬。  相似文献   

不完全信息与网络产业激励性规制改革   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
规制体制改革的核心是解决信息不对称下的最优激励问题,规制体制设计的关键就是要设计有效的激励合约,为企业提供适当的激励以达到成本效率,从激励角度看,价格上限规制的效率最高,竞争是重要的激励性体制,网络产业竞争体制形成的关键是约束在位运营商排斥竞争行为和建立有效的互联资费政策。  相似文献   

服饰是文明的产物,建筑是文明的"服饰"。二者是文明与文化的融合,都是社会的镜像。服饰和建筑的设计原点是一致的,在多元化的世界里,一些有特色的建筑,往往代表着深刻的文化内涵和独树一帜的风格魅力,可以引起设计师的情感共鸣和深深思考,往往是一个优秀服装廓形的灵感来源。建筑设计与服装设计是相通的,设计作品都是设计者内心世界的展示,他们通过建筑、服装这样不同的载体在传达独特的精神世界。而服装与建筑的完美联姻,将如历史所证明的那样,必将把我们的世界装点的更加多姿多彩。  相似文献   

以现代财经理论为出发点,建立了非对称信息条件下基于融资结构的委托代理模型,并将财务风险和经理持股两个因素纳入模型中,对模型进行了求解,研究了在此背景下的激励机制的设计,并通过对模型的分析,阐述了经理在股权激励和债务约束两种背景下的行为特征。  相似文献   

王艳  侯倩 《山东纺织经济》2013,(7):22-23,38
从分析设计驱动创新的特点入手,解析了设计驱动创新在企业中发挥作用的机理,探讨了文化因素在设计驱动式管理中的作用,提出设计驱动式管理应该从文化结构开发新产品、社会文化因素融入产品设计和设计中体现企业文化等三个方面展开。  相似文献   

Incentive design for productivity gains has become important for Asian organizations in recent years. This paper introduces the theory of incentive design to an Asian audience while extending the agency theoretic approach to control. Hypotheses derived from this theory were tested in 61 retail stores in Singapore. The results show that employee skills, output measurability and task uncertainty impact incentive design. The results indicate that agency theory may be applicable across cultures. Implications for the Asian context, and its adaptation in terms of behavior, are discussed.  相似文献   

To improve corporate governance and firm performance, institutional investors and influential activists in the US recommend the use of incentive pay for non-executive directors. Policy makers in the UK and Australia, however, recommend against it. Motivated by stark contrast in the recommendations from these Anglo-Saxon countries, this paper investigates the impacts of incentive pay for non-executive directors on firm performance. The findings based on data from 178 listed Australian companies support both recommendations. Firm performance tends to be better when no incentive or high-power incentives are offered to non-executive directors than when low-power incentives are offered. This paper also investigates how incentive pay interacts with monitoring by large shareholders and debtholders to influence firm performance. This paper shows that large shareholder monitoring interacts negatively while debtholder monitoring interacts positively with incentive pay for non-executive directors to affect firm performance. Overall, the findings suggest that governance mechanisms recommended by agency theorists such as performance-contingent pay and monitoring can backfire if they are not designed properly. Both the direct and interaction effects should be considered when practitioners design corporate governance systems.  相似文献   

We analyze effects of performance measure properties (controllable and uncontrollable risk, distortion, and manipulation) on incentive plan design, using data from auto dealership manager incentive systems. Dealerships put the most weight on measures that are “better” with respect to these properties. Additional measures are more likely to be used for a second or third bonus if they can mitigate distortion or manipulation in the first performance measure. Implicit incentives are used to provide ex post evaluation, to motivate the employee to use controllable risk on behalf of the firm, and to deter manipulation of performance measures. Overall, our results indicate that firms use incentive systems of multiple performance measures, incentive instruments, and implicit evaluation and rewards as a response to weaknesses in available performance measures.  相似文献   

This study explores the importance of organizational culture for coopetition, and identifies the cultural profile of coopetitors operating within an innovation network. Although organizational culture's role in interorganizational collaboration is long established, coopetition settings have not received a similar attention. This exploratory study sheds light on the role of culture for coopetition, and scrutinizes organizational culture using the Competing Values Framework. Our findings suggest cultural differences between coopetitors versus non-coopetitors. Coopetitors display a cultural profile typical to hierarchy, as they describe themselves as more stable than flexible and more internally than externally focused in their strategic orientation. Interestingly the culture model typical for coopetitors, has been identified as the most distant for non-coopetitors, while the second typical model for non-coopetitors i.e. adhocracy has been identified as the most distant for coopetitors.  相似文献   

The ongoing globalization tears down geographical barriers to knowledge sourcing, leaving cultural ones intact. Past research on developing innovations has largely neglected national culture or solely relied on cultural values. A recent body of research has emerged around cultural looseness – the strength of social norms and the degree of sanctioning within societies – and provided initial evidence on its importance for mastering creativity, an antecedent of innovations. However, the impact of cultural looseness on developing innovations in networks with diverse actors has not yet been tested. To this end, we develop a Multiple Indicator Multiple Causes (MIMIC) structural equation model and test it against empirical evidence from >1.25 million patented innovations. We find that in innovation networks, innovators based in culturally loose countries source knowledge of higher breadth and depth for developing innovations compared to innovators from culturally tight countries. We discuss our findings and – based on some study limitations – suggest seven streams for future research. We conclude with summarizing our contribution to theory on the impact of culture on innovation and our contribution to practice on helping managers to decide how to best source knowledge and thereby foster innovation.  相似文献   

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