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孔茨提出管理理论丛林后,不同学派的学者们引发了对管理理论的思考与讨论。截至目前,学者们对于管理理论丛林的研究和探讨主要集中在管理理论丛林产生的原因、从不同角度下看管理理论丛林、管理理论丛林的未来发展趋势以及如何走出管理丛林四个方面。基于对已有文献的研究梳理,探索管理理论丛林对管理学发展的价值以及回答孔茨的“管理丛林思想”对我国的管理学研究发展的指导意义,发现不同视角下的管理理论丛林对指导管理实践会产生不同的效果。  相似文献   

本文通过对西方管理理论与思想史演变的初步研究,提出西方的管理学理论的百年发展史可划分为四个阶段:早期管理思想、科学管理时代、社会人时代和现代管理时代;认为管理思想的发展是文化发展的一部分,同时也是文化的产物,是伴随着时代的变迁而不断得到提升,符合当时大环境的经济、社会和政治的发展需求。运用掌握的管理学理论和管理思想家的观点,阐述了管理学理论的真理性认知、理论贡献与创新和在回顾中思考其演变的借鉴价值。  相似文献   

深化对劳动和劳动价值理论的研究和认识,对我国分配制度的改革具有重要指导意义。文章通过对商品个别价值与社会价值的矛盾运动分析,揭示了科技创新劳动在价值创造中的倍加效应;通过对两种社会必要劳动时间的解读,阐述了管理创新劳动在价值创造中的作用。  相似文献   

陈四楼选煤厂在推行精细化管理工作中,应用组织管理学、人力资源管理学、基础管理学等理论内容,探索和构建以产品生产中心、成本控制中心和绩效考核中心为核心内容的三位一体精细化管理体系,积极进行管理创新,推动全体员工参与到这一管理之中,给员工创造一个多跑道成才的优良环境和平台,为企业创造显著的经济和社会效益。  相似文献   

构建一体化的服务供应链,优化供应链管理水平,已成为当今旅游业获取竞争优势的重要途径.然而随着旅游市场化程度不断提高,游客地位的提升,仅基于内部企业成员开展的旅游服务供应链优化管理已不能满足现代旅游市场发展的要求.文章从创新顾客价值的角度出发,提出新时期旅游服务供应链优化管理以为顾客创造其所需并感到满意的价值为基础,以提高顾客满意度和建立顾客忠诚为根本,以创造更多优异的顾客价值为目的.在此基础上,通过研究国内外相关文献,对比传统服务供应链,尝试运用顾客价值创新理论对旅游服务供应链进行优化设计.  相似文献   

对行为系统展开管理属于企业管理中的一项内容,针对各类行为系统展开管理有着各类特有属性,可以是对企业展开行为管理,可以是对生产展开行为管理,还可以是是对设计展开行为管理等。文章通过介绍行为管理学的概述,阐述当代工业设计创新的要素,对强化行为管理学在工业设计中的应用措施展开探讨研究,旨在为相关人员基于行为管理学的概述、当代工业设计创新的要素的行为管理学在工业设计中的应用研究适用提供一些思路。  相似文献   

曾宪毅  王腾辉  吴敖  陈德胜 《市场周刊》2020,(18):0026-0026
作为供应链管理的核心内容,采购与供应商管理近年来的受关注程度不断提升,相关理论研究和实践探索也大量涌现。基于此,文章将简单分析供应商管理问题及影响,并深入探讨基于提升设备采购质量的供应商管理优化策略。  相似文献   

郭桐 《江苏商论》2023,(6):99-103
中国服装业发展多年,经历了从“中国制造”到“中国创造”的转变,开始探索商业模式创新,探求品牌效应,拓展海外市场。商业模式涉及企业正常运转的各个环节,是企业创造价值、传递价值和获取价值的表现,对企业的发展至关重要。文章选取跨境电商服装企业SHEIN作为研究对象,运用商业模式画布理论分析商业模式九要素,通过分析发现其拥有品牌定位清晰、柔性供应链、数字化营销和独立站模式特点,可以成为中国服装企业发展的典型。  相似文献   

蔡子悦 《商》2013,(15):300-300
目标管理是德鲁克对管理学的重要贡献之一,它充分体现了对人性平等、自由和主观能动性的追求。本文从目标管理对传统管理学的继承、目标管理实现过程和目标管理中国化等三个角度简述了笔者对德鲁克目标管理理论的思考。  相似文献   

东方管理学已经形成为一个比较完整的学科体系 ,苏东水和胡祖光教授等对其建树作出了重要贡献。东方管理学已呈现出较高的学术价值、宽广的应用空间和远大的发展前景 ,但是也存在局限 ,需要吸收西方管理思想、理论和文化 ,进行根本性的改造 ,特别是主体性及行为方式理论的改造和创新 ,以实现与时俱进和可持续发展。  相似文献   

This study investigates the impact of CIO’s presence in an organization’s top management team (TMT) on the contribution of information technology (IT) to corporate innovation. A new theoretical model is proposed based on the literature review. Through a survey of 120 CIOs of Chinese companies, we examine a series of hypotheses developed based on this model. Our findings reveal significant influences of CIO’s presence in the TMT on IT’s contribution to corporate innovations. The findings also suggest that such impacts are mediated by TMT’s IT knowledge. Furthermore, we find the significant moderating role of TMT’s risk appetite, i.e., when the executives are more willing to take risks, the relationship between CIO’s participation in TMT and the importance of IT to innovation is more significant. Theoretical contributions and practical implications of these findings are also discussed.  相似文献   

The influence of organizational ambidexterity on innovation and the growth of enterprises has gradually become an important research topic in the field of strategic management and organization theory. This paper builds up a theoretical framework of the relationship between organizational ambidexterity and innovation performance with regards to corporate entrepreneurship orientation. We select 175 companies from high and new technology industries in China’s three large cities, Beijing, Tianjin and Dalian, as samples to carry out an empirical test. We find that the balance and complement of organizational ambidexterity are positively correlated with the innovation performance of enterprises; a corporate entrepreneurial orientation has a significantly moderating effect on the relationship between the balance dimension of organizational ambidexterity and innovation performance, yet it has no significant positive moderating effect on the relationship between the combined dimension of organizational ambidexterity and innovation performance.  相似文献   

近年来,将环境问题置于企业战略层面已得到普遍认同,绿色创新是我国经济新常态下解决环境问题实现可持续发展的关键。基于自然资源基础观理论、知识管理理论和吸收能力理论,本文对长三角地区249家制造业企业进行实证研究,验证前瞻型环境战略对绿色创新绩效的作用过程与影响机理。实证结果表明,制定前瞻型环境战略的企业可以通过积累绿色智力资本和增强吸收能力来提高企业绿色创新绩效。通过Bootstrap检验发现,绿色智力资本对吸收能力有积极影响,二者在前瞻型环境战略与绿色创新绩效间有链式中介作用,并在对比中发现链式中介效应与单独中介效应具有显著差异。研究为企业制定环境战略和提高绿色创新绩效提供了理论指导与管理启示。  相似文献   

本文运用Johansen协整检验、Granger因果关系检验等计量方法,验证了一国的发明专利对该国贸易出口的直接促进作用;并通过中日两国的比较分析,发现日本的创新活动对该国的贸易出口促进作用比中国更显著。这说明在知识经济时代,一国持续的自主创新能力对该国的贸易竞争力乃至国家竞争力有着至关重要的作用。大量数据的比较显示,中国在自主知识创新方面同日本相比,差距是显然的。积极发展和完善我国创新系统,大力培育以知识优势为核心的国家竞争优势,是贯彻落实科学发展观,保持我国经济可持续发展的重要环节。  相似文献   

The two latest Five-Year Plans of China call for an increasing focus of the whole country on technology-based innovation. Moreover, China’s ambition to become an innovation-oriented nation has attracted widespread international interest and academic studies in technology and innovation management. However by now, there is still not a rigorous amount of the research in this field as regards to China. This paper reports a comprehensive review of the research published between 2002 and 2011 in twelve top technology and innovation management international journals. Overall, a sample of 241 relevant articles in 780 issues is used as the basis for the study. The result is a map of the main research topics, their influence, and the availability of tested empirical data, which traces a state-of-the-art research on technology innovation management in China. Discussion on the map draws avenues for further research and insights for both researchers and policy makers on why, where and how to advance knowledge in the field, with a particular focus on implications for developing cooperation at the enterprise level.  相似文献   

This paper argues that the intellectual contribution of Alan Rugman reflects his distinctive research methodology. Alan Rugman trained as an economist, and relied heavily on economic principles throughout his work. He believed that one good theory was sufficient for IB studies, and that theory, he maintained, was internalisation theory. He rejected theoretical pluralism, and believed that IB suffered from a surfeit of theories. Alan was a positivist. The test of a good theory was that it led to clear predictions which were corroborated by empirical evidence. Many IB theories, Alan believed, were weak; their proliferation sowed confusion and they needed to be refuted.Alan’s interpretation of internalisation was, however, unconventional in some respects. He played down the trade-offs presented in Coase’s original work, and substituted heuristics in their place. Instead of analysing internalisation as a context-specific choice between alternative contractual arrangements, he presented it as a strategic imperative for firms possessing strong knowledge advantages. His heuristics did not apply to every possible case, but in Alan’s view they applied in the great majority of cases and were therefore a basis for management action.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to highlight the impact of a new range of field-work driven scholarly research regarding foreign R&D in China on the field of Chinese innovation studies. The field of China innovation studies is positioned for a major take-off with the opening up and broadening of the field to a new generation of scholars and experts, including the growing participation and contributions of Chinese nationals from the People's Republic of China (PRC). With the continued opening of China to the outside world has come also increased scholarly access which is allowing for research on issues that heretofore was constrained due to the limited availability of information as well as political and national security sensitivities. The field also is benefiting from the increased visibility being given to innovation matters by the Chinese government and the rise in the number of foreign R&D centres that have been established by foreign companies. New ‘internally-focused’ questions related to R&D spending, the cultural and historical setting for innovation, and the institutional structure are being addressed with some promising results. In addition, a whole new series of ‘externally-focused’ questions also are beginning to dominate the research agenda as more and more foreign firms seek to take advantage of China's improved climate for overseas business as well as the growing number of scientists and engineers at the higher end of the Chinese talent pool. The more we seem to find out, however, the more we realize we need to know to truly understand China's technological potential. That said, it is increasingly clear that foreign influence is having an important shaping effect on the nature of the PRC's R&D system, especially with respect to the strategic role played or potentially being played by returned scholars and experts whose more cosmopolitan perspectives serve as a real asset in building bridges between Chinese traditional attitudes and modes of behaviour towards new knowledge creation and the current institutional constraints on China's innovation trajectory since 1949.  相似文献   

Although there are a range of conceptual and theoretical studies about customer equity (CE) measurement and management in the literature, there are few empirical studies where these two concepts are examined together. This paper focuses on the need for a more synthesised approach and addresses calls for more research into this specific area of marketing management. A conceptual framework was developed that synthesises both customer lifetime value and customer relationship management from a customer equity management (CEM) perspective. The framework was used to empirically examine how four CE strategies, together with a firm’s use of the two types of customer data (aggregated and disaggregated), impact on CEM outcomes. Data were collected from 114 hotel managers in Australia and analysed through a decision tree methodology. The results show that hotels are utilising their CE strategies for acquisition purposes more than retention purposes (customer asset management), which overall appears to satisfice more than maximise their hotel’s capacity in achieving effective CE outcomes. The study’s contribution to theory is through empirically testing a framework that combines two discrete theoretical concepts in one study to provide insights to guide future research.  相似文献   

分析和解决中国当前的贸易收支失衡即巨额的贸易顺差问题是解决中国经济外部失衡的关键所在。从贸易方式看,加工贸易逐渐成为中国贸易收支失衡的决定性因素;从商品结构看,机械及运输设备类产品已成为工业制成品贸易顺差的重要来源。理论分析表明,中国巨额的贸易顺差是在特定的历史背景下形成的,具有一定的脆弱性。实证研究发现,产业结构和贸易结构及二者的相互影响对中国贸易收支失衡具有重要的影响作用;人民币升值虽然有利于改善中国的贸易收支失衡状况,但与结构变量相比,其改善的程度较弱。要从根本上解决中国经济的外部失衡,政策的着力点应更多地放在以产业结构调整为核心的结构性问题方面。  相似文献   

在世界经济复苏乏力、中国出口贸易增速放缓的背景下,研究中国出口市场结构与世界进口市场结构之间的匹配性具有重要的理论及现实意义。以制造业为例,在将其细分为劳动密集型、资本密集型及技术密集型的基础上,通过构建斯皮尔曼等级相关系数、收益性结构变动指数、劳伦斯指数等指标体系,对中国出口市场与世界进口市场的匹配程度和变动方向及波动幅度进行了实证研究,并与美国和日本进行比较分析,以期为中国制造业出口市场结构的优化升级提供参考。  相似文献   

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