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王曦  秦远好 《中国市场》2011,(22):131-133
2008年,第三产业贡献了全国GDP的42.9%,旅游业作为第三产业的重要组成部分,收入已达9000多亿元,是拉动消费的重要力量。为此本文结合居民旅游消费水平的影响因素进行计量分析,得到相关模型并结合相关政策进行分析,提出相关建议。  相似文献   

许丽敏 《商》2013,(23):179-179
会计信息在资本市场发展运营中的地位和作用越来越重要,真实可靠的会计信息对于提升投资者的决策科学性具有重要意义。这其中,会计政策的选择具有重要地位,本文围绕企业会计政策的选择,介绍了相关背景,并对企业会计政策的选择进行了相关分析,并在最后给出了企业会计政策选择的结论及相关建议。  相似文献   

市政道路桥梁是市政建设中的重要组成部分,是城市交通的动脉,加强对市政道路桥梁施工质量的控制尤为重要。本文从对市政道路桥梁施工相关问题和对策进行了分析,希望对相关领域起一定作用。  相似文献   

差旅费作为科学事业单位报销的重要组成部分,必然是财务管理的重要工作范畴。虽然有相关的文件依据,但受多方面因素的影响,实际操作过程中仍存在一些问题,本文就相关问题进行了梳理,并结合实际情况提出了解决策略,以供参考。  相似文献   

马也  何洋洋 《中国市场》2013,(22):72-74
煤炭资源是每个国家的重要战略资源,但煤炭资源却集中在少数几个国家,如何通过国际贸易的方法更好地获得煤炭资源是国内外学者研究的重要课题之一。本文对国内外的相关研究成果进行了评述,既对复杂网络的相关研究进行了评述,也对国际煤炭贸易的研究成果进行了总结,为下一步进行基于复杂网络的国际煤炭贸易研究打下基础。  相似文献   

粮食补贴政策是激发农民种粮积极性、稳定粮食产量的重要举措,对于保证我国粮食安全具有十分重要的意义。在阐述相关研究背景的基础上,对我国粮食补贴政策的运行情况进行了梳理,进而分析了粮食补贴政策中存在的主要问题,提出了相关政策建议。  相似文献   

中小企业是我国经济发展结构中重要的组成部分,中小企业的发展过程中融资问题是影响中小企业发展的关键性问题,而现阶段,中小企业进行融资的方式整体上相对较少也是一个不争的事实,已然成为制约中小企业发展的重要因素。中小企业要想获得长足的发展,需要保证资金链的稳定性才能够使中小企业在发展的过程中拥有源源不断的动力。本文以融资租赁视角下中小企业融资问题为研究核心,分析阐述了融资租赁的相关理论,对中小企业融资问题的相关优势进行了探析,明确了中小企业融资租赁存在的相关问题,提出了中小企业进行融资问题的相关建议。  相似文献   

本文对相关企业价值链和建立于此之上的创新系统进行了相关分析,结合企业面对的实际问题探讨了两者链式体系对企业营销环节和相关措施制定的重要意义.  相似文献   

广告态度和品牌态度作用机制研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李琼  吴作民 《中国广告》2008,(11):137-140
广告态度是评估广告对消费者品牌态度作用效果的一个重要变量。然而对于广告态度和品牌态度的作用机制,学术界尚未有一致结论。本文通过对相关文献进行梳理,对广告态度、品牌态度的内涵及其测量维度进行了归纳和相关界定;在此基础上对四种主要的广告态度中介模型进行了简单的评述,并从前人的研究中找出了影响广告态度、品牌态度作用机制的几个重要的调节变量,最后提出相关的研究建议,指明了未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

企业清算是企业破产后的一项重要内容,是对已经破产并停止经营的企业进行资产的核查,并对相关债权债务进行处理,将公司的剩余价值进行合理的配置。财务清算对于维护债权人的利益,维持市场秩序有着重要的意义。文章介绍了企业财务清算现状,讨论了企业财务清算期间会计实务和税务审计的工作特征,并探讨了企业财务清算会计的工作内容和相关的税务处理。  相似文献   

为了分析强地物回波产生副瓣干扰,根据毫米波雷达制导系统的实际需求,提出了考虑天线副瓣杂波影响的精确的信杂比模型,并通过仿真计算得到了考虑副瓣影响的雷达的最佳搜索角。文中所提出的方法对精确预测雷达信杂比有重要的指导意义,同时对综合设计雷达中天线的性能指标也有重要意义,可提高整个雷达系统的性能。  相似文献   

基于卫星中继的无人机图像传输系统在遥感图像的传输中有着十分重要的作用。首先讨论了这种系统的应用意义 ,然后提出了一种具体的实现方案 ,对系统中的几个关键部分的设计进行了详细分析。目前的实验成果表明 ,这种基于卫星中继的无人机图像传输系统方案是可行的。  相似文献   

利用波特[1]的五力模型和零散型产业的概念,对我国的水处理化学品行业的竞争格局进行结构化分析,勾画出水处理化学品行业内企业的竞争战略群组.指出我国的水处理化学品行业属于典型的零散型行业,而克服零散对该行业和某些业内企业来说可能孕育着重要的市场机会,并对行业内的关系营销等特点进行了简单概括.跟踪世界水处理化学品行业的发展趋势,找出我国水处理化学品行业存在的不足和面临的困境,结合行业结构分析提出该行业未来发展趋势.  相似文献   

This study focuses on generic service quality dimensions, which have empirical and conceptual support in the literature. The purpose of this research is to try to validate these dimensions using two measuring procedure that are different from the common ones used in this area. The Guttman scaling procedure and Q-sort test are the two new measuring procedure used in this validation process. The outcome of this study is that of the six dimensions tested, only four are found to be valid. Also, a three-dimensional scale is recommended to measure service quality.  相似文献   

The authors propose and empirically test a causal model to understand how the availability of fair-trade information and consumer knowledge about this issue affect consumers’ attitudes and intentions toward fair-trade products. The model is built upon the attitude-behavior paradigm and the premises of agency theory. It is tested through structural equation modeling with a sample of 292 Spanish consumers. The findings are that consumers do not have good knowledge about fair trade and that this is significantly determined by the lack of information about this in the market. It is also observed that consumers’ perceptions about the availability of fair-trade information have negative effects on their concern about this issue and that such information as is available is not effective in reducing consumer skepticism. The research represents an extension of previous fair-trade literature because the role of information and communication in improving consumer attitudes and buying intentions has rarely been explored in the case of ethical products.  相似文献   

本文针对WCDMA中上行链路存在导频信道的特点,并结合变步长LMS算法的优点,提出了一种查表LMS波束形成算法。该算法利用导频信号作为空间波束形成的参考信号,把误差范围和相应的步长存储到列表中,在进行波束形成时所要采用的迭代步长直接在列表中查取。该算法的实现复杂度低,收敛速度快,运算量小。  相似文献   


Ever since the ‘new approach’ to the achievement of the Internal Market was adopted, the importance of European Standardization has increased. The standardization institutes are now responsible for the technical elaboration of requirements touching upon health and safety of consumers. Therefore, it is of major importance for consumer movements to have an input in the process. In this study, the consumer interest articulation in the ‘new approach’ policy-making process is looked into. The role consumer organizations play in both the pre-standardization and the actual standardization stage are dealt with. Toy safety is taken as a case-study, and the information for the research was mainly gathered from interviews with about 30 representatives of European and national consumer movements, government agencies and industry involved in this field

The study shows that the influence of consumers in the pre-standardization stage, when a directive is drafted and a mandate negotiated between the European Commission and the standardization institutes, is limited

As concerns the standardization stage, consumers have representation in technical committees and working groups of the European standardization institutes. The participation of European and national representatives is compared

The main findings of this research are that consumer input in the actual standardization process is crucial, since their input in the pre-standardization phase is limited. In addition to this, the European and the national consumer representatives are not equally successful in assuring consumer input in this particular policy area. The causes for this difference are considered.  相似文献   

The process, or evolution, through which multinational firms have reached their present international position is often referred to as “the internationalization process of the firm.” The most widely accepted theory of this phenomenon explains this slow, and sequential process in terms of organizations’ growth and learning. It is every now and then argued that this approach has lost some of its explanatory value. The purpose of this article is to discuss the validity of this model against the backdrop of assumptions in two key dimensions, namely, firms’ experience of international business and the industry's degree of internationalization.  相似文献   

国际化实战型物流人才培养模式研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
田雪 《中国市场》2009,(10):35-36
物流高级管理人才的缺乏已经成为制约我国物流业发展的瓶颈问题,如何培养能够适应业界要求的国际化实战型物流人才已经成为各方面关注的问题。本文创新性的提出了国际化实战型物流人才培养模式的概念。通过对该模式的解析,并且在参考了现实中成功做法的基础上,为这种模式的建立提供了一些参考性的建议。  相似文献   

Robert Putnam in his book Bowling Alone and subsequent works has analysed the phenomenon that American society increasingly avoids various community driven activities, such as civic associations, activities with friends and family (Putnam, Bowling Alone. Simon and Schuster, New York; 2006). In this paper we introduce the idea that a counterpart to this social trend is a global addiction to fame and celebrity. We believe that the global internet is one of the major drivers of this search for fame for the sake of being famous. However, most people aspiring to be famous celebrities will not succeed in this quest, and become disappointed. The purpose of this paper is to analyse the ethical implications of such social contagion, bandwagon effects in today’s global business environment towards fame and celebrity. The contribution of this paper is to provide a future direction for research on business ethics in terms of this growing global phenomenon of fame and celebrity addiction.  相似文献   

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