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徐卡 《广告导报》2008,(5):64-65
卡缪搬家了。马奎斯搬家了。 卡尔维诺搬家了。莫内搬家了。 林布阑搬家了。毕加索搬家了。 瑞典KOSTA BODA彩色玻璃搬家了。 英国WEDGWOOD骨瓷搬家了。 法国HEDIARD咖啡搬家了。 诚品敦南店搬家了。 写下以上文字的许舜英搬家了。  相似文献   

<正> 七年前,我下岗了。为了生存,我来到了汕头,干起了拾废品的行当。风餐露宿,饱受耻辱,尝尽了人间辛酸。我全然不顾,埋头苦干。两年过去了,我精通了废品收购的各种过程,便开始了规模经营。1996年,我组织起一个70多人的捡荒队伍,租了几间城边空房,建起了废品收购站。还买了油毡、床板、被褥,给这些穷朋友搭起了宽大的卧棚。穷朋友感到有了家,格外卖力。开张第二天,废品便堆成了小山。换成钱后,我立马就给穷哥们分下去,他们无不为之感动,干得更欢了。  相似文献   

经过大家的共同努力,今天会议就要圆满结束了。这次会议,一是认真传达学习了朱基总理的重要批示,进一步明确了工商行政管理的地位、职能和作用,大家受到了很大鼓舞。二是各地总结交流了经验,相互学习,取长补短,在思想认识和工作上都有了进一步提高。三是认真研究了今年的工作任务,启发了思路,完善了措施,对做好今年工作起到了积极的推进作用。四是表彰了先进,树立了典型,使大家学有方向,赶有目标。特别是昨天下午吴仪国务委员百忙之中与各地代表亲切座谈,七位同志代表全系统作了很好的发言,吴仪国务委员作了非常重要的讲话。…  相似文献   

我国创立了新式的医院会计制度,在现阶段已经推广到了大部分的公立医院,医院财务方面的制度越来越规范。新会计制度的产生可以说既有旧制度的影响,同时融合来自医院的各种新理念,也考虑了医院在财务发面发生的很多具体问题。新的会计制度既继承了医院原有的会计制度,也发展了旧的会计制度,进行了很多的创新。新会计制度有效地指导了医院的财务会计工作。本文分析了新会计制度所存在的问题,然后有针对性地提出了改进意见。  相似文献   

<正> 党的十一届三中全会以来,我国实行改革、开放的方针,已经取得了很大的成绩,国民经济注入了强大的活力,促进了经济和社会的发展。在商业方面,也进行了不少改革,取得了很大成绩。主要是:调整了社会商业结构,实行多种经济成份并存发展;改革了商品购销体制,实行计划调节和市场调节相结合;改革了商品纵向分配办法,建立了横向联合的新的商业组织形式;改革了企业经营机制,实行政企职责分开,增强了企业活力和竞争能力,等等。从而促进了工农业生产和科学技术的发展,扩大了流通,繁荣了经济,活跃了市场,改善了人民生活。商业企业的经济效益也有了明显的提高。  相似文献   

史晓燕 《商场现代化》2008,(14):129-130
本文论述了物流系统无线网络系统的解决方案。建立了无线网络体系的总计架构,解决了其中的关键技术,设计了安全体系,最后对开发的系统进行了测试,取得了较好效果。  相似文献   

2008年是极不寻常的一年,国际国内经历了多少喜事大事,遇到灾害和挑战。在党中央的正确领导下,我们战胜了灾害,迎接了挑战,胜利举办了奥运会、残奥会。大振了国威,鼓舞了中华民族的信心,各条战线取得了辉煌的成就。  相似文献   

在过去的三四年中,中国的经济有了惊人的增长。自1991年以来,中国的实际国内生产总值的平均年增长率超过了12%。当前经济发展的突出特点是几乎所有的经济活动领域中都在不断地进行着改革。1994年是中国的经济改革取得伟大成就的一年。政府对外汇体制进行了重大改革,实行了新的税制,对金融体制进行了改革,颁布了新的公司法和外贸法,采用了新的财会通则,规定了新的投资指导方针,并进一步放宽了贸易。  相似文献   

刘公远 《北方经贸》2007,(8):151-152
近年来,高校后勤社会化改革取得了很大成绩,呈现了良好的势头。人的观念发生了变化,体制和结构发生了变革,破除了旧的模式,强化了制度建设,提高了两个效益,步入了新的阶段。但同时也凸显了体制剥离和经营模式欠规范,人力资源开发动力不足,资产关系界定难度大等问题。  相似文献   

本文分析了电子商务许可促进商业登记制度的要求,提出了电子商务许可的定义,研究了电子商务许可的特点,分类和结构。本文分析了电子注册管理全过程的意义,研究了电子营业执照支持的电子注册管理方法,解决了企业网络识别和电子文件安全存储的问题,实现了电子注册管理的全过程。本文最后描述了电子商务许可证申请过程。  相似文献   

This article investigates the structure of trust in China and compares it with the U.S., using the 2000 and 2005 waves of the World Value Survey (WVS). We analyze two dimensions of trust – trust in people and trust in major companies. It is found that the level of trust has remained stable in China within the 5-year period. On the other hand, trust in major companies has declined dramatically in U.S. while trust in people has increased slightly. The structure of trust in companies is different from trust in people. For both countries, individuals with higher education tend to have a higher level of trust. Individuals who are divorced tend to have lower trust in people. Individuals who think that other people are fair are more likely to trust in people. Preference for competition has a positive effect on trust in major companies. On the other hand, some differences between the two countries are observed. Perception of fairness does not affect trust in major companies in China, while it has a positive effect in U.S. in year 2006. Preference for equality has a negative effect on trust in major companies in U.S. but no significant effect in China. The pattern of trust and its changes over time may reflect differences in market conditions in the two economies.  相似文献   

河南省农村公共物品投资的经济增长效应研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文运用面板数据模型分析了河南省农村公共物品固定资产投资对农村经济增长的影响。固定效应模型表明,农村公共物品固定资产投资是造成地区间农业总产值差异的因素;随机效应模型表明,农村公共物品固定资产投资也是造成同一地区不同年份农业总产值变化的因素,即农村公共物品固定资产投资促进了农村经济增长。最后分析了河南省当前农村公共物品供给存在的问题及解决对策。  相似文献   

A longitudinal survey of small business entrepreneurs was conducted in Russia in two stages: in 1994 and in 2008. This study examined entrepreneurial climate and developments in Russia's small businesses with a focus on motivations and obstacles in starting up and operating businesses. It also aimed at analyzing entrepreneurs’ needs for training, consulting, and other types of assistance in a comparative context. Russia's climate for small and medium enterprises (SME) and entrepreneurship has improved, although it is still a work in progress. The 2008 survey indicated younger age, greater share of female entrepreneurs, and remaining small size of the firms. Though the level of SME entrepreneurial activities in Russia is still lower than in major developed economies, the gap is diminishing. Thise study found no significant differences between 1994 and 2008 in terms of entrepreneurial motivations and obstacles; several shifts and trends in motivations and obstacles were identified in their relative importance in SME dynamics.  相似文献   

We examine the relationships among perceived organizational justice, trust, and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) of workers in joint ventures (JVs) and state-owned enterprises (SOEs) in China. We hypothesize different dimensions of organizational justice are related to trust in organization and trust in supervisor, which will in turn affect workers’ OCB. Some of these relationships are hypothesized to be different in SOEs and JVs owing to the differences in management practices and employment relationships between them. Our hypotheses are tested on data collected from 295 supervisor–subordinate dyads in a JV and 253 such dyads in an SOE. The analyses reveal that (1) the positive effect of distributive justice on trust in organization is stronger in JVs than in SOEs, (2) the positive effect of procedure justice on trust on organization is stronger in SOEs than in JVs, (3) the effect of interaction justice on trust in supervisor is similar for both types of organization; (4) trust in organization affects OCB in both SOEs and JVs, and (5) trust in supervisor affects OCB in JVs only.  相似文献   

The frequency of discriminatory language in job advertisements placed by U.S. multinational corporations operating in Mexico was compared with that of Mexican companies using content analysis. A sample of 300 ads placed by companies from each culture was analyzed and coded by two groups of coders to calculate the frequency of discriminatory language in the job ads with respect to age, gender, physical appearance and marital status. Results of a chi square analysis revealed that U.S. multinationals firms in Mexico utilize discriminatory language in job ads less frequently in the categories of age, gender and marital status. This result suggests that the legal and cultural framework of the country of origin of U.S. enterprises in Mexico may be influencing their actual recruitment practice in Mexico, and in turn, help them in setting a positive example of non-discrimination in recruitment among their Mexican counterparts.  相似文献   

綦建红  鞠磊 《财贸研究》2007,18(3):10-15,31
从理论上看,环境管制与外资区位分布之间的关系一直存在着较大的争议;从实践上看,我国近年来环境污染问题日趋严重,且各地区的环境管制水平呈现出明显的差异。本文通过采用协整分析和格兰杰因果检验,对中国东部、中部和西部地区的环境规制与外资分布之间的关系进行了实证分析,并得出如下结论:东部地区的环境规制与吸引外资之间存在着稳定的正相关关系,而中部地区和西部地区则表现为明显的负相关关系。同时,环境规制不是引起外资变化的格兰杰原因,但外资是引起环境规制变化的格兰杰原因。  相似文献   

深圳民营企业外贸出口增长的实证分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
江虹 《国际贸易问题》2007,292(4):76-80
深圳民营企业是一个充满生机和活力的年轻群体。自从1999年国家取消对非公有制经济从事外贸的限制,2004年国家又允许个人从事外贸经营后,深圳民营企业不断扩大,外贸出口激增。2005年,深圳民营企业外贸出口首次突破百亿美元,同比激增93%,成为深圳出口主力军之一。本文试图利用近几年的统计数据,对深圳民营企业外贸出口增长进行实证分析,归纳出深圳民营企业出口激增的主要特点、成因,并针对问题提出进一步促进深圳民营企业出口的对策。  相似文献   

Start-ups and employment dynamics within and across sectors   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We use a decade of longitudinal data on start-ups and employment in Swedish regions to analyze the effect of start-ups on subsequent employment growth. We extend previous analyses by decomposing the effect of start-ups on total employment change into within- and cross-sector effects. We find that start-ups in a sector influence employment change in the same as well as in other sectors. The results illustrate that the known S-shaped pattern can be attributed to the different effects of start-ups in a sector on employment change in the same sector and in others. Start-ups in a sector have a positive impact on employment change in the same sector. The effects on employment change in other sectors may be negative or positive, and depend on the sector under consideration. In particular, start-ups in high-end services deviate from manufacturing and low-end services in that they have significant negative impacts on employment change in other sectors. The findings are consistent with the idea that start-ups are a vehicle for change in the composition of regional industry.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this article is to empirically investigate the interactions between changes in capital buffer and changes in credit risk, using panel data of Islamic and conventional banks located in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region over the period 1999–2016. A negative two‐way relationship between the changes in capital buffer and the changes in credit risk is found for the two types of banks, that is, banks tend to decrease their capital buffers in response to an increase in risk exposure and limit their risky activities in response to an increase in their capital buffers. Dividing our period of study into three subperiods to assess the effect of the last financial crisis 2007–08 on the adjustment process, we point out the negative bidirectional relationship between the changes in capital buffer and the changes in credit risk of the two types of banks is present for the three subperiods except the case of conventional banks during the precrisis period. Moreover, we provide evidence that Islamic banks adjust their capital buffer in response to the changes in credit risk regardless of the existence or not of a deposit insurance scheme. In contrast, the negative two‐way relationship between the changes in capital buffer and the changes in credit risk in conventional banks is found only in countries without deposit insurance schemes.  相似文献   

If all differences in behavior are explainable in terms of universal values pursued under variable constraints, then much ethical theorizing is pointless. A strong presumption in favor of universal values can be established by showing that differences in behavior that were previously thought to be explainable only in terms of differences in values, can in fact be explained in terms of differences in constraints. Eleven such cases are briefly discussed, including cases of differences among racial, religious and other groups in crime, culinary practices and the acceptance of innovation.  相似文献   

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