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格力电器第一大股东由格力集团变更为珠海明骏后,公司变为无实际控制人公司,文章以董明珠团队控制权在第一大股东变更后的变化及如何实现制度化控制为主题进行研究.研究发现,在国有大股东格力集团控股下,董明珠团队通过为股东创造优秀的业绩进而获得了股东支持并取得了董事会实质控制权,但这种控制是非制度化的,并不稳定.第一大股东变更后,董明珠团队通过珠海明骏的投资关系和协议约定得以对珠海明骏产生重大影响并获得部分董事决定权,由此董明珠通过制度化方式增强了对格力电器的控制.研究表明,企业家人力资本为股东创造价值进而得到股东支持是增强控制权的基础,而通过合伙企业持股架构和董事的协议约定则是实现制度化控制的关键方式.  相似文献   

新闻集团不是一家普通的企业,它是一家由家族经营的上市企业,整个家族以拥有超级表决权的股份控制着企业。身兼新闻集团CEO和董事会主席的默多克,似乎对公司经营相当在意,直到他感到放心时才会把企业的经营权交给子女。但是,这个家族和公司股东的利益并不一致。  相似文献   

6月28日,标致-雪铁龙旗下的法系豪华座驾DS车型登陆中国。此时,远在法兰西的标致-雪铁尼(以下简称PSA)集团CEO瓦兰遭遇前所未有的信任危机:据法国《论坛报》当地时间6月20日报道,由于销量下滑,加之对标致与通用汽车结盟的不满,PSA的最大股东标致家族希望其CEO玳利普·瓦兰及其管理团队下台,  相似文献   

创造股东价值的目标管理是通过分析、控制股东价值驱动因素和业务价值驱动因素及相关指标的方式,将企业战略、财务管理和绩效薪酬管理紧密结合而对创造股东价值的过程进行管理.  相似文献   

管理者之间的亲缘关系是家族企业治理结构中的一个重要特点,CEO亲缘特征作为家族系统特有的属性如何影响企业长期创新决策,尤其是风险水平更高的探索式创新呢?从中国情境下“人情社会”与“家文化”角度出发,以2008~2019年我国A股家族上市企业为样本,探寻家族企业CEO与实际控制人的亲缘特征对企业二元创新倾向的影响。研究发现,CEO与实际控制人的亲缘关系通过提高CEO创新决策权,对企业二元创新的探索式创新倾向产生正向影响,而家族风险厌恶程度对该机制起抑制作用。本研究揭示了家族企业非正式亲缘纽带对企业系统运营决策的内在影响逻辑,可助力家族企业中家族与高管建立关系信任和互惠互利的“类亲属”关系,以激发管理者管家倾向、提高企业创新绩效。  相似文献   

新时代人才强国战略背景下,具备多元知识储备与全面管理能力的复合型CEO成为企业竞相争夺的对象。本文使用手工收集整理的2007—2018年中国沪深A股上市公司CEO职业经历数据集,探究CEO职业经历对高管团队薪酬差距的影响。研究结果表明:CEO职业经历越丰富,高管团队薪酬差距越大。影响因素方面,经理人市场流动性越强、CEO声誉越高、薪酬外部公平性越高时,CEO职业经历丰富度对高管团队薪酬差距的正向影响越小,而继任来源的调节作用并不明显。进一步研究中,首先验证社会网络在CEO复合型职业经历扩大高管团队薪酬差距时发挥的中介作用,其次验证CEO复合型职业经历在扩大高管团队薪酬差距后对企业价值的提升作用。本文结论为企业完善高管薪酬制度安排与人才选聘机制提供了新的证据支持。  相似文献   

依据高阶管理理论、技术创新理论及战略领导理论,以2011—2018年创业板高科技企业为样本,实证分析CEO个人特征、激励与企业创新绩效的关系.研究结果显示:(1)CEO年龄与创新绩效负相关,薪酬激励与股权激励能够减弱这种负相关关系;(2)CEO拥有技术工作背景会对创新绩效产生正向影响,薪酬激励与股权激励能够加强这种正向影响;(3)CEO学历与创新绩效正相关,股权激励能够加强这种正相关关系;(4)CEO任期与创新绩效正相关,薪酬激励与股权激励均不能调节这种相关性.研究结论对科学任用CEO、合理使用激励方式以提升企业创新投资效率具有借鉴意义.  相似文献   

企业财务管理目标的解析与选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
财务管理是对企业资金运动全过程进行决策、计划和控制的管理活动,其实质是以价值形式对企业的生产经营全过程进行综合性的管理。企业财务管理目标是指企业财务管理在一定环境和条件下所应达到的预期结果,它是财务决策的基本准则,比较流行的财务管理目标有企业价值最大化、股东财富最大化和利润最大化等几种,笔者认为,其中应以企业价值最大化才是企业的管理选择。一、企业价值最大化目标不同于股东财富最大化目标在许多现代财务管理著作中,都将股东财富最大化和企业价值最大化这两个财务管理目标当作名异实同的表述。笔者认为股东财富最大化…  相似文献   

张雷  徐琳  邱锐婷  郑远 《财会通讯》2021,(23):77-81
我国家族企业普遍面临转型升级的需求,创新作为推动企业发展的重要因素,逐渐受到家族企业的重视.本文以我国2010-2019年1546家A股上市家族企业为样本,研究了 CEO来源对家族企业创新的影响.研究结果表明:由家族成员担任CEO更能促进家族企业的创新投入,但是,由职业经理人担任CEO更能促进家族企业的创新产出.进一步研究发现,在规模较大和非高新技术家族企业中,家族成员担任CEO对企业创新投入的促进作用更显著;在高新技术家族企业中,职业经理人担任CEO对企业创新产出的促进作用更显著.  相似文献   

何薇  施宣邑  常悦 《财会通讯》2021,(13):54-57
本文以2007—2018年中国A股上市公司数据为样本,分别从高管薪酬制度及CEO特征出发,讨论高管薪酬差异对企业真实盈余管理程度的影响以及CEO双职性对该影响的调节效应.研究发现,高管的薪酬差异与企业真实盈余管理程度间存在显著的负相关关系.同时,CEO与董事长双职合一对高管薪酬差异与企业真实盈余管理程度间关系存在显著的负向调节效应.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between performance and top executive turnovers using a sample of 81 turnovers and matching companies listed on the Copenhagen Stock Exchange. We find that poor market performance increases the probability of management replacements and that forced layoffs are value‐increasing events while voluntary resignations are value‐decreasing events. Large shareholders as active monitors, or part of corporate control, are not exhibited in the results. If large shareholders have any influence on CEO turnovers it is not revealed in our data. Indeed, separating control rights from decision rights does not appear to affect managerial turnovers. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Using data from the statements issued by A-share family firms listed on Chinese stock markets between 2008 and 2019, this paper explores the impacts of family management and family succession on R&D investment. We draw on the perspective of restricted and extended socioemotional wealth and differentiate exploitative R&D and explorative R&D in a detailed study. The study finds that the proportion of family members among board members or senior executives and the kinship of the CEO or chair of the board of directors have different effects on R&D investment, indicating that a diversity exists in how family members identify their role within the company. Furthermore, the participation of the controller’s children in the enterprise can promote explorative R&D investment instead of exploitative R&D, but only during the process of intergenerational succession. The findings differ from prior research in calling attention to the facts that the impact of family management is not always homogeneous owing to the dispersion of family members into different positions, and it can be misleading to conclude that R&D investment is more conservative in family businesses without considering the structure of R&D investment.


This study examines the value that prior CEO experience has for the companies that hire such CEOs—as reflected in the firms’ subsequent market‐based performance—as well as its value for the CEO that possesses this experience—as reflected in his or her initial compensation. While we suggest that shareholders tend not to benefit from firms hiring experienced CEOs, we also argue that particular firm and industry contextual factors that shaped the prior CEO experience help ameliorate this detrimental effect. Regardless, we also suggest that prior CEO experience generally stands to benefit the CEOs, in that it brings them a compensation premium over those CEOs without such prior experience. We tested our hypotheses on a sample of 654 US CEO succession events that occurred between 2001 and 2004 and found broad support for our hypotheses. We close with a discussion of the implications of our findings for future research as well as what they mean for firms hiring experienced CEOs and for CEO careers more generally. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

We test hypotheses derived from resource dependence and sensemaking/sensegiving theoretical lenses in the context of CEO succession, focusing on an under‐researched yet prevalent type of executive turnover – CEO retirement. Using event study methodology and a sample of CEO retirements from S&P 1500 firms during the 2003–12 period, we find that, all else equal, shareholders’ perceptions of organizations’ capacity to serve their interests are adversely affected when a retirement related change occurs in the leadership structure. Specifically, in line with resource dependence theory, we find that CEO retirement disclosures typically generate negative abnormal returns. Furthermore, in line with the sensemaking perspective, we find that the magnitude of shareholders’ reactions is contingent on the lexical sensegiving cues contained in the organizational narratives that are released to capital markets via executive retirement announcements. Overall, our theory and results point to CEO retirement events as consequential in the eyes of shareholders, challenging an important assumption of extant succession research. Moreover, they suggest that shareholders’ interpretation of these events is influenced by organizational sensegiving, highlighting the important role of organizational communication around succession events.  相似文献   

董事会在公司治理机制中发挥关键作用。伴随着公司治理的发展,董事会职能经历了由经营管理到监督,再从监督到监督和决策并重的变迁过程。股权分置改革后,我国公司治理呈现以下特征:国有股"一股独大"状况得到改善;公司控制权市场逐步形成;中小股东的利益逐渐得到保护;公司治理目标由股东价值最大化转变为企业价值最大化。公司治理的变化促使董事会职能发生相应的调整,董事会职能应从权利格局、组织结构、董事素质与激励约束机制、董事会与经理的职责方面实现重塑。  相似文献   

我国家族企业中家族成员配置机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前我国家族企业中出现了家族成员人岗不匹配,内部人事管理混乱,家族成员争权夺利等现象。家族成员配置机制指家族企业通过对家族成员分类,为他们安排不同的培养方式、职位和退出方式等的制度,其中家族成员分类管理模型是其核心内容。以家族成员分类管理模型为核心的家族成员配置机制可以有效地解决家族企业内部人安置的问题。  相似文献   

This study suggests the incentive perspective as an antecedent of early internationalization. We argue that early internationalization is a risky strategy for a CEO in a relatively young firm and that a potential agency problem arises between a CEO and shareholders in such a context. By drawing on agency theory, we theorize that the CEO compensation structure plays a critical role in the early internationalization decision. In a sample of 145 newly public U.S. firms, we find that the likelihood of early internationalization is negatively associated with the CEO’s secured cash pay and positively associated with the CEO’s equity-based compensation. In addition, we find that the positive association between equity-based compensation and the likelihood of early internationalization becomes stronger as the CEO’s tenure increases. These findings show that the interest alignment between a CEO and shareholders affects the strategic decision of early internationalization. Our study contributes to the literature on corporate governance and international business by underscoring the importance of the compensation structure as a significant driver of value-creating strategic initiatives and by identifying incentive factors that spur firms to internationalize early.  相似文献   

Prior studies provide empirical evidence that dual class firms are discounted compared to single class firms due to the extraction of private benefits. This study examines the link between managerial entrenchment and the dual class discount. Using propensity score matching and conditioning for past underperformance, the paper shows that investors apply a greater discount to the value of dual class firms as the degree of managerial entrenchment increases. The impact of entrenchment on dual class discount is more pronounced when the CEO is the controlling shareholder compared to when the controlling shareholder is a director or the chairman of the board.  相似文献   

目前在大部分上市公司中大股东仍然占有绝对的决策权,并决定了企业的会计披露政策,大股东必须进行会计信息披露程度的收益成本权衡,只有当企业提高会计披露质量,满足投资需求能够使大股东获得更多的现金流时,才会愿意提供更高质量的会计信息。本文通过对大股东面临会计披露程度选择决策时的成本收益权衡进行验证,试图发现促使大股东愿意提高会计信息披露质量的激励因素,以促使企业会计信息质量的改进。  相似文献   

企业社会责任是企业在创造价值、对股东承担法律责任的同时,还要承担对公司、员工、顾客、供应商、政府部门、社区和环境的责任。企业社会责任要求企业必须超越把利润作为唯一目标的传统理念,强调要在生产过程中对人的价值的关注,强调对消费者、环境、社会的贡献。文章在对企业社会责任及绩效分析的基础上,构建了以社会责任为企业绩效的管理体系,并以海天污水处理技术研究开发中心为例,研究分析了该企业承担社会责任与其绩效之间的关系,以及该企业以社会责任为绩效的管理体系。  相似文献   

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