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命名与招牌服务现在市场繁荣,各种店铺在城市中多如牛毛,有店就要有名字、树招牌,但是在当今的商业大街上,你会看见许多商店的名字非常俗气,招牌也不够气派。何不办个企业、公司和商店的命名服务呢,并且也从事招牌、企业标志的服务。所以,开办命名服务,为企业、公司、商店起名,  相似文献   

如今在城市众多的店铺中,洋快餐店独树一帜。醒目的招牌,别具一格的门面装修,透亮的大玻璃窗,干净、优雅的环境,让人赏心悦目。许多人身不由己的走进去,想体验一下洋快餐的感受。平心而论,洋快餐之所以能在中国市场上一炮打响,关键是靠标准化制作、工厂化生产、连锁化经营等现代快餐的发展方式:靠提供质量划一和卫生清洁的食品、舒适的就餐环境、方便灵活的销售方式,以及严格规范的管理和优质服务。如麦当劳规定,所有的食品烹调后10分钟(其中炸薯条7分钟)未出售的全要扔掉。  相似文献   

目前,我国的手机用户已超过8000万户。而与之相配套的维修业也如雨后春笋蓬勃发展。据不完全统计,现全国中等以上城市有大大小小的手机维修几十至几百家不等,其规模大小相差悬殊。既有拥有先进的检测和修理设备、具备高超的技术人员以及一整套完善规范的管理体系的,但也有仅一两个人却挂着所谓的“维修中心”招牌的手机维修店。这些企业维修人员大多无证上岗,维修配件以次充好,技术欺诈违法行为时有发生,因此维修质量让消费者成了雾里看花,消费者对此反映较为强烈。存在的主要问题有:  相似文献   

招牌与城市环境张国荣,王金生招牌乃至广告、路标、站牌的装饰,是城市文化和城市环境的重要组成部分,也是城市人文景观的主要内容之一,它不仅表现了一个城市的繁荣景象和精神面貌,而且反映了一个城市的文化水准和文明程度。当前,随着“广告热”的兴起,招牌装饰出现...  相似文献   

如今在中国城市众多的店铺中.洋快餐店独树一帜。醒目的招牌。别具一格的门面装修。透亮的大玻璃窗,干净、优雅的环境。让人赏心悦目。许多人身不由己地走进去.想体验一下洋快餐的感受。平心而论.洋快餐之所以能在中国市场上一炮打响.关键是靠标准化制作、工厂化生产、连锁化经营等现代快餐的发展方式:  相似文献   

位于昆明市的山寨苹果店被一位老外发上博客后,在国外着实火了一把。这家店在招牌上赫然写着“Apple Store”,店内装修、工作人员着装也仿照苹果公司的官方旗舰店。  相似文献   

本文在综合国内外学者的研究文献的基础上,以新华书店为例,通过实地问卷调查收集真实数据,对数据进行检验和统计分析后进一步研究顾客不良行为对其他顾客的影响程度以及其他顾客会作何反应,并根据调查结果为商家提供减少顾客不良行为和优化消费环境的具有普适性的管理对策:加强对影响强烈的不良行为的监管力度、建立奖惩措施提高店内规则约束力、优化店内布局提供必要服务设施、宣传文明消费理念设置规范标识、提高店员处理顾客不良行为的能力和树立正确的服务理念。  相似文献   

走进德克士四川内江店.明亮跳跃的装潢.轻松愉悦的流行歌曲.说着普通话的年轻店员.与麦当劳.肯德基类似的餐点和价位.如果忽略招牌上“德克士”三个字.会让人感觉这家店几乎就是麦当劳.肯德基的翻版。  相似文献   

本文在综合国内外学者的研究文献的基础上,以新华书店为例,通过实地问卷调查收集真实数据,对数据进行检验和统计分析后进一步研究顾客不良行为对其他顾客的影响程度以及其他顾客会作何反应,并根据调查结果为商家提供减少顾客不良行为和优化消费环境的具有普适性的管理对策:加强对影响强烈的不良行为的监管力度、建立奖惩措施提高店内规则约束力、优化店内布局提供必要服务设施、宣传文明消费理念设置规范标识、提高店员处理顾客不良行为的能力和树立正确的服务理念。  相似文献   

在罗马市中心的维多里奥广场附近街区,华人贸易商店鳞次栉比,掩映在白底红字的中文招牌下。  相似文献   

根据对A零售企业城北店的仓储管理所进行实际调查,通过阐述和分析该零售企业仓储管理的现状,结合仓储管理相关的前沿理论和实践成功经验,对A零售企业城北店仓储管理存在的问题提出相应的对策,对A零售企业城北店仓储管理具有一定的现实指导意义。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effects on job shop performance of setting and attempting to enforce operation due dates for jobs. It does so by comparing via simulation the performance of priority dispatching rules when employed to enforce operation due dates versus job due dates. The results indicate that operation due dates improve every conventional measure of job shop performance.  相似文献   


This paper examines the experience of UK charities in the aftermath of the global financial crisis. The focus of this paper is on charities in the specific study setting of the city. The city is an important location in contemporary society. Resource dependency theory is used to analyse the attenuated position of charities in one city. This study reveals the fragility of city–charity partnerships because of the impact of the global financial crisis on public finances.  相似文献   

Understanding household leisure and shopping behavior is an important component of market research, shop location decisions, travel behavior, and consumer behavior studies. This paper estimates a gravity model of travel behaviors related to leisure and shopping trips in the Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan, based on a 1998 survey data set by Poisson regression. The overall results indicate that GDP per capita of cities of origin and of destination, population, train stations, and store area of the destination city affect trip flow positively. Intercity distance, store areas in the city of origin, and higher density in the city of origin negatively affect trip flow. Different variables distinctly affect the shopping behavior for different commodities.  相似文献   

宋珍 《价值工程》2012,31(11):311-313
公共标识牌作为城市生活的"指引者",特别是对外来人的指引作用之大。同时也是城市素质的窗口,在体现一个城市文明的同时为社会服务。榆林市的公共标识牌的中英文翻译带来了不可忽视的不良后果。所以通过"借鉴——引进——创造"的公共标识牌翻译模式对于改进榆林市的公共标识牌中英文翻译的是必不可少的。  相似文献   

城市户外广告设置规划初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邱晓红 《城市问题》2006,(6):70-74,78
以户外广告的形式、内容、存在问题等为分析切入点,借鉴国内外户外广告管理的先进经验和做法,从公众利益和城市景观要求出发,研究完善城市户外广告设置规划,提出可操作性较强的户外广告设置指引,为户外广告管理提供具体的指导和依据,从而使户外广告逐步走向和谐化、美观化和有序化.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to investigate due date setting procedures and dispatching decisions in a flow line cell with family setups. In this environment, setups are not required when switching from a job in a given family to a job in the same family. However, switching from a job in one family to a job in another family requires a setup. Family setups in this shop are sequence independent. The dispatching decisions in this shop are threefold: (1) when should the decision to switch from one part family to another be made; (2) once the decision to switch families is made, how should the next part family be chosen (next family decision); and (3) how should the jobs within a family be prioritized (next job decision)? If the decision to switch classes can only be made after the current family is exhausted, the rule is called a class exhaustion rule. Otherwise the rule is a truncated rule. The results indicate that the due date setting procedure has a major impact on how dispatching should be performed in the shop. The family exhaustion procedure using the APT next family rule and the SPT next job rule is the best performer for mean flow time. When setup times are long, the SEQ due date rule using the family exhaustion procedure with the FCFS next family and the EDD next job rules performed well for due date criteria. When setup times are short, the EDD/T, Sawicki truncation rule and the family exhaustion rules performed well for due date criteria.  相似文献   

马吉英  张晓 《中国企业家》2012,(Z1):104-107,13
在中国汽车市场持续升温的大背景下,成都沉寂已久的汽车冲动也被唤醒,并形成了自己的发展逻辑。这个城市和生活在此的人们的命运,就此被改变在成都东郊,围绕着始自南宋的龙泉古城而建的成都经济技术开发区(龙泉驿),在很多方面都像极了20世纪初的底特律,抑或70年前的德国狼堡。过去几年,成都这座以文化休闲为标签的西南城市发生了不少跟汽车有关的故事,包括2009年腾  相似文献   

We study competition between two shopping centers that sell the same set of goods and are located at the extremes of a linear city, without restricting consumers to make all their purchases at a single place. In the case of competition between a shopping mall (set of independent single-product shops) and a department store (single multiproduct shop), we find that: if the number of goods is low, all consumers shop at a single place; if it is moderately high, some consumers travel to both shopping centers to buy each good where it is cheaper (a single good is cheaper at the shopping mall). The shops at the mall, taken together, obtain a lower profit than the department store. Nevertheless, two shopping malls should be expected to appear endogenously.  相似文献   

赵悦 《价值工程》2014,(26):262-263
公示语广泛应用于生活中的方方面面,其英译具有重要的意义,它不仅可以为外国游客提供直接导引,而且对一个城市的都市形象也起着重要的提升作用。本文梳理了2014青岛世园会公示语英译现状,提出了具体的语用翻译失误之处并给出建议翻译版本。  相似文献   

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