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Competition in telecommunications   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper discusses the scope for competition in the telecommunicationsindustry, taking into account the features of natural monopoly,network externalities, and customer inertia. Recent policy towardscompetition in the industry in the UK is surveyed, with an emphasison access pricing and interconnection. Finally, recent theoreticaldevelopments in the economics of access pricing and interconnectionare discussed and shown to lend some support for aspects ofcurrent policy in the UK.  相似文献   

集群竞争分为恶性竞争和品牌竞争两种类型,在缺乏品牌支撑的集群结构情形下,会形成恶性竞争状态,恶性竞争会消除集群企业的内在激励,造成集群整体状况的破坏。在集群内具有品牌支撑的情形下,集群会形成品牌竞争的状态,品牌竞争能够驱动企业加强创新投入,提升投入要素的利用效率.为顾客提供更多价值。品牌竞争具有认知性特征,集群的市场共享、地理集中、社会文化特征等是驱动品牌竞争的重要要素。加强品牌建设是治理集群恶性竞争,形成品牌竞争的重要措施:  相似文献   

This paper explores the role of competition policy in shaping a business environment that will encourage firms to improve their efficiency and competitiveness. After discussing the scope and objectives of competition policy, and whether a liberal trade and investment regime can substitute for, or should complement, a competition law, the paper offers an assessment of Indonesia's new competition law. Its shortcomings include a serious lack of clarity about objectives and a confusion between objectives and the means to achieve them; a failure to distinguish between various kinds of monopoly; a tendency to prohibit certain activities and agreements between firms without a clear analysis of the underlying economics involved; unnecessary and counterproductive exemptions from the provisions of the law; and failure to confront the reality that the principal obstacle to competition in the past has been unwarranted government intervention in markets.  相似文献   

刘澎 《走向世界》2008,(7):80-83
春暖花开,想去大自然走走的心蠢蠢欲动。但是一家人出游,开两厢的轿车总觉得嫌挤,走崎岖的坡路还替妖贵的车身心疼。这时候,就该城市SUV登场了。这些越野车的“改良品种”不但保留了庞大车身和四轮驱动装置,走烂路的能务也有所保留,不管是入门级的,还是豪门出身,都能带你到不一样的地方,下面就让我们来推荐几款排量为2.4L,最适合你的SUV座驾吧。  相似文献   

哲理的故事:斯瓦伯手下有一位厂长,厂里的工人总是不能达到生产指标。“怎么回事?”斯瓦伯问道,“像你这样能干的人,为什么不能使工人完成规定的生产指标呢?”  相似文献   

The privatization of the railways in Britain is almost complete.The article describes the method of privatization, where a verticallyintegrated state-owned monopoly has been broken up into a monopolytrack company, three monopolistic owners of passenger rolling-stock,25 franchised passenger train operating companies, a freightoperating company, and large numbers of suppliers of services.The author explains the potential for competition within thiscomplex structure, in an industry which has been steadily losingits share of the transport market for some 70 years. Attentionis drawn to the absence of any clear criteria for continuedpublic subsidy and to the tensions which exist between the Regulatorand other players in the industry.  相似文献   

Competition in the water industry   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The paper discusses competition in the water industry in theUK, with the focus on product-market competition. Water hastraditionally been seen as an industry characterized by regionalor local natural monopoly, with franchising and contractingout, yardstick competition, and capital market competition beingfeasible, but not direct competition. Policy proposals for (I)inset appointments, (ii) common carriage, and (iii) cross-bordercompetition are assessed. The effect of potential competitionfrom inset appointments has been the introduction of quantitydiscounts for large users. In practice, the threat of competitionis likely to make tariffs more cost-reflective, and there willprobably be little effect on average tariff levels.  相似文献   

电信重组了,随之而来的是其全业务运营.国外运营商在全业务运营方面已经走在了前面,其成失败对国内运营商来说都有很多宝贵经验值得借鉴. 如果把电信市场比喻成一个立方体,横向是固网(长途、市话、IP电话等)、宽带(互联网接入等)、无线(移动通信、卫星通信等);纵向足网络接入、基础业务、增值业务、内容提供等.从重组前的市场结构来看,中国电信、中国网通等同网运营商在接入业务方面缺少蜂窝移动业务经营权,中同移动则缺少固定接入业务经营权.  相似文献   

Competition in the Pay-TV Market   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper discusses competition in the emerging pay-TV market. Economic features of the industry are described, and the current state of the market in the UK is summarized. Two simple formal models of the industry are analyzed: First the danger of two vertically integrated pay-TV networks entering into collusive agreements to exchange programming with each other is discussed; second, the private and social incentives for signing exclusive contracts for premium programming are analyzed. J. Japan. Int. Econ., December 1999, 13(4), pp. 257–280. Nuffield College, Oxford OX1 1NF, United Kingdom. Copyright 1999 Academic Press.Journal of Economic Literature Classification Numbers: D43, L13, L41, L82.  相似文献   

本文以长虹企业为典型案例 ,借助产业组织理论有关模型 ,分析了竞争性行业企业竞争策略转变的内在原因 ,揭示了价格战是企业和产业组织发展到一定阶段的产物 ,随着行业成熟度的提高和企业实力的增强 ,价格竞争会逐渐为差异化竞争所取代。  相似文献   

今年6月8日,日本科学家将不久前认定出约1000个与脑血栓有关的人体基因申请了国际专利。据新闻媒体报道,申请国际专利的是日本大学先进医学综合研究中心的科学家。这家研究中心从美国购买了先进的基因分析装置,应用“基因芯片”与取自人体的基因进行对照,认定约有1000个人体基因与脑血栓有关。研究中心的负责人石川表示,他们下一步将详细分析这些基因的作用,并把研究成果应用于开发脑血栓诊断方法和治疗药物。 国际媒体认为,日本的行动不过是时下最时髦的基因抢夺——人类进入新世纪的一场新的圈地运动中的一个插曲。如今,人类有限的基因资源正在做着一次性分配,获取基因效率最高和数量最多的企业,有望利用其基因专利来垄断未来生物和制药工业市场。信息技术界巨子比尔·盖茨说,下一个创造出更大财富的人将出现在基因领域。科学家说,人类基因组计划可以说是人类有史以来最为伟大的认识自身的世纪工程。  相似文献   

吴昆  黎青 《走向世界》2014,(49):95-95
看着新闻中各式各样的"拼爹"闹剧,感慨的同时也庆幸自己有一个平凡的家庭和平淡的生活,拼爹这种事离我们很遥远,更何况我自己都是当爹的人了。可是近期又"拼儿子"又让我感到一阵无奈。其实"拼儿子"说得上是源远流长了。孩子们从小到大的成绩都是家长们津津乐道的,家里有个成绩好的孩子总是会被羡慕的,在场合上脸上也有光。  相似文献   

在国际竞争中调整产业结构   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
在中国加入WTO后,我们要充分考虑世界科技加快发展和国际经济结构加速重组的趋势,以统一的市场现、资源现来进行产业结构的战略性调整。产业结构调整的重要目标应是提高国际竞争力。本文着重分析加入WTO后,在市场本能驱动下我国可能出现的产业结构低度化趋势,以及政府如何与市场力量结合,渡过这个适应性调整阶段。文章的重点是指出比较优势与竞争优势的不同,政府的重要作用是在国际产业结构调整的大背景下,遵循市场经济的规律来培育竞争优势。  相似文献   

目标客户群的细分,实质上即是楼盘自身的细分。其实那种早期粗线条的划分,在前几年的楼市也并非没有,但多是模糊不清的。以至于如今,众多的项目都在削尖了头给自己的楼盘寻找主题:运动、健康、生态、旅游、智能等等不一而足,让人眼花缭乱而异常活泼。无论那种形式的复合地产,都在以自己的主题甑别和挑选目标客户。这或许就是地产市场分众时代的开端,仅仅只是把脚搁在起跑线上而已。但是,这多少证明了以市场化为导向的胜利。  相似文献   

栾晨风  季义流 《特区经济》2005,(11):118-119
市场之所以是资源配置的重要手段,是因为竞争的存在,竞争是一只“看不见的手”,起到了优胜劣汰的功能,资源使用效率高的企业发展壮大,资源使用效率低的企业破产清算,使资源得到有效、合理配置。之所以说竞争是“看不见的手”,是因为竞争是自发的,没有经过人为安排的,自发没有经  相似文献   

近年来,东亚地区双边多边自由贸易协定加速发展,但拥有巨大合作潜力的中国和日本在探讨自由贸易协定方面却出现了相反的势头,日本不仅回避与中国建立自由贸易区,在东亚地区与中国展开了签署自由贸易协定的竞争,而且在中日关系不和谐的情况下继续制造矛盾。实际上,这些现象是日本实现政治军事大国战略目标的重要组成部分,其原因可以从日本外交政策中找到合乎逻辑的解释。  相似文献   

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