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电子商务逐渐成为市场交易的主要渠道,对于电子商务实训课程来说,要构建一个基于虚拟环境下的实训模式,在虚拟环境下完成电子商务的基本技能、专业技能和综合能力的实训,通过模拟实际经营来提升学生实际操作能力,降低实训的成本。  相似文献   

当前,职业院校中餐厅实训课程是一门核心实训课程,通过此门课程的学习,不仅要使学生熟悉餐厅服务员的理论知识和客人的消费心理。掌握服务员的操作技能和服务技巧,完成客人用餐需求服务的程序,同时也要培养学生主动服务意识、语言沟通技巧、合作能力、热情服务的能力,并形成良好的职业道德。餐厅实训课的教学中,渗透职业道德教育非常必要。  相似文献   

场景模拟教学法是一种再现、直现、形象、生动的教学方法.能够较好提高教学效果.文章阐述了场景模拟训练在中职学校文秘专业<办公设备使用与维护>实训教学中的具体实施方法、收获与问题探讨,旨在为该课程实训教学探索多种有效途径,以不断提高学生现代化办公设备操作技能.  相似文献   

随着职业学校课程改革的深入,我在校企双主体办学思想的指导下,不断把医药企业文化渗透到专业教学中,药物制剂实训课程教学系统得以不断发展,逐步完善。在教学课堂和企业生产中不断实践,我校实训处逐渐探索出一套适合学生,适合实训课堂,适合学校及模拟企业的课程评价体系——双向多元评价体系。该评价体系融合了学校原有的理论课程评价体系和企业对员工的考核奖惩理念,是以操作技能为核心,以企业运行模式为基点的实训课程评价系统。  相似文献   

电子商务实训是高职院校经管类专业的必修课,选择合适的实训平台,用项目化任务来培训学生的操作技能,可以达到较好的教学效果,有利于学生的就业和创业.  相似文献   

本文介绍了笔者为加强电工实训在教学内容、教学模式、考核机制三方面的几点思考和做法,来达到提高电工实训的教学效果,增强学生的动手能力和操作技能水平的目的.  相似文献   

《国际贸易综合实训》是一门理论与实践紧密结合的课程,能够充分培养学生的创新思维能力和实践操作技能。文章通过对高职国际贸易综合实训取得的效果和存在的问题进行分析,提出了进一步上好国际贸易综合实训课的建议。  相似文献   

李艳 《电子商务》2012,(8):78-79
实验教学在电子商务教学中占据很重要的地位,主要是由于电子商务本身是一门实践性很强的学科,学生只有通过实践操作才能真正理解电子商务相关理论、学习电子商务方法和提高操作技能。目前,高校纷纷建立相应实验室用于满足教学需求。在这一环境背景下,山西大学商务学院电子银行模拟实验室的建立为电子银行系统提供了一个良好的实验环境,为了解电子银行系统的结构与工作原理、各种设备的功能与作用及其之间的相互集成方法、为教师研究银行信息系统和学生进行相关课程设计和毕业设计提供了专业化的研究平台。本文分析了电子商务实验教学中存在的问题,对我院基于电子银行模拟实验室的电子商务实验教学进行了分析,提出了"教师讲解+真实电子商务交易环境+企业专业人员现身说法式培训"的实训式教学新模式。  相似文献   

目前一些技工院校顺应适应市场需求都开设了电子商务专业,我们学校从2009年就开设了本专业,通过前期的调研和取证,我们依托课程的教学大纲,制定相应的专业教学计划和安排,在相关的课程领域也开设了一些专业实训教学内容,重点是让学生在掌握理论知识之外,也要学习一些与市场挂钩的操作技能,更多的是培养学生综合能力提升,在平时的教学活动中,就如何开展实训教学方面进行了探索和研究,从结果来看学生对于实训课程比较陌生,主要是在教学中有些一些老师一味追求电子商务理念的培养,没有突出专业特点,毕业在专业实习中难以运用学校的知识去解决实践问题,通过借鉴和参考兄弟学校电子商务专业的实训教学经验,并结合我校的实际情况,就搞好电子商务实训课教学进行了有效的分析和研究。  相似文献   

高职教育的实习实训是完成专业理论教学任务之后,学生将所学的专业理论与技能到社会进行应用、巩固、提高的过程,是学校课堂教学的延续,是利用社会力量提高学生的知识水平和操作技能的有效途径。结合高职教育培养目标,探究了实习实训高效管理的新方法,构建和完善实践教学的课程体系。让学生在实习实训过程中得到锻炼和发展,使学生毕业后能够顺利就业。  相似文献   

In order for businesses to remain competitive it is suggested that across industry there is a requirement for ‘higher and broader’ skills. Universities have an important role to play in satisfying the need for higher level skills training for businesses of all sizes. With respect to small firms, the training and development provided by universities has traditionally been founded upon an educational/large firm model. In order to make significant in-roads into the small firm training market it is argued that universities need to attend more closely to the specific needs of client organisations. One way in which the small firm higher level skills training market can be segmented is in terms of sector. The present study examines the higher level skills training needs of a sample of UK small firms from the perspective of sectoral variations. Differences between firms occupying different sectors were observed in terms of funding of training, responsibility for training and types of higher level skills training undertaken. Attitudes towards universities as training providers were generally favourable with little inter-sectoral variation. It is argued that these findings need to be taken into account if universities are to address the real, as opposed to perceived or presumed, needs of small businesses. A systematic-collaborative model of the customer-supplier relationship for the small firm training market is put forward.  相似文献   

There is persistent evidence over several decades that the UK lags behind its international competitors in terms of the skills and qualifications of its workforce, with a detrimental impact on overall economic performance. The most recent attempt by the UK government to address this includes a new strategy aimed at increasing the degree of integration between skills policy and employment policy in the UK. In light of this development, this review paper considers the extensive international evidence on the role and effectiveness of training and skills interventions, as part of a broader portfolio of active labour market policies. The review concludes that while large‐scale, ‘broad brush’ schemes have little impact as part of such a portfolio, more targeted programmes addressing specific skill needs may have some impact on employment chances of workless groups.  相似文献   

海洋旅游人才培养必须注重海洋专业知识与技能方面的培养。院校应根据市场需求,与各具优势的建立动态联盟的海洋旅游人才培养模式。建立动态联盟的培养模式,关键是选择正确的合作伙伴,要有特色、有针对性,从而使海洋旅游人才培养具有动态性、优势互补性、资源共享性、可行性。  相似文献   

孙小兵 《中国广告》2012,(1):121-123
实践教学是高校人才培养过程中的一个不可或缺的重要组成部分。本文结合地方高校广告学专业的培养目标以及人才市场对广告从业人员的技能要求,对地方高校广告学专业实践教学体系的构建进行了研究,并对实践教学体系的构建以及人才培养模式进行了分析和探讨。  相似文献   

This paper studies the link between jobs mismatch and the impact of information technologies (ITs) on the efficiency of small service firms. From the perspective of job matching theory, the paper explores how small service firms that use ITs obtain an optimal matching between new skill requirements and workforce skills. The hypotheses suggest that optimal equilibrium will be obtained by matching IT intensity to ITs training and the proportion of workers with high educational levels. The study tests the hypotheses on a large sample of small services firms in Spain. The results confirm that matching the educational levels of the workforce with the IT intensity of the firm increases the efficiency of small service firms, while mismatch will decrease it. The contribution of IT training to firms' efficiency depends on training intensity but not on IT intensity.  相似文献   

This exploratory research examines students' perceptions of a capstone business simulation game by identifying (a) courses that were most useful in preparing students for the simulation and (b) interpersonal skills students found most helpful when working with teammates on the simulation. Also identified are the simulation's impact on student understanding of business disciplines and additional interpersonal skills training desired by the students. By studying these later topics, faculty members can alter their course design so that students are better prepared for their capstone course simulation. Finally, connections between the simulation participation and attitudes toward employment and career success are explored.  相似文献   

旅游管理专业校内综合实训的意义在于为学生提供培养综合管理能力的训练平台,其最终目标是符合就业市场的需求。因此。设计旅游管理专业校内综合管理实训的内容体系应沿着以下思路进行:从征询就业市场对旅游管理专业毕业生的核心能力需求入手——设计以问题为导向的综合训练内容体系——设计综合实训与课程教学相结合的备选方案——在创新校内实训的运行方式中遴选好的方案。  相似文献   

实践教学在高校人才培养中有着特殊的地位。经管类专业ERP沙盘模拟教学是"将企业搬进课堂",实现理论与实践全面结合的一种体验式教学模式。通过ERP沙盘模拟演练,不仅可以强化经管专业学生的管理知识和管理技能,还可以全面提升他们的综合素质,实现人才培养目标。  相似文献   

The reasons which have been offered to explain the low labour market success encountered by ethnic minorities in Britain include their possible lack of motivation, lack of qualification and training opportunities, and discrimination in the labour market. Whilst discrimination as a contributory factor to labour market exclusion has been widely discussed in the literature, the efficacy of Government sponsored training schemes designed to equip ethnic minorities with skills which may improve their competitiveness and reduce their disadvantage has been subjected to less scrutiny. This article provides an evaluation of the role of Government sponsored employment training programmes in reducing ethnic minorities’ disadvantaged position in the labour market. It argues that training programmes designed to improve employment opportunities are failing members of the ethnic minority communities and are in some cases helping to extend their disadvantage. It identifies the reasons for the failure as (1) the constant changes in Government policies with the development of sometimes contradictory policies, and (2) the inefficiency and prejudice of the training and employing organisations which are involved in the process. The article concludes with an assessment of the consequences of continuing discrimination against ethnic minority communities.  相似文献   

Consumer education is an important EU and United Nations priority. In most countries’ formal education systems, it is not a single discipline in its own right, but a cross‐curricular subject involving many areas of the school curriculum. Adult consumers are expected to be critical and informed consumers but may not know how to acquire the appropriate skills. The formal school system in many countries has failed to deliver these skills and values and adults need consumer education through both formal and informal means. With increasingly varied societies consumer education will help to produce active socially responsible citizens and citizenship is an essential element of the delivery of consumer education to adults. It is particularly important that consumer education should reach the vulnerable groups in society. Increasing globalisation and business power necessitate ethical and sustainable business practices; an informed, educated and empowered consumer will strengthen the market place to the benefit of both consumers and business. Unlike school education, adult education across Europe is fragmented with a mixture of formal education, including training for vocational qualifications, continuing and community education, and informal education, an essential contributor to life‐long learning delivered through media, women's groups, consumer groups and many other large and small organisations. The issues have been addressed by the EU Socrates supported CEA (Consumer Education for Adults) project which has 10 partners from 7 European countries drawn from non‐government organisations, teacher training and adult education institutions, universities and research institutes. The project has produced a training manual for adult consumer education, a training module, piloted in Vienna, which includes a handbook of teaching materials and a video, and has initiated a dialogue between consumers, consumer educators, business and producers.  相似文献   

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