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汪惠芬  应轶勍 《金卡工程》2010,14(5):162-163
盗窃罪的既遂未遂的界分关系到正确适用相关法律规定以及有效的打击盗窃犯罪,所以确定盗窃罪既遂与未遂的界分标准对司法实践有重要指导意义。对于判断盗窃罪的既遂与未遂的标准理论界上素有争议,而司法实践中对具体盗窃案件既遂的认定标准也各不相同。本文通过对接触说、隐匿说、转移说、失控说等判断盗窃既遂未遂的理论学说的分析,认为控制说能够帮助恰当的区分盗窃罪的既遂与未遂,并认为在司法实践具体运用控制说判断盗窃既遂时还需要结合行为时间、地点以及行为对象等具体情况进行分析才能作出正确的判断。  相似文献   

销售假冒注册商标行为中,若售出部分大于未售出部分会导致一罪中既遂、未遂并存问题出现。通过对销售假冒注册商标罪中既遂、未遂的认定、未遂形态如何定罪和应该如何定罪处罚等问题讨论。得出对销售伪劣的假冒注册商品行为,在未遂部分构成生产、销售伪劣产品罪的前提下,应按照法条竞合认定为行为构成生产、销售伪劣产品罪的结论。  相似文献   

轮奸作为强奸罪的法定加重情节,在刑法理论及司法实践中都存在较大的争议。本文将对轮奸成立的条件和定义重新诠释,并在对情节加重犯深入剖析的基础上,指出轮奸作为加重情节,其罪质与基本犯相同,其具备与否只对情节加重犯的成立有影响,而对情节加重犯的既遂、未遂没有影响。情节加重犯既遂、未遂能否成立取决于基本犯的既遂与否。  相似文献   

王晓英 《金卡工程》2010,14(2):103-103
绑架在日常生活中很常见,严重危害了人们的人身和财产的安全,危害了我国的社会管理秩序,给人们的生活带来很大的危害。关于绑架罪,我国的法律条文规定的很简单明了,只给我了司法适用的笼统标准,对于包罗万象的实质绑架案处理起来还是比较有争议的,所以有必要就架罪中客观要件中绑架罪的剥夺人身自由、绑架罪是否应将被绑架人劫离原地以及绑架罪既遂未遂的认定等问题进行了论理探讨,在主观要件就行为责任主体的予以司法梳理。希望能给司法实践中带来些许帮助。  相似文献   

挪用公款罪是我国司法实践中一种常见多发的犯罪,单位挪用公款归他人使用情况不应认定为挪用公款罪,但是单位负责人挪用公款的行为应根据其是否属于“擅自“挪用行为来决定对单位负责人是否按照挪用公款罪定罪处罚。“挪“与“用“的关系应该采用单一行为的观点,这样可以正确理解挪用公款罪的既遂与未遂问题,从而对行为人处罚时做到罪刑相适应。挪用公款不退还的,只要行为人主观上具有不退还的故意,就应该按照贪污罪定罪处罚。  相似文献   

正轮奸是我国刑法中强奸罪的一种加重情节,由于轮奸是二人以上所为,属于共同犯罪,司法实践中有时会出现部分行为人未得以实施奸淫的行为,即在这个轮奸共同犯罪中存在强奸既遂和强奸未遂的情形。轮奸中未得逞者行为性质如何认定及处理,在理论和司法实践中存在较多争议。"一人既遂,全体既遂"是通说对共同实行犯归责的基本原理,但对于强奸罪这种实行行为具有不可替代性的犯罪,即使在共同实行犯的场合下,部  相似文献   

韩丽培 《金卡工程》2010,14(3):143-143
判断犯罪既遂与否的标准是行为人的行为是否齐备了犯罪构成的全部要件。在行为人对致人重伤、死亡持直接故意的罪过形式时存在抢劫罪结果加重犯的未遂。加重结果出现时,以及加重结果虽出现,但基冬犯未遂时成立抢劫罪结果加重犯未遂。在基本犯既遂,并且已经出现加重结果时构成抢劫罪结果加重犯的既遂。  相似文献   

蒋宏伟 《金卡工程》2010,14(7):124-124
合同诈骗罪作为新型经济犯罪,既保留了普通诈骗罪的一些共性特征外,又表现出自身特有的个性。这种个性主要体现在其犯罪构成的特殊性。鉴于本罪认定过程的复杂性,本文对司法实践中应注意的几个问题作了剖析,以期有助于司法实践中准确把握此罪的认定。  相似文献   

刑法中的故意犯罪停止形态,是指在犯罪过程当中,行为由于某种原因停顿下来完成犯罪的一种状态,主要表现为犯罪既遂、犯罪预备、犯罪未遂、犯罪中止。危险犯以危险状态出现与否作为既遂状态的标准,其也存在既遂、未遂两种停止形态。同时,危险犯还可转向实害犯,并成立实害犯的中止。  相似文献   

徐琴瑟  李云 《金卡工程》2010,14(11):29-30
在司法实践中,经常发生招摇撞骗罪与诈骗罪的竞合,而在立法和司法解释之中并没有进行明确的规定,学者们对这两种罪适用看法不一,司法实践中处理也各异,在此,笔者认为有必要对这两个罪名加以明确的区分。  相似文献   

现行刑法将金融诈骗罪单独设节作为刑法分则第三章第五节从而与分则第三章第四节破坏金融管理秩序罪形成独立、并列的关系。这种被视为突破刑法立法体例传统的做法引起理论上的争议。肯定金融诈骗罪单独设节的观点从社会危害性、罪刑法定原则、金融诈骗罪罪群以及便利实务适用等四个方面论证了这种做法的合理性,否定说的学者认为金融诈骗罪单独设节具有与立法体例不合、立法思路不一、无单独设节之必要以及与境外刑法立法趋势相悖等缺陷从而不应单独设节。本文从金融诈骗罪主要客体、金融犯罪逻辑体系以及刑事立法传统等方面论证了金融诈骗罪单独设节不具有合理性且一一回应了肯定说所提出的观点。本文认为,金融诈骗罪的主要客体是金融交易秩序,其是金融管理秩序的下位概念,金融诈骗罪应当划入破坏金融管理秩序罪分节之下。  相似文献   

民间借贷发轫于民间,其建立在个体信用基础之上,这种基于血缘、亲缘、地缘、业缘关系的个体信用容易监督,具有稳定性但不具有成长性。非法集资是以非法占有为目的,以虚构事实、隐瞒真相、虚假宣传的欺骗方法向不特定社会公众集资的犯罪行为。在我国,非法吸收公众存款、集资诈骗、高利转贷等相关联罪名均被列入非法集资。民间借贷与非法吸收公众存款、集资诈骗等刑事纠纷交织在一起,使当事人之间法律关系的性质难以准确判断,因此,民间借贷和非法集资刑民交叉案件成为司法实践中的"疑难杂症",回答这个现实问题,会受到如金融机构、市场、监管机构、公安机关、司法裁判机构等一系列因素的影响。本文从交叉案件现象、交叉案件实体法律关系研究、交叉案件程序处理方式研究、交叉案件裁判研究四方面展开,归纳民间借贷和非法集资刑民交叉案件的法律要点和裁判要旨,形成判断罪与非罪、罪轻与罪重的司法指引。  相似文献   

针对目前电信金融诈骗犯罪往往采用通过银行转账,ATM分散取款的作案手段,提出了在银行业务流程上增加主、副账户和在转账交易中引入T+1限制的办法堵住销赃渠道,可以有效遏制此类犯罪案件的滋生。在此基础上,提出捕捉和监控疑似犯罪的交易信息,建立金融数据溯源平台,从而在技术上为报案侦查和追回损失提供了支撑条件,震慑金融诈骗犯罪的企图。最后讨论了基于数据抽取平台的金融数据溯源系统的技术架构。  相似文献   

金融诈骗犯罪的新型特征与定罪模式的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文根据近年来我国金融诈骗犯罪的新型特征,结合我国金融诈骗罪的定罪模式特点,对其中的缺陷进行了分析,并提出了改进的建议。  相似文献   

The quintessential crime of the information age is identity theft, the malicious use of personal identifying data. In this paper we model “identity” and its use in credit transactions. Various types of identity theft occur in equilibrium, including “new account fraud,” “existing account fraud,” and “friendly fraud.” The equilibrium incidence of identity theft represents a tradeoff between a desire to avoid costly or invasive monitoring of individuals on the one hand, and the need to control transactions fraud on the other. Our results suggest that technological advances will not eliminate this tradeoff.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the impact of changes in regulatory priorities and resource allocation on criminal enforcement of white‐collar criminal activities. Using the 9/11 terrorist attacks as a shock to the FBI's priorities and allocation of investigative resources, as well as variation in the Muslim population in the United States, I examine whether prioritization of counterterrorism investigations after 9/11 is associated with weaker enforcement of laws targeting white‐collar crime. I then use a difference‐in‐differences estimation to study the magnitude of any increase in white‐collar crime resulting from reduced oversight. I find a significantly greater reduction in white‐collar criminal cases referred by FBI field offices that shifted more of their investigative focus away from white‐collar crime to counterterrorism. Further, geographic areas in the jurisdictions of FBI field offices with greater shifts in attention from white‐collar crime to counterterrorism experienced greater increases in wire fraud, illegal insider‐trading activities, and fraud within financial institutions.  相似文献   


This paper is primarily concerned with organized crime structures and how they adapt and modify to take advantage of fraud opportunities. It is illustrated with case studies which show a growing capability within UK organized crime to pool and deploy criminal monies in legitimate markets. The theme and purpose of the paper is to raise awareness of this in a way that encourages collaborative and strategic responses from law enforcement and relevant institutions, including academia.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to examine whether internal auditors, external auditors and economic crime investigators perceive the importance of red flags as significantly different across two fraud types: fraudulent financial reporting and misappropriation of assets, as well as across within-subject categories. A total of 471 useable responses were collected using a web-based survey. The findings indicate that significant differences exist on both single and aggregate mean levels among the participant groups. Internal auditors report a higher perceived importance of the red flags related to detecting misappropriation of assets than of those related to fraudulent financial reporting, whereas the opposite is true for economic crime investigators. For external auditors, only small differences in aggregate means between misappropriation of assets and fraudulent financial reporting were found. As the sensitivity to fraud type may affect professional planning, procedures and techniques with regard to fraud prevention, detection and investigation, the results may have both practical and theoretical implications. Further, the focus on both fraud types adds to prior literature on fraud.  相似文献   

The GDV estimates the amount of insurance fraud across Germany to be € 4 billion per year. This work examines, using experimental approach, the role of insurance agents in insurance fraud. This research shows that fraud behavior is not only dependent on economic motives even though these can make financial sense for the agent. Different crime detection rates and reward scenarios do not lead to any significant differences in behavior. If the insurance agent, however, completed an apprenticeship in the insurance sector, then this agent generally has a lower willingness to support the customer when committing insurance fraud. Against this, specifically men (as a research category) and holders of several policies tend to be more susceptible to support customers in insurance fraud.  相似文献   

Detecting management fraud and assessing the risk of management fraud are significant issues confronting the auditing profession. Considerable theoretical and empirical research (Loebbecke, Eining, and Willingham, 1989; Bell, Szykowny, and Willingham, 1993; Fanning, Cogger, and Srivastava, 1995; and Hansen, McDonald, Messier, and Bell, 1996) has been accomplished investigating these issues. Building on this research, we demonstrate the construction of a rule-based fuzzy reasoning system to assess the risk of management fraud. The paper illustrates how fuzzy sets can be used intuitively to measure red flags on a categorical or interval scale, how different red flags can be combined using fuzzy rules, and how a single measure of the risk of management fraud can be derived. The knowledge base for this fuzzy reasoning system is developed by using the causal model of management fraud developed by Loebbecke, Eining and Willingham (1989), the empirical investigation of this model by Bell, Szykowny, and Willingham (1993), other researchers’ efforts and the authors’ judgments, using XpertRule software. The fuzzy reasoning system is tested using the fraud data provided by KPMG Peat Marwick. We discuss methods to magnify the knowledge base of this fuzzy reasoning system to make it a viable auditing tool, the costs and benefits of building a fuzzy reasoning system, and further extensions of this research. Copyright © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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