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绩效预算是20世纪公共预算管理的重大改革,是政府公共管理理念的重大转变。作为公共预算理性主义理念的应用,绩效预算对于提高政府预算决策的科学性和预算支出效率发挥了重要作用。然而,理性主义与现实主义的预算理念并不是完全矛盾的,在公共选择的视角下分析两种预算理念实际上是将公共预算作为政治程序的一部分,以经济的视角去分析其决策机制和最终要达到的绩效目标。同时,两种预算理念对于我国目前的预算改革也具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

肖筱环  黄瑞 《经济导刊》2009,(12):30-31
作为控制政府支出的一种重要手段,公共预算一直受到学界广泛关注,成为财政学、公共行政学的重要研究课题。在社会经济迅速发展的今天,我国应加快推进预算管理改革,使公共预算更加科学、准确,实现政府对经济状况的准确把握和对社会资源的最优配置。  相似文献   

程国琴 《当代财经》2012,(11):26-34
在公共预算改革进程中,社团的能动作用不容忽视。社团的普及可以唤醒和培育公众的公共精神,夯实公共预算改革的群众基础;社团的民间性和亲和力提高了公众参与预算的热情和有效性,权利保障成为预算改革的导向;社团的专业性和中立性监督并约束权力的行使,提高了公共预算的科学性和公信力。因此,充分重视并发挥社团在公共预算改革中的积极作用,将成为当下预算改革的一个突破口。  相似文献   

绩效预算制度不仅是一种新型的预算方法,它更是一种新的政府预算管理理念。对于提高我国财政预算的合理性具有巨大作用,在新公共管理视角下,推进我国绩效预算制度的改革是我国预算制度改革的必经之路。本文主要阐述了新公共管理视角下绩效预算的新特点和我国如何推进绩效预算制度改革两方面的内容。  相似文献   

近年来,西方实行的新绩效预算给中国预算改革提供了示范,先通过分析新绩效预算的主要特征、优点及其作为绩效预算核心的绩效合同,在此基础上探讨新绩效预算对中国公共预算改革的借鉴意义,通过对其分析得出新绩效预算是中国预算改革的远期目标。  相似文献   

王晓玲 《经济论坛》2006,(16):98-99
公共财政框架的确立要求政府理财必须基于提高公共福利的考虑。要实现公共福利的最大化,除了尽可能增加公共收入以提供公共产品,还必须保证在支出上高效的管理。预算管理和公共资产管理作为政府理财的“两驾马车”,是支出管理效率的关键所在。因此加强公共支出管理改革,就必须从预算管理改革和公共资产管理改革入手。一、政府预算管理和公共资产管理政府预算管理是指为了实现政府的行政职能和加强政权建设,保障各项社会事业的发展,依据法律赋予的权力,政府对保障行政和事业发展的收入和支出做出计划和安排。狭义的预算管理仅指政府部门对收…  相似文献   

为了建立具有中国特色、科学规范的管理型预算会计模式和运行机制,近年来,根据社会主义市场经济体制下财税体制及预算管理体制改革的要求,借鉴企业会计改革的成功经验和国际公共会计的习惯做法,中国先后对以前适用于计划经济及其相应的财政管理体制的预算会计进行了有计划、有步骤的改革。随着预算改革不断深入以及建立公共财政框架需要,当前探讨政府预算会计制度改革,运用权责发生制尤为重要。  相似文献   

参与式预算改革不仅彰显了民主的价值,而且还蕴含了深刻的经济学意义。参与式预算有助于实现公众偏好的表达、协调和统一,使公共资金的使用满足公众的真实需求,提高公共预算的效率。参与式预算提高了公共预算的透明度,矫正了社会公众和政府之间的信息不对称,降低了公众的信息搜寻成本和政府的道德风险。我国参与式预算的改革模式契合了我国的改革路径,即地方探索和创新、中央认可和支持,体现了中央和地方之间的合作博弈;参与式预算推动了地方政府间的竞争博弈,地方政府间的竞争博弈又促进了参与式预算的纵深发展。2014年8月31日通过的预算法修正案也为参与式预算的推进提供了相关的制度支持。  相似文献   

金展庆 《经济师》2008,(3):67-68
十七大报告中提到要“深化预算制度改革,强化预算管理和监督”。为了促进我国的政府预算水平,采用了比较、理论和实践结合等方法,从财政管理的角度对美国绩效预算的背景和做法进行了一定剖析。并认为从我国财政管理存在的问题出发,其具体做法有可借鉴性,但应当注意从我国实际出发,不能生搬硬套。  相似文献   

为了建立具有中国特色,科学规范的管理型预算会计模式和运行机制,近年来,根据社会主义市场体制下财税体制及预算管理体制改革的要求,借鉴企业会计改革的成功经验和国际公共会计的习惯做法,中国先后对以前适用于计划经济及其相应的财政管理体制的预算会计进行了有计划、有步骤的改革。  相似文献   

At the moment of its setting up the Economic and Monetary Union did not meet the criteria of the optimum currency area. Neither does it today. The crisis of public finance in the eurozone results from the abandonment public finance reforms, lack of consistency in enforcing the decision of the Stability and Growth Pact and, additionally, economic recession and financial crisis. Further functioning of the eurozone will depend on radical reforms of public finance and structural reforms enhancing efficiency of the market as an adjustment mechanism, and competitiveness of economies. The very establishment of the European Stabilization Mechanism and European Financial Stability cannot make up for the above mentioned necessary undertakings. It is important to change the socioeconomic model existing in the EU member countries.  相似文献   

One of the most important elements of financial crises is the credit restriction that follows and the immediate consequences it has on investment and employment. In the post-Keynesian vision, an exit from economic crises frequently requires increased demand, specifically through public expenditure and employment. Furthermore, it requires the exploration of various policies and institutional reforms that could counteract the credit rationing emerging from the first moments of the financial crisis, particularly in regard to the financing of small business. This is one of the principal lessons this paper explores when studying a sample of Mexican immigrant entrepreneurs in three cities in the United States, and their conditions of survival amid the financial crisis.  相似文献   

鼓励自主创新的财税政策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
储德银 《技术经济》2006,25(5):81-84,91
公共财政支持自主创新对于一国技术创新和经济发展具有重要意义。本文首先分析公共财政为什么要支持自主创新,其次在借鉴美国创新政策的基础上,提出支持自主创新的财税政策:财政支出政策、税收激励政策和相关配套政策。  相似文献   

Contrary to conventional macro theory, it is not the consumption function in terms of either the permanent income or the life-cycle theory of saving that has furnished the saving for enterprise capital formation in the United States. Household sector accounts indicate that household gross saving, correctly measured, did not exceed household gross capital formation in the United States over the period since 1947. Furthermore, historical data on enterprise saving and capital formation in the United States, and cross-section tax return data of U.S. corporations indicate that the gross saving for many enterprise sectors has been equal to or greater than their gross capital formation. There are exceptions, however: these same sources indicate that public utilities have borrowed substantially to finance their capital formation. Finally, it is argued that employer pension and insurance reserves held by financial institutions for future benefit payments represent retained income of a nature similar to undistributed profits, and that these constitute a source of saving in the economy.  相似文献   

We use a rare events logistic regression model as well as traditional probit and logit models to investigate the impact of fiscal consolidation on the likelihood of financial reforms for a panel of 17 countries over the period 1980–2005. We show that large austerity plans, mainly implemented through spending cuts rather than tax hikes, promote financial reforms. By considering reforms affecting specific areas of the financial sector, we find that the banking sector reforms and domestic finance reforms are more likely to occur when fiscal adjustments are put in place. Interestingly, while banking sector reforms are mainly prompted during periods of tax-driven consolidations, spending cuts driven consolidation packages seem to propel the implementation of domestic finance reforms. Finally, we show that higher inflation, lower degree of trade openness, a deterioration of financial conditions and, to some extent, a fall in the degree of competitiveness enhance the probability of financial reforms.  相似文献   

为了改善在整个旅游业中发挥基础性和主控性作用的中小旅游企业所面临的困难和挑战,以英国、美国、日本三个发达国家支持中小旅游企业发展所采取的财政政策为例,在对我国中小旅游企业的发展现状进行剖析的基础上,提出应适当借鉴发达国家的先进经验。从加大财政投入、资金融通、税收优惠、服务体系构建等几个方面归纳出财政支持的具体对策,以有力促进中小旅游企业的可持续发展并进而提升其行业地位。  相似文献   

农村政策性金融是国家保障农村社会强位弱势群体金融发展权和金融平等权的特殊制度安排.但由于内外种种原因,当前我国农村政策性金融改革发展中面临着一些问题及困境.本文依据行为金融学及结构方程模型等现代金融前沿理论与方法,通过实证分析,认为有关农村政策性金融的认知偏差、行为偏差和功能失调,对农村政策性金融发展困境具有正向影响,而且认知偏差与行为偏差对于农村政策性金融功能弱化也有显著的正相关关系,进而提出了相应的政策建议.  相似文献   

The United States?? federal government subsidizes local public finance through grants. Given projected U.S. deficits, this may prove untenable. Further, a broader range of policy instruments may offer more effective support of local governments. Herein four policies are considered beginning with current policy: federal deficit financed grants, federal placement, federal underwriting, and Federal Reserve System interventions. Options are evaluated in a general framework considering citizen and government objective functions. Policy recommendations are for interventions to specify terms of entry and exit (as with automatic stabilizers), and for initiation of contingency-simulation exercises to determine the potential of options identified herein.  相似文献   

In this paper we examine the dynamic relationship between interest rate reforms and economic growth in Tanzania using two tests. In the first test, we examine the impact of interest rate reforms on financial deepening using a financial deepening model. In the second test, we examine whether the financial deepening, which results from interest rate reforms, Granger‐causes economic growth – using a trivariate model. The empirical findings of our results reveal that there is a significant positive relationship between interest rate reforms and economic growth in Tanzania. However, the results fail to find any support for finance‐led growth.  相似文献   

对税收本质的重新思考——基于制度视角的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经过长期的理论争鸣,目前我国财政理论界对市场经济与公共财政间的内在联系已基本取得共识,实践中也早已确立构建适应我国市场经济发展的公共财政改革目标,但在公共财政及其公共性内涵的理解上尚存分歧.囿于西方主流经济学资源配置的视角,主流观点是从为市场提供公共产品、弥补市场失效的角度来定位公共财政.但从制度视角来看,市场交易不是表面上的资源配置而是其背后的权利配置.排他性产权的界定和保护是市场交易的前提与基础,而国家则在其中起着不可或缺的重要作用.理论逻辑与历史逻辑都表明.政府既可能有效地保护产权,也可能出于短期财政需要而随意侵犯产权,而只有产权通过立宪层面对政府权力施以硬性约束时才能予以有效克服.因此,基于产权与税收间的内在联系,树立新型税收本质观有利于在制度层面明确我国公共财政的立宪实质.  相似文献   

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