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知识产权保护的负面效应与发展中国家的回应性政策研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
陈宇峰  曲亮 《国际贸易问题》2005,53(11):123-127
文章立足于知识产权保护的负面效应,探究知识产权保护的中观基础,指出产业结构是决定知识产权保护效应的决定力量,有力地解释了不同经济发展水平下知识产权保护体现不同效应的原因,并从制度层面和产业层面指出了发展中国家的回应性策略。  相似文献   

奥运会营销中的知识产权保护与特许权运用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代奥运会营销的成功得力于对奥林匹克知识产权的保护和市场化运作,其中完整的知识产权体系的建立和日趋完备的法律保护,为国际奥委会和各组办国以特许经营的形式运用奥林匹克知识产权,提高现代奥运会的经济价值和社会价值发挥了重要作用,对促进特许经营在我国的健康发展也具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

张倩 《江苏商论》2022,(1):26-29
区块链(Block Chain)技术的发展为知识产权保护提供了有力武器,在知识产权溯源治理、登记确权、侵权存证、产权交易、知识产权金融等领域提供了新的可能。研究区块链技术在知识产权确权、维权以及溯源治理方面的法律机制,有助于知识产权法律体系的更新迭代,也有助于国家知识产权战略的推进。  相似文献   

The design, manufacture, distribution, and sale of software constitutes a rapidly growing and remarkably lucrative global industry. Leaders of most software companies understand that intellectual property rights (IPR) typically are vital to competitive advantage and company success. Theft of intellectual property (IP) in the form of software piracy is brazen, extremely costly, lowers incentives to innovate, and threatens the very existence of some companies. IP theft, therefore, is a daunting challenge for managers of software firms. In this article, we make several contributions that should prove helpful to software designers, managers, responsible users, and broad stakeholders of software innovation and use—that is, almost all of us. In doing so, we provide an overview of international legal, ethical, economic, and systemic considerations, and we share an analysis of the drivers of consumer software piracy. We then discuss strategic considerations and introduce a decision-making typology, which may help legitimate companies to devise strategies and tactics to manage their software IP in the face of widespread piracy.  相似文献   

自《内地与香港、澳门关于建立更紧密经贸关系的安排》(CEPA)实施以来,粤港澳一直将知识产权保护作为三地间实现贸易便利化、自由化过程中的一项重要任务。由于粤港澳三地间法律制度的差异,产生了管辖权、冲突法、实体法以及司法协助等诸多方面的冲突,这些差异直接导致三地间知识产权法律纠纷的发生。在粤港澳大湾区建设中,需要基于粤港澳现有知识产权法律制度,通过完善立法,强化司法和执法保护,纾解粤港澳大湾区现有知识产权法律冲突的困境,创新知识产权纠纷解决机制,以知识产权发展推动科技创新,为推进粤港澳大湾区建设营造良好的法治环境。  相似文献   

Western attempts to obtain Chinese compliance with intellectual property rights have a long history of failure. Most discussions of the problem focus on either legal comparisons or explanations arising from levels of economic development (based primarily on the example of U.S. disregard for such rights during the 18th and 19th centuries). After decades of heated negotiation, intellectual property rights is still one of the major issues of misunderstanding between the West and the various Chinese political entities. This paper examines the sources of this problem from the standpoint of traditional Chinese social and political philosophy (specifically Neo-Confucianism). It points out that the basic assumptions about the nature of intellectual property, which arose during the 17th and 18th centuries in Europe, are fundamentally at odds with the traditional Chinese view of the role of intellectuals in society. It suggests that policies which do not take these differences into account, but which attempt to transfer Western legal concepts without the underlying social constructs are responsible for much of the lack of success in the area of intellectual property rights.Dr. Lehman is professor of Business Administration at the University of Alaska Fairbanks, where he also holdsan appointment in the Department of Philosophy in East Asian philosophy, and serves as Director of International Programs  相似文献   

特许经营是21世纪国际经济贸易的主要商业经营模式。特许经营的核心是包括商标、专利、商业秘密等知识产权以及产品经销权、经营模式所构成的特许权的使用许可,特许人以此对被特许人进行持续的监督、控制。而知识产权本身是一种合法的垄断权,常常被滥用而引起限制竞争的效果。西方主要国家均对特许经营进行反垄断法规制,而且立法日趋严格,对我国具有借鉴意义,我国应建立完善以反垄断法为核心的法律体系,用以规制特许经营中的知识产权滥用行为。  相似文献   

先进制造业和现代服务业融合是顺应新一轮科技革命和产业变革、增强制造业核心竞争力,更是推进粤港澳大湾区经济转型升级的关键点和构建现代产业体系的主攻方向。本文在厘清两业融合发展基础概念的基础上,以现代服务业的重要组成知识产权服务业为切入点,尝试构建分析研判新一代信息技术产业和知识产权服务业发展融合度的指标体系。在此基础上,本文聚焦新一代信息技术产业开展了实证研究,结果显示当前湾区内新一代信息技术产业与知识产权服务业存在着需求定位不清晰、服务不规范等问题,两业融合状况仍有较大提升空间。据此,本文围绕合作路径、业务关联、业态模式、政策环境等维度提出了若干对策建议,以期为保障现代服务业推动粤港澳大湾区先进制造业高质量发展提供了有益参考。  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2017,60(2):207-217
Tapping into the creativity of a crowd can provide a highly efficient and effective means of acquiring ideas, work, and content to solve problems. But crowdsourcing solutions can also come with risks, including the legal risks associated with intellectual property. Therefore, we raise and address a two-part question: Why—and how—should organizations deal with intellectual property issues when engaging in the crowdsourcing of solutions? The answers lie in understanding the approaches for acquiring sufficient intellectual property from a crowd and limiting the risks of using that intellectual property. Herein, we discuss the hazards of not considering these legal issues and explain how managers can use appropriate terms and conditions to balance and mitigate the risks associated with soliciting solutions from a crowd. Based on differences in how organizations acquire intellectual property and limit associated risks, we identify and illustrate with examples four approaches for managing intellectual property (passive, possessive, persuasive, and prudent) when crowdsourcing solutions. We conclude with recommendations for how organizations should use and tailor the approaches in our framework to source intellectual property from a crowd.  相似文献   

This study examines the institutional arrangements that define the characteristics of national legal systems that are used to protect intellectual property (IP) assets embedded in outward FDI. The focus of the study is on how the institutional underpinnings of IPR regimes affect the costs and risk of using legal arenas to enable effective use of IP assets. Following a property rights approach it is postulated that formal and informal institutional arrangements influence how IP regimes affect the transaction costs and risk associated with converting ownership rights over IP into economic rights. Informal institutions are considered to affect the behaviour of agents involved in enforcing legal rights. This behaviour influences how IP law is implemented in legal arenas and thereby impacts on the efficacy of IPR regimes to help secure economic rights from the use of IP assets. Using data on outward FDI from the USA to 42 host countries the results find that the strength of informal institutions connected to the enforcement of IP in a country directly affects outcomes and positively moderates the effect of formal legal aspects of IP law on FDI flows. The results highlight the importance of informal institutional aspects connected to the behaviour of enforcement agents when using national legal systems to protect IP rights in cross-frontier transactions.  相似文献   

贾志强  李想姣  王宗廷 《商业研究》2004,(1):161-163,174
在法律制度体系中,知识产权法与科技、经济有着特殊的联系,它是近代商品经济与科学技术发展的产物。知识产权制度的构建,出于知识财产化与产权制度化的合理要求,是一个科技创新与制度创新的过程。知识产权与科技进步具有时代对应性,知识产权是伴随着科技的发展而产生发展的,科技的进步同样需要知识产权的保驾护航。知识产权在世界范围内不断升值,并日益呈现出保护的范围不断扩大,保护的力度相对提高的国际趋势。  相似文献   

With improving the importance on the intellectual property in China, China and EU have made effort together for helping users find and access legal resources on the current legislative framework of intellectual property (IP) protection and enforcement.  相似文献   

由于我国教育制度落后于高技术产业发展,资金来源不足、知识产权保护的法律制度和产权制度的缺陷等原因,使我国高技术产业自主创新能力不强。应培养造就富有创新精神的人才队伍,建立以创业投资为核心的创新投资支撑体系,完善科技资源配置方式,调整高科技园区发展思路,以尽快提升高技术产业自主创新能力。  相似文献   

In most industrialized nations, the concept and body of intellectual property laws is well into its third century of development and testing. The Russian Federation, however, has created and implemented an entirely new body of intellectual property law since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1992. As American and other western firms work with the Russian Federation as a supplier and customer, they must recognize that the new nation has abandoned a legal philosophy denying the existence of intellectual property in favor of intellectual property laws recognizing and favoring private development and ownership of such property. This paper examines the Russian intellectual property laws and points out adaptations that western nations should make when dealing with similar entities in the Russian Federation. The study assumes familiarity with Russian history, language, and geography. A caution to domestic firms is that they should retain experienced legal counsel to deal with negotiations and contracts with Russian business interests.  相似文献   

周翼 《财贸研究》2010,21(3):151-156
在经济学和法经济学领域,对商业秘密制度的研究要明显少于对版权、专利权等知识产权制度的其他形式的研究。与消费者直接相关的信息和知识不应属于企业的隐私,消费者有权知道消费品的全部真相,而保护强度超过版权和专利权的"超级专利权"的商业秘密制度大幅度地降低了消费者及整个社会的福利水平。  相似文献   

地理标志多哈回合谈判进程及对我国农业的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
由于世界贸易组织(WTO)的《与贸易相关的知识产权协定》(TRIPS协定)以及世界知识产权组织(WIPO)的众多国际条约的广泛而深入的影响,包括地理标志在内的知识产权法律制度已经进入了全球化的时代。对发展中国家而言,如何在国际知识产权相关问题谈判中为自身的发展赢得空间,已经不单单是一个技术问题,这将对其经济利益产生越来越重要的影响。本文认为在传统知识产权领域核心技术大部分被发达国家占据,国际知识产权保护标准主要由发达国家制定的情况下,发挥我国的传统优势,加大地理标志的保护将有利于我国参与贸易全球化,提升产品国际竞争力。因为地理标志的保护往往最能够发挥我国的资源优势,对增强我国产品的核心竞争力起到"四两拨千斤"的放大作用。文章介绍了多哈回合地理标志的最新谈判情况,以及我国目前有关地理标志的立法及保护现状。文章呼吁我国对地理标志的保护应该采取"内外兼修"的方法。即对"内",将保护地理标志作为支持农村经济发展的重要组成部分,在国内建立起一套管理统一、权利义务分明的地理标志法律体系;对"外",合理运用多边谈判和双边谈判的国际场合,在给予别国进一步市场准入的同时,大力地推动有利于我国农业发展的地理标志国际保护制度。  相似文献   

近年来,由于企业避免沉没成本的现实要求与企业作为经济人本性的使然,知识产权滥用有愈演愈烈之势。滥用知识产权会妨碍竞争,扰乱自由、公平的竞争秩序,有损经济发展。反垄断法作为经济宪章有必要对知识产权滥用行为进行规制。反垄断法与知识产权法在效率和利益价值目标上具有趋同性,功能上具有互补性,具有禁止知识产权滥用的连接点功能。  相似文献   

知识产权制度对现代制造业的发展发挥着积极作用.文章对外国尤其是美、日两国制造业知识产权保护进行考察;江苏完善地方知识产权法有利于促进江苏制造业尤其是高新技术产业的发展,对江苏从制造业大省转变为制造业强省具有重要意义,对我国区域制造业的发展也不无启迪作用.  相似文献   

自由贸易的新障碍:知识产权壁垒   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
近年来,随着知识产权保护水平的不断提高,出现了一种新形式的非关税壁垒一知识产权壁垒。它在知识产权保护的名义下,比传统的非关税壁垒更具隐蔽性、歧视性和报复性,对国际贸易的影响日益加深,因此应引起有关国家的高度关注。像中国这样的发展中国家应深入了解研究WTO规则,加强自主知识产权的开发,完善国内立法,以更好地应对国际知识产权壁垒。  相似文献   

打造制造业基地已成为当今中国的一项紧迫任务。尽管中国制造业已经发生了深刻的变化 ,但是在知识产权上仍面临着诸多的挑战。本文通过对制造业基地建设中的知识产权问题分析 ,试图在制造业基地实施知识产权战略方面提出若干对策和意见 ,并对政府在发展制造业基地建设中的取向做出简单评价。  相似文献   

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