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The aim of this paper is to investigate the relationship between environmental, social, and governance (ESG) controversies and firm market value. We use a unique dataset of more than 4000 firms from 58 countries during 2002–2011. Primary analysis surprisingly shows that ESG controversies are associated with greater firm value. However, when interacted with the corporate social performance (CSP) score, ESG controversies are found to have no direct effect on firm value while the interaction appears to be highly and significantly positive. Building on this evidence, we attempt to explore the channels through which CSP may enhance market value. Conducting sample split analysis indicates that higher CSP score has an impact on market value only for high-attention firms, those firms which are larger, perform better, located in countries with greater press freedom, more searched on the Internet, more followed by analysts, and have an improved corporate social reputation. Thus, our findings provide new insights on the role of firm visibility through which firms can profit from their CSP.  相似文献   

Since it implies a reduction in the quality and the quantity of the natural resources, environmental degradation is a present day problem that requires immediate solutions. This situation is driving firms to undertake an environmental transformation process with the purpose of reducing the negative externalities that come from their economic activities. Within this context, environmental marketing is an emerging business philosophy by which organizations can address sustainability issues. Moreover, environmental marketing and orientation are seen as valuable strategies to improve a firm’s competitiveness. However, the literature that has analyzed the link between environmental strategies and firms’ results has been inconclusive and contradictory. In this study, we propose and test a model that analyses how the implementation of ecological issues within a firm’s marketing strategy and orientation influences organizational results. Data were obtained through a survey sent to Spanish manufacturing firms. The results show that environmental marketing positively affects firms’ operational and commercial performance and this improvement will influence their economic results. Moreover, environmental marketing is revealed as an excellent strategy to obtain competitive advantages in costs and in product differentiation. Thus, this study agrees with the researchers who affirm that environmental strategies positively affect firm’s competitiveness while reducing environmental impact.  相似文献   

We evaluate the relationship between the appointment of women to CEO or Chair positions and firm performance, and shed light on the differences between family and nonfamily firms. By using a propensity score matching approach on a sample of 394 French firms over the period 2001–2010, we find major discordances between women’s leadership style and family business expectations relative to firm performance, as measured by return on assets and Tobin’s q. Notably, our results support the conjecture that family firms, which are more conducive to transformational leadership, offer women a more appropriate climate for exercising the function of Chair than that of CEO. In contrast, women CEOs perform better in nonfamily firms. Our findings move away from the predominant focus on barriers and stereotypes images about the female leadership and support the contingency theory of leadership, which states that the effectiveness of a leadership style depends on the organization and culture in which leaders operate, and on task-related positions  相似文献   

技术创新是出口企业提高国际竞争力的重要战略,而技术创新的关键在于对其特性和形成原因的科学把握。本文利用高技术制造业、非高技术制造业、采掘业和建筑业出口上市企业数据,在出口企业技术创新理论分析的基础上,运用多元统计和面板数据模型,研究了中国出口企业技术创新差异性。研究发现,中国出口企业技术创新具有明显的行业差异性;研发资本投入、研发人力投入、企业冗余资源、技术装备程度、国有股权比例、股权集中度和企业出口额对出口企业技术创新产出的作用也具有行业差异性。本文的研究结果可为中国出口企业针对本行业特性科学地做出技术创新决策提供参考。  相似文献   

Purpose: This article measures to what extent export performance is affected by certain resource-based view (RBV) elements and seeks to elucidate relationships between these elements. Design: Among those RBV elements, knowledge and experience as resources, and marketing, production, product development, logistics, and service differentiation as capabilities, are chosen to be the basis of this research. Their effects on export performance are measured with a survey applied to personnel of Turkish manufacturing firms operating in Istanbul district. Findings: The results show us that marketing planning capabilities and service differentiation capabilities have a significant effect on export performance. The overwhelming effect of knowledge and experience of firms on marketing planning capabilities is one of the intriguing findings. Notwithstanding that, we found no trace of a relationship between product development capabilities and service differentiation capabilities. Value: This research provides several managerial and academic implications by contributing to a resource-based view in terms of knowledge and capabilities. Additionally, in this study, it is underlined that collective knowledge is vital for achieving high export performance.  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship between defensive strategy and firm value for a sample of 596 listed firms in Malaysia over the period 2008 to 2015. For the sake of robustness, the institutional setting is considered in this research by gauging the ownership structure. More specifically, this study seeks to determine whether a firm’s ownership structure might have a significant contribution to the value of its defensive strategy. Additionally, the value creation of defensive strategy is compared among family firms, government-linked firms, and foreign firms. This study concludes that defensive strategy, especially retrenchment strategy, has a positive significance on a firm’s excess value. This implies that defensive strategy will improve the firm performance. The reduction of the costs and assets, the efficiency of monitoring structure, the threat of dismissal, and the promotion of stewardship can enhance a firm’s benefits. Low profitability is found to be better for the firm performance. However, the ownership structures of government-linked and foreign firms tend to have a discount value on the excess value when these firms adopt retrenchment actions. The implication of this study lies in two main points. Firstly, it enriches the body of knowledge by showing how an effective defensive strategy creates value, and the role corporate governance plays in that relationship. Secondly, it helps to inform regulator and policymakers about how defensive strategy might have a good corporate governance to create value.  相似文献   

The internationalization of firms through exports is often crucial to their survival and growth in this era of globalization. This is particularly the case for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) operating in small and saturated markets, as is the case in Portugal. However, firms face several barriers to exporting, and this study aims to verify whether financial constraints influence a firm’s export propensity. The empirical analysis is based on a sample of 12,732 Portuguese manufacturing SMEs during the period 2008–2012, and tests two different proxies of financial constraints: the liquidity and leverage ratios. The results indicate that the SMEs in less healthy financial positions are less likely to export than the others are, although the impact of financial constraints on these Portuguese firms appears to be relatively small.  相似文献   

This paper studies the determinants of the support for the European Central Bank (ECB) in the member countries of the European Monetary Union (EMU) and their evolution from 1999 to 2015. Our contribution is to examine micro‐level sociodemographic characteristics from the Eurobarometer surveys jointly with macroeconomic indicators of trust in a central bank in order to evaluate econometrically their relative importance over time. Pseudo‐panel logit estimates reveal that the former have a dynamically stable, and generally stronger influence taken altogether, when compared with the latter. Interestingly, we find that while expected inflation becomes a positive determinant of trust in the ECB after the global financial crisis (GFC), actual inflation gets no statistical significance. Having taken centre stage in the monetary policy debate in the Euro‐area post‐GFC and especially since 2013, excessive disinflation and risk of deflation attracted strong attention by the public and have consequently affected its perceptions about the ECB. Accordingly, our results emphasise forward lookingness of the EMU population with regard to ‘deflation scares’ in determining trust in the ECB, in addition to disentangling the contributions of the key individual‐level sociodemographic factors, and can duly inform ECB's communication strategy.  相似文献   

This study examines the constructs of entrepreneurial orientation (EO) versus small business orientation (SBO), their impact on small business performance, and whether these effects are moderated by longevity. A sample of 267 small business owners from 11 small–medium downtowns was used in structural equation modeling (SEM) testing of the measurement, structural and moderation hypotheses. The measurement confirmatory factor analyses models of the two constructs revealed that EO and SBO are unique constructs. Then a structural model predicting performance was tested. Finally, a two‐group model split on “below 11 years” versus “11+ years” demonstrated that the structural paths connecting EO and SBO to performance are not the same in these groups: for the younger group, only EO significantly predicts performance while for the older group, only SBO significantly predicts performance.  相似文献   


The impact of international corporate entrepreneurship and market orientation on firm performance is well acknowledged in the literature, but their relative influence on the performance of exporting firms remains inconclusive. This study seeks to help clarify the influence of these organizational resources by introducing a third complementary resource, namely commitment to learning. The results, based on data obtained from a survey of exporters in China, show that commitment to learning mediates the relationship between market orientation and entrepreneurship. It was also found that market orientation could be a double-edged sword for exporters in that it can enhance export satisfaction through entrepreneurship, but it can also have negative impact on profit.  相似文献   

This paper reexamines the determinants of firm performance and, in particular, the role that firm size plays in profitability. A fixed‐effects dynamic panel data model for over 7,000 US publicly‐held firms during the period 1987–2006 provides evidence that profit rates are positively correlated with firm size in a non‐linear manner, holding an array of firm‐ and industry‐specific characteristics constant. In addition, industry‐specific fixed effects play a negligible role in the presence of firm‐specific fixed effects.  相似文献   

Numerous consumers confronted with increasing environmental problems, food safety issues, and augmentative health problems increasingly desire to have healthier and more natural foods grown in an eco-friendly manner. Hitherto organic foods only partly benefit from this increasing market environment, and their market share stays rather low despite high growth rates. This article aims to investigate consumers’ willingness to pay (WTP) for organic fruits and vegetables and relevant factors affecting consumers WTP. The contingent valuation method was selected to estimate WTP. Empirical data was drawn from a 250-consumer survey conducted in Bangalore during February 2013. A binomial logistic regression model was applied to obtain the value of WTP and determine the factors influencing it. The results indicated that about 90% of the consumers were willing to pay a premium price ranging between 5% to more than 100% in order to acquire better-quality fruits and vegetables; factors such as family income, size of the family, gender, and other opinion variables such as chemical residue in conventional foods, trust on retailers, taste, and environmental concerns significantly influence consumers’ WTP. More than 87% of the consumers indicated that high price, lack of availability, narrow range, and irregular supply are the major barriers for them to buy these products. The results provide useful evidence to pertinent governmental agencies in terms of assisting in the design of policies for the promotion of organic food production and marketing and reaching the target public. Furthermore, firms involved in the organic foods business may also see benefits when drawing information in order to calibrate marketing strategies.  相似文献   

This paper provides insights and evidence related to the process and intensity of internationalization of firms in the Information Technology (IT) sector, which is the driving force of high economic growth in the Indian sub-continent during the last two decades. Research objectives were set as (i) to examine the existence of born global firms in the IT sector, (ii) to identify the process of internationalization adopted by firms in the IT industry, (iii) to measure the intensity of internationalization of IT firms. The paper is based on data collected from annual financial reports of firms listed in the CNX IT Index of National Stock Exchange of India. Two clusters were extracted using hierarchical clustering method followed by k-means clustering to analyze the characteristics of the variables. We find that the firms in both clusters are true global firms with 66 and 85% of their income from foreign markets with a very high level of international intensity. Though the findings provide some evidence for the gradual internationalization of Indian IT firms; the empirical results indicate that firm age has no impact on internationalization. The results from our study also show that firms, especially in certain industries such as IT, do have access to information that reduces the risk aversion.  相似文献   

The evidence about how entrepreneurial orientation (EO) affects firms' performance remains inconclusive. This study joins the research by incorporating organizational learning (OL) as a micro-macro link and by extending empirical work to the largely underexplored context of Chinese high-tech industries. Results from a survey of 252 Chinese high-tech firms demonstrate: (1) entrepreneurial orientation is positively related to firm performance; (2) organizational learning is also positively related to firm performance; (3) organizational learning partly mediates the positive impact of entrepreneurial orientation on firm performance; and (4) high-tech companies in the start-up and growth stage are likely to demonstrate stronger linkages in the EO-OL-performance relationship than in mature stage, which shows that the EO-OL-performance relationship is moderated by firms' life cycle.  相似文献   

The objective of this research is to analyze the relationship between size and growth through the validation of Gibrat's law. A sample of 17,082 Ecuadorian companies in the service sector is used for the period 2010–2015. The estimation method used is that of quantile regression for panel data; the results suggest that small companies grow faster than their larger counterparts. The results show that the growth, measured through sales and employment, of SMEs in the service sector in Ecuador is not independent of firm size and therefore does not correspond to a random process.  相似文献   


This study evaluates the effects of export promotion programs (EPPs) in Russian manufacturers. It examines a multi-dimensional set of subjective and objective indicators including the level of awareness, use, the perception of usefulness, as well as different intermediate export marketing results, and final performance indicators. The results show that most EPPs are successful in attaining their goals as to improving firms’ export marketing competencies. Though, at the same time, they point to clear problems, regarding program awareness, availability, and accessibility. The paper concludes with a discussion about managerial and public policy implications.  相似文献   

The influence of the dimensions of corporate social responsibility on firm performance are tested in Harare, Zimbabwe using perceptual data from a sample of 155 firms over a period of three years. Structural equation modeling was used to test the research hypotheses. The study found that employee relations, customer relations, community relations and investor relations all had a positive effect on firm performance. Environmental relations, diversity relations and supplier relations all did not influence firm performance. The study has implications on theory, policy and practice, and future research.  相似文献   

We investigate Botswana’s beef export competitiveness for the period 1961–2011 using the Normalized Revealed Comparative Advantage (NRCA) index. Results indicate that Botswana has had a comparative advantage throughout the review period. Overall, the country ranked fifth out of nine leading beef exporters. However, its comparative advantage weakened after 1975, and the country has recently been bypassed by three other key beef exporters which initially had comparative disadvantages. This was largely driven by increasing domestic demand for beef (and stagnant domestic supply). Policymakers should consider removal of the state-trader export monopoly to promote private sector entry and vertical diversification into value-added exports.  相似文献   

Heating and warm water consumption are frequently billed based on actual consumption, and this approach can be assumed to provide a financial incentive to energy consumers to opt for energy-conserving behaviour (e.g., reducing the room temperature or using warm water economically). In many multi-flat buildings in Switzerland, tenants and homeowners still receive a heating and warm water bill that is based on a flat rate that depends on the size of the dwelling, rather than a bill that is based on the amount of energy actually consumed. In such a situation, there may be a social dilemma that leads to non-cooperative behaviour; economic theory predicts that households would choose a strategy of not sacrificing their level of comfort and, therefore, would not opt for energy-conserving behaviour. Psychological theory, on the other hand, suggests that a change in billing type might not, in and of itself, be a sufficient motivator to promote energy-conserving behaviour. This study aims to gain insight into Swiss consumers’ underlying motivations in conserving energy. It empirically tests whether and how a difference in billing type affects consumers’ current stated energy behaviour and their stated intention to conserve energy in the future. In neither of two separate studies was there any evidence of such a possible unscrupulous energy user’s dilemma. Thus, on its own, consumption-based billing might not lead to significant changes in consumer behaviour. However, it could constitute an essential part of a wider behaviour modification programme that includes more effective billing and direct feedback programmes.  相似文献   

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